Chapter Two.
Picture if it works is of Lacy.
"She didn't say anything?" Morgan asked Demon.
"No, she just grabbed that damned frying pan and hit me with it."
He was sitting at the bar, head resting on his arm and Morgan holding an ice pack to the back of his still bleeding skull.
"So, where do you think she is now?" Morgan asked.
"She's probably with King, in their compound or where ever he is." Wolf said from his other side.
"I found her once, I can do it again."
"If it's too hard on you...."Wolf started.
"It isn't, I'll find her and next time I won't let down my guard."
He stood up, maybe a little too quick because everything spun but he managed to keep his feet. He stormed out the building angry that his fellow members had to see him like that, if they thought he couldn't do this they might send someone else and he didn't want that.
She only had one place to go now, back with King. Damned if Demon knew where King was but he had to try, and he'd start by checking all their favorite bars.
The first bar he stopped to was lucky 7's, they often went there for dinner and drinks. Neither of them were very good cooks and the bar was located between their apartments.
He approached the bartender who was an older gentleman who always knew Lacy and Demon when they walked in the door.
"Hey, Have you seen Lacy?"
"Not today, did you two get separated on a job?"
"Not exactly."
"Well you're welcome to stick around, maybe she'll wander in."
"I doubt it," He said.
He turned and headed for the door, he really shouldn't be surprised. Lacy was smart and he had trained her himself, she would know not to return to any of their old haunts. One place she did have to go there rather she wanted to or not was the pet store. She'd have to get cat food and there was only one store in the city that sold the special formula her cat had to have.
He parked his bike across the street and watched the building, she had to come here eventually and once she did it was just a matter of following her back to where she was hiding.
He didn't have to wait long about three hours after he arrived and just a few minutes before the pet shop closed her car pulled up out front. She hurried into the shop without a single glance behind her, even if she had the darkness concealed him from the naked eye.
She came out a few minutes later, hauling a large bag of cat food. Judging by the size of the bag she wasn't planning on coming back for awhile. She set the bag in the passenger seat and glanced over her shoulder, pausing for a minute.
He held his breath, did she see him? Did she sense he was there watching her? She couldn't he was parked in the darkness and was far enough away he couldn't even see her face.
She hesitated a minute longer before walking to the other side of her car and opening the door, she slid in behind the wheel and started her car with a roar.
She took off down the street and he hurried to follow, anyone else would think she was trying to lose him, that she knew he was there. They would be wrong, Lacy had always drove like someone was chasing her, like hell itself was waiting to swallow her up and the Devil waiting to dance.
She drove out of town, he wasn't surprised. She wouldn't want to risk bumping into anyone from the club or any of their allies. He had trained her not only in how to get away with everything but also just how to get away.
She parked at a crappy motel just outside the city and across the bridge, he didn't know why she hadn't made a run for it when she had a chance, why she wasn't already three states away. Something made her stay, there was a reason she wasn't just gone.
It didn't matter, he had a job to do and it wasn't to listen to her pathetic excuses. His job was to obtain information on where King was hiding and then dispose of the only link, Lacy. He honestly doubted she'd tell him anything about King but he had to try.
She climbed out of her car at the dingy motel, and he park down the road at a bar. He would have to walk quite a way to get to the motel but she shouldn't notice him. He jogged up the road and paused near a dumpster, watching her go into room 3 on the second floor.
He stayed to the shadows and outskirts of the parking lot and moved silently up the stairs to the top floor. Sliding against the side of the building to her door he paused, through a small crack in the curtains he could see her.
She was talking to her cat and stripping off her jacket, boots, her hands went to her jeans and he pulled away. Pressing his back against the outside wall, taking a deep breath. He counted to three before peeking in again.
Her jeans were on the bed and she was stripping off her shirt, he told himself he shouldn't look, it wasn't going to help him any but he did look.
Her trim waist, slender legs and hourglass hips. The perfect, smooth, white skin. Her shirt joined the pants leaving her in only a plum colored bra and panties. She checked her phone, scrolling through messages and tossing it aside. Then she turned her back to him and slid off her bra, it hit the floor and he couldn't help the sharp gasp that escaped.
He turned away again, pressing his back into the wall so hard it hurt. He shouldn't be looking at her like that, shouldn't be thinking of her like that. He shouldn't want to touch her that bad, couldn't remember ever wanting to before but now his hands burned to run up the skin of her back.
He heard the water turn on from the shower and considered his options. He could break down the door, storm in and tear her from the shower. Instead he waited, outside. Listening to the water running and closing his eyes, imagining what it might look like running down her body.
FLASHBACK.....Ten Years Ago.................
Demon walked into headquarters in search of Lacy, she'd been with them for nearly a month now and it was time she start learning the ways of the club.
Wolf had her on desk duty in the garage and she hadn't been allowed out on any calls, that wasn't about to change anytime soon but he wanted her to know her way around weapons. He knocked twice on the door and she called out to him.
"Come in."
He stepped inside closing the door behind him just as she exited the bathroom, wearing nothing but her black panties and a white tank top.
"Shit, Lacy put on some clothes."
She paused in the middle of the room and glanced down at herself, as if it hadn't occurred to her that he'd notice. She grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on.
"What can I do for you?" She asked.
"We need to go to the gun range, get you brought up on weapons."
"Now? It's my day off."
"There are no days off in this job."
She rolled her eyes and pulled on her jacket, grabbing her boots as well.
"How are we getting there?"She asked.
"It's a surprise." He replied.
Deciding she would most likely be around the club had bought her a car, it was an old junker really but with a little work could be special. She had pictures of the make and model all over her room and that was how they selected it.
They walked through the empty clubhouse together, though he wouldn't admit it to her everyone had taken the day off because it was Saturday. She needed to brush up on her aim and now was as good a time as any.
They stepped into the back parking lot and he felt guilty that the junky car wasn't nice, he should have at least painted it first. Right now it was a faded, seafoam blue and completed with rust spots.
"Who is that?" She motioned at the car.
"Actually, it's yours." He said, holding up the key.
She stopped and turned to face him, her eyes not believing him.
"Wolf wanted to be sure you had a set of wheels, I know it's not much but we'll get it there."
She threw her arms around his neck and he froze, the keys dropping to the ground. He hadn't been hugged in so many years. The women he knew only wanted to be screwed, he'd take them home give them what they wanted and let them go but there was never any genuine affection.
"Thank you!" She cried.
He slowly placed his hands on her hips, not hugging her back but not pushing her away. When she pulled away she leaned up and gave him a chaste kiss, it was then he panicked, shoving her roughly away from him.
"Don't." He said firmly.
"I.....I'm sorry I....I thought that."
"In order for us to be partners, to trust each other completely...we can never be anything but partners. Never ever date or be intimate with anyone in your own club, ever."
"Okay," She said, seeming hurt.
"Come on, I'll teach you how to drive."
He bent to pick up the dropped keys and handed them to her, she took them but didn't speak as they walked to the car.
The familiar click of a gun being cocked brought his attention to his surroundings, slowly he turned his head to see Lacy. Her gun nearly pressing against his temple, arms locked and a towel wrapped around her body.
"How did you find me?" She demanded.
"How the hell did you think? Shit Lacy. It's like you're not even trying to hide."
"I just need out, okay?"
"No, it's not okay."
He attempted to grab her arm but she anticipated him and stepped back just out of his reach, straightening her aim.
"Don't even think about moving. Toss your gun into the room," She demanded.
"Alright, alright."
He tossed his gun into her open door but she watched him, he saw in her eyes that she was waiting so he tossed in his second gun.
"The knife too," She said.
He sighed heavily, she knew him too well. He slowly removed his knife and tossed it into her room as well.
"Look, just tell them you couldn't find me."
"They won't buy it, they sent me because they knew I could find you."
"They want to know why you switched sides."
"It doesn't matter," She said.
"Yes it does."
"No, not anymore. You're here to kill me, I'm not your partner anymore."
He glanced at his weapons, laying just inside the door and she shook her head.
"Don't make me do it."
"Would you really kill me?"
"If I have to."
It wasn't the most opportune moment but he couldn't help it noticing that how her heavy breathing made the towel slide lower over the curve of her small breasts, or how it barely covered her soft thighs.
"They want answers Lacy and I'm going to get them, one way or another. If I have to chase you to hell and back."
"You already have," She said.
He lunged at her and she stepped aside, he missed her by mere inches but he snagged the end of her towel. Tearing it away allowed him enough of a distraction that he could leap over the railing onto the stairs. She fired a single shot after him, missing his feet by less than an inch.
He sprinted across the parking lot and only stopped when he reached the dumpster, he glanced back to see she was gone. Most likely she was in her room getting dressed and preparing to run again and he would follow her, again.
As he settled onto his bike getting ready to watch for her one thought echoed in his mind, Lacy was a sharpshooter. Even with the surprise and running if she wanted to shoot him, he'd already be dead.
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