Hunter Clarington x reader
I hope you enjoy. Requests are open
Y/n)= your name
(Y/f/c)= your favorite color
Your pov-
I was meeting Hunter to hanging at an park he found one day. It was a nice little park close to the country side so nothing was really around. So I thought it would be fun to climb the big pine tree that was there while waiting for him to come meet me. As I was climbing the tree I spotted Hunter making his way over to the tree. Just a few minutes later my phone vibrates. I got a text from Hunter telling me he's here and asking where I was. He was standing under the tree I was in. Instead of texting him back I got a pinecone and threw it at his head. He looked up at the tree with a angry expression. What was he gonna do if I wasn't in there fight the tree? The angry expression went to a excited one when he saw me. "Hey cat boy! What's up?" I said smiling. "Hey baby. Nothing much. I have to ask though why are you in a tree when you can be down here with me?" Hunter replied smugly. I just shrugged starting to climb down. That's when the branch I was on snapped. Tumbling down fast I tried to grab anything to stop me from falling. Hunter didn't even have time to react. I hit the ground hard landing on my ankle. I yelp in pain. Hunter was on the ground next to me checking it out plus the little cuts I got. "I think you broke it. I'm taking you to the hospital." Hunter said while picking me up bridal style. I put my arms around his neck softly crying into it. After setting me down into the back of his car he wraps his blazer around my shaking body. "Sit tight, I'm driving you to the hospital, it's a couple of hours from here." Hunter says as he kisses my forehead. I feel kind of better with him. Hunter always finds a way to sooth me no matter what. After hunter gets into the front seat of the car he speeds off to the hospital. He pulls up to the emergency part of the hospital and parked not caring if he could or not. Hunter once again is carrying me bridal style in to the place. "Hi my girlfriend broke her ankle and is in a lot of pain." He said kind of rudely but who cares your his lover. They start to wheeled me into a room and Hunter follows closely. "Sir you're going to have to stay behind. We can't have you in the room. Family only." The Snobby nurse says. Hunter was about to argue but he looks at my face. "Fine. I'll be right here when your done in there." He kisses me one more time before you enter the room. After a long time of waiting and X-rays the doctor comes in. "It looks like you broke your ankle and will need to be put into a cast for proper healing and surgery. Since I have the time today from a cancellation I'll be doing the surgery today. Do you have any questions before I start?" I shook my head no. "Great I'll call your parents and you'll be set in a few hours." He says before walking out.
Hunters pov- I was starting to doze off the in the emergency room when (y/n)'s parents/ legal guardians walked in. "Hunter! What happened today?" They asked. "She was in a tree waiting for me to get to the park and she fell when the branch snapped." I explained. They shook their heads. Man were you a clumsy child. "They wouldn't let you go back?" Your parents/ guardian asked. I shook my head no. "Well you can come see her before she goes in the surgery. We're about to leave for an business trip too, if you want to watch after her." I smiled as they spoke. "Of course I would!" I said. I followed them into the room where my beautiful girlfriend laid.
Your POV- I was waiting in the bed more nervous than ever. That's when I saw my parents/guardians walk in with Hunter of course. "Hey guys!" I say happy to see them. "You clumsy child." Your parent/guardian says. I just laughed it off. Hunter day on the bed with me holding my hand comforting me. "Alright we are ready to take her." The nurses say as they come in. "We love you and will be here for you when you wake up." Your parents/guardians say. "Thanks. I love you all." I say.
(Time skip to after surgery)
Hunters pov- (y/n) finally came out of surgery a few hours later. The doctor suggested she say the night just Incase because she had a fever and was really red. Her parents/guardians stayed with her till they had to leave. I was so relieved to see her ok. After they left I laid in the bed with her, staying clear of her bad ankle. She was a little drugged up still. As she laid her head on my chest I played with her hair. We fell asleep like that.
(Time skip you morning)
Hunter's pov still- I woke up to a sudden noise. "Sorry I didn't have the heart to wake you too last night so I let you be. I didn't mean to drop the pan." A elderly lady said. It look like they had brought her some food. "That's quite alright." I said looking down at (y/n). She was still sleeping but she deserves it. "The doctor will be in soon to let her leave." The same lady replies before leaving. I gently shake (y/n) awake. "Come on sleepy head. You're going to be discharged soon." She groans but opens her eyes. "When you drop me off just make sure you come visit or I'll be lonely." She yawns. "(Y/n), sweetie, I'm taking you back to Dalton, your staying in my dorm with me so I can keep an eye on you. I don't need anything happening when your parents aren't home." I stated. "What about Sebastian. You know he's still there right." She said concerned. "If he has a problem with it he can take it up with me." She nods. After a few more minutes of cuddling the doctor came in with a prescription and her papers. After his long explanation I helped her change into an old sweatshirt of mine and some comfy shorts. I had wheeled her down to where my car is waiting for us to get in. I helped her get into the passenger side. Walking to the drivers seat I thanked the elderly nurse from early who had helped us. When we arrived back at Dalton I noticed her asleep. I texted Sebastian telling him of the situation so he came and helped me. I picked my baby girl up carrying her while Seb gets her crutches they had gave us for a few days from now. She was on bed rest right now. Sebastian opens the door for us once we get to the room. I set her down on my bed to sleep since it was already night time. Sebastian was asleep when I got back from taking a shower. I turned off the lights getting into my bed with (y/n) careful not to wake her or put pain on her ankle. "Thank you Hunter." She mumbles in her sleep. I smile kissing her head falling into a deep sleep myself.
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