8. Every Cloud Has A Zack
Hiya my lovelies, I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I updated. I've been going through ALOT of personal shit but I'm trying to get my life back on track and it starts with writing again!
I'm happy to let ya all know that all that time I wasn't writing, I was studying and it paid off cus I got into my dream University. I start NEXT September because I'm taking a gap year, working and travelling. So pat me on the back y'all.
Also, check out my new fic 'Flowers on the Floor', it's Ryden/Brallon fic and I'm so excited to start writing it! So go show it some love x
"Baby, stop huffing with me, and come out of the bathroom."
"Brendon, you can't stay in there all morning. We've breakfast with Ryan in 10 minutes."Dallon makes a show of looking at his watch, concluding that yes, breakfast with Ryan is in 10 minutes time and it takes a lot longer than 10 minutes to get to the venue.
"I'm not going!"Is the yell that the a Daddy is met with, muffled behind fabric and a closed door.
"Oh for goodness sake."Dallon grumbles under his breath, listening to the grunts and groans of the younger man behind the wooden door that separates the hotel room and the bathroom that Brendon has currently locked himself in, uncooperative and stubborn. There's a crash coming from the bathroom, followed by another grunt and a low mewl and Dallon knows that it's Brendon struggling to get his t-shirt on with the cast being a burden that the hybrid has not skilled yet, yet remains too stubborn and angry to ask for help.
Dallon should've seen it coming. The last couple of days had been total bliss for Dallon and Brendon, with Brendon nestled so deep down into his headspace that he was so compliant and sweet, allowing for Dallon to take on his whole as the doting Daddy whose only role was to keep Brendon happy for those loving, blissful days of their quiet isolation.
It had been a long time since Brendon had fallen into his little headspace, and despite the fact that it came from the unfortunate event of Brendon breaking his arm, Dallon is glad that it came about. There was an unbeknown rift coursing through their relationship over the last couple of weeks, with Dallon so occupied and busy with his new celebrity status and Brendon waiting on the sidelines, but this time spent together in their little world had seemed to repair what cracks had began to rear its ugly, pulsing head.
That was of course until Brendon had woken up the morning of Dallon and Ryan's Alternative Press interview. Dallon had not expected Brendon to remain nestled in his little space for long, especially not this far from home where Brendon could- would remain teetering on the sidelines of headspaces until his heart content, but he hadn't expected him to drop out of it as hard as he had.
It had been as if a switch had been flicked and Dallon had only witnessed it once before, where Brendon could be so content in his little headspace once second and then zap, he was out of it; big, bothered and boisterous. The mood that Dallon had been met with that morning had been one of foul taste, of pouty lips and scowls, of don't touch me's and heavy shrugging shoulders. It hadn't taken Dallon long to conclude where this mood was coming from and really, it was utterly ridiculous if you asked him.
"Brendon open this door before you hurt yourself."Dallon is banging his fist against the heavy wooden door of the bathroom just following a loud crash and an even louder mewl that is laced so deeply with pain, frustration and anger.
After a lot of rattling and a more more huffing, the bathroom door opens and the older man has to suppress a sound of laughter from escaping his lips at the sight that beholds in front of him. His stubborn boyfriend. His stubborn baby. The t-shirt that Brendon had been struggling to get over his head is backwards and twisted, his right elbow caught in the sleeve, his casted arm caught somewhere in the mess of fabric, velvet kitten ears twitching through the opening of a sleeve.
"Are you hurt? Let me see the back of your head-"He begins to fuss, hands coming up to check Brendon for any new bumps or bruises, peering into the bathroom momentarily and spotting the state that the hybrid has left it in, toppled over shampoo bottles and towels rumbled on the wet, damp floor. He wrinkles his nose at the mess, knowing that he won't have time to clean it up and that he'll have to let the maid deal with it, something that makes the Daddy incredibly guilty.
"Don't touch- me!"He near enough hisses, trying his best to bat away hands that come up to fuss at his head, fingers that ghost under his chin to check for a black eye or a busted lip or a bloodied mouth. The Daddy takes a quick step back, giving Brendon the space that he needs and instead watches as he struggles with the t-shirt, his cast a great burden to his efforts.
"I'm sorry, but did I say you could look at me? No I did not."
"Brendon, you're being ridiculous."
"Just help me, please."His face is flushed in growing embarrassment and frustration under the twisted fabric of his t-shirt, hating how much of a restraint the task is to his everyday life and how dependent that it seems to make for Dallon's assistance, especially in times in which Brendon is trying so hard to distant and be mad.
Dallon rolls his eyes in a mix of amusement and his own building frustration, carefully and cautiously moving Brendon's limbs through the correct holes of his t-shirt until the head is popping out in the correct place, velvet kitten ears twitching in embarrassment and face flushed, looking away. He stands there for a moment under Dallons stare, dressed in a favoured t-shirt, softened with laundry detergent and skinny black jeans which was half of Brendon's struggle of getting dressed.
"You need a jacket."He points out because it's cold outside, the winter months coming it at full force and Dallon knows that Brendon detests the cold with a passion.
"I know what I need."
"Fine fine, whatever."The older man flaps his hand in the air, shaking his head as he does do because if this is his Brendon wants to act, then so be it, Dallon is going to let him be stubborn and grumpy because it's a facade that won't last long and he's better to let Brendon simmer than to stir him.
The Daddy watches as Brendon digs through an opened suitcase for a jacket to wear as Dallon stands patiently at the open hotel room door, Brendon's backpack swung over one shoulder and his other pressed to the doors frame as he watches. It's only when Dallon clears his throat, alerting the hybrid to look in his direction, does he nod at the hook beside the hotel door in which Brendon's jacket hangs. Brendon grabs it with a huff, pushing past Dallon and out the door in a whirlwind of a second.
They're too meet Ryan at nearby diner for breakfast before the interview and Dallon is never more thankful that he doesn't have to travel long with a grumpy, irritated Brendon until they reach their destination. Dallon can deal with Brendon and his ever revolving door of mood swings after his coffee, or two, or three.
Despite the aftermath, Ryan had been a nice change to their usual little activities and his presence had gave Dallon so many opportunities to sort things out career and personal wise. He had been surprisingly amazing at looking after Brendon, especially with how young the little had fallen and seemed to take everything in his stride, being a weird sort of comfort when Brendon got upset and an awesome pillow when he was tired.
Arriving at the diner, Dallon watches as Brendon storms off to a far off booth, following begrudgingly behind him after taking a quick scope around the diner to make sure that neither Ryan or Zack has arrived before them. The interview had been moved to later in the morning, meaning that breakfast was first.
"Could we get a coffee and a mug of warm milk please?"Dallon is ordering when a waitress comes over to their booth, ordering food when Ryan and Zack arrive, or in Dallon case just ordering more coffee.
"Actually, I'll have a coffee as well, please."Brendon speaks up from the other side of the booth, one hand resting upon the booths table while the other his characteristically held to his chest, bulky pink cast and all. He smiles innocently at the kind looking waitress and he can pinpoint the exact moment where a swell of sympathy washes over her and Brendon could almost preen.
"Two coffees, please and thanks."He powers through, smiling wider, twitching a kitten ear in his messy dark hair. The waitress scurries off and as soon as she is out of earshot, Dallon is casting a look at the hybrid.
"You don't like coffee."Which is true because Brendon has always been keen to announce his dislikes and coffee was very high up on the list of things that Brendon Urie does not like and will never like, I don't care what you say Dallon.
"It's never too late to try things, Dallon. And today, I'm trying coffee. Is that okay with you?"
"Do whatever you want, Brendon."Dallon sighs heavily, swiping a newspaper off of the abandoned table next to their booth and shaking it open so that he can read. If this is how Brendon wants to be then so be it, two can play at this game. The coffees arrive not even a couple of minutes later, along with a jug of cream. Brendon is quick to cupping his mug of coffee in his hands, bringing the black liquid up to the lips for a sip and face immediately scrunching in disgust.
"This is fucking disgusting."
"I told you that you don't like coffee, Brendon."Dallon says behind his newspaper, flicking to the next page and purposely not sparing a glance at his stubborn, annoying boyfriend.
"I don't need you to tell me what I do and don't like, Dallon."Brendon proceeds to bring the mug up to his lips, giving the black liquid a tentative sniff before taking another sip, face scrunching up impressively fast as the bitterness touches his tongue and he recoils from the deathly drink. He has no idea how Dallon can stand this awful, awful beverage, the man must have no taste buds!
"Just because I drink it black, it doesn't mean you have to- here, let's add some cream and sugar, yeah?"Dallon sighs heavily, setting his newspaper down and pulling Brendon's mug closer to him, pouring in plenty of cream and heaping in two big spoonfuls of sugar, knowing Brendon best. Pushing it back to the hybrid he smiles, "Try it now."
The hybrid narrows his eyes at the man, his good hand stretching tentatively for the mug of coffee that Dallon has so lovingly tampered with in order to be to Brendon's pleasing. He swipes the mug and takes a careful sip of the sweeter, creamier liquid, the bitterness nothing but an undertone under all the creamer and sugar. He hums in approval, a smitten sort of smile on his face.
"Better, yeah? Look, Bren, I'm not trying to discourage you with trying new things, it's actually marvellous that you are, but you don't need to be so stubborn about it."
"You treat me like I'm a child even when I'm not little."Brendon finally speaks up about a concern and Dallon could get down on his knees and thank God himself for finally pushing Brendon to the edge to speak. "I don't like it. I'm your boyfriend and I'd like for you to treat me as such, Dallon."
"Look, I'm sorry- "Dallon begins with full intention of giving a monologue, going into advance detail that he is truly sorry of how on edge that he is being because sometimes, he doesn't even realise how much of a hover parent that he seems to be, even when Brendon isn't in his little headspace. It's just been knitted into him and it seems to just intensify when they are out in the open and in so many new and dangerous places.
"Apologies that start with look are not sincere apologies, Dallon."Brendon cuts him off curtly, his eyes casting to look at the older man momentarily before looking back at his mug of coffee, fingers tapping against the ceramic. If it was up to Brendon, he would walk out of this diner and spend the rest of the morning in bed but he truly doesn't want to be on his own, nor does he want to make Dallon mad for sulking off.
"Good morning."A new voice is chiming to their left and Dallon is the only one to turn to greet Ryan as he practically bounces on the tips of his toes a the end of the table, looking far too energetic for the morning and a welcoming smile on his face. The smile on his face seems to drop a little,"What?"
"It's anything but a good morning."
"I can tell,"Ryan gives his band mate a knowing type of look, one full of sympathy and pity because the moment that he had entered the diner and taken one glance at the pair in the booth, it was clear that Dallon was having one of the most difficult of mornings.
"How is it, no matter how late that we are, you're always later? Can't you be on time for once?"He asks, looking at his watch and frowning at the time displayed. He and Brendon had been at least 20 minutes late.
"Now Dallon, you know that's not how I work."He grins, slipping into the booth beside Dallon, knowing that he would be treading on dangerous territory if he choose to sit beside Brendon. The Brendon that had been sitting between his legs and sleeping on his chest 2 nights ago was far away now."Having a good morning, Bren?"
"Tremendous."Brendon smiles with far too many teeth from across the table, it immediately falling as he goes to take another drink of his coffee- which is more creamer and sugar now than actual coffee.
"Seesh, what'd you do Dal?"Ryan turns to look at his band mate, an elbow resting on the table as he turns to give him a raised eyebrow, lips teasing a smile when he's met with Dallons equally as thunderous scowl, matching that of his boyfriends.
"He's over reacting."Dallon scoffs into his mug of coffee, half drained and already looking for the waitress to flag down for another cup, or two. This morning has already been draining and it hasn't even started yet.
"Dallon doesn't know how to apologise."The hybrid interjects, looking at Ryan as if to tell the blue haired man that it's his problem to deal with, his problem to fix.
"I did apologise!"
"Ryan, would you accept an apology that started with 'look'?"Brendon tilts his head to the side as he asks, an ear twitching in his hair and a picture of utter curiosity on his face as he looks at Ryan carefully.
"Uh, I don't know, Bren. Did this thing he do really hurt you?"
"Yes."Brendon nods his head rather seriously, brow creasing and his kitten tail sliding against the bench beside him.
"Then no, no I wouldn't accept his apology."
"Ryan!"Dallon exclaims, offended that his band mate is taking Brendon's side over his own.
"What? Learn how to apologise, Dal."He shrugs, smirking at Dallon before winking at Brendon, more or less expecting the hybrid to huff and turn his head slightly. The bell above the diner's door chimes and curiously Ryan is turning to look, sitting up straighter when he notices who it is, waving out to the man."Zack, buddy, over here!"
Brendon's head turns at the yell, eyes scanning the diner for who Ryan is shouting at because who the hell is Zack? Brendon has never ever heard of that name before and why on earth are they at this diner? And why is Ryan calling this stranger over to their booth? He frowns at the man that is approaching their booth, a larger man with a beard and glasses and if Brendon is being honest, kind of grumpy and scary looking too, or maybe that's just his paranoia. He's not as tall as his Daddy but he's taller than that of Brendon and Ryan for sure, smiling slightly at Ryan as he approaches.
"Alright, Ryan? Long time."He speaks up when he approaches, looking at Ryan and then to Dallon beside him. "Dallon Weekes, you haven't changed a bit."
"Could say the same thing, Zack. I haven't seen you since what, Paris 2010? That was a fucking eventful tour."Dallon is chuckling, shaking his head at the fond but very eventful and chaotic memories of their last Brobecks tour before Dallon had taken a shot of juggling the band on his own.
"You could say that."Zack laughs and it's gravely and hearty, his eyes lighting up as he laughs and suddenly he isn't as scary as Brendon had originally thought, but he's still terribly on edge as he backs closer to the wall beside his booth, almost pressed flat against it. Suddenly, there's eyes on him and Brendon had feel his own eyes widen when he realises those eyes are Zack's. "And who's this?"
"Zack, this is Brendon, the little I was talking about."Ryan introduces.
"I'm not just a little."Brendon hisses dangerously at Ryan who instead just rolls his eyes and flaps a hand in his vague direction.
"And Dallons boyfriend."He finishes with a halfhearted scoff, purposely ignoring the elephant in the room that Brendon is indeed a hybrid. He learnt at the very start of being introduced to Brendon that pointing out that he's a hybrid makes him quickly very defensive and very insecure.
"It's good to meet you, Brendon."Zack smiles genuinely, slipping into the booth beside the hybrid and is Brendon could be apart of the wall, he bloody well would be, pressed so close to it that he could be mistaken for the paint on the wall.
A conversation seems to flow easily out of the 3 older men that sit in a far corner booth, talking about old tours and older memories of when they were younger over mugs of steaming coffee and when their breakfasts arrive, over their stacks of pancakes and piles of bacon too. Brendon feels rather left out as he watches them talk, laugh and reminisce, frowning at his own stack of pancakes that have been doused in maple syrup stickiness and accompanied with chopped bananas to reassure Dallon that he's getting part of his 5 a day.
The feeling that Brendon gets when Dallon talks with his friends is one that truly makes Brendon feel awful and it's not a spout of jealousy or hatred, it's because Brendon can't relate to all those happy times that Dallon had all those years ago in high school, with The Brobecks, on a tour around the world, with his friends. Brendon can't relate because he wasn't there and he can't relate because what happy memories Brendon did have of his time with Sarah have been tainted and stained by her actions.
Brendon watches at the way that Dallon smiles at something Ryan has said and it's such a nice, handsome smile that it has Brendon's stomach doing all sorts of back flips because no matter how much of a sour mood that Brendon may be in with his stupid boyfriend, he truly loves to see his stupid boyfriend smile that stupid smile. Maybe he should be a bit nicer, for Dallons sake.
"Are- are those drawings?"Brendon asks quietly, his eyes falling curiously onto the ink on Zack's arm just as the man beside him has pushed up the sleeves of his t-shirt. He watches as Zack turns in his own curiosity, looking over at the hybrid because he hadn't quite caught what he had been asking.
"Huh? Oh, these? They're my tattoos."
"T-tattoos?"Brendon tilts his head in curiosity, feeling an urge to come closer and true the ink to see if it'll come off onto his finger.
"They're permanent drawings on my skin. I have loads of them, up my arms, across my chest and even some on my legs."Zack gives his leg a wiggle under the table to indicate, watching closely when Brendon seems to perk up more in interest, eyes widening with curiosity and he nearly has to spare a glance at Dallon.
"That's like so awesome!"He suddenly gasps, a 180 degree in his personality as he shifts to sit on his knees on the booth beside Zack, shuffling closer to the mans exposed arm, eyes wide with childlike wonder. "C-can I touch them? Please? Mr Zack, Sir."
"Go ahead kiddo."He smiles, pushing up his sleeve a bit more so that he can expose as much ink as possible.
"How come I've known him for months and he only ever acknowledges my existence when he's little yet Zack shows him one tattoo and suddenly they're best buddies? How is that fair?"Ryan scowls, watching at the way that Brendon seems to gasp and awe at the tattoos on Zack's skin, eyes bright and full of interest. He hadn't acted like this with his blue hair, actually, he had acted very sour.
"Get yourself some tattoos and then you'll be interesting, Duckie."Dallon smirks into his coffee, keeping his eyes lingered on Brendon to make sure that his boyfriend doesn't get too close into Zack's personal space.
"Fuck off. That is a trademarked nickname."
"Are you pouting?"
"I am not pouting! I'm just displaying my frustration, Dallon!"
"I spend a good 99.9% of my time with Brendon, who is either little or...well being Brendon. I know what pouting looks like."He rolls his eyes, letting out an amused laugh as Ryan roughly pushes him into the nearest wall. It's so easy to wind Ryan up and Dallon finds enjoyment in it. It must be the Daddy in him.
"These are so cool."Brendon breathes out in awe, his index finger tracing a tattoo on display on Zack's arm, black and white with dents of skin displayed through the art. He looks up at Zack with big brown eyes, mouth slightly open because sure, Pete has a few tattoos here and there, but these are far cooler.
"If you're good, I'll let you colour them in if you want."
"Really?! With markers?"Brendon jumps up onto his knees in excitement, looking at Zack in hopefulness and almost letting out a squeal of excitement whenever the larger man nods his head with a fond type of smile. The hybrid's tail sways as he turns to look at Dallon."Daddy, Zack said I can colour in his tattoos and make them pretty!"
"Wow Peanut, that's awesome!"Dallon smiles wide, feeling less tense when he realises that Brendon has slipped into his little space, especially because that means he'll be more relaxed with Zack while Ryan and himself are doing their interview. He's Brendon's backpack filled with everything a little Brendon will need, always well prepared. "Now, sit back down and let Zack finish his breakfast and then you can colour."
What's up my beautiful readers, I'M BACK from my hiatus that was a lot longer than intended but it's October and I come ALIVE during spooky season (; I hope you have all missed me cus I've missed you'd <3
Please tell me what you thought of this chapter, it took me ages to finally write because I've been stuck in such a writers block so feedback is super important to me!
What is your opinion on Dallon treating Brendon like a little while he's not? What should Dallon do to make it up to his boyfriend?
What's your opinion on Zack? The awesome dad himself (;
And finally, what all would you like to see happen in this fic? Any ideas ya wanna throw at me?
Peace ✌🏼
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