6. Baby Brendon do do do do do do

HELLO MY LOVELIES! I AM GREETING YOU WITH CAPS BC IVE HIT 200 VOTES AND 100 COMMENTS WTF I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLL. I'm like so excited? And I think it's because I've got newer readers coming in fresh and excited for content and I'm like so hyped to give it to them? And so here I am, with a lot of fucking fluff and very little Brendon because it's been an awful long time since that's happened!

Also, who would like to see Zack in this fic? (;

Yes lads, I'm going there.

3100+ words

Surprisingly enough, Dallon is the first one awake the next morning, flushed and sweating from the intense heat under the thick Hotel bedcovers and how Brendon is more or less on top of him, regardless of the obstacle of his broken arm, kitten tail swiping under the covers in sleep. He has tucked his face into the crook of Dallons neck, mouth open and wide, pretty pink lips twitching every so often with a tiny jerk of his jaw against the bare flesh of Dallons neck before he settles again.

Dallon knows that even if years pass, he will never get sick of watching Brendon sleep because he is always such a curious being in his sleep and it never fails to have Dallon mesmerised and transfixed on such innocent beauty. It's moments like these, where Dallon can just lay and watch and feel and hear Brendon sleeping beside him, on top of him, pressed close to his back or tucked into his chest; that he loves the most. And he hates to have to leave it.

With as much skill and care as he can muster, Dallon is slowly slipping himself out of the bed, being careful not to rustle to bedsheets or to disturb Brendon in his sleep, careful as he slides away from the little who seems to slightly stir at the movement happening beside him, lips beginning to pout and brow creasing in sleep. Dallon is quick, however, his hand finding the abandoned Pacifier that he'd left out on the bedside table the night before, nudging it between Brendon's pouting lips until the little latches on and settles.

Sometimes, Dallon has to thank his lucky stars that he's always at least one step ahead of himself, especially in terms when it concerns Brendon and his headspace. Last night on their way home from the Hospital, and also from McDonalds, it had been the little signs that had alerted Dallon of the further slip in Brendon's headspace, like how he began tripping over his words or his thumb circled his mouth as they waited in the McDonalds queue or how he had actually begged and nearly cried to be carried.

Which wasn't actually a sign of being rather very little because Brendon was awfully lazy sometimes, but when looked at with the rest of Brendon's actions, it was definitely a sign.

And so, Dallon had set forth to prepare for the upcoming day the evening before, digging out pacifiers that were lodged in their packaging somewhere deep in Brendon's backpack, having Sinatra the Giraffe and Freddie in close range and setting out any other items that may be needed over the course of the next couple of days. He was prepared for Brendon, and now all he needs to do is prepare himself.

The Daddy is just finishing his shower when he hears the sleep laced mewl of Daddy echo from the bedroom and into the bathroom, the door cracked open because Dallon knows how much Brendon hates for the bathroom door to be closed.

"Dadd-ee."Brendon mewls pathetically from the bed, his sleepy brown eyes barely open as he squints around the hotel room in search of his Daddy, very upset that he isn't immediately by his side upon his call for him. The little is about to open his mouth to continue his painfully sounding meals when Dallon is stumbling out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped round his waist and skin glistening with water.

"Morning, Baby."The Daddy is smiling beautifully at his baby who remains on the bed, cocooned in a blanket of clinging sleep. He's sitting on the edge of the rather large bed, smoothing over Brendon's sleep tossed longing dark hair, his kitten ears bouncing as Dallons hand smooths over them and twitching when fingers come to scratch at the base of them.

Brendon remains with a very sleep puzzled look upon his face, brow creased and eyes squinting as if he's unsure of his surroundings or what is happening before he's launching himself into his Daddy's bare chest with a very audible huff and with a force that nearly has Dallon sprawled out onto the bed. The Daddy is recovering quickly, his hands coming up to stroke at Brendon's warm bare back just as Brendon huffs out,"Tired."

"Tired? Baby, you've been asleep for ages."Dallon chuckles, his lips pressed to the crown of Brendon's head as the little snuggled in further, purring with affection and whimpering for more when Dallon stops stroking at his back when he reaches for his phone to check the time."It seems to me that I've got a very clingy baby this morning."

Very suddenly, Brendon is pulling away from Dallons chest, his eyes darting to the clunky casting of his broken arm as if only realising now that his arm is broken and that there was a reason why he couldn't wrap his arm around his Daddy like he loves to do. Oh no! And now that he's realised, it's suddenly very very sore and he can feel his eyes begin to water and his bottom lip begin to tremble as his paci falls out and onto the bedding below-

"Oh Peanut, it's okay, you've just got a tiny ouchie but Daddy has something that will help!"Dallon is bouncing up from the bed and is quickly moving towards where the tiny kitchenette is, lucky to have paid the extra money for it. There's a sippy of warm milk on the counter top, made ready just minutes before Dallon hopped into the shower and decorated with Monsters Inc characters, a very old sippy.

"Gimmie, please!"The tears have suddenly left Brendon's eyes upon spotting the sippy cup in his Daddy's hands, his non-injured hand out to make a grabby action for the plastic as he gives a little jump on the soft bed. Without hesitation, Dallon is handing over the sippy cup of warm milk and medicine, watching with utter fondness at the way that Brendon smiles and seems to sink into the mass amount of pillows and duvets that the hotel had provided.

"I'm going to do some things, okay? Just give me a shout if you need me, baby."Dallon is fluffing the pillows around Brendon and turning the television on to cartoons, safe for the little headspace that Brendon has woken up in this morning. He's leaning over the bed to press a kiss to Brendon's forehead, something that Brendon disapproves off as he unlatches from the sippy and pouts.

"Big kisses, Daddy."He puckers his pretty pink lips and Dallon can't help but to chuckle fondly, leaning down and pressing multiple kisses to the littles lips, finishing off with a loving and gentle Eskimo kiss upon his nose before he's leaving the little to watch cartoons and he's off to work on some music.

It's not even half an hour later when Brendon is calling for Dallon again.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy-ee!"

"Baby boy, what is it?"Dallon peeks his head promptly around the doorframe of the hotel bathroom, half of the lower part of his face lathered in soap while they other sparkles smoothly, newly shaved and baby soft. Dallon hadn't noticed he was growing so ragged looking until he had caught sight of his reflection earlier that morning, never the one to grow more than stubble because it always came out so patchy, so he made work on it as soon as he had Brendon settled and comfy with cartoons.

"I wan' cuddles."The little pouts from his place on the bed, Sinatra The Giraffe and Freddie tucked under the armpit of his broken arm, safe.

"Honey, let Daddy shave first and then we can have cuddles."

"Daddy, bu' I've got 'n ouchie."Brendon's lip wobbles dangerously as he does his best to hold up his casted arm, making a show of wincing and whimpering and grimacing at a nonexistent pain because Dallon knows that the painkillers he had put in his morning sippy were strong enough for Brendon not to feel the pain for a couple more hours. Thankfully, because Dallon isn't sure how he's going to be able to get the next batch of painkillers into the little and hopefully when it comes around, he'll have a tactful plan.

Brendon's eyelids had been drooping low by the time that they had came home from the hospital, trailing behind Dallon and in front of Ryan who had promptly made his way into his own hotel room as fast as he could because it might have only been closing to 11 by the time they got back but he had been exhausted. There's no way in hell that Ryan would be able to manage a full-time career and be a caregiver. Not as if he'd be opting for that anyway.

Sometimes, Dallon isn't even sure how he's handling that situation himself, if he even is handling that situation that is because it's been an awfully long time since Brendon had settled into his little space and Dallon had set aside time to look after him, and even longer since they had a weekend to themselves. When they were back home, it was so easy to slip in and out of their routine when they had felt like it, but being out on the road made Ageplaying so much more difficult and Dallon worries that maybe he isn't coping.

Maybe he isn't coping as well as he thinks he is, which is something that Dallon definitely doesn't want to think about because to think about it, would mean that he would have to dwell, and to dwell would mean he would realise and to realise would mean that he's becoming weak. Again. And he can't go back to being weak, to looking weak, to feeling weak because he is coping, he is, trust him. He's coping.

Because sure, people skip meals all of the time. It's normal. And being out on tour makes it so difficult to actually sit down and eat a normal dinner, or a breakfast that doesn't consist of a coffee and a protein bar, or lunch that is anything more than a bite of Brendon's sandwich between sound-checks and interviews and photoshoots and-

Almost without thinking, Dallon properly looks at himself in the fogged bathroom mirror, half of his face lathered in soap ready to shave, his hair air-drying and messy and his appearance-

"Alright, alright, no tears, shh."He knocks himself out of staring at his own reflection, grabbing a nearby towel and wiping it down the left side of his face, rubbing away the remaining soap that had been there for Dallon to shave before he dumps the razor and towel on the counter and quickly strides to the massive bed in their occupied hotel room.

There's no need to look. He's fine. He's coping.

The Daddy is expertly slipping into the bed and pulling Brendon towards him with as much care and gentleness as he possibly can, arm snaking around his little one as the hybrid nuzzles closer with a dramatic sniffle. Dallon shushes him gently, pressing his lips to the littles temple as he rubs his thumb in soothing circles on his arm, being careful with his actions as Brendon nuzzles and whines tiredly.

"How about we watch some toons, hmm? RyRy was showing me this video that Pete really loves and he says maybe you'll like it too."Brendon nods into his side, perking up a little at the mention of his two friends names , suddenly feeling very homesick along with all of his other emotions of the day.

And maybe it's because he's feeling very little but Brendon awfully does miss his home. And he misses RyRy and Pete and Joshua and Tyler so very much! And his bed, by god does Brendon miss his very soft and very comfy bed. And the laundry detergent that his Daddy uses to wash his clothes and the sheets, which stain the fabric for months and months and have already faded from the clothes they brought along on tour.

"Baby Boy, what's wrong?"Dallon suddenly coos, hearing the sniffles and sad sounding mewls that Brendon lets out into his side, pulling away slightly so that he can have a look at Brendon, whose kitten ears have lowered and tail has curled around his middle.

"Ouchie."Instead of making such a fuss about his homesickness, Brendon detours to hold up his broken arm, not wanting to make his Daddy sad too.

"Oh,"The Daddy hums sympathetically, gently taking a hold of Brendon's fragile, broken arm and bringing the wiggling exposed fingers that are left out of the vivid pink cast to his lips, pressing soft and loving kisses to each finger tip before pulling away with a loving smile."Better?"

"Uh-Huh,"The little nods with a shy smile, a blush dusting the bridge of his nose and the area of his soft cheeks as he brings his arm back to where it rested, nestling deep into his Daddy's side as he begins to fiddle with the remote control to get YouTube up and running to show his Baby the video.

To say that after half an hour of introducing Brendon to the YouTube video, Dallon very much so regrets his decision of ever listening to George Ryan Ross because for the last half an hour (A half an hour that has seemed to last for a fucking decade ) Dallon has had to induce multiple rounds of Baby Shark as Brendon just seems to get more and more engrossed in the mesmerising tune.

And Dallon is sure if this continues, he might actually kill himself. Or Ryan Ross. Possibly Ryan Ross.

"Baby shark do do do do do do!"Brendon is bounding energetically on his place on the hotel bed, moving his hand in the telltale sign of Baby Shark 'snapping' with a grin plastered on his adorable face as he looks between the television and to his Daddy who has slumped down very lowly into the pillows with a stricken look on his face."Daddy! Join in!"

"Baby, why don't we watch something else, hmm? Like Gumball or Sofia?"

"Nooooo, Daddy! Baby Shark!"He begins to whine high in his throat, giving a frustrating bounce on the bed whenever he notices his Daddy reaching for the remote to change what he's watching.

"Thank fuck-"Dallon is scrambling from his place on the bed moments later whenever the door is knocked, causing Brendon to jolt a little with surprise at such fast movement, half engrossed in what he is watching but still making himself aware of what his Daddy is up to. Dallon wants to get as far away from Baby Shark as he possibly and he curses Ryan Ross as he opens the hotel room door."I fucking hate Ryan."

"I feel the love."Ryan S smiles in such a Ryan way that it melts away Dallons wittering embarrassment that has begun to spurt into his emotion. Before Dallon can open to his mouth to explain, Ryan is holding up one hand in peace while the other holds a plastic bag of food, stepping into the hotel room uninvited."No explanation needed, I heard it from down the hall. That song is like Chinese Water torture, Jesus fuck."

"If you hadn't have come with food, I might actually have hung myself."Dallon nearly whisperers manically as he follows after Ryan and his luxurious bag of food, of sandwiches and crisps to munch on in bed. As they approach the bed, Dallon makes Ryan's presence apparent to the little in bed."Hey B, look who came to see you."

"Hey buddy!"Ryan is grinning, the two adults watching how Brendon's face falls with surprise and he lets out a very audible gasp, kicking the bed covers off of him and making his way to the blue haired man.

"Ryan! Ryan! Daddy, look, Ryan!"The little is changing excitedly, careful as he bumps chests with the man and begins to hug him with his good arm, his other remaining in the clunky pink cast.

"Well that was very unexpected."Dallon is a little wide eyed at the exclamation of affection that Ryan is being blessed with, looking between Ryan and Brendon who seems to be hugging the blue haired man with all his might with his good arm."He's taken a shine to you. What'd you promise him with?"

"A trip to the zoo."He shrugs with a smirk, a hand coming up to scratch at the base of one of Brendon's velvet kitten ears, a kind of proud smile still remaining on his face."How's the arm doing, buddy?"

"Still broken."Brendon pouts, not letting go of the blue haired man and looking incredibly sad looking at the fact his arm is still as broken as it had been yesterday."But it's 'kay, Daddy has been lookin' aft'a me and I gots loads of cuddles!"

"Loads of cuddles! Wow! Well let's get some lunch into you and then you can have loads of cuddles, how does that sound?"Ryan is suggesting, feeling Dallons amused stare as his voice gets a little higher as he speaks to Brendon, all excited and fun. It's a bit embarrassing but it's worth it when Brendon's face breaks out in an adorable grin and he grabs a hold of his arm to drag him to eat lunch.

Look at me updating? Wtf is this?

I'm so sorry I've been awfully busy and it's just getting worse from here. It's currently winter break and I'm in the middle of arsehole nowhere of France visiting relatives so I've had no time to sit around to write but at night, but I have managed to update at least ONE thing this winter, and hopefully another too.

Please tell me your opinions on this chapter!

What are your thoughts on little little Brendon? Do you want more?

Should I do a follow up chapter of this?

Your thoughts on Dallon at the moment? Our boy isn't looking after himself tut tut



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