5. Ryan S Is A Wee Babe
There's some serious controversial stuff happening right now in the Panic! fandom, and extended band, but this is a fan fiction and I want to keep all comments regarding what's happening out of this book, out of this chapter and out of my fucking page. I'm just putting this out now, comments may be deleted if you don't even bother to read my A/N so read it honey
Other than that mess, hi guys, missed you all. It's October, which is so weird because 2018 ends so soon? And I go to Vegas on the 22nd of this month (tomorrow oof) so damn no updates then. But I come hither with an update that is filled with tears and some serious Ryan S and Brendon fluff/bonding because Brendon Urie might be a little shit but he wants some goddamn hugs when he's hurt.
Enjoy and remember to comment the shit out of his chapter!
"You're going to be okay, it's just some bumps and bruises, that's all buddy."
"You're not a Doctor, you don't know that!"Brendon is still half caught between sobs and hiccups, Ryan's heavy coat draped over his shoulders in an attempt to shield him from the rain from the Taxi into the A&E emergency department of the nearest hospital of whatever city and state that they have landed themselves in for the day. The weather is appalling and Brendon would like to say that it reflects his current state of mind very well, which is annoying ironic as it is hilarious and he would appreciate it if he wasn't in so much pain.
The tears are still tripping down his face as he's huddled into Ryan S. side, salty tears dripping off of his chin and dampening the material of Ryan's sweater, half of himself wanting to push away from the man while the other part of him wants to cuddle deeper, more afraid of the other sick individuals in the hospital waiting room than pissed off with Ryan. And pissed off for what, exactly, Brendon doesn't know but he is, for some reason because that's just how Brendon works.
And it also might have something to do with the fact that he is just really missing his Daddy, the pain in his arm triggering all sorts of little emotions and tendencies in his brain that he hasn't accessed in a long time as he sniffles and cries and wipes his tears and snot on Ryan's jumper. Brendon wants his Paci, something he desperately hasn't wanted in a long time, his thumb circling the corners of his mouth for an hour now, and he wants Sinatra too.
But his backpack had been left at the venue, draped with his coat and woolly hat because it's closing into winter now and the weather is getting worse, and it's getting cold and it's hurting his sensitive little kitten ears. Ryan had forgotten to lift it, or maybe he just hadn't heard Brendon through his snottery tears and choked sobs, but he can't blame him that much, not when he's trying his best to be a comfort in a time when he's not the comfort Brendon wants.
"Okay, you're right about that."His bottom lip it caught between his teeth, never the best at consoling people in times of distress, of illness or wallowing sadness. Ryan has always been the friend to console from a distance or not at all, slipping out of the room when there's an announcement of bad news, making sure to not be the one left alone with an individual crying in pain or sadness.
Yet, here he is, caught in such a pickle that he himself has gotten himself in because he could've easily let Dallon cancel the show, postpone it to another date and allow him to take Brendon to the hospital, but he's too much of a good person for that, of course. Because Ryan knows that by cancelling a concert it would physically eat Dallon up inside, and Brendon was in no mood to shift his state of mind on that either, and they couldn't have just not gone to the hospital because as much as Ryan keeps telling Brendon it's just a bump and a bruise, it's far worse than that.
"I wan' my Daddy."Brendon sniffles thickly beside him, half buried, half turned away because he's so conflicted on what to do and the pain in his arm - that's been loosely bandaged to his chest with a scarf and a paper clip - keeps causing him to jerk in pain every so often.
"I know, buddy and he'll be here soon, just another hour or so and hopefully by then we'll be on our way home."
"Home?"Brendon perks up at the mention of the word, kitten ears flicking up from where they had been hidden in his hair, the action causing eyes to look up, heads to turn, whispers to converse because Brendon had been so tucked away under Ryan's heavy jacket, and so nerves and cold that his tail had slithered under the material to keep himself warm, that no one had noticed.
"The hotel."He corrects himself, hating the way that Brendon visibly crumples in front of him, an ache within him as not only does Brendon look physically in pain, but so very sad as well. Ryan himself is suffering from bountiful doses of homesickness. He misses his bed. His favourite mug. His local Wendy's. Ryan has done this before, but it never really seems to get any better and he knows how much Brendon must be missing home too.
"Hey,"Ryan says softly, wrapping an arm around Brendon's waist in a way he hasn't before, fingers under his rib cage, giving him a small, tentative squeeze of comfort."Just think, next week we're going to be in New York City, and I know hundreds of special places that your Daddy and I could take you. There's this special toy story that I know about that has every stuffed toy that you could imagine, from Dolphins to Hippos and even Bumblebees!"
"Really?"Brendon's voice is small, unsure and quiet as he watches Ryan with wide, wet eyes. He looks so little in this moment and it dawns on Ryan that this is the smallest he has ever seen Brendon and it frightens him so much. And if it frightens Ryan S, who knows much that it frightens Brendon to be so little in an unfamiliar place and without the comfort of familiarity to incloak him.
"Yes really,"Ryan smiles reassuringly in that moment, rubbing his thumb soothingly over Brendon's arm as he speaks."And we can go to Central Park Zoo! And see all of the wonderful animals, like the Lions, Zebras, Hippos, Giraffes-"
"Giraffes! Do they really have Giraffes there, Ryan? Giraffes like Sinatra?"The little gasps in awe, almost vibrating with excitement in his seat at the prospect of seeing real Giraffes! He could bring Sinatra and they could all have a play date and maybe Daddy would even allow him to bring one home!
"They sure do, buddy. Just 7 big sleeps and we can go see the Giraffes, alright?"He can feel Brendon nodding excitedly into his side, his mind driven away from the pain that remains sparking and tingling in his arm every so often, a nasty reminder of his injury and his lack of Daddy to have comforting around him. Ryan sighs heavily as his eyes fall back onto the clock on the wall, it's hands seemingly so to not have moved much since the last time he looked and Dallon would only be half way through the set by now.
It's another half an hour before Brendon's name is called by a young, plump nurse with a kind smile and broad Brooklyn accent that Ryan picks up on immediately. She apologises for how long that they've waited, 2 hours and 14 minutes because Ryan has practically bored his eyes into that clocks face, and coos at a very tired, a very agitated and very sore Brendon who practically hisses at her in return.
And honestly, Ryan can't even blame him for his attitude because he's just as tired and annoyed at Brendon is of this ridiculous wait, and even more so when Ryan has been witnessing the likes of apparent emergencies being wheeled in before Brendon even though they've been waiting a hell of a long time more. So instead, the blue haired man wraps his arm around Brendon's shoulder and pulls him along down the corridor, following after the nurse.
"Ah, you must be Brendon!"The doctor swivels round in his chair as the door opens, all warm smiles and kind eyes as he spots Brendon shuffling into the office, sour faced and shivering. The office itself is isolated a little off from the rest of the busy hospital, located in an area of the hospital that Ryan almost mistaken as the Pediatrist ward if it hadn't been for slight details on the animated cartooned walls that led Ryan to believe was the hospitals newly established Hybrid Unit.
The doctor had dusty blonde hair and is wearing glasses in that moment, his eyes kind behind the glass and cheeks lifted a little with his welcoming and reassuring smiles that he gives to Brendon. The sleeves of his shirt are pushed up to his elbows and he's wearing a pair of jeans, an unusual attire for a doctor to be wearing at work, and it immediately has Ryan S' stomach do worrying summersaults.
"Sit down, sit down."He waves them towards the examining table, pushing his chair towards where the computer is situated in the office, mouse clinking and fingers typing momentarily as the pair get settled.
"You're not my doctor,"Brendon's eyes have narrowed dangerously as soon as they've sat up onto the examining table and the doctor has made his way over. He's pretty short if Ryan is going to admit. Ryan suspects that Brendon's eyes are in slits from the way that his tail has puffed up and straightened from its previous position of around his arm which has been acting as Brendon's substitute security blanket.
"Unfortunately, I'm not. However, I am Doctor Stump but between you and I, you can call me Patrick."He whispers it like it's some type of little secret between them, getting nothing in return, he continues." You're a very lucky boy Brendon, I was just on my way home when I heard there was a poorly little hybrid in A&E."He's all smiles and kind gestures, but Brendon is still tense where he sits on Ryan's lap, too big to be sitting there but feeling too little to care.
And he's hurting Ryan's lap, if he's going to be quite honest, but never in a million years would he speak that out loud because he's the closet to security that Brendon has right now, and if letting the little sit on his lap stops him from crying and whimpering then so be the lack of blood circulation to his feet.
"You don't look like a doctor."Brendon retorts as he shuffles himself on Ryan's lap, feeling himself being pulled closer into his chest at his words.
"That's right, I don't. We feel that wearing those ugly white coats make us look scary to poorly littles and hybrids. It's a lot friendlier when I wear my own clothes, isn't it?"
"I guess..."Brendon whispers, unsure but agreeing at the same time. As much as he loved Doctor Harris, doctors were scary and they do cause pain even if the pain is to try and help you heal. It feels so much more equal to have Doctor Stump wear his own clothes and Brendon feels just a tiny but more relaxed at that, unlike Ryan S who seems to tense and rigid.
"Are you qualified?"Ryan blurts suddenly, watching as Doctor Stump travels from one side of the room and back, carrying with him equipment.
"I am, yes."Doctor Stumps, Patrick's, eyes seem to light up with the same laugh that erupts from his lips, crinkling behind the glass of his glasses."I majored in Hybrid-Feline Health and Anatomy when I was doing my medical degree. I've also had my fair share of handling littles. Brendon is in the right hands..."
"Ryan,"Patrick smiles,"Are you his caregiver and or owner?"
"I- no, I'm his temporary guardian as of like two hours ago."He winces at his own choice of words, trying to fumble for the phone he had stuffed in the pocket of his jacket that remains heavy over Brendon's shoulders, still damp from the rain, still smelling so thickly of cologne."Dallon, his Daddy, is on his way."
"Alrighty then, let's see what the problem is, hmm?"
Brendon has to be sent for an X-Ray, something in which that Ryan has to wait in the hall way for to be completed, much to the dismay of Brendon who all but nearly sobs that he has to do his alone. As much as Ryan is practically skipping with happiness that Brendon nearly sobs for his presence, it equally breaks his heart that it's under such circumstances that he's in pain and missing his Daddy. Still, however, it's a stepping stone and Ryan couldn't be any happier as he sends Dallon countless update texts.
The X-Ray shows that Brendon's wrist and forearm at both broken respectably and Ryan mourns for the pain that Brendon must've been in as he's being told this. Doctor Stump explains that his arm was so easily broken due to his last break and haven it not set or heal properly, resulting in a much more severe and easier break this time around. He's to be bandaged and casted and it's just by the end of Doctor Stump wrapping luminous pink bandage around Brendon's cast that the door is knocked and opened.
"Daddy!"Doctor Stump pushes away his chair from the examining table just in time for the little to have jumped off it, sprinting towards an exhausted and worried looking Dallon who catches the little with as much grace as he could possibly muster when catching a 9 stone grown man with a cast on.
"Oh my little soldier, my poor baby."Dallon gasps as he scatters kisses all over Brendon's face, so revealed to see his baby after agonising hours of not being able to be with him.
"Look daddy, look at my cast! I've got a cast and it's pink!"Compared to how he had been sobbing his heart out just an hour ago, Brendon looks energised and mesmerised to have a cast on, especially with Doctor Stump allowing him to have it as pink. Pink! The last cast he had on had been all clumpy and annoying but this one is so much cooler!
"Oh baby, that's-yeah that's great, peanut."The guilt is eating Dallom alive as his eyes land on the pink cast that has enclosed Brendon's arm up to the elbow, his fingers sticking out at the end of the cast, wiggling every so often. The little seems to unfazed as his tail flickers the air and he giggles, showing the cast off."I'm so sorry, baby."
"It's okay, Ryan looked after me."He grins, bouncing a little in the older mans arms, looking over his shoulder at the blue haired man who has just been handed a prescription by Doctor Stump."An' he says w-when we gets to New York we're gonna go to the zoo and see all the animals and giraffes, giraffes just like Sinatra! Daddy, did you bring Sinatra? Did you?"
"Of course I did!"Dallon shifts his shoulder, showing off the familiar famous purple backpack, ownership of Brendon and current residence of Sinatra and Freddie Urie-Weekes."Safe and sound and waiting for cuddles as soon as we get back to the hotel, baby."
"Can we get'a McDonalds Daddy? Please?"
"Brendon, you can have anything you want."
I'm such a terrible person, my updates are like none. I haven't updated in a long time and I hate not updating but I'm so damn busy!!!! I am currently writing this on an 11 hour flight to Vegas and this will probably be the only time I'll have to write until the next 11 hour flight back home to Ireland. But it's an update!
And I swear to you all, I'm going back to regularly updates, or at least weekly updates because I don't want this fic to die! And for it not to die, you all have to help me out with the comments and the votes please!
What was your opinion on this chapter?
What did you think of the Ryan and Brendon fluff/bonding? My heart couldn't take it all bless
Doctor Stump has paid a visit in Dallon. do you reckon he'll show up in Pete.? (haven't read Pete. yet? Shame on you! Get caught up while I work on an update of Pete and Dallon.)
Love ya all lots
Peace ✌🏼
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