3. Brendon cries, Dallon shouts and Ryan naps

Yo what's happening. It's been a while since I've touched this and my excuse is that I've had exams, fucking annoying and stressful exams but they are done, vanished, I am free on summer break and I am back with a bunch of amazing chapters (hopefully lmao where has my motivation gone??)

This fic has started off in a terrible wee rough patch and I'm hoping it will pick up.

Please shower this chapter with loads of comments and I promise for a quicker update!

"What do you mean our tour bus has been cancelled?"Dallon slams his hand against the nearest wall where he has been pacing back and forth for the last hour, his phone pressed to his ear, legs aching, chest heaving and voice fuming from the antagonising hour of being told to hold please, just a second, transferring call, the tour bus that you have pre-prepared has been cancelled we are sorry for the inconvenience.

Brendon watches from where he's been sitting on the bench in the airport long-stay car park, finding enjoyment out of watching bewildered holiday makers trying to find where they had last parked their car or watching as lovestruck couples make their way to the bus terminal that will take them to the airport and to their anticipated romantic getaway, swinging arms and kissing lips.

As much as this tour is about Dallon, about his music, his work, his ambitions, somewhere deep down inside of Brendon hopes that they can make a romantic getaway out of this, or even just a getaway. The accidental booking of a trip to Legoland was cancelled and Brendon's fear of planes - which by the way, he survived his very first plane journey and it didn't crash nor did he cry thank you very much - stands in the way of them going anywhere abroad.

Dallon has promised that he'll set aside time for the two of them because not every day will Dallon and Ryan be preforming gigs or doing interviews for weird magazines or having guest spots on late night television with hosts that Brendon doesn't know the names of. It's a matter of if Dallon commits to that promise is what Brendon is most worried about.

"We're sorry for the inconvenience!"Dallon's voice has reached hysteric, high, crazy and Brendon would find this funny if it wasn't for the fact that Brendon was relying on the tour bus to take a well deserved and needed nap in, seeing as it's approaching after lunch time and little or big, he needs a goddamn nap.

"Dallon, calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down, Ryan! We've just arrived in a state, Tennessee might I remind you, without a tour bus, the stage crews plane cancelled and our management- who the fuck knows where they are because they won't answer my calls! Where are we going to sleep, how are we getting to the gig, what time is- will you get off your fucking phone!"

"Has anyone ever told you that stress doesn't look good on you?"Ryan retorts, shoving his phone screen into Dallons face before the taller man can blow off again."It's booking reservations, for a hotel, for the 3 of us. Your welcome."


"Your welcome."Ryan repeats almost smugly because for once, he's one step ahead of Dallon."We'll get a taxi to the hotel, get some lunch and then sort everything out from there."

There's a gentle hand around Dallons wrist, a tug at the bone to pull Dallon onto the bench in the shade until he's falling into the open space beside Brendon. The hybrid makes no time with cuddling closer into the mans side, leaning his head on Dallons shoulder, kitten ears twitching and finger tips brushing against knuckles."You're old. If you keep shouting and moving around like that you might have a heart attack and die and then who will make me Mac N' Cheese."

"I'm sure you'll find someone, it comes out of a packet."Dallon deadpans tiredly, resting his head on Brendon's own, eyes closing, a headache beginning to pulse at his temples.

"Yeah but you add little bacon bits to it."And it's simple, a little shrug of the shoulders, a tiny smirk on pretty plump lips."Anyway, I don't think shouting at your only band member is going to solve anything. You'll end up in a band on your own."

"Then it's not a band."

"If you keep the band name, it's a band."Brendon declares.

"It's an alias."Dallon argues.

"Just,"Brendon switches back to the topic at hand before there's an arguement between the couple over the fact if you're the only member in the band, does that make it still a band? Because if Brendon can remember correctly, Dallon had been the only band member in The Brobecks by the end and it was still a band."stop shouting at him."

"Oh but when you shout at him it's alright."

"Yes, but that's because I'm a little and I shout at everyone if I don't get my way."The hybrid shrugs his shoulders, kitten ears twitches in his nest of thick dark hair, a hint of a proud smile on his face, eyes crinkled as the autumn sun shines upon him. He looks so natural, a type of natural beauty that is flawless, even when presented with scars or blemishes or smile marks upon his face.

"Or cry."Dallon chimes because everyone knows that Brendon is a crier, whether because he can't get his own way or if he sees an adorable bunny rabbit, Brendon Urie cries a lot.

"I don't cry."

"Brendon, you could start your own bottled water factory with the amount of tears you shed."Dallon deadpans, his lips turned up into an amused smirk when Brendon forcefully pushes himself away from his boyfriend, arms crossed over his chest and bottom lip pouted out in a huff.

"If you two are done with your prissy hissy fits, the Uber is here."Ryan is looking at them with pure boredom written on his face, unamused and uncaring because just like Brendon, he wants to have a damn nap until sound check. Brendon spares no glance at Dallon as he gets up from the bench, forcefully swinging his backpack onto his back as he storms after Ryan who heads towards the awaiting Uber, leaving Dallon to grumble profanities under his breath and follow after with the suitcases.

Unquestioningly, Brendon continues his huff throughout the entire taxi journey to the hotel, going as far as making Ryan sit in the middle so that he doesn't have to sit next to Dallon or even talk to him. It's an awkward drive, Dallon hates conversing small y'all with Uber Drivers, Ryan has his earphones in and Brendon is sulking. The tour is already off to a great start and if Dallon doesn't kill someone by the end of it, he'll have himself killed.

By the time that they check in, Brendon is half asleep in the hotel lobby, trudging along grudgingly behind Dallon and Ryan with his movements sloppy, his eyes slipping closed and his lips pouted in that adorable way he does when he's concentrating. Dallon coos, he can't help himself, and so to keep Brendon from tripping and having an accident, he wraps his arm around Brendon's shoulder.

"Get off of me,"Brendon whines, trying to shake off the mans touch, the arm heavy over his shoulder and his eyes blinking rapidly to rid himself of sleep.

"Stop being so stubborn,"Is all Dallon says, pulling Brendon closer into his body until the hybrid has no choice but to tuck his nose into the dip of his armpit and purr sleepily at the warmth that radiates off of the man. Ryan looks on with a find type of expression, mixed with amusement.

"You're so fucking smitten."

"I am not."Dallon rolls his eyes, voice a grumble and cheeks heating with blush, a tone of pink dashed on his cheeks and over the bridge of his nose. He's been told countless times that he's smitten, and as much as he doesn't want to admit it, he really fucking is.

"You're adorable."Ryan smirks, watching the way that Dallon seems to pull the sleepy hybrid closer, his fingers drawing patterns on the hybrids arm as they wait in the elevator.

"Don't call me that."Dallon is brushing harder, a bite in his voice because he's not adorable. Adorable is a word that is reserved for the likes of Brendon, or Pete, or Josh when he's not being a condescending asshole and trailing mud across his living room. Brendon is adorable, even when he is a spoiled brat or in a mood.

"Don't wake me up until we're about to leave,"Ryan waves at him as he passes, keycard in hand and luggage trailing behind him with full intentions of sleeping away the nerves and fears that is the start of their tour this evening."and I mean it, if you wake me up before that I will quit the band."

"Is that supposed to be a bad thing?"Dallon asks, laughter in his voice as he opens the hotel room door, not missing the middle finger that is sent his way by a disappearing Ryan Seaman. Brendon is a heavy weight at his side, a high whine at the back of his throat, full of greed and need and want, hands curled around the material of Dallons jacket as he's pushed to lie down on the massively soft hotel bed, accompanied with far too many pillows.

"Dallon,"He whines, pouts, blinks his brown eyes open tiredly so he can squint at the man that has left him abandoned on the bed."Come sleep with me."

"In a moment,"Dallon dismisses, shrugging off his jacket and throwing it over a chair and making effort to take off his shoes and Brendon's clothing, knowing fine rightly that his boyfriend won't sleep properly if he's bundled up in clothes and Dallon would rather not be punched in the face as Brendon tries to tug off his jumper half asleep. It's happened before and it'll happen again.


"I thought you'd fallen out with me?"Dallon keeps his tone amused, sparing a glance at the time on his phone as he sets an alarm to awake them in a couple of hours. The day is not done, there's food that needs to be consumed, a band that needs to be reunited, a PR team that needs to pull their shit together and honestly, Dallon just hopes that when he wakes up everything will work itself out.

"I can't even remember what I was being huffy about to be honest."Brendon practically moans as Dallon rests on the bed beside him, throwing a leg over the man and nuzzling his face into his chest, soft purrs, twitching ears and small relaxed noises as he hums, on the brink of sleep."Sometimes you breathe incorrectly and it bothers me."

"I feel the love."

"I hope you do."

The venue is packed, according to Ryan who has been sauntering up and down the venue like some sort of proud peacock, sneaking looks, taking selfies with fans that actually know what the members of the band look like, stalking up on snacks and beer from the overly expensive bar. Dallon has yet to have a peek, because deep down, despite the fact that he has played in crowds before, that he's a natural on stage, a completely different person in comparison to his overly lanky, pretty grumpy persona in real life, he's kind of fucking scared.

"Dallon, sit down. You're going to make a dent in the floor with all this pacing."Brendon drawls lazily, patting the area on the sofa beside him. The dressing room is so spacious for such a venue, with a comfy leather sofa, an adjoining bathroom and a complimentary gift basket with all sorts of goodies that Brendon can enjoy, including IDKHow merchandise that Brendon is now wearing with a tremendous amount of pride for his amazing boyfriend.

"Why am I worried? It's not like I haven't done this before, I did this just a couple of months ago, and that was on my own!"

"Maybe you don't like sharing the spotlight."Brendon shrugs, rotating an apple in his hand before bringing it to his mouth to take a bite.

"I think you're mistaking me for you."The older man snorts.

"Wow, that was uncalled for Dallon, uncalled for. Wow."Brendon is sitting up in shock, eyes wide and mouth agape, the picture of shock and betrayal on his face. Brendon does not have a thing for not like to share the spotlight, he is a very caring, loving and generous person! Sure, he doesn't like it when he doesn't get all of the attention, but that isn't the same.

"Okay, okay, I take it back."He slumps into the couch with a groan, head tipped back, eyes closed and fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. He's the perfect picture of stress, anxiety, worry, fear. It makes Brendon frown, discarding his hardly touched apple before crawling onto his boyfriends lap.

"Hey,"And his voice is so soft and caring, the side of Brendon that Dallon loves the most, as Brendon's fingers find their way into Dallons hands and runs through his hair, fingernails scratching at the surface of his scalp in a way that Dallon loves, complaint under his touch, a small smile etched on those lips. Neither of them say a thing, it's a silence, other than quiet noises of pleasure, tiny moans of love and affection.

They remain like that, for a while at least, and the change of dynamic is supportive, it feels good to unwind under the hands of your boyfriend, to be touched so softly, in a way that's platonic and soft and soothing. Brendon runs his fingers through his hair, scratches at his scalp, leaves small kisses under his chin, at his neck, pecks on the lips every so often until the kisses last a little bit longer, until Dallons shoulders slump from their tense state, until his breathing isn't so rigid and frantic.

"Better?"Brendon asks, his tone soft, caring, concerned, lips ghosting against Dallons own, fingers still winded in strands of soft, brown hair.

"I just don't know what's wrong."

"You're nervous, Dallon."And it's blunt, and it's sharp, and it's exactly what he needs to hear."You're nervous, and obviously that's okay, because this isn't just some sort of little gig under a name that nobody knows, this is your future. Your legacy. And I would be nervous too, in your position, and that's okay."

"I know, I know."He repeats in a whisper, fluttering his eyes closed for a second before he reopened them, staring into Brendon's dreamy brown eyes, taking in the colour, the pure emotion of earnestness and love and affection.

"And, no pressure of anything, I'll be off the side of the stage so you better play magnificently."

"And if I don't?"

"Honestly, this is my first proper concert so I won't be able to tell the difference if you do or do not."He laughs, sweet and soft, with crinkled eyes and turned up lips and Dallon doesn't hesitate to press his lips against Brendon's, soaking up the affection, the love, the passion, the desire for one another and the trust that they share.

Oh god, I hated this chapter so much, I'm not even going to lie, I hated it from start to finish. I have been going through such a rough patch of writing at the moment, especially for this and I don't know why, but hopefully getting this chapter over will allow me to be like boom, inspiration and motivation or something.

Anyway, please tell me your opinions on this chapter!

What are you opinions on how things have started off? On Dallon and Brendon at the moment?

What all do you think will be in stall for Brendon and Dallon on this tour?

#PrayForRyanS will become this books hashtag for comment the hashtag during pray for Ryan s moments 😂



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