Ch. 2: Rainbow Ranger & Cybertron Fury's Come Back!
No Pov.
=======Meanwhile in Kamen Rider Zangetsu's Universe=========
When Ivan Olsen aka Kamen Rider Zangetsu alongside Lucas Hart (Kamen Rider Leangle) and Robert Isley (Kamen Rider Calibur) who's fighting against the Suicide Squad members in Nashville, Tennesse, same as Nicholas Johnson. Zangetsu, clashing his weapon against Captain. Boomerang's metal boomerangs and he'd kicked him to the wall as he taunted him.
Zangetsu: taunting Man, and I thought every villain was disappointed in you.
Capt. Boomerang: growls Oh yeah, mate. I'll rip you into pieces.
Zangetsu: smirking At least I'm not you.
Capt. Boomerang yells as he throws his boomerang at him, but Zangetsu catches it and he chuckles while pointing the boomerangs at him back.
Zangetsu: smirking Like Gandalf says: YOU SHALL NOT...PASS!
He swings the boomerang as the waters hits him as Capt. Boomerang crashes into the walls by knocking him out cold, he blows the smoke off the trident.
Zangetsu: chuckles Mine now, this goes for the trophy case.
Kamen Rider Leangle slashes Harley Quinn, and he catches Killer Frost's right arm as he throws her by knocking her down.
Leangle: scoffs You Wanna-Be villains think you're true heroes, even Kamen Rider are the true heroes around here.
Harley: death glare You think you masked vigilantes can get away with this.
Leangle:Yes we are, and nobody stops this Rider.
He kicked her to the glass building, when Killer Frost was about to attack him. Kamen Rider Calibur (Robert) punched her out cold, and he cracked his knuckles.
Calibur: Sorry, no 'freezing temps' allow.
Kamen Rider Calibur heard footsteps behind him as he caught Deadshot's fist, he kicked his left rib and grunted, Han threw him to the ground.
Calibur: glare You're always a murderer, but never learn.
Leangle faces back at Zangetsu while hand-to-hand combat against King Shark.
Leangle: Hey, Ivan! Where's Stella at?
Zangetsu: She said she would be here, although probably lazed around.
However, a powerful blast by the soldiers crashed through walls. Then Leangle headbutt Diamondback as he threw him to the ground and he kicked him to the others, they saw Stella Walker aka Kamen Rider Nadeshiko come in.
Nadeshiko: Sorry, I'm late, you guys. Those two douchebags were about to capture me as well.
Zangetsu: Now the gang's all here, us Neo Crusaders will fight back.
Calibur: smirking Oh yeah.
They all saw The Suicide Squad are together, the Noble Knights got in their battle stance to fight one final time, they're charging towards them to strike with their final kick..but they'd got blasted by a powerful laser beam. They grunted in pain as all Riders saw a certain faker behind the smoke, it was Amanda Walker alongside her soldiers who came to their rescue.
Amanda: stern You think I let you vigilantes ruin our plans to make the world greater again, I don't think so.
Zangetsu: glare Oh yeah, you fakers think you're better than everyone else.
Calibur: glare He's right, you guys always wanted to 'save the world' together so that way you can make yourselves famous even worse.
Leangle: glare All of you anti-heroes are nothing but abusive fakers who think you work as a team.
Nadeshiko: glare All of us Kamen Riders are the true heroes of the world, we always fight humanity-in-secrets. Just like Kamen Rider Ichigo who first started this heroism, all teenage boys and girls fight back against monsters, aliens, mutants, corrupted people, traffickers, crime, rapists, power-hungry, abusive and villains.
Amanda: monotone Not for long, they'll be in maximum prison. As long as all of the vigilantes will never return to this city, take them away.
Amanda's soldiers pointed their weapons at them, Zangetsu and his team turned back to their normal state while they'd handcuffed them. As they were about to take them away, a powerful rainbow beam blasted them away and they all crashed into several buildings. The Four Riders coughed while waving the smoke away, they noticed a white pair of shoes beside them and gasped at his appearance.
Zangetsu: gasped Ooh! I know this guy! He's The Strongest Ranger of the Universe!
Calibur: shocked The Ultimate Challenger!
Leangle: surprised Lord of all Rangers and Sentai!
Nadeshiko: eyes widened Master of the Zords!
Riders: unison RAINBOW RANGER!
It was Okuyasu Senki aka Rainbow Ranger in person, he blew the smoke out of his Geardalinger.
Rainbow Ranger: smirking Hmph, And I thought Suicide Squad suppose to be 'anit-heroes of the world'.
Amanda and her minions groan in pain as they're getting back up, he saw Rainbow Ranger in his raging eyes turning red.
Amanda: stern YOU!
Rainbow Ranger: smirking Yep, it's me..Rainbow Ranger.
Amanda: rage KILL HIM!!!!
Deadshot dashes towards him, but Rainbow Ranger pointed his Geardalinger at him as he'd blasted him far away from the city. He faces back at several Suicide Squad members and they surrounded him while he's in the center, he got into his battle stance and he brought out his Ranger Key of Ultraman Ribut as he insert it in his Mobilate.
Rainbow Ranger: It's morphin time!
He transforms himself into Ultraman Ribut, he throws his Spacium Beam at them and blasts Capt. Boomerang away. He caught King Shark's fist and he threw him to Amanda's soldiers, he got into his stance and twisted the Ranger Key.
He did Ribut's stance and leashed his beam at both Capt. Boomerang & King Shark as they both screamed in agony and finally exploded into dust, he brought out another Ranger Key of Red Ryusoulger and he inserted it to transform again.
He transforms into Red Ryusoulger, he points his Geardalinger at Killer Frost and Diamondback as he inserts his Ranger Key to attack.
He slashes them five times, and he makes an X slash mark on them as he twists the Key on his Mobilate.
He sliced them in half as they both screamed in pain and exploded as well, he faced back at Harley Quinn and Deadshot who got into their battle stance. He'd notice that Amanda and her soldiers surrounded him again, he brought his ultimate form to defeat them all and he inserted it again.
All of the logos where the heroes combine together into his final form, he transformed into gold more.
Announcer: GOLD MODE!
They charge towards him, Rainbow Ranger summons his allies: Zi-O, Red Dino Thunder Ranger, Kamen Rider Ichigo and Ultraman Z to fight. They charged at the Squadron while both Deashot and Rainbow Ranger fought each other, Rainbow Ranger hand-to-hand combat against Deashot who still had raging eyes on him.
Rainbow Ranger: grin Good, because..I can go anywhere I want and that's why I will always be the well-known Power Ranger forever.
He headbutt him and blasted with his Geardalinger at him by pushing Deadshot back, he presses his Mobilate for his summoning heroes to use their final attack.
Announcer: ZI-O! TIME BREAK!
Kamen Rider Zi-O leaped into the air as he kicked both Amanda's soldiers by knocking them out cold as they crashed into the post office and Zi-O disappeared.
Red Dino Thunder Ranger slashes her soldiers twice, and he blasted them away as they screamed in pain by crashing into the damaged vehicles. Finally Red Dino Ranger got in his victory stance as he disappeared.
Kamen Rider Ichigo got in his stance as he jumped in the air to use his finishing kick.
Ichigo: RIDER...KICK!
He kicked Amanda's lieutenant by knocking him into the damaged bus, he nodded and finally disappeared.
Ultraman Z created an Z symbol and leased his powerful beam Black Manta, he screamed in agony by knocking into the trees five times. Ultraman Z nodded as he disappeared as well, Rainbow Ranger twists his Ranger Key on the Mobilate to use the finishing move while giving Deadshot his grinning smirk.
Rainbow Ranger: grinning Let's finish this.
He summons Red Shinkenger's sword as he created double X symbols, and he blasts it towards Deadshot and he grunts in pain by knocking him backwards. He crashed into a moving truck as it exploded while Deadshot screamed in agony, as he saw all Amanda's Squadron are defeated and he faced back at her...but she pointed her pistol at his helmet.
Amanda: anger You think I'll let you vigilantes live, I can kill anyone without mercy. Like I did to the rest..every year.
Rainbow Ranger: smirking Oh yeah, and why are the police here?
Her eyes widened as she turned around and saw the police were behind her, they handcuffed her and her squadron by making them walk inside the bus. She faces back at them with her death glare.
Amanda: death glare This isn't over, Rangers and Riders. My agency will rise again to bring you down for-
The male officer pressed his shotgun on Amanda's back by making her walk inside of the bus, the door shut as they drove off to the prison. Rainbow Ranger turns back to his normal state, and he sees Ivan Oleson and his team walking towards him.
Ivan: smiles Wow, you're so cool back there.
Stella: smiles Yeah, thank you.
Okusayu: nodded No problem, I'm just helping out fellow Megaforce Heroes. Although, every hero needs some assistance.
Robert: I heard that you've been traveling through all Megaforce-Verse to become the Well-Known Ranger.
Lucas: So, how did you become well-known?
Okuyasu: Well, you say that Ethan Fredrick becomes well-known like Kamen Rider Decade while I'm like Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger.
Robert: Wait, Ethan Fredrick aka Kamen Rider Primordial! He's like the new Decade while you're the new Gokaiger.
Okusayu: nodded Indeed, me and Ethan are well-known heroes who can transform into both Riders and Sentai, even DaiKaiju and Megaforce as well.
He felt his pocket buzzing and grabbed his phone. He has a message from Plumber Site B that there's another mission to DaiKaiju-Verse. Okusayu puts his phone back inside his left pocket as he summons the Dimensional Gap just like Decade, he faces back at the Knight Riders.
Okuyasu: Well guys, I gotta go.
Ivan: Aw, but we just started having a conversation with you.
Okuyasu: Probably next time, rookies. You'll see me one of these days.
He walks through the Dimensional Gap and heads to Plumber Site B, as the Gap disappears..Ivan's girlfriends: Robin (Carrie Kelly), Orphan (Cassandra Cain), Batgirl (Helena Wayne) and Barbara Gordon (Manga Batgirl) came in late. The girls got their battle stance in Power Rangers formation while Ivan and his team stared at them dumbfounded.
Robin (Carrie): Don't worry, darling. We'll protect you!
Orphan (Cassandra): monotone We'll defeat those bozos.
Manga Batgirl (Barbara): They'll never pass through us!
Batgirl (Helena Wayne): And we'll never
The Batgirls saw Amanda Waller and her Suicide Squad members has been defeated before they take action, the girls faces back at Ivan and his team.
Robin (Carrie): Let me guess..Rainbow Ranger.
Knight Riders: nodded & unison Yes.
Then Manga Batgirl kicked the rock to the window of the damaged cafe, and she yells out loud.
Manga Batgirl (Barbara): yells ONORE RAINBOW RANGER!!
Carrie, Helena and Cassandra stare at her with sweatdropped.
Girls: -_- Wrong catchphrase, Barbara.
Manga Barbara: It is now, ladies. I can't help it when Carrie spends her time in the shower.
Carrie: glare It wasn't me, Barbara. It was Helena who got her fat ass in the shower for 10 minutes.
Helena: fake innocent It wasn't me, it was a one arm man.
Cassandra: glare Don't go Jim Carrey on us, bimbo. Carrie is lucky to have given her virginity to Ivan.
Carrie: love sigh I'll never forget that night.
Helena: dumbfounded Has Carrie gone horny version of Janine Melnitz from Ghostbusters now.
Carrie shot her glare at Helena.
Carrie: glare No! I am not like Janine Melnitz.
Manga Barbara: mimicking I'm not like Janine Melnitz normal Is that what you sound like?
Carrie: glare At least I didn't have a wet dream about Ivan in bed.
Manga Barbara: glare Oh really, what about Cassandra..she masturbates all night and all she does is moaning and can't keep her mouth shut, she even interrupted my dreams!
Cassandra: Hey! I couldn't help it while Carrie was snuggling with Ivan all night.
The girls begin to argue with each other while the others stare at them sweatdropped, Ivan faces back at his team.
Robert: You're lucky that you have four girlfriends from outside of Bat-Verse.
Stella: Even though they do always get along.
Ivan: sighed I know, as long as they won't go 'batty' around.
Lucas covered his face with his hand and he sighed.
Robert: Dude, that was a terrible pun.
They, facing back at the girls, kept on arguing in the middle of the damaged street, as long as they didn't end up strangling each other.
=======Cybertron Fury's Universe=======
When the city is under attack by Neo Goldar's army, he destroys everything in his path while his minions hold the civilians hostage.
Goldar: evil smile Flee, flee, run for your lives. There is nowhere to hide.
???: Nowhere to hide, eh?
Goldar: confused Huh?!
Him and his army turned around as they saw Peter Master, Sora Hyoudou, Carlos Johnathan and Mai Gremory come towards them, he pointed his sword at them.
Goldar: glare Who are you children, you're not the power Rangers.
Peter: Nope, but we're different from other Dino Rangers. We can summon any Dinozords.
Sora: nodded Yeah, after all..we are the new Rangers in town.
Carlos: Why don't you buzz off, bird brain.
Mai: smirk Yeah, Golden chicken.
She sticks her tongue at them by making Goldar annoyed, he growls at Peter and his friends.
Peter: smirk Let's make some introduction, shall we. It's morphin time!
They've brought their morphin grid on their left wrist to transform, all four press the keys to the grid and begin all of their transformation. Peter turns into a Red Ranger-like Grimlock, Sora turns into a Blue Ranger version of Sludge, Carlos transforms into a Yellow Ranger of Slug and finally Mai transforms into a Pink Ranger of Slash. All four Rangers get into their Cosmic Fury stance to battle, when they're done their transformation..they are facing back at Goldar and his army.
Grimlock Ranger: Red Ranger Stance Let's Roll Out! Grimlock Ranger!
Sludge Ranger: Blue Ranger Stance Time to slam some bad guys! Sludge Ranger!
Slug Ranger: Yellow Ranger Stance I'll turn them into dust! Slug Ranger!
Slash Ranger: Pink Ranger Stance Time to take down some baddies! Slash Ranger!
Grimlock Ranger: We are..Power Rangers....
Goldar: *shouted* GET THEM!
All of his minions began to battle against the Rangers, Cybertron Fury Rangers began to fight against Goldar's army. Grimlock started blasted at them with his Tyranno-Pistol by destroying them completely, he energized his energy pistol and he pulls the trigger as the energon aura blasted all of his army completed.
Grimlock Ranger: *fist in the air* Yeah!
Sludge Ranger slashing then with his Tri-Saber and he spins the Tricera-Crest around and he spins his saber to slashed them into ashes, they exploded into dust and he puts his saber on his back.
Sludge Ranger: *smirking* That's how to get rid of those aliens.
Slug and Slash Rangers are busy fighting Goldar's army, but..Slash was fooling around with them by getting knock in the back of her head by Slug Ranger.
Slash Ranger: *glare* OW! What was that for?
Slug Ranger: *glare* No time for fooling around, dummy. Alien invasion problem.
She punched the Puddy behind her while it was knocked out cold, she grabbed another Puddy as she threw it to the said. She brought out her Raptor-Dagger, she dashes towards them and she slashes them all into pieces as they'll explode. Sludge sweatdropped at her skills, and he shouted at her.
Sludge Ranger: *shouted* SHOW OFF!
He summons his Bronto-Hammer, he slammed the ground causing electric waves by making Goldar's minions exploded. All of Rangers got together and they combine their weapons together in the powerful blaster.
Grimlock Ranger: Let's finish this!
They unleashed the powerful orange beam at Goldar as it pushes him far away while he's screaming agony, he finally explodes in dust. They turned back to normal state, they fist pump together.
Peter: *smiles* We did it.
Sora: *smiles* Heck yeah we do.
They felt their pocket buzzing, they're checking their phones as the Plumbers send them a message.
Carlos: *confused* Huh?! Why Plumbers wants all of us to go to Monarch Outpost Site?
Sora: They're at Barbados.
Mai: Where the hell is that at?
Peter: It's at Caribbean.
Sora: Let's go then.
They walked towards their futuristic helicopter.
They got inside of the helicopter, Peter turned on the switches and buttons. It began to auto-pilot as it headed to Monarch Outpost, and Mai spoke.
Mai: Still, where the hell is Barbados?
Boys: Shut up, Mai!
While the helicopter is flying away, a strange teenage boy with god-like immortality was watching the rangers from the distances.
???: Hmm, so these are mortal humans with power. Pfft, let's see how strong they're while I have mine.
He pulls out the purple driver resembles of Legendriver.
As the screen fades black, it has been activated.
See ya in next chapter.
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