Prologue: Awaken of the Ancient Miraculous
No Pov.
========Meanwhile at Monarch Outpost HQ=======
When all of Heisei Heroes celebrating their victory against Virgolial and Dormammu, ever since they join forces with Ben Tennyson, Plumbers and Megaforce-Verse Heroes. Kongamato went outside to get some air while carrying his fried shrimps to eat, then he looked around the headquarters while the whole world has been saved by Monarch and DaiKaiju Heroes.
However, he felt something far away from here to there. He looked around the area and he decided to eat all the shrimps and spits out the shells out, he flew up in the air to find the mysterious aura.
Kongamato: What is this mysterious aura come from, I better find it somewhere.
Then he flies away from HQ to find the unknown aura, when Spitter saw him flying away from HQ and he decided to follow him instead.
======In Africa, Congo=======
When Kongamato flies around his home area to find an unknown aura as he getting tired, he landed softly to the ground of wilderness and wipe his sweatness off of his forehead and crest.
Kongamato: sighed There's nothing around here in my old home, I don't know where is that power source coming from.
Kongamato sat on the log, then he heard a twig snapped as he jumpscare and he faces at Spitter who followed him.
Kongamato: cranky Spitter! What the hell are you doing here?!
Spitter: Following you, to see what you were doing?
Kongamato: Well, I'm trying to find this mysterious power source coming from. But I can't find it.
Spitter: Hmm, let's see then.
He began to sense it through his nose, he's looking around and pointed at the woods.
Spitter: It's coming from those woods.
Kongamato: What? You mean it?
Spitter: Yep, let's go.
Spitter began to follow the power source while Kongamato follows him to the woods, they will find it somewhere inside the woods.
=====Middle of the woods======
Spitter slashes through the tall grass, Kongamato follows him behind as they keep on follow the power source as Spitter kept on sniffing the trail. Him and Kongamato are heading towards to the ancient ruins of Kongamato's sacred home, he turn his head at Kongamato and he pointed at the ruins. Kongamato nodded and they both went further, Spitter moves the tall grass and finally..they've saw an ancient temple of the guardian African Monsters.
Spitter: This must be your old home.
Kongamato: nodded Yeah, before it was destroyed by our traitor of Saurian brothers.
Spitter: Who?
Kongamato: Nguma Monene, the Spinosaurian Warlord. He got here before this chinese man name Master Wu was making this ancient necklace of me, my father saved him from Nguma.
Spitter: Why this No-guma fella wants to kill him?
Kongamato: Nguma wants war against humanity, but he discover that these 'Miraculous' gives powers to their human host. These little creatures are called Kwami, they go inside of anything like earrings, rings, necklace, bracelet, or anything items that humans wear. Nguma Monene wants the Kwami's powers for energize our saurian kind. But, Kasai doesn't want to drain every single Kwami.
Spitter: Then what happened?
Kongamato: Nguma Monene gather his minions, Ropen the Pterodactyl, Ngokoko the Hyena Anthro, J'ba Fofi the Spider Beast, and Mourou N'gou the Sabertooth Tiger. Him and his minions rage war agianst humanity, all they want to drain every Kwami to gain powers by becoming the rulers of African. But, me and my friends: Kasai Rex, Mokele Mbembe, Emela Ntouka, and Mbielu-Mbielu-Mbielu. Kasai is a T-rex, Mokele is and Brontosaurus, Emela is a Styracosaurian and Mbielu is the Stegosaurian.
Spitter: How come you guys weren't part of his rally?
Kongamato: Us African Crpytic Saurians are guardians of nature guards every african's home from danger, but those Miraculous..we don't want to get involved within.
Spitter: Hold on, let me get this straight: You African Saurians doesn't want to get involved with Master Wu's Kwami heroism.
Kongamato: Kasai has order that we're guardians of African, but Nguma Monene wants war against humanity and gain powers from every Kwamis so he can destroy all of us, so that he'll be the Warlord of the world.
Spitter: Still though, you guys don't want to get involved with Kwamis.
Kongamato shook his head and he's facing back at his father's temple, he walked towards the temple by leaving Spitter standing next to the ancient ruin statue of Kongamato's father. He catches up to him as they're walking to the temple stairs where are they leading to, Kongamato looked around his old home and saw his parent's nest. He sadly sighed as he puts his hand on his parents next.
Kongamato: sad smile I remember this when I was a baby pterodactyl back in 1495, I've always been so happy to see my parents and show me to the world.
Spitter: You missed them, huh?
Kongamato: nodded Yeah, ever since my mom took me to safety while my dad distracting Nguma Monene. Then my mother took where Union Academy was born in 2005, I was 18,000 years old.
Spitter: Let me guess, in human year version is 8 years old.
Kongamato: Yes, my mom always told me to find somewhere hidden so no humans knows about our existence. Like we all Titans do, we keep hidden so humans can't find us.
Spitter: And that's why we always keep our friends and family safe.
Kongamato: Let's keep moving and see what we've discover.
He walked towards the entrance of the temple of the Congo Basin, Kongamato opened the doors as he awe of the inside temple of his family tribe. Spitter awed as he brought a camera and took a picture, Kongamato now notice that Spitter holding a camera and he sees Kongamato staring at him.
Spitter: confused What?
Kongamato: How the hell did you learn to take pictures with that camera?
Spitter: Oh, since some of us are Kaijus or Titans, Jiro taught us to learn technology. We've already know Kaijins learn humanitarian, so Jiro and his siblings teaches us to use them.
Kongamato: I don't know how to use them, I'm a Pterosaur, I might end it up breaking it.
Spitter: shrug Eh, suit yourself.
He took another picture of the ancient carving of Kongamato's family tribe worship by African tribal. Kongamato looking around as he finally saw a necklace that Master Wu has left it on the stone.
Kongamato: Hmm, so this is where Wu created this necklace.
He walked towards it and walking in circle, what he did not know is that a piece of Pterosaur's claw on the necklace. When he's about to touch it, a bright reddish glow from the claw as a creature pops out from the necklace. It yawn and stretches it's body, and he rubbed it's eyes to see.
???: yawn Hmm, where am I?
A small kwami version of Kongamato looked around inside of the temple, but he notice Kongamato is in front of him, he yelped and flew behind the stone to hide. Kongamato faces back at Spitter as he shrugged, he walked towards the stone and he sees the Kwami-Kongamato again.
Kongamato: It's okay..uh..little me, I guess?
???: Oh, so are you not gonna dispose of me?
Kongamato: What? No, I'm not gonna do that. I am here to see this necklace's aura, and I knew it was you.
???: So you know it was me, well I am a different version of you.
Kongamato: Alright then, what's your name?
???: I..I uh..don't have a name.
Kongamato: Hmm, how about Horizon.
Horizon: Horizon smiles I like that name.
Kongamato: nodded Horizon it is, let me introduce myself. My name is Kongamato, the African Cryptic Pterosaur of the Skies.
Horizon: Nice to meet you, Mentor Kongamato.
Kongamato: Mentor?
Horizon: Yeah, you're the strongest Titans around the world. So, that makes you my mentor.
Kongamato: Okay, one thing though.
Horizon: What's that?
Kongamato: What's this necklace for?
Horizon: I think this one elder man named Wu has created a Miraculous Necklace, so someone can be the King of Miraculous.
Kongamato: confused King of Miraculous?
Then Spitter stood next him.
Spitter: What does that mean?
Horizon saw Spitter standing next to Kongamato.
Horizon: Who's this kaiju?
Kongamato: This is my friend, Spitter. He's a Dilophosaurus, he was formerly created by InGen before he'd escaped the island and met Virtus back then in Union Arc in the year of 2021. Back to the topic, what does even that mean?
Horizon: Master Wu wants someone stronger than Hawkmoth, so he can bring smile, joy, freedom and vigilance. Like you guys, he needs someone to help all Miraculous Heroes. Those who have pure heart, helpful, trust and wisdom, but only me.
Kongamato is thinking to see who is worthy to wield a Necklace Miraculous and Horizon, and Spitter as well. If Kongamato remembers the kid who he just saved ever since the Union Arc in 2021.
=====Flashback, Salt Lake City 2021======
A long time ago, Kongamato remembers the time that Phantom Task invaded the city and captured all of the boys and girls, and even a 5 year old boy named Ace Skylar who was struggling while Autumn held him.
Ace (Young): grunt Let me go!
Autumn: smirk I don't think so, kid. We'll take you along with the other little kids and get experienced to become one of us.
Young Ace's eyes widened in terror, suddenly Autumn's right ear intercom went off.
Autumn: groan What is it, I'm going fast as I can.
Phantom Task: intercom static We've.....der.......attack!....fall....back!
Autumn: serious Why is that?
A powerful beam blasted Autumn from behind by letting Young Ace go, screaming while falling down in the sky. But, something grabbed his shoulders to carry him. Ace looked around as he saw two pairs of feet carrying him in the skies, he looked up as he saw a reddish pterodactyl aka Kongamato who saved him.
Ace (Young): amazed Whoa! A real living breathing Pterosaur!
Kongamato faces down at him as he growls softly to him, carrying back to his parents' house. But, a beam shot to his left to get his attention and it growled at Autumn who zoomed towards him.
Autumn: glare That's impossible! No prehistoric dinosaur has survived from 65 million years ago. Well then, I'll make sure every living beast goes extinct! Take this, you overgrown bird!
She launches missiles at the pterosaur, then he glares at her and dodges the missiles while carefully carrying Ace. Kongamato flew to the ground and let Ace drop off to the ground about 6 inches, he turns back at Autumn by screeching at her.
Autumn: glare You think your existence can save humanity, humanity doesn't need creatures like you exist. Humanity will be the Gods forever!
Then Kongamato screeched at her, and dived towards her and suddenly carried her robotic legs by ripping it in half.
Autumn: eyes widened NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
He chomped with his powerful beak by ripping another robotic leg off, and he finally threw her to several trees by knocking her out cold. A pterosaurian monster landed in front of her and she was unconscious, then he screeched in victory for his match. Kongamato turned back at Ace and carried him back to his family house, Ace looked down below as he saw his parents waving for him. He smiled in joy as he faced back at his savior.
Red Pterosaur: screech Skrrraaoooggkk!
Ace: nodded Yeah, that's my parents.
Timeskip, Ace's parents thanks to the pterosaur who saved their son from the Phantom Task. When Kongamato was about to fly away, Young Ace called out for him.
Ace (Young): yells Hey!
Kongamato turns back at young Ace, Ace ran towards him by giving him a hug. He felt Ace's hug and he'd never felt it before, he looked down to him and he slowly gave him a hug as well. It was Kongamato's first time to give a hug to a human child, he even felt his emotion that many Titans ever felt. He pulled away from Ace, Kongamato screeched softly to Ace and he finally flew away. Ace's parents waved at him while Ace watched him fly away, Ace spoke to his famous quote that he'll remember his childhood hero, as the winds started to breeze by blowing Ace's hair.
(A/n: This is a quote from Studio Ghibli's The Wind Rises, Man I love that Movie).
Ace (Young): The Wind rises, we must try to live.
=====Back to Reality=======
Kongamato remembers everything that he mentioned in Ace's quote, and he spoke in front of both Spitter and Horizon.
Kongamato: The wind rises, we must try to live.
Spitter: confused Huh?
Horizon: confused Say what now?
Kongamato: It's that little boy's quote, his name is Ace. His favorite quote is from Ghibli's The Wind Rises, that movie is Ace's favorite one.
Spiter: The wind rises, we must try to live? Is that what he said?
Kongamato: nodded Yes, he wants to become like me. He thinks of me as his childhood hero.
Spitter: What is his name again?
Kongamato: His name is Ace Skylar, he lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Horizon: Hmm, I think he's a worthy wielder to me. But, I must tell you about Kongamato, before Master Wu came here. He came from Paris, but I must stay in Utah. So the Miraculous wielders must come to Utah.
Kongamato: When will they come?
Horizon: They will come till their field trip day.
Spitter: And how many days till they stay here, before they'll go back to Paris?
Horizon: They will stay at Utah till Saturday on April 20th, and they'll leave till May 10th on Monday.
Kongamato: Okay, we'll get there by tomorrow.
Spitter: Then what? Who's coming with you?
Kongamato: Hmm, I would rather choose Pacha, Thunderbolt and Crocosaurus.
Spitter: groan Great, you're gonna be stuck with those two knuckleheads.
Horizon: confused Who are the knuckleheads?
Kongamato: Thunderbolt the Electro-Lizard and Crocosaurus the Prehistoric Crocodile, they're both friends sometimes and they're similar to Tom the Cat and Jerry the Mouse. Even though Thunderbolt has a capability called Toon Force, he can get hurt or not, but Thunderbolt can still feel the pain sometimes.
Horizon: So, he's a more cartoon-ish type of Titan.
Spitter/Kongamato: nodded Yes.
Horizon: Huh, who knew.
Kongamato: Okay Horizon, get back inside of the necklace. I'll carry you inside of the necklace.
He nodded and transported inside of the Pterosaur Claw Necklace, Kongamato grabbed the necklace and he faced back at Spitter who's looking around the ancient temple.
Kongamato: Spitter, let's go.
Spitter faces back at him, and he hopped on his back. Since Kongamato is taller than Spitter, he is able to carry 4-5 foot Titans with light weight. He began to flap his wings and flew out of the temple to head home back to Monarch Outpost, but there was a certain Kaiju legionary who survived from the Omni-Wars of DaiKaiju-Verse and Megaforce-Verse. Both Bagira and Leviagon survived from the wars Leviagon faced at Bagira.
Leviagon: They think their little adventures are finished, I don't think so buddy.
Bagira: The Past has returned, nobody will escape from the past in this future. Hehehaha.
Leviagon: That's right, we're gonna have our revenge and this world of humanity will be ours once again for our former master: Virgolial. DarKaiju Legions and Apex Cybernetics will rise again!
Bagira: evil laugh Yeah! No one will stop us.
They both watch Kongamato flying away while carrying a necklace and Spitter riding on Kongamato's back, DarKaiju Legions will rise again to take over the world..but the next generation will come.
As the screen fades black, the theme song begins to play while the opening titles popped out.
The footage shows a prehistoric pterosaur who survived from 65 million years before dinosaurs went extinct, a red pterosaur swooping and diving to grab a fish with its feet.
A video shows a superhero in Paris a long time ago, an heroin teenage girl has a suit of Ladybug and a blonde-haired female wearing a suit of the black cat saving Paris from evil.
(A/n: Pretend this is Female Adrien)
Another image has shown an African Cryptic Pterosaur is so large to carry any fishes, it even revealed in front of people.
Parisian superheroes are known as Miraculous Heroes, led by Ladybug and Cat Noir. Two heroes will face their main enemy is Hawkmoth. Ladybug and Cat Noir facing Akumatized Villains to turn them back to normal civilians.
The footage shows a red pterosaur's name is Kongamato who lives in the Congo Basin of Africa, it also left its' country to live in a place that has peaceful woods and a pond. It was discovered by Monarch in 1935, Kongamato was a sacred guardian to African culture.
It shows the photos of Monarch crew members discovering the new ancient Miraculous Hero who is similar to Kongamato, they discovered the evolution of the ancient past of the King of all Miraculous.
The Next Superhero comes after Spider-Man Z, a new hero will arise.
DAIKAIJU NEXT............
See ya in next chapter.
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