No Pov.
======Meanwhile in Kaiju Village======
NinKaiju was chopping the shark's head off, and he began to make some fried shark steak. Him alongside Pacha the Puma Anthro are chopping more sharks' heads off to cook some steak, Pacha was sweating by wiping his head off with his hand and facing back at NinKaiju.
Pacha: Phew! Man, who knew chopping these shark's heads off to make some fried steak out of them.
NinKaiju: Indeed, Pacha. It's like they say: It's nature, we ancient animals always hunt or prey on raw meat.
Pacha: Easy for you to say, you always hunt bugs.
NinKaiju: Yes and I am Sacred Frogs that eat insects, I heard these giant bugs on this island.
Pacha: Even though many humans still tried to come to our island. Don't they see us Monsters live on this island and they should've put: Monster Island on the map?
NinKaiju: Well, you got a point there. Many humans didn't believe in monsters back then.
Pacha: Hell, even Serizawa told us that Virtus despised Meddling Mystery Solvers who thinks monsters are just costumes back then when he first encountered Mystery Inc.
NinKaiju: Don't forget he even destroyed Superman and the Leaguers completely in his Zo Zla Holowa form, he'd almost destroy the world with that form. But, Riku opened the two portals to both Gotham City of Batman & Ninja Turtles and Metropolis of Justice League/ RWBY while he and Superman were fighting. He even threatened them by giving them a warning, he'll destroy the cities like it was back in 1954.
Pacha: Yeah, he even-
When he was about to say it, a certain kaiju spoke behind Pacha.
???: He turned Metropolis and Gotham City into the River of Flames.
They both turned at Sakima, the Oklahoman Saurophaganax who walked in.
Sakima: He wasn't like this a long time ago, Virtus is still in his Titan state and he's still the same ever since.
Pacha: That's what I'm saying, he never went back to normal every day. He's still waiting for something, what is he waiting for?
Sakima: Probably something else, we don't know what else he'll do.
As they heard shouting voices from the distances.
And they saw clouds of dust rushing from the trail, then Thunderbolt stopped in front of them.
Thunderbolt: smiles Oh, howdy gentlemen.
Pacha: uncertain Howdy?
NinKaiju: Fooling Croc, right?
Thunderbolt: smiles Yes sir, I just did the funniest shit I've ever done.
Sakima notices a log has been thrown towards them, he tapped NinKaiju's shoulder to look up and Pacha saw it too. Three Kaiju Buddies backed away from Thunderbolt as he stared at them with his confused look.
Thunderbolt: confused What?
The log finally squished Thunderbolt to the ground by flattening his body into paper, the guys heard footsteps as they saw Crocosaurus with charcoal dirt all over him.
Crocosaurus: Did I get that little runt!
Guys: nodded Yes.
Crocosaurus shook all the charcoal dirt off of him.
Crocosaurus: Good, I always need a flatten Squirt.
Thunderbolt stretches his body out of the log while his body is thin like a cartoon character, he puts his thumb to his mouth by turning himself like a balloon and he releases his thumb by making his body back to normal.
Thunderbolt: What a relief.
Suddenly, a drone flies towards them as Thunderbolt has mail and the drone flies away. Thunderbolt opened the mail as his eyes widened and he yelled in excitement.
Thunderbolt: excitement YEE HOOO!
NinKaiju, Sakima, Pacha and Crocosaurus stared at him when he got excited mysteriously, Pacha walked towards him by patting his shoulder.
Sakima: Hate to ask you, but what's with this excitement about?
Thunderbolt: smiles My nephew is coming here.
NinKaiju/ Sakima/ Pacha/ Crocosaurus: unison except Crocosaurus Your nephew?/ Aw shit!
Thunderbolt: nodded Yep, he's coming here to Monster Island. Let's go!
He zoomed off to the main entrance to the wall, they all facing each other and shrugged to go to the entrance.
=====Main Entrance of Monster Island=======
When all Monster Island Buddies are at the main entrance while Jiro, Miki, Kenji & Kirby Serizawa, Stewart Russell and Sarah Graham are at the entrance as well.
(A/n: Here's the list again from the Prologue, also Virtus is still in Titan state from the last time and resting back at Mammoth Cave, Tennessee).
-Trigger Happy the Cowboy Gremlin Kaijin
-Thunderbolt the Electro-Lizard Kaiju
-Crocosaurus the Ancient Crocodile Kaiju
-Razor the Timber Wolf Anthro
-Spitter the Radiated Dilophosaurus
-NinKaiju the Ninja Frog Kaijin
-Kongamato the Ancient African Pterosaur
-Yin the Light/Darkness Dragoness (Virtus' Mate/Wife)
-Krystaldon the Crystal Dinosaur
-Pacha the Wild Puma Anthro
-Tatsugon (Draco) the Gliding Lizard Kaiju
-Phanto-Storm (Ghost Storm) the Phantasmic Reptilian Storm
-Sakima the Saurophaganax Kaiju
-Sylvia the Sylveon Anthro (Trigger Happy's Mate/Wife)
-Aqualina the Aqua Anole Kaiju (Thunderbolt's Mate/Wife)
-Salazzia the Fiery Salazzle Kaiju (Crocosaurus' Mate/Wife)
-Draco-Bat the Draconian Bat Kaiju
-Charigon the Charizard Kaiju
-Victoria the V-Arceon Dragon (Charigon's Mate/Wife and Virtus' Sister)
-JawChomp the GarChomp Kaiju
-Feraligatodon the Feraligatr Kaiju
-Sandora the Reptilian Desert Sand Spirit
-Vina the Aquarian Victorian Dragoness (Sakima's Mate/Wife and Virtus' Cousin)
-Genbu the Black Tortoise
-Seiryu the Azure Dragon
-Byakko the White Tiger Kaijin
-Suzaku the Fiery Phoenix (Kongamato's Mate/Wife) [Revived]
-Ghidorus (Vigo) the Spawn of Guardian Ghidorah [Leader]
-Kit (Bibi) the Flying Fox Kaijin
-Exagon the Red Extreme Dragon
-Milotina the Milotic Dragoness (Exagon's Mate/Wife)
-King Bahamut the Ruler of Dragons [Leader]
-Sobek the Ancient Crocodilian Titan (Crocosaurus' Brother)
-Virtus Junior the V-Arceon/Light & Darkness Dragon
-Trigger Sam the Gremlin Anthro
-Bolt the Electro-Aqua Lizard Kaiju
-Kaprosaurus the Flaming Crocodilian Kaiju
-Akame the Comet Dragon Kaiju
-Fang the Red Wolf Anthro
-Slice the Dilophosaurus Kaiju (Adopted Daughter of Spitter)
-Ninjagon the Ninja Dragon (Student of NinKaiju)
-Pyromato the Fiery Pterosaur (Son of Kongamato and Suzaku)
-Crystalina the Crystalize Amphibious Kaiju (Daughter of Krystaldon & Raiga)
-Hara the Aquatic Saurophaganax (Daughter of Sakima & Vina)
-Exagonix the Triphibious Dragon (Son of Exagon & Milotina)
-Bass the Basilisk Kaiju
-Norm the Noivern Bat Kaiju
-Tyrok the Tyrunt Kaiju (Adopted Son of Wreckor)
-Lina the Liepard Anthro (Adopted Daughter of Pacha)
-Flare the Blazing Dragon (Daughter of Charigon & Victoria)
-Vertigo the Mythical Snox Dragon [Leader]
-Stinger the Shoosuva Kaijin
-Electroy the Dragon Eel Kaijin
-Leviathan the Red Mosasaur Kaijin
-Radios the Draconian Pterosaur Kaiju
-Radian the Draconian Ice Kaiju (Radios' Half Sister)
-Daiyu the Ninja Dilophosaurus
-Onyx the Earth Drake
-Soe the Eastern Dragoness (Vertigo's Mate/Wife [New Member])
-Fiona the Mystic Koi Fox (Stinger's Mate/Wife [New Member])
-Samantha the Leopard Seal Kaijin (Leviathan's Mate/Wife [New Member])
-Coral the Betafish Kaijin (Electroy's Mate/Wife [New Member])
-Decadus the Barcode Deinonychus Kaiju [Leader]
-Dicode the Barcode Neovenator Kaiju
-Kivia the Female Dragonbat (Decadus' Soulmate and Draco-Bat's Kinfolk)
-Aerosaur the Aerial Nyctosaurus Kaiju (Voice of H20 Delirious)
-Armorok the Smashing Ceratosaur (Voice of Cartoonz)
-Wreckor the Blazing Dinosaur Kaiju [Leader]
-Shadoebreakor the Electric Black Wyvern [ 2nd Leader]
-Apesh the Egyptian Turtle Kaiju
-Lunark aka Ghost-Moon the Albino Pterosaur
-Goryeo Shisa the Ancient Shisa
-King Hydrogon the Aquatic Dinosaur Kaiju
-Dyoguirus the Irradiated Dyoplosaurus Kaiju
(A/n: Also, Drakhan and Koroshi are back at Monarch HQ inside of the Video game Arcade console).
Everyone is together at last while the mechas are back at Monarchpolis patrolling the city, Kirby Serizawa walks towards Thunderbolt who is excited to see his nephew for the first time.
Kirby: So, why are we here again?
Thunderbolt: To see my grateful nephew.
Trigger: We didn't know you have a nephew.
Genbu: Wait a minute, how come you have a nephew in the year like this? You're the last kind of Thunderian Lizards.
Thunderbolt: That's right, I am, but I don't think so. I have a sister, her name is Electra.
Tatsugon: mischievous What is she from, Marvel?
He chuckles and Thunderbolt glared at him, he faces back at the main entrance. They've heard a hovercraft heading towards the entrance of Monster Island, it landed slightly near the entrance as it slowly opened the doors. Everyone was staring at the door while slowly opening, then it wide opened as it revealed a gothic version of Thunderbolt.
All of the gang's eyes widened, and even Crocosaurus' jaw dropped.
Everyone: eyes widened WHAT?!?!?!
Crocosaurus: speechless .............That's your nephew?
Thunderbolt got in front of his gothic nephew.
Thunderbolt: smiles Yes indeed, my Titan friends and human allies. This is Jolt, he's my sister's son and my nephew.
Jolt: sighed You don't have to introduce me, uncle.
Thunderbolt: smiles Come on, J. I know you're excited to meet everyone.
Bolt: Dad, this is my cousin?
Thunderbolt: nodded Yep, he's your cousin.
Aqualina: But he's the exact opposite version of you. You're happy, troublemaking, prankster, mischievous, wacky and helpful, while your nephew is..sorrow, goth, non-happy and..uhm.....disbelief. Am I right?
Jolt: Thank you, auntie.
Kongamato: But, he's a different version of you, buddy.
Goryeo Shisa: I'm with Kongamato here, your nephew is different.
Crocosaurus: sighed in relief I thought there's a twin version of you, and now a normal calm version of pipsqueak.
Jolt: confused Pipsqueak?
Razor whispers to him.
Razor: whispers He's talking about your idiot uncle.
Jolt: Oh.
Thunderbolt: But, even though we all Titan friends have some rules in this world anyway.
Jolt: serious And that is?
Thunderbolt: We cannot-
Crocosaurus bonked Thunderbolt's head by knocking him out and let Jiro introduce himself to Jolt.
Jiro: Sorry for knocking out your uncle, I'm Jiro Serizawa, Head of Monarch Society.
Jolt: bow Pleasure to meet you, Dr. Serizawa. Jolt is my name.
Jiro: Welcome to Monarch Outpost Island aka Monster Island, where all of Titan's allies live here for safety from military threats.
Jolt: Hmm, so the military wants to destroy all of us?
Jiro: sighed Yes.
Jolt: Also, are there rules in this island or Monarchpolis?
Jiro: Yes, in this world of DaiKaiju-Verse, we Monarch keep all Ancient Titans safe from the Military or government. Also, they don't trust any aliens from space, demons such as Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, Seven Deadly Sins or others like them..
Jolt: curious Why?
Jiro whispers to his ear.
Jiro: whispers They don't trust them, because..they're demons from the underworld ever since Rias Gremory and her peerage at Union Academy. They also came from the underworld as well, it's in their animal instinct and trust issues.
Jolt: nodded Right.
Jiro: normal tone And also, they've protected humanity from Titan threat, kaijins, fake heroes, villains, corrupted people, mutants, crimes and others. Second rule is be on the look out for this woman named Nancy Oleson Howard, she's well-known villainess ever since she discovered our world and Megaforce in 1995.
Kirby: Third rule is that us Monarch members or Kamen Riders always stand together with our Titan allies to fight. Fourth rule, all Titans must not trust those who have a devious scheme by making you as their test subject.
Miki: The last rule of Monarch & Titans always stick together with this rule: Be strong enough to stand alone, be yourself enough to stand apart, but be wise enough to stand together when time comes.
Jolt: confused What's that supposed to mean?
NinKaiju: If those who stand alone in battles, he or she has been defeated. Till dawn, the heroes stand together with their leader to face their enemies.
Jolt:...Okay? So, how does everyone keep hidden?
Spitter: We always have to fight in the shadows like all vigilantes, so every human will know us as legends. We Titans always stick together, we are one big colossal family.
K. Bahamut: He's right, kid. All of us Titans are family, those who survived from wars, extinction and others. Everyone is here at last, we are Earth's Ancient Monsters who live before humanity.
Leviathan: And we always stick together, no one will ever take away their loved ones.
Jolt: Hmm, what about this Magnus Foundation?
Titans: unison Magnus Foundation?
Thunderbolt woke up from his unconsciousness.
Thunderbolt: Magnus Foundation? What the actual fuck is that?
Jiro clears his throat by getting all the Titans' attention, they face him and Jiro will tell them about the new threat.
Jiro: I will tell you what Magnus Foundation is.
======3 Minutes Later======
All of Titan's allies raise their voices so loud on the island.
Titans: unison & shouting WHAT?!?!?!
All of the Earth's Monsters are now angry and pissed off that the senators and admirals decided to take down the Titans.
Spitter: cranky That's bullshit! After all we did is saving lives from evil threats like Virgolial, Ohma Timer, Eternaterra, Mecha-Virgo, Chifuyu Orimura, Ozpin, Gen. Ironwood, Rias Gremory, Gendo Ikari, Cherufe of Alola, Devastator, Samael the Fiend Demonikian, Nightmaraigorg, Kaiser X-Omega, Mia Toshiro and her parents & sister, Esdeath, Hawkmoth, KingPin, Lex Luthor, Justice League, Huntsmen, Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Pro-Heroes, I.S. Pilots, Sirzechs Gremory, Khaos Brigade, Salem & Inner Circle, Superman, Rowan the Destroyer, Another Riders, DarKaiju Legions, Apex Cybernetics, and all of the fake heroes, villains and enemies we've been defeated for the longest damn time!
Crocosaurus: anger Yeah! They can't do that to us!
Kongamato: dislike We've been here for the longest time before humans, we did our jobs before they did. They don't give a damn about, all they want is "superheroes" to save this puny world from villains. Those bozos didn't save lives, there's street traffickers, rapists, robbery, drug dealers, molesters, etc. No matter what, there's still crime out there.
Sobek: burp I think I've eaten that rapist before when he's about to rape that female student.
Armorok: eyes widened You've eaten the rapist when he's about to be arrested?!
Sobek: glare It's only one time, just let it go.
Aerosaur: Dude..that's sick.
Sobek: glare Don't even think about it.
Aerosaur: Alright, alright, jeez. You don't have to brag about it.
Trigger Happy: How could they do this to us? We saved the world and the Omniverse from both Virgolial and Dormammu while we DaiKaiju Heroes and Monarch joined forces with Megaforce Heroes and Plumbers.
Pacha: But Rick's son did the stupidest thing he ever did, kill the Senators and now we're in deep trouble.
Byakko: sighed Yep, he's an idiot.
Seiryu: nodded Now we are in real trouble.
Sarah: Now we have to keep you all Titans safe from them.
Stewart: She does get a point, the military will wipe you all out completely.
Kenji: But we cannot let this happen though.
Miki: Those people will never get away with this.
???: female voice Sis is right, we'll have the rights to save all of the Titans.
They saw Yuki Serizawa walking from the entrance and she stood next to Jiro.
Yuki: Since the Senators are already dead, all we need to do is take action against this Magnus Foundation.
Thunderbolt: Yeah, ever since we have color codes for Fake Heroes.
Razor: Red is Union Academy, Blue is now Magnus Foundation, unknown to Yellow, Green, Orange and Purple.
Jiro: Okay, we need to act fast before those fakers will come here.
Stewart: Me and Miki will guide our Titan friends to safety.
Jiro: Right, let's get to work.
Miki/ Yuki/ Kirby/ Kenji/ Stewart/ Sarah/ Titans: *nodded* Right.
Then everyone began to take action for the next mission to face their new enemies, while they left Thunderbolt with his nephew.
Jolt: So...are we gonna do something, uncle?
Thunderbolt: *smiles* Yes, indeed, my gothic nephew. We are going to fight those fakers once again. DaiKaiju Warriors are back in action *shouted* WE NEVER RETIRED YET! ONWARD, JOLT!
He zoomed off somewhere while Jolt sighed in disbelief and began to follow his wacky uncle to save all the Titans or fight the rogue Titans.
======Meanwhile in Mammoth Cave=======
Inside of the cave, it reveals Virtus was resting to energize his powers. Suddenly, Virtus sensing more Titans has arrived into the world of humanity. But something is different, his vision reveals all four different symbols similar to Kuuga's symbols.
(Top is Virtus, Bottom is Gong Gong, Left is Nidhogg and Right is Apalala).
Virtus' dorsal plates began to glow and his eye shot opened, he roars out loud as he'll meet the new dragons in the modern world.
He began to crawl in four and walked out of the cave, and he looked around to see no humans in sight. He sprouted his wings and started to flapping, and he zooms towards the water and swims to the different destination to find three draconian kings.
As the screen fades black, Virtus roars at the screen so loud by making the sign says "TO BE CONTINUED".
See ya in next chapter.
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