Hongjoong was stepping out of the forest, breathing in deeply as if the air around him had changed and indeed, he could feel the shift in the magic. After all this time, how foolishly had he thought that dark forest would be normal? How naive of him.
"I get it why you went there. This is a beautiful place." Seonghwa was coming up beside him, shaking his hair out of his face.
It was strange not seeing him with those antlers and pointy ears of his. It seemed so entirely foreign to Hongjoong. Still he smiled lost.
"It was night. There were fireflies all around and a full moon above me." He remembered exactly well, the tone of Jongho's sweet voice luring him into this magic world.
He strolled over the meadow slowly, watching the grasses part for him just like last time but this time it was his doing. Seonghwa followed him in absolute silence.
They crossed the meadows and into the village, passing run down huts and mills whose old owners watched the two well dressed men cross the dirty street with astonished eyes. There were chicken strutting around, children playing with a ball made of grasses. Seonghwa entertained them for a moment, practicing a few kicks and smiling softly at their big eyes and happy laughter.
Hongjoong was watching them fondly but his mind was already elsewhere, seeing one of the kids that looked suspiciously like his sister run towards his old home to tell upon them excitedly.
Hongjoong left Seonghwa to play, walking over slowly too. He saw somebody move behind a window and then the door was opening, his mother standing there with the kid hinding behind her legs. Both were staring up at Hongjoong with a mixture of fear, disbelief and confusion.
"My son- is this- is this you? We thought you dead, we searched after you for so long!" She gasped softly, taking in his white hair, many accessoires and broader frame.
Hongjoong gave a sad chuckle.
"Did you now, mother? I'm not sure of it. I can sense the dagger you are hiding within the folds of your skirt. Are you that scared of your own flesh?" He felt Seonghwa come up behind him, saw his mother's eyes growing even wider.
"The fae took you, Hongjoong. You are not the son I lost anymore, you are a creature wearing his skin." She shooed the boy away, him yelling for his father and grandfather in a panic. Hongjoong sighed deeply.
"So you would not believe my face even after seeing it right in front of you? That's a pity. I guess I should not be here then... Let's go, Seonghwa."
"Wait! My baby, please wait! I can get the priest, you know? I can let him purify you and after we did that and now you safe, you can come home. We missed you."
"You did not. You missed me taking up most of the work. You miss having somebody to neglect and still get lots of benefits of. You are completely right. I am not your son anymore. I am not able to lie so this speaks for itself. I shall however make this winter less harsh as a thanks for keeping me alive long enough to leave. However I shall never return. Also I warn you of ever treating one of your nephews and nices like this. The consequences will be horrible."
He lifted his head, glancing past his mother's teary eyes to look upon his father, standing in the middle of the room with an heavy axe for wood chopping in his hand. Despite his age he looked positively murderous.
"Leave. We do not want the likes of you in this house."
"I know. You never did."
Hongjoong turned, not minding Seonghwa's hand shooting out behind him as he caught the dagger his mother was swinging at him in her blinded fear.
"Do not hurt them. They will lose the pitiful life they are fighting so hard for." Hongjoong left, sadly smiling at the quiet and staring kids. All over the place there were people staring from their windows and doors, sending hateful glances towards the strange pair.
Hongjoong did not hesitate as he was marching back into the forest directly, Seonghwa closely following him. They found their lake again, settling calmly on the rocks.
Hongjoong did not cry for he felt no remorse.
"You left them the gold?"
"Only enough to help themselves become successful. If they not use it wisely I shall worry not. They gave me a dry place to sleep in, the only thing I can do is ensure that for them too. They also made me into a dreamer. They made me meet you." He smiled at his husband weakly, cuddling close as the other was pulling him into his arms.
"That one thing they did great."
Aaaand we're done!
Oh wow that was fast again
I gotta stop writing like this >.<
As usual I thank everybody reading and commenting here, the feedback gives me a lot of motivation actually!
For now my plans are writing some One Shots, so my Wattpad followers will hopefully see whenever I upload something! The next story will be out in German on Wattpad afterwards but I will see to it being translated to English on AO3! You will also find an english version of 'Monster unterm Bett' there starting tomorrow~
See you soon, bye byeee
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