5. A fae's kiss
The day neared it's end not soon after Hongjoong and his group returned from Yeosang's magical tree. The sky blurred from blue into a soft orange and pink, soon settling in a weakening gray.
Mingi bid them goodbye at a crossroad, he lived further south and his big smile was warm as he promised to meet with Hongjoong again soon. While he skipped ahead, Hongjoong followed Youjin to the other direction. Tiredness had already settled in his bones, making his eyes droopy and feet uncoodinated. Youjin kept him close to his side with a by now familiar arm, soft voice warning Hongjoong of tricky stones.
Hongjoong let himself be swept away, let the fae's smell of flowers and grasses hug him securely. He could probably fall asleep and never wake up again right now.
Youjin was nice and brought Hongjoong home completely, gently waking the half sleeping man with a warm touch by his shoulder as soon they arrived.
"Come on, snowflake. You have to go to bed. I agree that it has been a long day."
Hongjoong felt the other man's chin faintly brush his hair and nuzzled up into his inviting touch. He craved the warmth of the other, felt so much more safe with him than the other fae.
"Will I see you tomorrow?" His voice slurred a bit and he felt himself be moved again, as Youjin slowly opened the door in front of them, took him inside.
"Sure you will, my sweet. We won't start your lessons until you've settled down a bit and the elves are gone but of course you're always welcome to visit me."
And it was as easy as that.
Hongjoong started falling into a routine. He awoke, met with Mingi who braided colorful pearls or flowers into his hair, met with Wooyoung to give him an update on his settlement and then spent his days with Youjin.
Hongjoong quickly took a liking to the playful man and the ease with which he welcomed Hongjoong.
After nearly a week of getting used to everything and meeting new people Hongjoong was sitting in the fields with Youjin again, the sun already setting behind the trees.
"Are you native here? Or do you also come from elsewhere?"
Youjin had chuckled quietly, running one hand appreciatively through Hongjoong's hair.
"Is it that easy to notice? Indeed, I'm from further south but it has been many years ever since I came here. My tribe got attacked by dark elves." His smile turned sad and with a surprised gasp Hongjoong turned around, seeking the other's knee with his hand.
"I apologize, I didn't mean to..." He bit his lip, was only going to make it worse.
But Youjin shook his head gently, eyes fixed on Hongjoong's smaller hand on his knee. Lost in his own mind he gently took the human's hand in his, playing with his shorter fingers.
"They were... absolute savages. They took and they burned and they killed. Few of us got away, seeking refuge far, far away. I'm sorry, little snowflake, but tomorrow I will not be accompanying you to the meeting with the high elves. My hate for them sits too deep. However I will tell them honestly what I saw."
He lifted Hongjoongs fingers a bit and made eye contact as he left a faint kiss on his knuckles, a touch so fleeting and clear.
Hongjoong's lashes fluttered dangerously as his heart sung with Youjin's courting. The human was not used to this kind of attentive treatment by an attractive man and it showed in his sudden nervousness.
"Don't be. You are already doing so much. I can go with Mingi and Wooyoung." His smile was a bit unsure.
Youjin smiled at him, his eyes curling beautifully.
"Those two will take good care of you. Wooyoung is way more nice than he acts." His words lifted the mood a bit but his gaze never left Hongjoong's and their fingers stayed curled against each other like the shyly sprouting tendrils of a flower.
"I'm worried because of Yeosang's prophecy. I don't want anybody of you to get hurt."
In those few days Hongjoong had learned so much about the fae, about their harmony with nature and generally secluded but never evil character. Wooyoung was a big softie and Mingi one clumsy and happy fairy. Even Jongho seemed less intimidating after thinking about him a bit.
They were just diligent little spirits with their unique own personas just like the humans were. It was easy like that.
"I will never be far and if there's whatever problem coming up I will hurry and help, alright? You shouldn't worry. This is still fae land."
Youjin calmed him down like nobody else could.
With a content sigh Hongjoong let his head sink against the other's shoulder that has been pressed closely against his for the whole evening. Together they watched the sky darkening bit by bit. Soon cicadas started signing their nightly tune and fireflies traveled around. Countless stars mapped the sky above them.
It was so easily beautiful, so simple yet mesmerizing and Hongjoong opened his mouth to share this thought with Youjin only to be interrupted as the other man started speaking at the same time.
A short silence followed and then both of them were giggling quietly.
"Go first."
Hongjoong turned around to look at Youjin, felt his heart beat as he saw the impish curl of his lips. This time he blushed, caught himself staring.
Quickly he shut his tongue, glancing upon the fields once more. But he was distracted now, painfully aware of Youjin's body close to his, their hands intertwined.
"Don't want to? Why, I'm curious now."
Hongjoong kept silent a bit longer, tried to make sense of his thoughts.
He should not fall for a fae.
Not only might he become a potential enemy later on, they were also bound to part.
Sure, there were tales about fae and humans keeping their bonds and becoming happy together but those were exactly that. Just tales.
"Look at me, my darling snowflake." Youjin's voice was soft and gentle, giving Hongjoong no room to deny him.
He turned his head, could barely see the other's features in the dark, the faint glow of some very special flowers and the bugs not strong enough.
He still saw some light and shadows though and met the other's dark eyes.
It was subtle, barely noticeable but this time it was Youjin dropping his gaze, his eyes heavy and hot on Hongjoong's mouth.
"Don't do this to me."
It escaped Hongjoong before he could stop it and he shuddered when Youjin looked up again, his careful eyes searching.
"Do what? This?" He lifted his hand and Hongjoong forgot everything that was not the beautiful man in front him, just concentrated on the warm palm cupping his face as if it was made of glass.
"What am I doing, Hongjoong? What is it that you want me to stop?"
Hongjoong was weak. With a sigh he leaned into the touch, revelling in the warmth.
"I don't want you to stop. Just... don't."
And Youjin understood. He understood completely without having to ask and his grip was firm as he pulled Hongjoong closer, slotting their lips together in a sweet kiss.
It was magical, so entirely different from a human's kiss and it made Hongjoong close his eyes wihtout even noticing, savouring the new sensations.
Hongjoong's brain was bombarded with information about Youjin's slightly coarse hands on the soft skin of his cheek, about the strong smell of nature and flowers or the faint taste of berries on Youjin's lips.
But still he took Hongjoong's breath without even trying, left him longing for more. His piercing was smooth against Hongjoong's bottom lip, warmed up by the other's skin and it's soft touch only heightened the sweetness of their kiss.
Youjin's movements were lazy but they were pulling Hongjoong deep, making him lose all sense of direction and actually yelp when his hand suddenly slipped from the other's knee. He did not even notice his body moving but then Youjin chuckled against his lips fondly, lifting him into his lap.
Hongjoong's body complied without him telling it to. For a moment they froze, Youjin's eyes finding his again in the darkness. His thumb softly caressed the corner of Hongjoong's lips.
"Forgive me, dear snowflake. Forgive me for taking this from you."
It was not the smoothest way to telling Hongjoong he was obviously kissing like a completely inexperienced idiot but Hongjoong still found it endearing.
"It's alright. I did not try to keep it at all."
Youjin just smiled and then guided their lips together again, making Hongjoong forget who and where he was.
Seconds faded into long minutes and then into nothingness that was not sweet magic feeding Hongjoong with happy and delirious memories.
When he awoke a few hours later in the middle of the night in his bed, he was alone and his lips tingled with the faint reminder of a truly wonderful first kiss. Hongjoong gave a wistful sigh but he fell asleep again with a smile on his lips.
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