3. A new beginning

Wooyoung apparently was a wind fairy. His wings and clothes were constantly blessed with a gentle breeze and his movements seemed lighter and as if supported by a weakened gravity pulling him downwards. Mingi however was a completely different story. At first Hongjoong was confused when a light rain touched the tall man's shoulders as soon as they left the hut. Around them was only stark blue sky and a warm sun in the distance.

However around Mingi there always seemed to be some kind of cloud darkening the place above his head. Even though the little cloud seemed to follow him exclusively, when Hongjoong stood too close he too got hit by drops that did not make him wet. In a way the whole spectacle was absolutely adorable. The rain cloud clashed with the bright sun above them and a faint rainbow circled behind Mingi's head like some kind of halo. Hongjoong found it endearing.

Wooyoung showed them around a bit and in a way the magical village did not seem as foreign as Hongjoong would have expected. Sure, there were fae wandering around, their bodies all kinds of unique with special traits. But they all lived in their little wooden huts that got nearly swallowed by heavy plants and large flowers growing all over them. Hongjoong observed some kind of magic making their personal constant weather changes disappear in the safety of their homes.

And even if the colours seemed more vibrant, the heavy smells in the air more luscious, Hongjoong found ease in the simple familiarity of it all.

Wooyoung showed him the cottage of their kings, which might seem a bit bigger than most other ones but apart from that was in no way more remarkable. He also told Hongjoong about the lake further east that supplied them with crystalline fresh water and apart from that there were only the old and wise woods around them.

Hongjoong tried hard not to be surprised by all of this new information. While he knew that fae had magical powers, of course he could not anticipate the full capability. They were indeed magical beings, enchanting the nature around them with their presence alone.

Hongjoong wasalso introduced to his own home for the time being. It was a hut similar to the one he woke up in before. He noticed the interior being slightly too large to fit into what the outside showed but apart from that he was fine with it. He lived close to Wooyoung, the stormy fairy staying a bit further north of the village where also the snow fairies' mostly unoccupied quarters were.

Hongjoong barely had the time to settle down before Wooyoung was pulling impatiently on his sleeve again, basically dragging him through the small village full of fae that stared sadly at Hongjoong and his lonely back. He appreciated the concern but being right within so many dangerous people that would not hesitate to kill him if needed made the friendliness seem frosty.

Wooyoung was carelessly throwing information at Hongjoong, showing him places in passing and giving way more directions than the poor guy could memorize.

At last they ended up in the outskirts of the village, where there were no huts anymore and a low fence encircled a bit of the far fields, until it lost itself in the woods.

Hongjoong expected cattle, sheep, horses maybe but he constantly forgot that he was in fae lands.

So when there was a full on unicorn gently trotting towards them from between narrow trees, he could no langer mask his surprise. The blindingly white fur of the creature seemed as if woven from the most expensive silks, making it far more beautiful than a common horse. It's horn was just as silvery as Wooyoung's hair and the sunlight broke itself on it prettily.

What amazed Hongjoong even more was that it actually had a rider, without saddle or any kind of purchase. The man seemed like a talented rider indeed, the unicorn and him understanding each other without communicating.

Hongjoong was deeply astonished.

The two of them came closer and even from the distance Hongjoong could see a playful smile adorning the man's lips, something Mingi immediately copied. Wooyoung started waving at him, yelling greetings in a high pitched and cracking voice.

Hongjoong monitored with bated breath how the unicorn came even closer, throwing it's mane back in an elegant movement. It did not get too close to them, held it's distance and also turned again without stopping, searching for the secureness of the trees again.

Hongjoong wanted to paint it, wanted to capture the beauty of the white horse between high grasses and wild flowers.

However it's rider seemed more important for the moment, as he just slided from the back of the still moving creature, letting it go while he stood securely on the ground.

With sadness in his heart Hongjoong watched the beautiful horse diasppear again, a sudden longing settling in his body. It was their magic pull, the same the stranger at the lake had held.

"Youjin! Nice one!"

Wooyoung's excited voice woke Hongjoong up again and he lifted his eyes to see the rider hug Mingi and Wooyoung in greeting, laughing while swatting at Mingi's cloud. Hongjoong himself stayed back a bit quietly, only meeting the other man's gaze as he was leaning against the fence between them with his black leather clad hip.

"It's nice to see you awake and healthy again. I'm Youjin, the guy who found you in the forest and brought you here." He smiled a bit and Hongjoong decided he was attractive too. His full lips curled naturally a bit and directly beneath the lower one he wore a little silver stud. His eyes were slanted similarly to Mingi's even though maybe a bit more tired seeming as the other one's.

He also had the gray-greenish wings of a moth, covered with soft fur laying against his back.

Hongjoong hurried up and bowed formally.

"Thank you so much! I was absolutely lost and had no idea how to find the next outpost."

Youjin waved a dismissive hand.

"No, please. I'm happy I could be of any help. I'm a fae of hail so I will be living close to you. Let's be friends!", he smiled warmly and ah yes, that was not snow falling upon his shoulders but hail.

Hongjoong nodded excitedly.

"He is also the one helping with your flying lessons.", Wooyoung added shortly, snorting as Mingi clapped his hands excitedly.

"You will probably see me so much that I will already be annoying to you within a week. Watch me." Youjin laughed in a contagious way, making Hongjoong smile softly too.

"You are my saviour, how could I ever dislike you? Let's spend much time together before I have to leave again."

Better seem natural. He could not show his desperate wish to go home again.

But even then, what if one of these people ever travelled his lands, ever saw him with his kind? Would they seek revenge? Was he important enough for that?

Hongjoong startled as Youjin suddenly mounted the fence, swinging his legs to the other side easily. In full height he was a bit taller than Hongjoong and Wooyoung, however still on a fairy-ish kind of fair side. No Mingi.

"Sure, let's do that. Mind if I take him off your hands now Wooyoung? I'm sure Jaebeom would like to hear an update on him either way."

"No, no, take him, keep him, I don't care. I got to do paperwork first. Want to keep Mingi too by any chance?"

Youjin gave the tall grinning fae a sideways glance and then shrugged.

"Sure. We will get some food or something, good luck with your reports."

Youjin gave an ironical salute and then took one of Mingi's and Hongjoong's arms respectively to lead them away. Mingi yelled a boisterous 'bye!' at a tired Wooyoung and Hongjoong waved shyly at the man.

"Now my dear, I'm an expert with all kinds of unusualities, one of which are you. What do you gentlemen thing about picking up some berries and then go see Yeosang? He might have a good leading tip on how to approach your new life here."

Hongjoong had absolutely no idea who or what a Yeosang was. Simply nodding he fell into step with Youjin, Mingi constantly having to switch his tempo because of their shorter legs.

"Is Wooyoung usually a busy person?"

Mingi hid his laughter behind a cough.

"Him? Hmm, it depends. Right now he has to prepare records about your stay and also keep touch with the elven court coming to visit in a few days. He does a lot of little jobs as he is a fast worker. But if nobody swings by, he is absolutely unoccupied and likes bothering people all day long."

Youjin was a nice guy. He seemed entirely human to Hongjoong and he felt they could become good friends. At least as good as possible.

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