1. The enchanted forest
Hongjoong only noticed that he was lost when the singing stopped.
So far he was following clear paths, never once worrying about taking a wrong turn and trusting the only possible way to lead him closer to the voice whose owner he so dearly wished to see. But as the tune lost itself in an undetermined distance he finally came back to his senses.
And his situation seemed dire.
He stood in the middle of a dark and secluded forest, could not even see the moon shining above him anymore. Sinister shadows loomed over him, ready to strike and the cold air of the evening bit at his bare arms. Rationally thinking he could not understand how he did not notice all these warning signs before. Why did he not turn back when he still had the chance to?
A bit embarrased, a bit shy Hongjoong looked around, trying to find the mediocre paths again he has been following to far. There was only one way so if he found them again it would not be hard to get home again, right?
However, no matter how hard he squinted his eyes in the dark twilight of the night, how he stumbled around here and there, no paths were willing to show themselves for him.
Hongjoong war completely and utterly lost.
Panic arouse in his chest instantly.
He had to find a way out, he had to get back to his parents, to his work, their cute fluffy dog! There was no way he could just quietly starve in some creepy forest because he was stupid enough to lose his way!
Hogjoong wasted no time with waiting. The meadow had been north of his village so if he followed the growth direction of the mosses on the wet trunks of the old trees, he would certainly find a way back.
Gingerly balancing his hands on the nearest trees Hongjoong started walking again. There were treacherous shrubs and roots beneath his feet, tripping him up and letting his fast beating heart stop from time to time. And even they seemed to have a life on their own, seemed keen on not letting Hongjoong leave the woods again.
He himself felt helpless, close to crying even, because what did he think, how could he just leave his duties at home behind? He had cows to feed in the morning, apples to harvest. There was no time to exchange his beloved sleep for an adventure through a mysterious forest.
And even then these shadows and their darkness sparked more fear in Hongjoong than wish to venture deeper.
The forest was absolutely silent, no sounds of any animal breached the eerie tranquility, making the whole scenario seem even more suspicious, even more unsettling.
Hongjoong just wanted to go home.
Quietly worrying and sobbing to himself he hurried farther, searching for something familiar, at least some sort of clearing. He had long since lost all sense of time, searching and hoping futilely. He was cold and he was scared. He missed the warmth of their home, the dancing flames of their cosy fire. He missed the mild scoldings from his mother when he was running late and the pointed glances of his father's old and weathered face.
He was seriously starting to lose all hope, planning on sitting down and letting some wild animal ravage him when the soft tinkling of water was heard. Immediatly Hongjoong fastened his steps, eyes and ears poised.
The shrubs soon parted into a clearing, in the middle of which was a large lake. It's water seemed nearly black in the night and reflected a thousend stars above his head. It was a calm sight and it took a bit of Hongjoong's fear away, made him sigh dreamily.
But a sudden movement in the corners of his eyes made him step back behind a tree again, promptly scared. He had met no animal so far and now he feared them again. There were probably wolves in this area far away from the next village.
However it was no wolf he saw. It was no animal at all.
Between the dark trees the silhouette seemed more human, standing upright. But it was only when the person stepped out of the dark and into the faint light of the stars, that Hongjoong truly saw him.
And he could not supress the soft gasp that escaped his lips.
It was a man, a man so beautiful that Hongjoong earnestly wanted to cry.
He had hair as black as the feathers of a crow and skin so light that it seemed to glow in the darkness. His body was completely nude, tall and lean with smooth muscles that captivated Hongjoong into staring instead of him turning away shyly.
There was something peculiar about the man, something that seemed absolutely otherworldly but Hongjoong could not quite put a finger on it, not yet.
So he watched, hidden in the shadows of the tree he was hugging as the man took slow steps forward, into the water. It parted around his body smoothly, embracing him like a lover would. In awe Hongjoong watched on as the man ventured deeper, letting his fingers dance over the rippling surface of the water until it was up until his stomach.
He slowly tipped his head back, staring up to the stars and Hongjoong could see a deep melancholy on his profile. His heart was seized with a sudden wishfulness and it pulled him closer, urged him to join the man.
He did not notice that he moved at all but suddenly the man's head was snapping around and there was no tree protecting Hongjoong anymore.
With big eyes he looked upon the man, met his own dark eyes.
"Who are you?", he demanded authoritatively and his voice was deep and addictive. Hongjoong blanked.
It was then that the man turned around completely, stepping towards Hongjoong again.
Hongjoong's eyes wanted to follow the teasing drops running down fair skin but instead his eyes stayed glued to the ones before him, his cheeks flushed.
"I-I... I think I got lost."
Hongjoong winced at how weak he sounded, how raw and close to crying and the man stepped close to him, way too close for Hongjoongs poor heart to handle.
The stranger was absolutely mesmerizing. His skin was as fair as it looked and now Hongjoong could also see his plush, soft looking lips and the elegant curve of his nose. His face structure seemed unreal, like royalty or a painting.
Hongjoong startled as he felt something poke his chin and he curiously (and cautiously) glanced down. Another gasp sounded as he noticed the glimmer of a weapon, an elegantly curved dagger at his neck.
"You have a weapon!"
Not that his father did not have weapons, but those were usually tools for splitting woods or cutting bread. Civilians were not allowed to have weapons! Was this man roalty indeed? Did Hongjoong completely lose touch with politics?
"Of course I have a weapon, airhead. What is a fae doing so far away from their lands?" He sounded stern and Hongjoong was quick to answer.
"Oh, I am no fae, Sir! Just a normal human!"
The other did not seem convinced. However the pressure of his dagger lightened slightly and Hongjoong sucked in fresh air greedily. His heartbeat seemed loud enough for the whole forest to hear.
"No fae? Well a fae couldn't lie to me now, could it? But who are you then? No mere human would be able to find this place."
His face was dark and the voice even darker, scaring Hongjoong further but his beauty was still distracting him.
"I am not lying, Sir! I followed a voice into the woods and then strayed up until here! Please help me get out!", Hongjoong begged honestly, trying to get his urgency across. If this man was royalty he was bound to help. He seemed to know the woods well enough.
"Me? Helping you?" And he laughed. It was a full and hearty sound, pleasing to the ears but it's implications let a cold shiver run down Hongjoong's spine.
"You have no idea where you are, do you? In these lands there is no person willing to help the likes of you. A human, as you say." The stranger stepped back, the dagger still glinting dangerously in his fist.
"I'm not nice enough to spare you a quick death so you will have to wait until the bears come and feast on you. I wish you good luck with that. There is much worse that can happen to you here."
And with that he stepped into the darkness again, leaving a quivering and scared Hongjoong.
Who was that guy? And what made him so special? Was he not scared of the dangers lurking in the forest?
Hongjoong was crying softly again and he needed to find a way out, fast.
However when he turned around the man was still there, his fist ready and poised to strike.
For a fleeting moment Hongjoong looked upon his eyes, into deep, dark convexes filled with hate. Then the others fist smashed against his skull, drowning Hongjoong's world in a sea as dark as the eyes of this stranger.
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