8. Mischief of the Night

TW: Smut, somnophilia, magical diphallia, voyeurism in the second half of the chapter


With Yunho's guidance, the group found a suitable inn near the border. A quaint rivulet danced by its side and cows and sheep grazed on the fields bordering the farmlands. After Yunho dipped into the building briefly to alert the owner of their coming, he received confirmation only a few travellers were inside and the tavern could harbour a group as big as theirs. When the group shuffled through the door into the cosy hall, they got a few curious glances, but that was it.

The owner huddled with the shank maidens to bow before Seonghwa as soon as he sat down with his husbands. His knights took the other table and, though they wore rather modest travelling clothes, Seonghwa's beauty shone without shame.

"I am honoured to greet you in my humble abode, Your Majesty," the rose-cheeked owner uttered. He bowed again and then personally received their order. Though he had no main meals without meat, he assured Seonghwa they would create something suitable for him and his entourage. As soon as he ushered away to yell at his cook, Yunho snickered about him. The maidens regarded Seonghwa and his husbands full of awe and liking, unaware they were all married.

"It seems all humans are as peculiar as our Yunho," Jongho deducted when he watched them flitter about, winged by hysteria. Yunho, who had dipped beneath the table to offer Buddy a bone and ruffle his fur, came back up.

"Not at all! We have some who are as vicious as demons and others who are as serene as the elves. We even have some magic users."

"Human magic doesn't compare to sorcery," Hongjoong deadpanned. He crossed his long legs under the table and glared without heat when Yunho nudged his feet into him.

"You all run in circles and stutter when you look at Seonghwa," Jongho insisted, crystals contemplative. Though he left his Pebble with the other kids at home since he deemed it safest, Seonghwa could vividly imagine her thinking along with him.

"That's because he is stunning. He is ethereal, like a deity among men. We scramble to serve someone we recognise as so high above us."

"How about gryphon-borns?" Wooyoung piped up and Yunho sent him a punitive glare. Their scout guffawed at him.

They squabbled without heat until their food appeared and finally filled their cheeks. Wooyoung tried his best not to drink too much, so he wouldn't throw up during the ride. Still, he leaned into Seonghwa's shoulder once finished and muttered mindless praises to him.

"Good Ser, what rooms can you offer us?" Seonghwa directed his voice as the inn owner who had been standing behind his counter, ready to comply with his every whim. Now as well, he scrambled over.

"We don't have enough single rooms to accommodate all of you, but I can suggest the communal sleeping hall for your knights and perhaps the rest may share rooms of two? Ah, no, my other guests are in there- Please linger a moment, Your Majesty, let me ask them to move to the rooms of four-"

"No, please," Seonghwa beckoned him before he could speed off. "We are more than happy to have two rooms of four and the communal hall. That will take up more than enough space. Please, take this for your service." Seonghwa handed him a supple bag of silver, more than this service would cost normally. With an open mouth, the human stared at it, bewitched by Seonghwa and his kindness.

"As you wish! Girls, get moving!" They rustled about to ready the rooms and Seonghwa turned towards his husbands.

"I am with you. For protection," Hongjoong declared immediately. Seonghwa looked down at Wooyoung in his arm, at his sweet and pliant form.

"Wooyoung will share with us, as well."

"I will have an eye on Mingi and Yeosang, so Jongho can stay with us. Yunho, you tend to the human side of things by Seonghwa's side," San sacrificed himself. The heat between him and Seonghwa tingled in its leftovers, and his heroism got him a graceful nod from Seonghwa.

Once they were sated, they made for their rooms. Two double beds awaited Seonghwa's group and Hongjoong scowled at Yunho when the elf tugged Wooyoung to his side without leaving them an opening for another discussion.

"You better keep your legs on your half," the sorcerer hissed, but he fell quiet when Yunho settled his large palm on his lower back. Towering over Hongjoong, he gave him a playful grin.

"Don't be angry, little sorcerer. I will keep you warm and cosy," he offered with a shrewd wink. 

Perhaps it was a game to him, but Seonghwa caught the moment Hongjoong's eyes flicked down his body. Contemplating him. Wagering whether the equipment Yunho worked with was worth a try.

First, Yunho went on his walk with Buddy, though. They couldn't bring him inside, but the inn had a plot which housed two other dogs. Buddy got treated like a king there, and while Yunho played outside with the three, Seonghwa eased his cape off his shoulders. He placed it on the chest at the foot of their bed and perched by Wooyoung's side to card his fingers through his hair, easing out its braids.

Wooyoung rolled around on the furs and blankets. The inn owner granted Seonghwa his best room, and the linen was woven with great detail and filled with feathers. Though Wooyoung grumbled something about plucking poor birds, he seemed satisfied.

"It's hoarse compared to your heaven but if you're uncomfortable, you can put your head on my chest," Wooyoung declared. His heroism had him patting a flat palm on his chest and Seonghwa smiled at him.

"I will hold you to your word," he replied before he stood to slip out of his dress. Before he as much as lifted his hands to open the pearl buttons down its back, a warm touch met his skin to caress the protruding, filigree bones of his spine. Seonghwa shuddered when he made eye contact with a returning Yunho across the room.

Hongjoong so often touched him, guided him and brought him gifts. But whenever his skin met Seonghwa's in a non-intimate touch, the magic crackling in his fingertips made Seonghwa shudder in a special way.

Playing down his shyness, Seonghwa allowed him to help him out of his gown. Soon, he stepped into his nightdress and clambered onto the bed by Wooyoung's side. They switched so Seonghwa was closer to the shelter of the wall and Wooyoung threw a triumphant grin at the two others. Yunho tugged the blanket over himself and Hongjoong with a scowl, but he seemed invested in what it would be like to cuddle up to the tiny sorcerer.

He may lose his head tonight, but Yunho's curiosity would always be his downfall.

Seonghwa wrapped his arms around Wooyoung and soon, they adjusted themselves so Wooyoung lay with his head against Seonghwa's chest and an arm and leg thrown across him possessively. He became smaller like this, almost fitting entirely under the blanket of his wing. When Seonghwa tucked the inn's blanket around him so Wooyoung wouldn't freeze, the half-asleep gryphon-born mumbled his gratitude through pouty lips. He looked to be in paradise, snuggled up against Seonghwa, so the elf carded gentle fingers through his hair as he settled down. 

"Sleep well, my loves," he muttered over to the other side of the room before Hongjoong could stifle the lights. He caught the sorcerer's burning gaze as he took in the sight of Wooyoung curled up and asleep, so vulnerable by Seonghwa's side.

Knowing the gryphon-born didn't care anymore how the others might taunt him for his preference filled Seonghwa with pride. To him, Wooyoung was just himself. His dear, precious self.

"You too, Damiana," Hongjoong replied and his fingers snapped the flames out the same moment he kicked at Yunho, hissing at him to get his fingers off his waist. 

The room plunged into darkness to the flash of Yunho's mischievous grin that was up to no good.

Leaving them to fight it out during the rest of the night, Seonghwa pulled his precious Wooyoung close and fell asleep to his mellow breathing against his chest.


When Seonghwa stirred, it was to the sound of breathy whines echoing around the room. Blinking against the darkness, he reached out his hand, finding Wooyoung's head against his chest and caressing through his hair. Only a moment later, he realised how warm Wooyoung was as he squirmed against Seonghwa, how needy his moans and how naked his skin. 

Hongjoong loomed behind them, aided by his invisible hands as he rocked into Wooyoung. The glow of his eyes permeated the darkness of the room and made Seonghwa shudder.

"Look what you did, useless chick. You are so pathetic at keeping quiet and now he is awake," Hongjoong whispered to Wooyoung. His punitive thrust dragged the gryphon-born's body up Seonghwa's crotch and the elf's cheeks glistened with stars when he realised Hongjoong had undressed both of them and that Seonghwa had become achingly hard for them in his sleep. His length throbbed against Wooyoung's and they dragged against one another while Wooyoung drooled and whined against Seonghwa's chest. With the way their legs were locked into each other, Hongjoong had free access to their lower bits. 

"Hongjoong," Seonghwa muttered, head spinning at being woken like this, at having his dear ones right with him having fun. He was glad Hongjoong caught up on his needs himself, and that he coordinated them with the general tension earlier.

The sorcerer flicked his two-toned hair from his eyes to give Seonghwa a cocky smirk.

"Figured I would help him out since he was begging so nicely, grinding against you in sleep. Are you at ease, Damiana?"

Still frazzled from sleep and the sudden rush of arousal and adoration for his dear husbands, Seonghwa nodded. He craned his head to search for Yunho and his lashes fluttered when Wooyoung rocked against him, moving between Hongjoong's hips and Seonghwa's stomach. 

Yunho sat on his bed, watching them brazenly with a hand on his length. He bit his lip to their sight, though he was one to behold himself. Long legs spread and his lean chest bare and tense at every jerk between his thighs. At Seonghwa's pleasure-clouded expression, he made to get up, come over and bring his own creativity into their late-night play.

But Hongjoong's head flicked around and his fingers jerked Wooyoung's babbling form closer by his hips.

"You stay right where you are."

Yunho groaned, but he couldn't wind himself from the chains Hongjoong cast upon him. Instead, he enjoyed the picture.

Seonghwa reached for Wooyoung's chin, making him look at him. The gryphon-born's features were lax in pleasure and drool gathered on his lips as he clung to Seonghwa. When the elf kissed the mole on his lip, a whine stifled against him. 


"Are you close, my darling? Does Hongjoong feel good inside of you?"

Wooyoung babbled without sense, eyes rolling back when the sorcerer hit something inside of him that made his body spasm. 

Fond to support them, Seonghwa carded his fingers through Wooyoung's hair, massaged behind his ear until the gryphon-born trembled all over. 

But Hongjoong wasn't done yet.

"It came to my attention that you are very soft here tonight, Damiana. Very eager for touch," he noted sharply. A touch brushed over Seonghwa's entrance, interested in everything that was going on above. Every time one of Hongjoong's thrusts rocked Wooyoung into him, Seonghwa's body clenched in loneliness.

"It's what you two do to me," Seonghwa replied, though he battled his shyness at the reminder of what happened with San.

Hongjoong scoffed, well aware of the white lie.

"Then let's fill you up, shall we? There is enough for everyone." Danger glistened in his ironic smirk; a danger inherent to his abilities that would never harm Seonghwa.

A moment later, he was breached and his head dropped into his pillows. As usual, when they did it with each other, Hongjoong added his own slick and built up in size sneakily until he filled Seonghwa so well. 

His breath knocked from his chest when his strained body accepted all torment against his nerve bundles with open arms. Quivering fingers clutched to Wooyoung, who still moaned into Seonghwa's chest and rocked against him with every single one of Hongjoong's movements. It took Seonghwa a long minute before his addled brain realised the sorcerer had doubled up on them. Two appendages, one shadowy and one real, attached to his crotch to take the twitching bodies bared to him. Seonghwa didn't know which was which, only that the idea overwhelmed him. 

"Do you- Do you feel good, my Wooyoungie?"

Whimpering, the two clutched to each other, unravelled under the mage's shrewd talents. Wooyoung gasped into the kiss Seonghwa tugged him into and they rubbed against each other so deliciously, rocking back in unison against Hongjoong.

"Damn it," Yunho panted from the bed, eyes blown wide at the sight of Hongjoong taking both of them at the same time. The room heated with the bunch of them, stifling Seonghwa's every breath. 

Wooyoung became even louder, clinging to Seonghwa as his legs started trembling. Hongjoong jabbed into him, keeping him pinned against the elf with a hand on his back.

"That's it. Take yourself apart for us," the mage encouraged him with the slap of a flat palm against Wooyoung's backside and Wooyoung blindly obeyed, numb to anything but the pleasure crashing into him. He moved by himself, moving back against Hongjoong and down on Seonghwa, twitching and grasping at anything within reach. A moment later, his wetness pooled over Seonghwa's stomach and he slumped, heaving with every breath. 

Satisfied, Hongjoong smoothed his sharp fingernails over Wooyoung's back. He picked up his pace inside Seonghwa, watching with ravenous eyes how the elf doted on and kissed Wooyoung with trembling hands. Soon, his lashes fluttered, overwhelmed when everything became too much. He panted his release into the heady air and though their pile smothered him, Seonghwa deeply enjoyed the feeling of Hongjoong locking up above him, his smirk falling to make space for a breathless moan. 

Before he would force a late-night bath upon Seonghwa, the sorcerer pulled out and came over Wooyoung's backside. The gryphon-born didn't mind, already half asleep again as he snuggled against Seonghwa. Once Seonghwa stopped seeing stars, he checked on Yunho and found him sunken against the wall with his sticky hand in his lap. 

As Hongjoong recovered, his magic cleaned them up, and he dipped into a deep kiss with Seonghwa. Finally, his tension unwound, and the sweet caresses of his magic returned.

"Thank you," Seonghwa sleepily muttered, feeling taken care of, and the sorcerer beamed with pride. 

"I will taunt the chick about it tomorrow," he promised before he crawled back into his bed so his gold could lull them under and send them as much sleep as possible in the few hours left before morning.

The last thing Seonghwa heard of them was Hongjoong slapping at Yunho's hands below the blanket, then he drifted off with a smile on his lips and Wooyoung in his arms. 

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