I love you too.

Daddy Issues/The Neighborhood

In all my wrestling career I would of never expect to be precipitating in a match so deadly as this one. The steel cell was made for a reason; it was made for pain. An Hell in a Cell match could either make your career or completely destroy you. I don't know if the odds are in my favor for this evening, I'm praying they are.

If I was under enough pressure, one of the producers came and told me personally that my match will be the main event. The first time in WWE history that woman will main event a paper view. I don't know if its a pleasing or a curse.

I had my head against Roman's chest while we wait in my locker room. The memories of these past months flashed through my head.
It was hard to believe that just four or so months ago that I had my head far from Earth. Am I thankful that I don't have Ric on my side? Yes and no.

Yes because I would never met or fell in love with Roman. I've said it a hundred of times but I will say it again, Roman Reigns is my everything.

No because no matter how bad those things Ric have done to me in the past, I will always be his daughter. Whether he likes it or not.

I wonder what he is thinking at this very moment. Is he nervous and scared for me to enter this one trip to Hell? Or dose he have a devilish smirk on his face while his bones tingle with the thought of me getting hurt?
Unfortunately I can't read minds.

There wasn't that much talking going between Roman and I. We didn't need to say much; our actions spoke louder than words.

His index finger traced the edge of my red bottoms. Red for fire. Fire for flames. Flames for Hell.

His other hand ran through my blonde locks. He was my safety for the next thirty minutes, thirty minutes before I need to go out there and fight.

His confronting arms was all I needed now. Being in his arms was my medicine. Being in his arms kept me from going insane. Being his arms just made me sit still.

I felt nerve bundling at the pit of my stomach. I knew I was ready but I didn't feel ready. Did I train enough? Was I really enough? I guess I'll find out when I'm out there.

I wonder if Sasha is feeling this way. Is she really nervous to the point she is gonna puke? Or is she just plain confident?

My mind drifts off. I become completely blank. The only thing I can feel is Roman's fingers on my side and his hand running through my hair.

Its funny how you never thought you would be in a certain situation. I always thought my life was just going to be wrestling. Being alone my whole life, never finding someone. Never finding a purpose actually. Then everything all changed.

I wanted to stop myself from thinking. Thinking was a dangerous game. Thinking lead you to a spot in your head you didn't want to be.

I was shook out my daydream by Roman. He kissed me softly of my cheek, "It's time for you to go."

My heart sunk into my stomach. It was time for me to go for my match. It was all leading up to this match. I guess fate would tell what will happen. That's all I'm relying on.

I slowly get up from my comfortable position and grab my silky matching red robe. I put it on with the assistance of Roman.

I face myself in the mirror. The woman standing in front of me is not the woman I remember seeing a couple of months ago. She is different, more determine, and scared. Scared for her life.

Roman turns me around so I am facing at him. His hand finds my hand and laces them together. He stares down at me with his gentle eyes. He wasn't going to accompany me out to the ring, he knows that I want to do this at my own. I am determine to do this on my own.

He pulls my shaking figure close into a embrace. He rocks us back and forward. The motion reminds me of the times I was rock on both of my heels just before a diving meet.

He leans down and kisses me deeply. I wrap my arms around his neck, hoping my hands aren't shaking too badly. I knew I won't lose him but I was afraid he might lose me to this structure.

We release from each other and in hand in hand, we walk out of the dressing room and out into the hallways.

Since drifting from Ric I have earned the respect of some superstars. Instead of glaring at me they are giving small smiles. They wish me good luck in form that I won't get hurt too badly. I've achieve quite a lot, but that still isn't enough for me. I said I was going to start my own legacy, well I'm gonna do just that.

A monitor ahead of us shows the promo for Sasha's and I match. There was a close up for me when I slapped Sasha with the contract. I looked so inraged.

Rage reminds me of Kevin. Why? Kevin is full of rage. Rage from the past and present.

I wonder what he is thinking now. Is he wishing my lips were upon his? Or is he jumping up and down from the thrill of seeing me get crushed?

The music of Sasha's theme feels my ear when we get to the gorilla. She arrived to the the stage in a black limo. There is a lot of noise from the crowd due to the fact that we are in her hometown tonight. That just makes me even more nervous.

Roman has stayed glue to my side this whole time. I'm thankful for that because I don't think I would be able to do this if it wasn't for him.

The producer beckons for me to step forward so I can go out there. I turn around to face Roman. I squeeze his hand, my nerve where starting to get the best of me.
His thumb grazes my cheek. I wonder what he is thinking?

Is he scared and wants to drag me back into that locker room, never letting me go? Or does he want me to do this so I can reclaim something  I've been wanting to do for a long time?

He kisses my forehead. His lips linger there just for a sec.

"Go show them who is the real Queen."

That just boosts up my confidence just a little.

I smile at him one last time and drop his hands to his sides and walked away from my King.

The tech guys play my music and surprisingly I get the same reaction if not more. They cheered for me on the top of their lungs. Cheering for about history is gonna happen.

I walk alone on the ramp. No fancy entrances. No one by my side. Just me, myself, and I.

Luckily Sasha was standing by herself in the middle of the ring. Hopefully it will be just the two of us.

I drop my robe by the ring and enter inside. It amazed me that I was still standing. I felt like any minute my knees would give out.

For the first time this night, Sasha and I eyes meet. Emotionless.
Of course she would be emotionless.

"The following is a woman's championship match and it will be inside Hell in a Cell!" The announcer announces.

Reality. This is Reality. All I have done to prepare and get myself ready for this match will show.
Yet again even if it shows, will it be enough?
I don't know how I'm supposed to survive this thing.

I heard a loud creek and I looked up. The cell was coming down slowly. Watching the cell come down was like I was dreaming. I don't believe this is actually happening. I pinched myself lightly to snap back out of my head.

"There is no turning back now..."
I mumbled to myself.

I saw flashing lights all around me but all my focus was just on this cell that was coming down. There was a knot in my throat. My heart beat was speeding up. I couldn't move. This is the moment I have been waiting for. The cell slowly starts to reach level with my head, my blood vessels were practically jumping out of my skin.

Next thing I knew, I was on the floor holding my head while Sasha hits me over and over again.

I try to block as much of her hits as I can but I can't. Sasha throws me out of the ring. My face comes inches away from the bottom of the cell. Luckily it stops, but Sasha doesn't.

She pushes me away from the cell towards the announced tables and continues her assault. I try fight back but her hits over power mine.

I kick her away with a powerful kick. I watch her fall holding her nose. I glance at the table and I go to it.

"Get up! Get away!" I yelled at the announcers. They hurry out of the way understanding this is a war zone.

I remove all the things on the table and glance back on Sasha who is getting up back onto her knees. I walk over to her and grab her by her hair but with lightning speed, she jabs me in my eyes.
I stumble back in pain. My eye socket sting and I feel extremely dizzy. Sasha grabbed my head and slammed my head into the cell and then the table.
I managed to clear some sort of the dizziness and give her a clop across her chest.

Something just told me to start climbing the cell. I don't know where I got this instinct from or why I didn't go against it but I walked over to the cell. I glanced be at Sasha who was leaning against one of the announced tables. I then began climbing.

This scene of what was playing out, seemed so familiar to me. Like I have gone through this before. Maybe I have, in a dream? In real life?

The pink haired lady started climbing along with me. Suddenly she was next to me throwing punches. I try to hold on to the cell as tight as I can. I felt the cold steel cause pain to my fingertips. I took the risk of punching her and then she punched me again. We fought like this for a couple of seconds. I grabbed the back of her head and slammed it into the cell, she did the exact thing to me. She lost her gripped and fell back onto the ground, the drop wasn't enough to hurt her though.

Before I knew what was happening, I'm falling from Sasha's shoulders.

Time seemed to slow down. I was suck in gravity. I didn't her no noise or chaos. I just heard silence. It seemed like ages till I hit one of the announced tables and when I did, I felt the most terrible pain I have ever felt.

The table competely just shattered from the force of the power bomb. The crowd was yelling on the top of their lungs. It was a sight no one had ever seen before.

My mouth opened over and over again but there was no sound coming out. I just laid motionless. I couldn't move. I was still in the state of shock. All of this seemed unreal to me.

A medic came by me and spoke to me but I couldn't hear a sound. I felt his hand go under my head and place something under it. That's when I felt even more pain and I was able to make sound.

I cried out in a painful moan. I tried to breathe but I couldn't. I felt like a fish out of water. My skin felt like I was on fire, especially the back of my neck. I Still shocked at the fact that Sasha was able to powerbomb me threw a table.

The medics lifted me onto a streacher and I instantly knew what this ment. I wanted to stop them put I couldn't, I was too much in pain.

My ankle felt the cold bar of the streacher. What a horrible feeling it was. Something didn't feel right. My stomach was dropping, I could practically hear my nerves.

I caught a glimpse of Sasha. She leans on the ropes smiling smug at me. She wanted to purposely injure me before our match so she won't have to face me.

I wonder how did Sasha Banks become such a coward. I wonder when she started hating me. I wonder when she will ever stop. I feel bad for her, being a coward will never get you anywhere in life.

The crowd was furious with the fact they might not see a Hell in a Cell match. I didn't want to let them down. This match needed to happen.

We had finally made it to the font of the cell. I heard some of the medics say that they weren't going to let me wrestle and for the ref to start the count.
I don't know how to explain this next feeling, but something hit me.

"No." I crocked out.

The medic looked at me, "What was that?"

No this isn't how this is gonna end. I will not be defeated. I promised myself that I was going to do this and I am. Sasha can powerbomb me as much as she wants but I will not let her take me out. I still have one last breath in me, I will not go down with out a fight.

"No!" I screamed. I sat up straight ignoring the pounding pain in my head. I tear off the sleeve on my neck. The medics tried to keep me down but I kept on fighting.

Sasha yelled at the ref inside to give her back her title, she still believed she won.

I finally manage to break free and stand on my own. I stumbled at first but I finally was able to get my balance. I rush forward into the cell where a ref was there getting ready to lock up the cell door. I pushed past him and slammed the door shut.

"Charlotte you can't do this match!"
The ref tells me.

"No ring the bell!"

"You are hurt!"

"Just ring the god damn bell before I make you do it!" I said aggressively. The ref looked at me and then at the other ref inside. The ref gave the other ref a stiff nod and rang the bell.
Sasha argued with the ref but he didn't listen to her. I snuck up from behind her and knocked her down like how she did to me.

I was done getting told what to do. I am gonna do things my way and no one is gonna stop me from doing it.

I threw punches left and right, taking out any anger that was in me out on her, and let me tell you it is quite a lot.

This is not a wrestling match anymore,
This is a full blown brawl.


I whimper in pain as Sasha hits me right in the chest with a strong double knees knocking me off the apron and onto a table. I felt the table snap in half from the impact. Sasha and I were doing what we did bes and that is beating each other till we are more than black and blue.

For sure we made history tonight, but we wanted more than to just make history. We wanted victory. Not just any victory. Sasha and I have been each other's biggest competition, all we ever want is to out do each other. This is what will prove who is the better woman. It might seem silly to others but this structure that we are in is a test of strength.

Some woman would of stopped trying when they got the title but not us. We want more. The taste of more is what we can't help but want. We want to be on top of that empire not nothing below.

Sasha brings me back into the ring and tries to cover me for what seems like the millionth time. I kick out bearly causing her to scream her head off.

"One! Two! Three! Ref how hard can that be?!" She yelled at him.

I grip her hair from behind and bring her down, I wrap my legs around her neck pulling her into a leg hold. I run my free hand through my hair. I was dripping sweat. Its amazing what Sasha and I can do to try to warn each other out. I know I will be feeling this weeks from now.
I pull her shoulders down to try to get a pin on her but she kicks out and I release my leg submission.

I quickly get on my feet and so does she. We stare at each other with hungry eyes. We were both hungry for a crown that we wanted so bad. No one will ever no why wrestlers fight over a belt, you see that belt is the reason why we sweat, talk, fight, cry for. It is our whole lives.

Sasha and I lock up again. Pink mixed with blonde. When I first started wrestling, I would have never thought of wrestling like this. Sasha is my wrestling soulmate and I was her's.
She puts pressure on my neck and holds me knee level with her.

"I love that you got daddy issues Charlotte, its such a painful subject for you and its such a fun subject for me." She hisses.

I switch our position around where its her who is at knee level with me.

"Less talking more fighting."

I harshly shove her away from me and circle around her. My eyes ring with fury and exhausting. I now know that there was no amount of training that I could of done to prepare myself for this. I was giving it my all.

She ran at me but I duck from under her arm and grabbed her waist, suplexing her back into a pile of chairs.

She twisted and crawled to a corner like a slimy little snake that she is. My hair was soak with sweat and I couldn't stop coughing. Blood was dripping from my mouth. The smart wrestler in me noticed that she was standing in front of a table. Without a thought of hesitation, I ran full forced and kicked her right in the table. It broke like nothing and I quickly pulled her to the middle.

I gripped her foot in my hands and I started wrapping myself around her. I locked into the figure four and then to the figure eight. Are screams in pain mixed together. I needed her to tap. This was gonna be the end of her. It just had to.

She grabbed one of the chairs and slammed it onto my stomach making me let go of her. I cried in pain as she slammed the chair over and over again.

I felt my neck get lifted up and I soon realized that I was in her submission move.




I am not going to tap out. I know I had said that in the past but I mean it this time. I will not tap. This won't be the end of the road for me. At least not yet.

A image of Roman pops in my head, then a image of Reid. I will not tap.

Think Charlotte think.....

Something pops in my head and I lean back and reverse it into a cover. The ref was bearly able to count to one before Sasha kicked out.

Sasha slammed her palm on the mat in frustration.  I looked off to the distance, what will it take to end this?

The minutes go by and we are still fighting. Sasha and I are at the top now. The crowd is roaring our names. This is it. This is woman's wrestling.

At this point we are slapping each other with all our might. We will do anything for this. Injury doesn't exist to us anymore.

As Sasha was going to risk a head sissors take down, I reversed and turned it into a powerbomb.

As soon as Sasha hits the mat, she becomes completely motionless. I could just cover her now and there will be a 50% she won't kick out. But a 50% she will kick out. I needed to seal this. I needed to find away.

I don't pay attention to where I am going, my body just takes me to the cell. I then start climbing. I don't know where I am going but I just start climbing.

When I think of how to end this match there is always this move that pops up in my head. I don't know if it will work but is worth a shot.

I remember when my gymnastics coach first put me on that two inch wide wood called a beam. My legs would shake in fear. I would tell myself not to look done but I always wouldn't listen to it. To walk across that beam took balance. Not just physically but mentally.

When I was high enough, I brought my knees to my chest. It just took a strength of courage. I knew I didn't have that much time. Sasha would be getting on her feet any second. This is just a simple move, I a move I knew since I was eight. I'll be okay.

Without another thought, I let go and executed my back moonsult.

Climbing up is the easy part but coming down is terrifying. I wanted so badly to scream and yell for something bad not to happen. Life throws unexpected things in front of you, face them. Deal with them. Go along with them. See where you end up. After every rainstorm is a shining sun.

I perfectly hit Sasha's body with mine. Skin to skin. At first it hurt like hell but I ignored it and lifted it up her leg to cover.

As the ref hits the mat, I see my baby brother. Reid stands in front of me clapping with a proud smile on his face. The sight of that brings tears to my eyes.

As I sit there with disbelief and then I hear it.

"The winner of this match and your new woman's champion, Charlotte!"

I did it. I won. I reclaimed my throne. I won back my title. I am the new woman's champion.

I quickly exit the ring not wanting to spend a second longer in that killing machine.
The ref unlocks the door for me,
"I survived." I said to myself.

Another ref brings me over my title. All mine.

I trace the front around with my index finger, oh how I missed it. I missed the feeling of having a championship in my hands. How good it feels to be Queen again.

Sasha and I meet eyes. She stares at me with total disappointment in her eyes. Tears fall down her face. She looks broken, something I know a little too much.

I raise up my newly won title up in the air as I stare at her. I was the best woman out of us two. I did it. I am not broken anymore. I am me. I am free now.


When I get backstage, for the first time people congratulate me on my hard work. Its a nice feeling.

"Charlotte." I turn around to find Ric with tears running down his cheeks.
The sight shocks me. A smile creeps onto his face.
"You did it kiddo."

Those are the words I have been wanting to hear for a long time and I know have.

"I know I put you through literal hell these past few months and I understand that I am a huge jerk. I only did that because when you told me that you didn't need me anymore, it broke my heart. I just wasn't ready for you to leave yet. I didn't want to let you go yet. That's why I sided with Sasha and them. I am so very sorry Ashley. Will you please forgive me?"

I know fighting won't do any good. I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of a war. All I want is peace. He is the only father I have. We hurt each other extremely over these past few months. I don't want us to be fighting anymore. I surrender. He is my father and he will forever be my father.

I couldn't help but break down to,
"Of course I forgive you dad."

My dad smiles and brings me into a tight hug,
"You worried me so much out there Char, but I am the proudest person alive."

After spending a few moments with my father, I turn to find Roman walking towards me. I look down at my title. This means absolutely nothing when I have him. He was the biggest thing I could of ever win.

I threw the title on a near by table and took off running to Roman. He caught me in his arms and hugged me tightly.

I brought my lips to his and we kissed. Everything we have fought for was worth it. I was lucky enough to have him by my side. He was my everything and I was his everything.
When we pull away, I said the words I have been meaning to say for the longest time.

"I love you too."

The four word sentence that I mean with all my heart.

A huge smile erputs onto his face. He pecked my lips and spoke, "I love you." All over again.
I giggled and hugged him tightly. How much I love him.

"I love you so much Charlotte Flair."

"I love you so much too Roman Reigns."

Roman was my everything. He was the reason why I got up in the morning. He was the reason why I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
Roman Reigns is the one for me
I'm the one for him.

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