( i'm the new queen ! )

What seemed like a million of years, I am finally able to be on TV...... Well Ric doesn't know that or Sasha, but if they don't know, it won't kill them.

"If Chris and Sasha start to gang up on you, don't be shocked to hear my music playing. The last thing you need is a injury." Roman tells me sternly.

I placed my hands on his chest reassuring him. "I know you will, I need to get under Sasha's skin so I can reveal my plan. If Chris or Ric gets in the way, you take care of them."

He nods, "Leave those two bastards to me."

I chuckle, "Hey no cursing."

"Hey no cursing." Roman says mocking me.

"Don't mock me."

"Don't mock me."

I place my fingers on his lips, "Hush." He nods his head. A smile appear on my face and I gently kiss his cheek, letting my lips linger for a little bit. I pull back and face away from him.

"Now please be quiet so I can listen for my cue." I say smugly. After that I didn't hear another peep from Roman.

As Sasha talked more and more with Chris besides her, I grew more annoyed. Patient Charlotte, you'll get her soon.

"And I guess there isn't anymore real competition. Well my work here is done, there is no more unholy subjects ready for me to teach them a lesson."
That was my cue. I told the tech guys to play my music and I walked out of the curtain.

When I walked out of the curtain, I received a loud pop. I twirled the mic in my hand and smile at Sasha and Chris.

"Actually you're wrong Sasha, we have some unfinished business to take care of, and you do have competition. Me." I say as I walk up the steel steps. I slide through the ring and stand in front of the two.

Sasha scoffs, "Like you're any competition."

"Actually I am. I have gave you a run for you're money plenty of times. For these past months that I have been out, I have realized something. You aren't the "boss" you say you are. I thought a boss was supposed to represent something strong and powerful, to never give you on you're dreams, to fight in what you believe in. This boss I'm seeing is a coward. You don't have the decency to win you're own. You shudder away and let others do you're dirty work. You don't care if you rip out souls on you're way to getting to the top, you just care about one thing and that is the fame and fortune. Just listening you spit out words makes my ears bleed from you're annoying screeching voice. You make me sick to even look at you and what you have become."

"Hey! Hey! How dare you talk to Sasha like that you stupid idiot." Chris says rudely. He stares daggers into my eyes. "You need to learn some respect for our champion. Who do you think you are walking down to this ring, spitting disrespectful nonsense."

"Huh Chris, it seems like Charlotte is still bitching and moaning after this time that went by of her father picking me over her. Get over it sweetie because happy endings don't happen here!"

"I can honestly careless about Ric right now, all I care about is that belt around you're waist." I pause and pucker my lips thinking about what am I gonna say next.
"I wonder how you do it. I honestly don't believe this "I don't care about you they say" attitude that you have built for yourself. I bet you feel lonely living in you're bubble of suffocating air. No one likes you anymore Sasha, all you have done is push them away. This new persona is crap. O can speak for everyone when I say you are a disappointment to our division. You are showing young girls at how it is to be a curstar. On the outside you are tough as nails but in the inside you are weak as plastic. Karma is a bitch Sasha Banks, and I'll make sure you get it."

As soon as those words left my mouth, I got smacked in the face. Just then, Roman's music played. I held my cheek in pain as I smiled up at Sasha. I felt Roman's hand on my back, "You okay?"

I looked up at his brown orbs, "Yeah I'm good." I leaned off of the ropes and face an angry Sasha and a bored Chris.

"Oh great, you're here." Chris said.

"It seems that you're just always a sidekick for someone Chris. For the past couple of weeks you have been Sasha's lap dog." Roman said smirking.

Chris's face grew red with anger. "I am no lap dog you stupid idiot, and how about you? Every time Charlotte is out here, you always come to her side. Fishy if you ask me. Why though? Are you two in love?"

I look at Y2J in confusion but I couldn't hide the faint blush that was appearing on my face.

"No we are not in love. I come to her side because a bunch of fools shouldn't be treating her like that."

"Hmmmm, the blush on Charlottle's face tells me otherwise." Shit.

Kevin's music blasts through out the arena. Roman and I eyes meet.
"What is he doing here?" Roman mouthed. I shrugged and stared daggers at Kevin who was walking up the steel steps with a bored look on his face.

Kevin stood in front of me, his tall figure looking down at me. I covered all my emotions with a emotionless facial expression. My breathing was uneven, i just hoped no one could tell.

Kevin chuckled darkly, "After all this time you haven't changed one bit. You are still the man controling woman as before." Kevin faced Roman. He placed his hand on Roman's shoulder but to only have it slapped away by Roman. "I'll run while I still can if i was you."

"What do you want Kevin?" I ask.

"Well I hear you two trying to make a fool out of my friends, and I being the great friend I am, is here to teach you two a lesson."

I roll my eyes, "I see you're still in groupies."

The crowd roars in laughter, Kevin stare at me with wide eyes.
"Be careful what you say little girl."

"Why should I? You don't owe me."

"I did once in life."
The crowd looks confused and so does Chris and Sasha. Thankfully for me another theme plays so I wouldn't have to say something else.
When Seth appeared, the crowd went crazy. I looked at Roman trying to read any expression, last time I check these two weren't on good terms; Roman just had on his normal poker face.

Seth walked up next to me and glared at Kevin, he then broke a small crackle.
"You got to be serious now Kev, you are getting yourself into other people's business? That doesn't sound like the prizefighter Kevin I know. I mean I'm only out here because you're out here. Last night at Clash of Champions you used you're little boyfriend to win against me." Chris looked at Kevin and yelled some unnameable words out to Seth.

"If it wasn't for him, I would of already have the Universal Championship on my shoulder."

Kevin looks at his championship on his shoulder and shrugs, "Well you don't so stop crying about it. I don't understand why you're out here Seth, this doesn't involve you."

I quickly butt in, "Actually this doesn't involve any of you, this involves Sasha and I." I say staring at Sasha. This whole time she has coward away by Chris's side.
"We aren't done with this. I will not rest till I get you."

Sasha cocks her head, "Well guess what, when the boss says she's done, she's done. Charlotte face it, you lost it. Everyone is tired of seeing you as a champion, in fact you don't deserve this. You don't deserve to fight me. I am a battle you will never be able to win against. I am the current that will keep pushing you back. Face it Charlotte, you're gone. There's nothing else here for me to say, but I will teach you a lesson for getting out of my place in the kingdom." Sasha throws her mic on the ground, followed by mine.

We both get in each other's faces. Roman places his large hand on my stomch trying to push me back, while Seth keeps his hand on my shoulder. Kevin and Chris both do the same to Sasha. Both the pink hair woman and I start screaming at each other, waiting for one of us to strike first.

"Break it up! Break it up!" I turn my head to find Ric walking down the ramp. He stops and smirks at all six of us.
"Actually I like this. A brilliant idea just appeared in my mind. Sasha, Chris, and Kevin you guys are my best fighters and need to show these hooligans not to get out of place, so tonight I am going to place you six in the main event; a massive mixed tag match. The team of the best Woman's hampion, Sasha, Chris, and the Universe champion, Kevin vs. The team of the three idiots, Charlotte, Roman, and Seth. See you six in the main event." With that he walks back up the ramp.


Both Seth and I walk out with Roman. My eyes are set on Sasha. The past weeks I was out, I have been dying to get my hands on Sasha; I just need to worry about Kevin or Chris coming at me.

Roman sits on the ropes for me as I slide through. Sasha sends a small wave towards me but I ignore her.

"I'll start first." Seth tells both Roman and I. We both nod. I couldn't help but stare at Seth as he takes off his shirt. Damn boy.

Seth starts off with Chris. They go slow at first due to Chris keeps on rolling out of the ring. Seth and Roman decided that they where going to take out Kevin and Chris for me, so all I have to worry about is Sasha. Perfect.


I harshly knee Sasha in the chest as and fall. With her to try to get the pin. She sadly kicks out before I can seem to try to cover her.
We both do a couple of more moves on each other and I suddenly get hit with the banks statement. I groan in pain as Sasha has me in her perfectly executed submission.
My mind races with ways that I can try to get out of it. Something pops in my head and I back myself into her and pull her into a cover. She kicks out but loses her grip on me. I quickly roll out so she can't try it again.
I hold my neck in pain as Sasha slowly crawls to her feet.

I felt a warm hand on my back, "You good?" Roman asked me. Before I can say anything, we both quickly puss each other as Sasha launches her body through the middle rope, but no one was home so she needs up hitting the barricade.
I took this opportunity to place her on my shoulders and powerbomb her on the apron.

I watch her fragile body moan in pain as the crowd screams in excitement. I grab her by the hair and throw her back into the ring. I cover her quickly but somebody rips me off of her. I stand up to face Kevin.

"Are you fucking serious?" I say breathlessly.

Kevin nods and I'm suddenly pulled down into a roll up pin. I roll throw and get a harsh kick from Sasha on my shoulder.

As the match moved on, Sasha took my hurting shoulder to do all sorts of submissions to get me to give up.
Roman and Seth kept calling my name to try to get me to tag them but I was to far away from them.

I received the double knees to my sides. I whizzed and sucked in air. My body was on fire.
Sasha tried to grab me by the hair but I kick her across the cheek sending her stumbling.

Even though I was in so much pain, I managed to make the tag to Seth who ran at Chris full speed.
I leaned my head against Roman, trying not to fade away.

I was harshly knocked off the apron, making my forehead collide with the ring. I see Sasha was the one who knocked me down and Roman and Kevin are exchanging blows.

"Who's the baddest?!" Sasha yelled. I swiped my leg under her, making her fall. I grab her and throw her into the steel steps.

When I turned around Kevin and I were face to face. His eyebrows were furrowed together, sweat ran down his forehead to his neck, this sight reminded me of when I would see him after one of his matches. God just forget about that Charlotte.

I don't know what came over me but I slapped him hard across the cheek. His head was whipped to the side. More angered bubbled up in his dark orbs. He was then hit with a superman punch by Roman.

"That's what you get for laying you're hand on a woman, you bitch." Roman spat at him. I looked at the fallen Kevin. It was nice seeing him bruise and battered.

Seth hit Chris with his finsher but Chris miraculously kicked out. All three of us was shocked. I ran my hand through my tangled hair. How are we going to end this?

Seth's hand connected with mine, by now Sasha was already at her corner, so she came in.

We ran at each other. I gave her a drop kicker, one after another. She got up each time. I kicked her in her cheek but she leaned on the ropes to hold on. She tried to give me a close line, but I dodge dodge .

Each moved she shot at me, I would dodge, but it wasn't till Sasha caught me with a vicious slap to the face sending me tumbling down.

"I'm the new Queen!"
She yelled. "Come here."

She gripped my hair but I pushed her off and backed her up in the corner. My energy was going running low. I needed to find a solution to end this now.

I punched her and gave everything I had. She leaned on the turnbuckle out of breath. I climbed on the top as fast as I can. My heart was beating fast. The anxiety of preforming risky moves filled my veins. I saw Roman's afraid eyes telling me not to do it, but I ignored every single feeling telling me to run to him and forget the world. I didn't listen to nothing, I just preformed my natural selection from the top rope, surprising everyone.

Sasha layed on the mat motionless. She looked horrible, I did too. We drived each other to our breaking point. I hooked her leg but I saw from the corner of my eye, Kevin rushing to break it up but to only be hit by a spear. Chris tried coming after me but Seth gave him a damaging kick. Finally I got the pin, winning the match.

I rushed out of the ring, not wanting Kevin or Chris to get a hold of me.
The ref followed me out raising my hand in victory.

Roman wrapped his large arms around my waist holding me close. I was out of breath but not because of the match.
Seth yelled some threats at Kevin and walked with us up the ramp.

Sorry Sasha but you aren't no Queen.
I will forever be the Queen of this kingdom.
End of story.

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