Harry sighs softly, staring at the illuminated screen in front of him. He reads through his final chapter one more time, looking for errors he knows aren't there. He just can't believe he's finally done. The book is written, all thats left to do is find an editor.
Harry looks up from the screen to see Emily standing there, in her pyjamas. She's pouting, rubbing her eyes while Harry glances at the clock. He frowns. "'S late, bug," He says softly. "What're you doin' up?"
"My tummy hurts," Emily says. Harry twists his mouth, watching as Emily walks over and climbs onto his bed. He runs his fingers through her curly hair, lowering the screen of his laptop. He knows Emily, and knows that when her tummy hurts it usually means she's anxious about something.
"Why do you think your tummy hurts, Em?" Harry asks gently, moving his laptop to his bedside table so Emily can lay her head in his lap. Emily does, closing her eyes as Harry brushes her hair out of her face.
"I don't know," She mumbles. Harry gives her a soft smile.
"I think you do, pet," He points out. Emily frowns, still not opening her eyes.
"I don't wanna go to Daddy's tomorrow," She admits softly. Harry furrows his eyebrows, continuing to play with her hair.
"Why?" He asks, although he's seen this coming for a while. He's found the older Emily gets, the more wary she is of Louis and his false promises. He knows it would honestly break Louis' heart is Emily decided not to spend time with him, but at the same time, it is his fault.
"Daddy's flat is...dirty," Emily hesitates, like she feels bad for saying it. Harry hums. "And we don't really do anything, and I think he likes Katie more than me."
"Babe, he loves you both equally," Harry assures, and he really does believe that. Katie is just so much like Louis, he thinks they connect more than he does with Emily. He sees himself in her, has a soft spot for her. Anytime Harry tries to address it, the fact that Emily thinks Louis loves Katie more, Louis shuts him down. Tells him he's ridiculous. The gaslighting never stops.
Emily doesn't say anything. Harry strokes her cheek gently with his knuckles. "Look, if you really feel uncomfortable going to Daddy's, I would never make you go," He assures softly. "But he really, really looks forward to seeing you girls. Both of you. Maybe...bring one of your books? So if you get bored, you have something to do?"
Emily frowns, but she nods. "Okay," She says quietly. Harry leans down and kisses her forehead, brushing her hair out of her face.
"And you know if you want to leave, ask Daddy to use his phone to call me," He reminds. "He'll let you."
"I know," Emily nods. Harry gives her a small smile.
"Okay," He can't help but feel guilt tugging at his chest. "I love you, Emily Anne."
"I know," Emily repeats, giggling when Harry shows an offended expression. "I love you too, Papa."
"Good," He smiles, content. "You can chill with me for a little, if you want, but you should go to bed soon."
"Can you just come tuck me in?" Emily asks shyly. Harry's smile turns fond. She hasn't asked him to do that in a while, claiming she's too big for that now.
"Sure," Emily climbs off the bed, Harry getting up and following her to her room. She crawls into bed, Harry tucking her in with the duvet and leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Love you, Em. Sweet dreams."
"G'night," Emily smiles, closing her eyes and holding a stuffed bear, one Anne had gotten her when she was born, to her chest.
"Katie, please," Harry has to grab her little hand to stop her from hitting all of the buttons on the lift. Looks like they'll be stopping at four other floors before reaching Louis'. "Babe, enough with the buttons."
"I like to push 'em," Katie states.
"You like to push buttons, that's for sure," Harry grins, and Emily giggles. "You're going to be on your best behaviour for Daddy, right? No more tantrums?"
"Yup," Katie chirps. Harry doesn't know how much he believes that.
Once they finally hit all of the floors Katie pressed the buttons for, they get to Louis'. He holds both of the girls' hands as he walks them to Louis' flat, lifting Katie up so she can push the doorbell. He can hear shuffling behind the door before it swings open, Louis wearing pyjamas, looking confused.
"Hey," He greets, but he doesn't look at Harry. Still bitter about the whole girlfriend thing. Oh well.
"Daddy!" Katie squeals, holding her arms out to him.
Harry can see the realisation hit Louis' face, like he just remembered he was supposed to hang out with the girls today. "Katie!" He exclaims, smiling and taking her from Harry. He kisses her cheek. He looks hungover, and it irks Harry a little, but he chooses to stay quiet. "You come to hang out with me?"
"Mhm!" Katie beams.
Emily squeezes Harry's hand. Harry frowns, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. "Call me if you need me, okay?" He mumbles into her curls. Louis makes a face at that. Harry ignores it. He stands up straight. "Behave, Katie."
"I willl!" Katie squeaks.
"Okayyy," Harry tries to catch Louis' eye so he can at least say goodbye, but Louis ignores him. Typical. He sighs. "See you, girls. Love you."
"Love you, Papa," Emily, her rucksack full of books on her back, steps into Louis' flat. Katie waves as Louis closes the door, and Harry deflates a little, sighing again as he walks back to the lift.
"It's wonderful, love."
Harry's cheeks flush, grinning as Anne hands him the copy of his first draft he lent her. "Really?" He asks, preening under the praise. She's the first person who's actually read it.
"It's beautiful, I loved it," She gushes, smiling wide, proud, and sitting down across from him. "Does...does Louis know about it?"
Harry's smile falters. "No," He admits softly. Anne frowns. "Mum, he...he doesn't give a shit about me. He's never gonna read it, and even if he did, I don't owe him anything. It's not about him, it's about me."
"It's about how he made you feel," Anne points out, but she smiles again right after. "You're a beautiful writer, though. I adored every second of it, and I'm not just saying that."
Harry's cheeks are warm, heart bursting as he picks up the book. "Thanks, Mum," He says softly.
Anne's warm smile widens, taking a sip of her tea. She's using a mug Emily made in school a few years ago. It makes Harry grin. "How has Louis been?" She asks. "Is he...behaving?"
Harry laughs a little at her choice of words. "Never," He sighs. Anne twists her mouth. "He got mad at me because I didn't want the girls meeting his girlfriend of one month."
"Oh, dear," Anne rolls her eyes, and Harry laughs again. She's quiet for a moment before, softly, she admits "I miss him." Harry furrows his eyebrows. "I mean. I miss how he used to treat you. I used to adore him when you were kids, even when Katie was born I thought he was just going through a rough patch."
"I know," Harry says quietly. "I miss him too, mum, so much," Anne frowns. "Emily...didn't want to go to his flat today."
"Really?" Anne hums. "Uh oh."
"And, obviously, I told her if she was really uncomfortable going there, I'd never make her," He looks down at his lap, where his draft now rests. "She said his flat is dirty, and that he loves Katie more than her. Which, I don't blame her. His flat smells like weed all the time. And he does give Katie lots of attention."
"Because Katie is him," Anne points out.
"I know," Harry sighs. "He gives her all the attention and doesn't even realise he's ignoring Emily. It's literally the same way he only cares about himself."
Anne's frown deepens. "I'm so sorry, love," She says softly. Harry shrugs, biting his bottom lip. He can't help but think about all of the times Louis had sat at this exact table, charming Anne and Robin with ease, impressing them with the way he treated their son.
"Um, I'm looking at editors," He mentions, wanting to change the subject before he thinks about it too much. "For the book. I've found a few I might want to work with."
Anne's face shifts, suddenly warm and proud. "Wonderful," She grins. "When you get it published, I want a signed copy."
"Of course," Harry giggles.
Louis drops the girls off later that evening, both of them seemingly in good moods. That must mean Katie behaved, and Emily got over her initial hesitance. Louis still barely looks at Harry when he walks the girls up to the door, but he does mutter a goodbye.
"You guys have fun today?" Harry asks as Louis' car pulls out of the driveway.
"Mhm!" Emily plops down on the sofa, her rucksack still on her back. Harry scoops Katie up and kisses her cheek, and she squeals. "I read two books, and we got pizza, and Daddy's friend came over."
Harry winces. He prays it isn't Oli. "Oh, yeah?" He carries Katie on his hip, sitting down on an armchair and setting her in his lap. "What was this friend's name?"
"Danielle. She was really nice, and pretty. Her and Daddy kissed, though. That was gross."
Harry freezes. Rage settles into the pit of his stomach as Emily's face softens into a concerned one. "Did I get Daddy in trouble?" She asks cautiously. Harry closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to think rationally instead of storming out of the room and calling Louis to scold him.
"No, babe," He assures. "Daddy's not in trouble. I was just surprised."
"Don't worry, Papa, you're prettier," Emily says, and Harry, despite how furious he is, bursts into laughter. Emily hurriedly telling him he's prettier than her Dad's girlfriend to make him feel better, as if his feelings are hurt, is such an Emily thing to do.
"Well, thank you, Em," He giggles. Katie snuggles into his chest. Harry wonders if Louis remembered to put her down for a nap. He kisses the top of his head, trying not to show on his face how furious he is.
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