
Harry hates mornings.

Especially this morning, where he overslept and is now rushing to get Emily to school and Katie to daycare. Katie has decided to make today, of all days, the one where she protests wearing shoes. Harry feels like hitting his head against the wall. Repeatedly. But, there's no time for that.

"Katie, remember that episode of Sesame Street we watched yesterday?" Harry coaxes gently, a tiny, pink, light-up trainer in his hand. Katie sits there, arms crossed, pouting. "Where Elmo was talking about how sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do?"

"I rememba'," Katie nods.

"Well, Bug, I think this is one of those times he was talking about," Harry says, giving Katie a weary smile. "Like when Elmo didn't want to eat his veggies, but he did anyways, because he knew it was good for him."

"Shoes are bad for me, Papa," Katie insists, shaking her head. "My toes need'ta be free."

Harry glances at his watch. He has twenty minutes to get everyone where they need to be. That's, physically, impossible. "Katie, I'm sorry, love, but wearing shoes is just something you have to do. You begged me to buy you light-up trainers, and now you're going to wear them."

"Nuh-uh," Katie says.

"Fine," Harry shrugs. "No telly after daycare."

"No!" Katie pouts, crossing her arms.

"Shoes on or no telly, those are your options," Harry says, raising an eyebrow at her. "What'll it be?"

Katie lets out the most dramatic sigh ever, but she holds her little foot out so Harry can slip them on. Harry does so, very quickly, and scoops Katie up into his arms, taking her to the kitchen to get her coat on.

Emily is all ready, coat on and everything. Harry has never been so grateful for a seven year old. He gets Katie into her little red coat, scooping her back up and leading Emily out to the car.

"Remember Daddy's picking you two up today," Harry says as he climbs into the driver's side, starting the car and trying desperately to relieve the tension building up in his shoulders.

"I hope Daddy gets us ice cream," Katie says, swinging her little legs in her car seat.

"You can't get ice cream every time you go with him, babe," Harry says, although he knows Louis will get them ice cream if they ask. Katie pouts in the rear view mirror, and Harry sighs. "At least eat something beforehand."

"Papa, I don't have a lunch," Emily realises.

"Damn," Harry whispers. He usually packs her one. It totally slipped his mind. He hits the button to open the centre console with his elbow, pulling out a few pounds and handing it back to Emily. "Here. Try not to buy anything too sugary."

"Of course not, Papa," Emily grins mischievously, taking the money.

Harry gets Emily to school, fighting the urge to flip off the mother behind him in the drop off line who honks two seconds after he stops the car. He gets Katie to daycare and makes it to work only two minutes late. He's kind of impressed with himself.

He plops down in his desk chair, only slightly frazzled, starts up his computer. He's finally starting to settle down just as he hears his boss' voice from next to him. "Styles."

Harry looks up to see James standing there with this gorgeous, tall man standing behind him, smiling nervously. He could probably throw Harry over his shoulder with ease, and he's got a shag of light brown, wavy hair that curls around his ears. Did Harry mention he's gorgeous?

"This is Luke, 's his first day," James says. Luke reaches around James to hold his hand out for Harry to shake. Harry does, after taking a second to get over how huge this man's hands are. Like, holy shit.

"Lovely to meet you," Luke says. His accent is different, maybe Australian. Harry gets flustered. Imagine being so touch deprived you're a mess over a handshake, Harry thinks to himself. Get it together.

"Nice to meet you too," Harry manages, his cheeks flooding with warmth. "Um, 'm Harry."

"I've got a meeting in a few, would you mind showing Luke around for me?" James asks, checking his wristwatch. "Y'know I would myself, if I could."

"Yeah, of course, no problem," Harry assures. James thanks him and walks away, and that leaves Harry and Luke alone. Harry clears his throat, tucking a curl behind his ear and standing up from his desk chair. "Um. Right. This is...the office."

"Could've guessed," Luke nods, smirking, though it's more teasing than mean-spirited. Harry's cheeks are probably furiously red. "Do you guys have coffee or summat? Sorry, is that rude? I'm exhausted."

"Uh, yeah, we do," Harry nods towards the break room, leading Luke there. He lowers his voice. "'S not good though."

"Oh, I'd drink it out of a urinal if I had to," Luke says, and Harry laughs, stomach filled with butterflies. "Was gonna grab some on the way here, but I got lost trying to find a place."

"There's a coffee shoppe on Andreson," Harry suggests, the two of them reaching the break room. "'S usually where I stop when I have time."

"I'll remember that," Luke nods, turning his head and grinning at Harry. Harry smiles back, a little shyer, and grabs a mug out of the cabinet to hand to Luke. "Thanks."

Harry leans his lower back into the counter as Luke pours himself some coffee from the pot. His hands are a little shaky. This is weird. He hasn't been this flustered over a boy in years. He hasn't had the time to. Luke takes a sip of the coffee and visibly attempts to hide his look of disgust. "Okay, yeah. You were right. Not good."

"Told you," Harry can't help but giggle.

Luke stares at the mug in his hand for a second before shrugging. "Coffee is coffee," He says before taking another sip. "I know boss-man told you to show me around, but really the only things I needed are here, and the facilities."

"Washroom's right across from James' office," Harry says, crossing his arms. "Although, after lunch, I think you're better off just going to the washroom upstairs. I learned that the hard way."

"Ah," Luke wrinkles his nose. "Got it. Uh, what do you guys usually do for lunch around here?"

"I usually bring mine, but I forgot this morning," Harry huffs. Luke smiles sympathetically. "Overslept."

"My friend told me about this place down the street, I was going to check it out once lunch rolls around," Luke mentions, swishing his coffee around. "Care to join me?"

Harry's chest flutters. He's sure his cheeks have become dark again, giving away how flustered he is. Louis always used to tease him about how easily he blushed. Harry tries to push Louis out of his head. "Sure," He says, giving Luke a shy smile. "I'd love to."

"Sweet," Luke's smile widens. He runs his fingers through his hair, taking one final sip of your coffee. "Suppose we should probably get to work. I'll see you for lunch, though?"

"Y-Yeah, for sure," Harry nods. Luke gives him a little wave as he walks back to his desk. Harry bites his bottom lip to keep from smiling too hard.

Harry is over the fucking moon.

Lunch was incredible, Harry hasn't had that much fun in so long. It's nice talking to someone else his own age. He drives home singing Paper Rings by Taylor Swift entirely too loud, a huge smile on his face.

He pulls into the driveway, grabbing his workbag and whistling as he walks to the door. Almost as soon as he gets in, Louis' car is pulling in, and Harry remembers he's going to have to talk to him about Danielle. His good mood could only last so long.

"Papa!" Katie bursts through the door, ice cream on her face. Harry grins and scoops her up before she can rub her face all over his trousers, kissing her cheek.

"Someone had chocolate ice cream," Harry tickles Katie's tummy, making her squeal. He kisses her forehead before setting her down, leaning over to kiss Emily's forehead too. "What'd you get for lunch, pumpkin?"

"Salad," Emily smiles innocently.

"You know I can log onto your school account and see what you bought, right?" He reminds. Emily's face falls, and Harry can't help but laugh a little. "That's what I thought."

He looks up and sees Louis leaning in the doorway, and he sighs softly. "Um, girls, why don't you go put your rucksacks away?" He suggests, nodding towards the stairs. "And, Emily, help your sister wash her face, please?"

"Okayyy," Emily huffs, leading Katie up the stairs. Once they're gone, Harry turns to Louis.

"What's wrong with you?" Louis asks.

"What do you mean?" Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"You're all smiley," Louis observes, but he says it like it's a bad thing. "You on something?"

Harry rolls his eyes. "No, I'm not on anything," He replies. "And, I need to talk to you."

"Okay?" Louis shrugs.

"Why did you have the girls meet Danielle after I told you they couldn't?" Harry asks, crossing his arms. Louis' eyes widen slightly, like he's been caught. How didn't he think he wouldn't be?

"Listen, I don't think it's that big of a deal," Louis says. "They liked her. It was fine."

"That's...not even remotely what the problem is," Harry scoffs, shaking his head. "You asked me, I said no, and you did it anyways. That's not okay."

"But you were being unreasonable!" Louis exclaims.

"Louis, I've tried for four years to reason with you," Harry argues. "If I can't trust you to listen to one thing I say, how can I trust you with our kids? Co-parenting with you is becoming...impossible."

"Could say the same to you!" Louis raises his voice, ignoring the way Harry holds his finger up to his mouth. He doesn't want the girls to hear. "You've gotten more and more stuck up since Katie was born."

"I'm not stuck up for wanting to protect them," Harry says sternly. "The more you ignore whatever I say, and show up to their soccer games high, and insult me, the more reason you give me to take this to court. And, trust me, if I did, you would never see them. The only reason I don't is because they'd be devastated."

Louis' clenching his jaw. "You know, you can be as jealous, and condescending, and stuck-up as you want. 'S probably why I was able to find someone and you still haven't," Ouch. Harry doesn't have anything to say to that. "I just hope the kids don't grow up to be as arrogant as you. In fact, 'm already seeing it in Emily."

The rage that fills Harry is inexplicable. "Get out," He says. Louis scoffs, but then Harry steps closer to him. "Get the fuck out of my house."

Louis' stern looks softens a little. "Harry," He says quietly, but Harry doesn't let him continue.

"Get out of my house, and never insult my daughter like that ever again," Harry raises his voice. Louis looks shocked. It makes Harry want to punch him. He looks him dead in the eyes and says. "I'm calling my lawyer tomorrow."

"Wait, Harry-"

"Out," Harry says. Louis is powerless, and he knows it, because the best comeback he has is flipping Harry off and storming off to his car. Harry slams the door, shaking with anger until he notices the little figure standing at the bottom of the stairs. He turns and sees Emily, eyes wide and shiny, standing there. He exhales shakily. "Em."

Emily bursts into tears, running towards Harry. Harry wraps her up in his arms, sinking down to the floor and holding her tight. "I'm so sorry," He mumbles into the top of her head, feeling her grip his shirt. "'M so, so sorry, sweet girl."

Emily just sobs, and Harry rocks her back and forth, his own eyes becoming wet. "I love you so much, babe," Harry mutters, giving Emily a squeeze. "So, so much. I'm so sorry."

He'd never say it, because even now he doesn't want to say anything negative about Louis in front of her, but he wants her to know she deserves a good dad. She deserves someone who's there for her, and shows that he wants to spend time with her.

"I don't wanna go to his house tomorrow," Emily weeps, voice muffled from Harry's shirt.

"You don't have to," Harry assures gently, cradling the back of her head with his hand. "I would never make you. I'm so sorry, pumpkin."

Emily continues to cry. Harry holds her as tight as he can, pressing his nose into her hair. He doesn't know what to do here, doesn't know the right way to handle this. For now he sits on the floor with Emily, soothing her and trying to think of how he can possibly fix this.


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