"Yes, baby?"
"What does arrogant mean?"
Harry sighs, folding one of Katie's jumpers and setting it down on his bed. "Don't worry about it, Em," He says gently, shaking his head. "Just know you're not, okay?"
Emily's quiet, folding one of her pairs of leggings. The only time Harry ever gets laundry done is early in the morning, and Emily had happened to wake up a bit early as well. "Are you?" She asks after a moment.
"Hm?" Harry questions, folding one of his own shirts.
"Arrogant," Emily says. "Daddy said you were. He said we both were."
Harry puts the shirt down and sighs, looking up from the laundry and trying to think of what to say. "Your dad is a really good person," He says after a moment. And he does still believe that, to a degree. "And he loves both of you a lot, and equally. I think sometimes...he gets upset with me. And he takes it out on you, but he doesn't mean any of it."
"But why does he get upset with you?" Emily asks. "You're not mean to him. Is it because you broke up with him?"
Harry blinks, a bit taken aback. Never as he ever mentioned "breaking up" with Louis to the girls (it wasn't so much breaking up as it was throwing all of his belongings out the window). "" He says after a few seconds. "I didn't break up with him. We both agreed we would be better off as friends than in a relationship."
"But you're not friends," Emily says. Harry feels as though there isn't a single parenting book out there that could prepare him for this conversation.
"Listen, babe," Harry says quietly, and Emily looks up at him. "Daddy and I have a complicated relationship compared to other people's parents, and I'm sorry. I know sometimes it makes things harder for you and Katie."
Emily's quiet for a second. "It's not your fault though," She says. "It's always Daddy's."
Harry swallows thickly. All he wants is for her and Katie to have the dad they deserve. "Why don't you go get ready for school?" He says, practically whispering.
"He's not a good person if he's mean to you," Emily says.
"Em," Harry nods towards the door. "School. Let's go." Emily pouts, but she obeys him and crawls off his bed. Harry stands there, staring down at the unfolded laundry in the laundry basket. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and sets a reminder to call his lawyer once he gets to work.
"Really?" Harry asks, deflating a little. He sighs, leaning back and closing his eyes. "No, I know, it's not your fault." He knew it would be expensive to hire a lawyer, but he wasn't expecting it to be this expensive. "Um, I'll call you back and let you know, thanks. You too."
He hangs up the phone, licking his lips. At least he knows Louis doesn't have the money for a lawyer either. Until he can come up with it he'll just have to deal with it himself. He hears a throat clearing in front of him, and he looks up to see Luke standing there.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you," Luke says, giving him a grin. Jesus, he is beautiful. Harry can feel his cheeks heat up. "Was gonna ask if you wanted to run down the street and get a coffee with me, but you look a bit stressed, so. Maybe an herbal tea instead?"
"Uh, yeah," Harry gives him a small smile. "Sure, sorry."
"No worries," Luke shakes his head, his smile softening. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, no, everything's fine," Harry assures, standing up and grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair. "Today would just be a really good day to win the lottery."
Luke laughs a little. "I feel that," He nods. "Ready?"
"Yup," Harry grabs his wallet off of his desk.
"Oh, you can leave that here," Luke assures. "I'm buying."
Harry's face softens. It feels weird, having someone be this nice to him. "Are you sure?" He asks quietly. He supposes Luke can afford to buy two coffees, since he doesn't have two kids to provide for. Luke furrows his eyebrows, seemingly confused that Harry is so surprised.
"Yeah, of course," He says. "Unless you want to pay me back after you win the lottery."
Harry can't help but giggle, setting his wallet back down and slipping his coat on. "If I win the lottery, coffee's on me from now on."
"I'll hold you to that," Luke nods. He's so charming, it makes Harry feel like a puddle. He looks to the picture frames on Harry's desk, picking up a picture of Katie when she was a baby. "Cute. Your niece or something?"
Harry twists his mouth. "Um, no, actually-"
He's interrupted by James approaching them. "You get my email?"
Harry plasters on a smile. "Yup, already got those files over to them," James gives him a approving smile. "We we're actually stepping out to grab some coffee, would you like us to get you anything?"
"A vanilla latte would be lovely," James reaches into his pocket and takes his wallet out, handing him five pounds. "Cheers."
When James walks away, Luke lets out a stifled laugh. "What?" Harry asks.
"Nothing," Luke grins, shaking his head and setting the picture frame down. "Just never took you as a bootlicker."
"I am not a bootlicker!" Harry pouts. "I'm just..."
"A kiss ass?"
"Oi," Harry wrinkles his nose. "Are we getting coffee or not?"
"You're cute," Luke comments. Harry can feel his cheeks turn furiously warm, and Luke seems to notice, because his grin widens. "Yeah, we are, let's go."
"You're not coming, Emmy?"
"No, babe, Em has some boring errands to run with Papa," Harry says, unbuckling Katie from her car seat. Katie pouts, about to whine about Emily not joining her at Louis', but Harry stops her by saying "That means you get Daddy all to yourself all night."
"More ice cream," Katie whispers, grinning devilishly.
"Or, literally anything else?" Harry suggests. Katie makes a face at him. He laughs a little, lifting Katie up and setting her down on the ground. "You're an ice cream fiend, Katie Johannah."
He doesn't close the car door, instead sighing softly and looking at Emily. "You don't have to go with him, but you can't stay in the car."
Emily gives him a look, but she unbuckles her seatbelt with a sigh. Harry takes Katie's hand, her little rucksack in his other hand, and leads her and Emily into the flat complex.
When Louis answers the door, Katie immediately releases Harry's hand and runs to wrap herself around his legs. "Daddy!" She cheers.
"Katie!" Louis grins, resting his head on top of her blonde hair. He looks up at Harry, his smile faltering a little. "Hi."
"Here's her bag," Harry says, handing him her rucksack. "Remember she has to be dropped off at daycare at eight."
"Where's Em?" Louis asks, eyebrows furrowed. Harry tightens his lips, taking the rucksack back from Louis and leaning down to hand it to Katie.
"Why don't you go put your stuff in the bedroom, Bug?" He suggests.
"Okay!" Katie squeaks, taking it and running into the flat. Harry looks back to Louis.
"She heard what you said yesterday," He says quietly, glancing to the end of the corridor, where Emily is waiting for him. Louis' face falls. "She said she didn't want to see you, and I told her that was okay."
"Shit," Louis curses, putting his hand on his forehead. "Fuck, H, I didn't mean it. I was just frustrated with you, I didn't want her to hear. I want her here, you know I love having both of them here."
"She has every right not to want to see you," Harry says. Louis visibly swallows, staring over Harry's shoulder at the wall, avoiding his eyes.
"I agree with you," He says after a moment. It takes him a moment to meet Harry's eyes again. "I'm...trying to get clean from Xanax. The withdrawal's been making me a little irritable. I didn't mean what I said about either of you. I'm sorry."
"That's good," Harry nods. "But what about getting clean from everything else?"
Louis is quiet for a moment. "I'm trying," He says. "'M gonna try to quit one thing at a time, and if I can't do it myself...Danielle found a rehab place a few towns over."
Harry is transported back five years, when he used to cry and beg Louis to go to rehab. Used to get in screaming matches with him because he flushed his pills. Used to sit on the floor while he laid on the couch during a massive serotonin drop because he was so terrified of him doing something to himself. And Danielle just came in one swoop and got him to agree to quit.
"Good for you, Louis," He practically whispers. He wonders if Louis can see those memories too, if it keeps him up at night like it does Harry. He doubts it.
"Can you tell her I'm sorry?" Louis asks.
"No," Harry says. "You can tell her when she's ready to talk to you."
Louis nods, biting his lip. "Okay. I'll see you Saturday."
"Mhm," Harry glances back at Emily, who stands there with a book in her hands. It takes everything in him not to give in to the lump forming in his throat. Louis nods again, giving him a forced smile before shutting the door.
Harry walks to Emily, willing himself to save his angry tears for later. He wants Louis to be clean, he's been praying and wishing and begging for it for years. But he can't help but wonder what Danielle said that he didn't, what she reasons she offered him that he didn't.
"You ready?" He asks Emily, who closes her book and looks up at him. "How 'bout we go home and order a pizza?"
"Okay!" Emily grins. Harry grabs her head and kisses the top of it, leading her toward the lift.
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