Chapter 1

وَلَا تُصَعِّرْ خَدَّكَ لِلنَّاسِ وَلَا تَمْشِ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ مَرَحًا ۖ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ

"And swell not your cheek (out of pride) at mankind , nor walk in insolence through the earth , for Allah does not love any arrogant boaster."

(Aaya 18 , Surah Luqmaan)

* * *

The tip of the sun rose from the horizon as he jogged around the mansion. Clad in his sweat pants and black hoodie, he inhaled the crisp morning air. His muscles tightened and ached as he picked up speed and began his seventh lap around the mansion.
Three more laps of swift running  and his daily morning run would be complete.

His routinal excercise consisted of  six rounds of jogging,  four rounds of swift running, some push ups and planks.
If he failed to excercise after fajjar, he would feel lousy and lethargic the entire day.

Once he completed his excercise, he walked towards the mansion, his forehead coated with sweat. He shrugged off his hoodie, his shirt clung to him as he sped up the stairs and into his room.

He groaned when he realised his bathroom was currently out of order. He decided to use the guest bathroom instead, but  heard his mother humming as she bathed his little brother.

He huffed when he realised he would have to use his sisters shower as the fourth bathroom didn't have a shower installed into it, only a Jacuzzi was fitted into that one and he had no time for that right now.

He hated using her bathroom, the shower was cluttered with a whole variety of shower gels and diferent types of soaps and only girls knew what else. He hated when she forgot to pick up her fallen hair from the top of the shower drain, he couldn't stand how women's hair fell all over the place, he didn't know how he would handle it with his own wife one day.

He knocked on his sisters bedroom door, but received no reply. Thinking she must have left the room, he decided to quickly sneak into the shower and get out before she made a fuss about it, but he was left disappointed when he found the bathroom door locked and the sound of water hitting the tiles.

He hit his head on the door in frustration.

He stood that way for almost fifteen minutes, then finally lost his patience.

"Basheera Kareeem get out, will you! I'm going to be late for work "
Bilaal shouted and banged on the bathroom door, while she took a long and relaxing shower.

"Why don't you use your own bathroom ?"

She yelled, irritated that he interrupted her calming shower. This was time for her musings and he was being a nuisance.

"You know very well that my bathroom is not in a good condition. The plumber should be done fixing up those burst pipes soon."

Bilaal sighed loudly and banged on the door again.

"Dammit we have a guest bathroom as well !" She shouted still enjoying her relaxing shower.

"Little Bro is in there having a grand bubble bath!" He sighed exasperated.

She giggled to herself and turned off the shower.

Hamza was her little brother, who was only five. He could be a bit annoying sometimes, especially when he wanted things his way,  but he was so so adorable that none of them could ressist his cuteness.

Her mother gave birth to him when she was sixteen. Being the late  lamb of the family, he was the the spoilt one. Obviously being the baby of the house he would be, and would  definitely get his way.

Bilaal was twenty five and the eldest, and Basheera twenty two and the middle child.

'Knock knock'

"My word Bilaal! do you have any patience ?"

"I'm going to be late for work ! Please make it snappy" He pleaded.

"Sheesh okay okay! Can you go out of my room first let me just get changed then you can come in when I'm done", she yelled,  unlocking the bathroom door.

"Okay " He grumbled.

She heard footsteps and her bedroom door closing, indicating he had left the room.

She quickly got out of the bathroom holding her bathrobe tight.

Stepping into her huge room, that was lit up with the sunlight. She smiled as she saw the dust particles swirling in the rays of the sun. When she was a  litte girl, she used to always  be amazed by the dust motes that sparkled in the air.

The Kareem family lived at 'Crystal Water Estate', huge mansions with modernly furnished finishings, its very own club house, lake, golf course, a little shopping centre, which included a mini supermarket, a coffee shop, ladies salon, barber and a pharmacy. It  was an area where the elite and the wealthy lived and the Kareem family were also included under this title by the society, but not amongst the elite themselves.

Even though it was true that the Kareem family were wealthy, most  of the elite  refused to acknowledge them as important people. They always mentioned how repulsed they were by the Kareem family, as they were too humble and down to earth and they never ever gloated about their wealth and properties.

The Kareem family however were not affected by their way of thinking, they didn't have to have the wrong mindset to fit in and there was certainly no need to be proud and arrogant just because they had wealth, it wasn't something that could last forever. It could easily be snatched away from them and they could become paupers overnight. It was temporary, so why gloat about it? What was more important, was the wealth of good deeds that they accumulated for the hereafter.

As for Basheera's room, it was massive, with a huge glass window which overlooked the  beautiful lake and golf course that was part of the Estate. With white painted walls, glossy porcelain white tiles and the sunlight pouring into the room, the room looked  sophisticated, tidy and spacious, but at the same time it was comfortable as well.

Basheera loved the colour white, it was just so pure, so happy and bright, and created peace within her.

She had a huge king sized bed that was not very far from the huge window, above her bed hovered a sky light, which she absolutely admired, she loved falling asleep after gazing at the stars on a clear night, the wisps of coulds on a cloudy night and the rain laiden clouds when a tempest was brewing.

Next to her bed was a soft fluffy mint green carpet which was her favourite reading spot.  She totally and utterly loved books! Any kind of books, her preferances  though, were mostly mystery and romance.

Next to the carpet was a gigantic white book shelf, books were placed on the shelve from the  ceiling mmmmmmmto the floor. The shelf  was packed with all kinds of novels and of course fashion magazines.

On the right corner of her room, was a door that lead to her bathroom and on the left side of the room, her very own walk in closet. Every girls dream!

" Bashi are you done yet", Bilaal knocked impatiently on her bedroom door.

"Oh for goodness sake Bila you are the most annoying big brother anyone could  have", she scolded,  annoyed with his constant knocking.

"Trust me I'm not very thrilled of walking into a steam stuffed bathroom either but I really have no choice! Now open up!"

"I'm going to change in my closet you can come in ", she shouted dashing into the walk in closet.

"Finally! Geez,  girls and their extra long showers! " she heard Bilaal complain and then the door shut.

She rolled her eyes. Brothers and their complaints! And she had to deal with two of them!

"Hmm what to wear ", she asked herself tapping her chin and scanning the rails .

After much thought and skimming through countless outfits,  she finally pulled out a black skinny jeans, along with a white top and paired a nude colour hijaab and heels with it.
She brushed out her long, dark brown, straight, waist length hair and tied it into a neat bun. Grabbing a silver locket, a bracelet and a  few rings , she slid them on, then tied her khimaar and pinned it up.

Walking over to the mirror, she applied a slick of mascara and a coat of light pink lip gloss.

Basheera had big Hazel eyes and plump pink lips which she thought  were way too big sometimes but she shouldn't be  complaining and an ungrateful person. A fair complextion, with naturally pink tinged cheeks, she was not too skinny and not to fat either, just the right figure.

Well there was no chance of being fat with Raeesa dragging her along with her to the gym thrice a week. Helps to  have a friend who is over concious about her figure sometimes.

Raeesa was her childhood friend. Thier mothers were  friends and they automatically became the best of buddies too. They just had this connection from childhood, and as they grew up, they shared similar interests as well, like fashion for example. They both did a course of fashion designing, and now both worked in one of the most famous fashion companies, glamorous creations.

She grabbed a white hand bag and walked out of the room, her  heels clicked on the tiles and her hand bag dangled from her arm.

She grabbed a random abaya on her way out and folded the abaya neatly placing it into her bag. She  always carried one with her as she had to preform her Zuhr and Asr Salaah at work.

Just then Bilaal exited  the bathroom,  glancing at her putting the abaya in the bag and zipping it up . He gave her a look.

She knew that look meant, brace yourself for a pious lecture from big brother.

"Just say it ", she exclaimed, noticing him opening his mouth then closing it, hesitating whether to speak or not.

He sighed running his fingers through his straight black hair.

Bilaal looked nothing like she did , Hamza and Basheera took after their mother's looks, with their brown hair and big, round, hazel eyes .

Bilaal looked so much like their father, a junior duplicate, as numerous people would say.
With his light brown eyes, slick black hair, a small black curly beard, tall, with broad shoulders.

Sometimes it hurt so much, the way his features reminded her of her Dad, even some of his habits were the same, like his overprotective side.

She lost her dad two years ago, he passed away with lung cancer, after which  Bilaal became even  more overprotective. At times he became a nuisance, she didn't like the idea of being treated like a delicate porcelain doll.

"Why don't you just wear the abaya and go out? You look so much better with it", he finally spoke,  glancing at her nervously.

He knew she  sometimes got riled up  when he brought up these topics.

"It's too hot !", she said shrugging her shoulders.

What a lame excuse it's actually quite cold now.

"You call twelve degrees hot !", Bilaal asked raising his eyebrows , a small smile on his lips, amused with her lame excuse.

"Whatever Bila I need to get to work", she said brushing past him.

"By the way the fire of Jahanam is hotter !", he shouted. She ignored him and walked down the stairs to the kitchen downstairs.

Her outfit was decent enough, she didn't know why he always harped about her  dressing.

"Salaam Mum."

She greeted, kissing her mother on her cheek, while she flipped a pancake.

"Wa alaykumusalaam ",
She greeted back giving her a warm smile, then turned her attention back to the pancake.

She really admired her mother, she was the strongest one when her Dad passed away , she hardly cried infront of them and she always wore a warm and loving smile, but  they knew behind that act of a tough and calm woman, there was a broken and torn woman.

She quickly gobbled up her pancake and sipped on her coffee,  then ran up to her room, brushed her teeth and put on a fresh coat of lip gloss. She glanced one last time in the mirror, then  skipped down the stairs.

"Woah slow down there ! What's the hurry? "

Bilaal asked, stretching out his hand to stop her, before she colided into him.

"You are not late for work so why so jumpy ", he asked, shooting her a suspicous look. 

"It's not what you're thinking big Bro, last night Raeesa told me she has some exciting news for me , she refused to tell me what it is over the phone, she said I will have to wait till the morning", she explained.

"I hope this is not one of her suggestions of some guy for you to marry who doesn't even suit you !", Bilaal said with an annoyed look.

"And if it is?", she asked winking , but he was too busy being annoyed to notice she was joking.

"Not again!"

His shoulders tensed.

"My word you are so serious take a chill pill will you ! I was only joking I already told her no playing match maker she assured me it has nothing to do with proposals for me !".

As soon as she said that, he visibly  relaxed and smiled.

"Enjoy your day at work and be a good girl" , Bilaal reminded  like the dad he alwyas  pretends to be,  talking to his seven year old daughter and patted her head mockingly.

"Yes dad !"

She hugged him.

He chuckled and hugged her back.

He could be a bit boring with his lectures and a bit annoying and overprotective at times but she loved him anyway.

"Salaam, May Allah take you safely and bring you back safely."

Her mother kissed her forehead, lovingly. She made sure that she supplicated for her daughter before she left the house.

She walked out of the double story house, just as Raeesa pulled up in the driveway with her white and black Audi R8, wearing her shades.

"Salaam habibti " she jumped out of  the car and walked towards Basheera.

"I'm so happy!", she sqeuled and  gave Basheera a suffocating bear hug.

Raaesa looked at her strangely. She must be really excited about something huge! Raaesa always sat in her car and waited for her to walk towards it.

She stepped back beaming.

Raeesa was that perfect girl anyone would be envious of, with her model figure, her light brown long wavy hair, extremely  fair complextion , her naturally full pink lips which she  always coloured with  lipstick  and her deep green eyes with mesmerizing golden specks. She was gorgeous and every boy would go crazy for her at school, but back then she never really cared about attention. She was very different before,  much quieter, she always wore her scarf on her head, well she did now as well , most of the time, excluding the days they had functions,  work parties and events.

"Masha Allah you're looking gorgeous! ", she complimented. 

"Really ? Bila just gave gave me the abaya looks so much better bayaan."
Basheera smiled guiltily.

"Then he probably thinks I'm a shaytaan ", she gestured to her outfit.

She wore a skinny leg ripped jeans that didn't show any skin,  a white top that reached her thighs, which had Habibi London written on it, a black leather jacket, she paired her outfit with a black and white chequered  scarf which was tied loosely and short black, leather, pointed boots.

They both jumped  into the car.

"Come on give me the breaking news sister! You kept me in suspense since last night !", Basheera urged.

Raeesa laughed.

"I'm pregnant ! ", she sqeuled with a wide smile.

"Oh my Allah ! What a surprise! ", Bashi shouted excitedly, stretching over and crushing  her into a tight hug.

"Hey! can't breath! ", Raeesa pulled away.

"Oh sorry Raisu ", Basheera patted her cheek then patted her tummy and said "sorry lil baby".

"Hey "Raeesa laughed and swatted her hand away.

"So how many months? Is it a girl or or a boy? Did you start shopping yet? Which hospital are you going to? Is Uthmaan happy ? Oh my word when are we having the baby shower ?"

Basheera bombarded her with questions all at once.

"Woah there woman ! Hold your horses! It's only two weeks so I don't know if it's a girl or boy. I don't know what hospital I'm going to yet. You are accompanying me for some of my shopping trips and we will decide about the baby shower when it's time, and Uthmaan is not happy he's ecstatic! "

Raeesa answered, grinning. 

"Yipeeee I'm so so so excited that you're going to be a mommy soon! Awww !"

She squealed again, clapping her hands together.

"Its more like you are having a baby, you seem more excited than I am !"

Raessa  giggled at her friends behaviour.

"You have noooo idea!"

Basheera grinned . She was truly ecstatic for her friend and she would spoil and treat Raeasa's child like how she would one day treat her own.
In sha Allah!

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