Final Hours In The Magic Kingdom

A/n: Aww day's almost out! But let's see how you end it with Cole :)

After dinner you all went back inside the magic kingdom and split up again.

First, you and Cole went to get a Dole Whip since you guys loved the first one and saved up your appetites for dessert.

Then it was back off into Fantasyland!

There was a ton of characters to meet.

First you both just happened to have an encounter with Alice and the White Rabbit!

Then while walking, you both bumped into Peter Pan! And you two followed him to find Wendy!

Then You both decided to go meet two more characters in the Princess Fairytale Hall.

First, Cinderella.

"Hello dears! It's just a wonderful evening isn't it!" Cinderella greets you two swaying her dress.

"Sure is! Especially at your castle!" Cole says with a grin.

"Oh yes! It's extra magical there at night."

"YOU'RE MORE BEAUTIFUL IN PERSON!" You blurted out since you've been holding that in.

"Awe! You too dear! Just like a princess!" She says with a smile and gives you a hug.

"She sure is.." You heard Cole say while you were hugging Cinderella.

Your heart races and you let go from the hug.

"Could we uh...get a picture? And autograph?" You ask trying to put Cole's words in the back of your mind.

"Of course!" She says with a smile as Cole hands her his sketchbook to sign.

"My, you have a lot of signatures from a lot of my friends!" She says with a chuckle while signing the page.

"Yup! We bumped into a lot on the way here actually!" Cole said as he received his sketchbook back.

"Oh, Fairy Godmother, Suzy, and Mary were looking for you earlier. Did they find you? It was something about an invitation to a ball the king was having." You suddenly remembered.

"Yes dear, they found me! The ball is tonight in the castle!" She said with a humble smile.


You 3 took a few pictures before hugging Cinderella one last time before going into the next part of the hall.

The next princess was one of your favorites.

"Hey there!" Rapunzel said with a friendly smile.

You squealed, she was just as awesome as you thought!

"Hi!" You and Cole said.

"Where's Eugene?!" Cole asks and you can't help but chuckle.

"He went to get some apples for Maximus, he was getting pretty feisty earlier!"

"Aw I wanted to have a Smolder off with him!"

"Cole!!" You say laughing.

"You can do a smolder?!" Rapunzel says with a gasp.

"Oh yeah sure! See!" Cole says and flips his bangs and does a smolder.

"Hahaha Cole!!"

Rapunzel gives Cole a round of applause, "That was a well done smolder! Eugene sure would've been jealous!"

"Haha I know right! I'm so awesome!"

"Oh boy.." You say with a facepalm. "How was it...being in that boat, finally in the midst of your dream?"

Rapunzel dreamily sighs, "It was wonderful! All those lanterns! And what had made it special was, when I had someone to share my dream with."

"Eugene." You say and she smiles and nods.

"Rapunzel, I think I'm finally starting to see what my dream is." Cole says and you had a feeling it had something to do with you.

"That's great! What is it?"

Cole grins and whispers something in her ear.

Rapunzel's face lights up and she nods at him.

"Good luck on your dream!" She says to him and he thanks her.

You were a little confused, why can't Cole tell you his dream? Shouldn't friends tell friends secrets and stuff?

Rapunzel shoots you a wink before signing Cole's sketchbook.

Your eyes widen, what was going on?!

You three take a couple pictures and then say your goodbyes.

"Goodbye now!" Rapunzel says with a smile and waves goodbye to you both.

You two then leave Princess Fairytale Hall and make your way out of New Fantasyland.

"I think the Main Street Electrical Parade is gonna start soon so we should head over there to see it!" Cole says with a smile.

"Okay.." You say still feeling bewildered by what happened in Princess Fairytale Hall.

You two make your way to Main Street and get a good spot and wait for the parade to start.

Crowds were starting to gather and you were honestly getting tired of standing for awhile.

"Cole can we sit down my feet kinda hurt from standing up." You tell him and he grins.

You knew he was about to do something just by telling by that certain grin he showed.

"Why not you just take a seat on my shoulders!" Cole says as he lifts you up and sits you on his shoulders.

"Cole!!! Put me down!!! That's not what I meant! Hahaha!" You say as you try not to fall off.

"But it's what you were thinking!" He says with a laugh, holding your legs so you wouldn't fall.

"Sheesh you're strong." You say and he proudly grins.

"Well you did call me Hercules anyways!"

"Omg." You say instantly remembering last night and you blush.

"Cole put me down."

"When the parade starts okay."

"Pfft fine. But just what did you tell rapunzel?" You ask but just before Cole could say anything, all the lights in Main Street went out and trumpets blared.

Cole put you down, "I'll tell later."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, the Magic Kingdom proudly presents our spectacular festival pageant of night time magic and imagination in thousands of sparkling lights and electro synthomagnetic musical sounds. The Main Street Electrical Parade!" Said the voice which sounded like a robot and it played all through the speakers of the park.

It was amazing! Tinkerbell lead the way and she was lit up, there was a beautiful pirate ship all lit up with Peter Pan and Captain Hook having a sword fight, Alice and her wonderful float, and the Disney princesses has gowns with lights!

It was a parade you had never seen before! The music was like something out of a Disney NES game! And you took tons of videos on your phone.

At the end of the parade it was only one hour away from the fireworks show. You both actually saw your mom and Lili within the crowd.

"Hey guys!! Having fun?!" She asks you while eating a Churro.

"Oh yeah totally!" You say with a grin.

"So I just found out that today the park is open till 2:00 am! It's Extra Magic Hours! So take your time okay!" She said and you both nod.

"See you two around! We're going to Frontierland!" Your mom says and you both nod and say goodbye then she left.

"So! The fireworks show is at 11 so, what should we do then?" Cole asks

"I think I we should head back to New Fantasyland. I wanna check out that Tangled rest stop!" You tell him with a smile.

"Alrighty! Lead the way!" Cole said and you decided to link arms with him as you both headed to fantasyland.

When you got there it was actually really beautiful.

The lanterns were now all lit up and it was beautiful.

You and Cole took a seat on one of the log chairs across from the stream.

You two were pretty quiet for a few minutes, but at that moment, the Disney Magic did it's weird thing again.

I See The Light from Tangled started playing throughout the area.

"Why does this keep happening..." You mumbled to yourself.

"All those days watching from the windows. All those years outside looking in. All that time never even knowing, Just how blind I've been."

"You say something?" Cole asked and your eyes widen.

"Oh uh I was just saying to myself how weird Disney love music keeps playing at random times when...we're alone.." You say folding your arms.

"Now I'm here blinking in the starlight. Now I'm here suddenly I see. Standing here it's all so clear,
I'm where I'm meant to be."

"I know. It's good songs but it's what I've been trying to figure out all day." He says with a slight laugh.

"And at last I see the light, And it's like the fog has lifted. And at last I see the light, And it's like the sky is new. And it's warm and real and bright. And the world has somehow shifted. All at once everything looks different, Now that I see you."

"Hehe yeah, I mean this has never happened to us before...just here at Disney."

"All those days chasing down a daydream. All those years living in a blur. All that time never truly seeing, Things, the way they were."

"Yeah, it's like the Disney-" Cole started

"Is trying to bring us together.." You finished.

"Now she's here shining in the starlight. Now she's here suddenly I know. If she's here it's crystal clear, I'm where I'm meant to go."

You two just looked at each other for a minute and you were actually...starting to fall in love with Cole.

"And at last I see the light. And it's like the fog has lifted. And at last I see the light. And it's like the sky is new. And it's warm and real and bright. And the world has somehow shifted. All at once everything is different. Now that I see you."

You weren't trying to but the Disney Magic in the air today was just...making it happen.

You two actually got pretty awkward and started laughing.

"Hahahaha like that's happening right?!" You say

"Hahahaha us a thing? No way!" Cole said

But then you two stop, you knew from the first place you both wouldn't work out. Of course Cole would say that. All day why were you thinking that he actually might like you?

"Now that I, see you."

You both look down and sigh, you had to get your head back in the game! You were actually relieved for once that the song ended. But, pretty disappointed to feel the truth.

"We should..go. Maybe we could get a good spot." You say standing up.

"Yeah...we should.." He says and you both silently make your way out of fantasyland.

You two made it from under the castle and stood a good distance at the front as some of the crowd started to gather.

Vilma and her two sons found you guys and stood next to you. It was 10:35 you thought you all were early but the lights went out and everyone cheered as Disney music started playing.

An animated Tinkerbell was projected on the castle as she flew across it, sprinkling her pixie dust! Then all these colors were projected on the castle and all these Disney characters were on there!

Celebrate the Magic, was the name of the show. It was beautiful, all the different projections on the castle. From Walt Disney drawing Mickey Mouse, to the Wreck it Ralph video game projection.

Some projections would have the castle make it look like it was dancing! And sometimes sparkles would go across the castle and a firework would appear in the sky.

At some point Cole put his arm around you and let it rest on your shoulder. "Check it out! It's the lanterns from Tangled!" He said pointing at the castle and you gasped at the beauty.

The stained glass window projection with all the Disney couples made you feel all warm inside since Cole was with you.

When the show ended everyone applauded and some of the lights from the castle to Main Street turned back on and the Disney music from the park continued to play.

"Wasn't that beautiful! Did you two enjoy it?" Vilma says to you both with a satisfied smile on her face.


"It was so cool!!"

You and Cole both said to her.

"Good! Well we're off to Tomorrowland! See you both later!" She says and you two say goodbye to her and her two sons as they walk away with the disappearing crowd.

"So uh...where should we go now? I mean it's Eleven now and we've got 3 hours from here.." Cole asks.

"Not sure. Let's go that way, towards the Tomorrowland path, I saw something awhile back on the right side of the castle." You say and he nods and you two walk over there.

When you two went over there you had realized it was a wishing well! Cinderella's wishing well. It was a very nice place. The bushes were lit up with fairy lights and the atmosphere was really peaceful.

"This place is so cool!" Cole said sitting down on the bench there.

"I know right! People just pass by this place!" You say looking down at the well."

Just then Cole got back up and went over to you and dropped a penny in your hand.

"A penny for your thoughts." He says with a smile.

"The Girl Online book you remembered!" You say with a smile.

He chuckles holding a penny in his own hand. "C'mon! Let's make a wish!"

"Alright." You say then close your eyes.

At first you weren't really sure what to wish for but you ended up just, wishing that you knew, knew the truth, the answer, if Cole really liked you, you also wanted to know the answer within yourself, if you really liked Cole.

You drop the penny in the well and you hear a 'Plunk' sound when it reached the bottom. You heard another 'Plunk' meaning that Cole had dropped his penny in there too.

You open your eyes then sigh, "Only time will tell right?" You ask him and he gives you a small smile.

"Yeah, I guess." He says sitting down on the bench again.

You lean against the well continuing to look down. You actually started to realize that Can You Feel The Love Tonight from The Lion King was playing through the park.

You glance at Cole, just wondering what could be on his mind. "So many things to tell her, but how to make her see, the truth about my past, impossible, she'd turn away from me."

You looked back down again. "He's holding back he's hiding, but what I can't decide. Why won't he be the king I know he is, the king I see inside."

"Can you feel the love tonight. Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings. The world, for once, in perfect harmony.
With all its living things."

"Laur." Cole says breaking the silence.

"Yeah." You say not looking up.

"Is it just me or does it look like Mickey and Minnie are walking this way..." Cole says and you turn around and see both Minnie and Mickey walking to you guys!

"Omg, omg, omg it's been all day." You say about to freak out again.

They come over to you both and wave.

"Mickey! Minnie! What are you guys doing here!?" Cole says with a smile on his face.

But just then Minnie stood Cole up and Mickey brought you over from the well, in front of Cole.

They both brought your hands together and both you and Cole ended up intertwining your fingers.

Cole looked at you, and you looked at Cole. But then you both looked at the two mice and they nodded and Mickey gave Cole a pat on the back.

"What are they-"

"I-i think I know what they want us to do...want me to do." Cole says and your heart races.

You and Cole were so close to each other, hand in hand.


"Laur, remember the dream I told rapunzel?"

"Well yeah, you never told me it though."

"Well I'm telling you now. My new dream is...well, it's you."

You were utterly stunned. You were his new dream??

"I-it is? W-why?"

"Lauryn I've had a huge crush on you since middle school! Do you know how hard it's been just being your friend?! Do you know how hard it's been keeping this from you because I was afraid. Afraid that you would turn me down because I've been nothing but a friend towards you, nothing more. I was torn between two paths which is what I told Pocahontas. One path was to just accept being your friend and ignore my crush on you, and the second path was to keep having that crush on you! I chose the second path. But all day, all day I've been slipping. The Disney has been making me slip and I wasn't trying to leave hints that I liked you though."

Looks like that wish in your well came true. You knew the truth now, you also knew the truth within yourself as well.

You blinked your eyes a couple times then give a tight hug to Cole.
"Cole I-i..i sorta..had a crush on you were a great friend to me, you were there when my other friends weren't were the only one who could make me so happy when I was just so depressed. I think I chose my path and dream too."

"Really?!" Cole says as you let go from the hug and wrap your arms around his neck.

"Yes. Really." You say with a smile and Cole brings his lips to yours in a kiss.

You heard clapping from Minnie and Mickey and you laughed in the kiss feeling really happy.

You've thought about kissing Cole before but now, you're actually doing it.

Cole lets go with a wide smile on his face. "My wish from the well came true. I wished that I could tell you how I felt and possibly kiss you and it came true!"

"Hahaha mine too! I just wanted to know the truth from you and now you told me."

"I think if Mickey or Minnie wouldn't have come I don't think this would've happened." Cole said as you both looked at them with a smile.

You read their movements and something along the lines were, 'No problem' and 'You two belong together' something like that.

"Haha awe group hug!" You say with a giggle and you all share a hug.

"We've been looking for you guys all day! Must be busy huh." Cole says and they nod.

"Could we grab a picture and autograph from you two?" You say and they nod happily.

Cole gave them his autograph page to sign which was full of characters but there was just enough room for the two mice.

After signing you all took a couple pictures together. And then, Beauty and the Beast played through the park.

Cole bowed, "May I have this dance?" He asks you and you chuckle and curtsy.

"Yes you may!" You say and get into dancing position with him.

Mickey does the same and bows to Minnie as she curtsys and they too, dance along to the music.

"So, since we love each other, what happens now?" You ask Cole and he pretends to be in deep thought.

"Hmm well, you'll be my princess and I'll be your prince." He says and you smile.

"I'd like that."

Just then Mickey and Minnie wave goodbye to you two and while holding hands, they walk away.

"They are goals I swear." Cole said and you laugh.

"They turned us into goals!" You said and Cole laughed and agreed.

The clock from the Cinderella castle struck 12 and Cole just, "You're not running away from me tonight." He says with a smirk.

Your heart races and he chuckles and kisses you again.

"But what should we do with 2 hours left?" You ask.

"Maybe just go to all the parks again since we haven't seen them at night." He suggested with a shrug and you nod.

"And this time, I'm considering this as our first date!" You say with a smirk.

"Haha alright." He says as he intertwined his fingers with yours and you two left Cinderella's Wishing well.

You two spent every Extra Magic Hour together in the park until it was time for it to finally close.

You both met back up with the group, of course acting like friends and your mom drove everyone back to the house.

When you all arrived back at the house you all got ready for bed even though you all were tired.

"I'm tired! It's been a long day." You say collapsing on the bed.

You saw Cole quietly enter the room, "Are you asleep?!" He whispers/asks you.

"If I was would I respond back." You say as he closes the door and gets into bed next to you.

"Haha guess not." He says and lays down.

You smile and snuggle up to him. "Today's been probably one of the greatest days of my life." You say to him.

"Mine too but I think just the second best day of my life." He said.

"Why the second?"

"Because the first best day of my life...was when I met and fell in love with you." You blush and snuggle closer.

"Yeah. Mine too." You say as he puts his arm around you and kisses your head.

There was a bit of sweet silence between you both until you ask, "Cole...W-what's so, special about me that makes me? I'm not...special." You say with a frown looking down.

"Lauryn..look at me."

You slowly look up at Cole.

"Laur, you're the most special girl I've ever met! I love you not just for your looks and personality but even your flaws, the things you don't like about yourself. I, love everything about you. From your voice to the way your face lights up when you get excited! It's all you laur. It's what makes you special. It's why I love you." Cole says with a smile.

You blush then give him a kiss.

"Thank you Cole. I never would have dreamed of a guy like you, saying that to me...until now."

"No problem!"

"So, this is love? This is what makes life divine huh?" You ask and he chuckles seeing the reference you were making.

"It sure is Lauryn. It sure is."

Then you both fall asleep, feeling that, all your wishes and dreams came true.

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