The Return

*previously on Bad D-Generate*

Kid Michael: What a ride for me. Am I right? It all started with me...not as surprising for the people in the back, but to you guys...pretty much insulting my family and showing the I'm not like them in any way.

And it's started to grow as the weeks went by and I became one of the most unique characters in WWE. Not just because I was the son of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

So...I had my moments. Being hunted down, being Judge, joining my Dad and Uncle to form DX to flip the bird on my grandfather, got my Title for my birthday, first match. So yeah...I may not be an established superstar here in WWE, but I can tell you guys really enjoyed my time here.

But...after my match with showed something that I wanted to ignore but I just couldn't. I'm still a kid. I'm strong, I can be a cool little boy, I get to face against other wrestlers...but I still need to grow in order to continue.

I had fun here with you guys...the people of the back, the same ones that trained me to be able to wrestle as I did last friends...I had a great time. hurts to say...but I want to resume to being a kid.

So...I'm here to announce that I will be leaving WWE to go back home to Connecticut...for now.

So...I would like to say...Goodbye for now, WWE Universe. See you when I get older.

*9 years later*

Stephanie: Dolph, Erick, and gives me great pleasure to say these two words after you assisted John Cena at Survivor Series. All three of you...YOU'RE-


Adult Michael: It's been so long, and I've having the time of my life! WOOOOO!

10 years ago, I debuted and trashed talked my family and the next many like to say...I ruled 2006 WWE.

So...I'm back. Bigger, stronger, and honestly...a lot better.

Now that my story as a kid is over...let's begin a new story where I, Michael J. McMahon comes back and start some shit up.


The crowd pops as they and the superstars were surprised to hear Michael swearing so easily, despite him swearing years ago. Michael caught this reaction and smirks.

Michael: I know what you're thinking. "Michael Swearing? Oh the World's ending-", chill out. I'm grown. I read the dictionary. Now I can say whatever I want, just that this show's PG now...f*ck.

The crowd pops even louder Michael's mischievous smile is in full force after dropping the F-Bomb on live TV.

Michael: Oops. Now, let's talk about business, shall we? I would like this "Authority" to come down to the ring and meet with me.

The crowd cheers as the Authority looked hesitant. Seth on the other hand, spoke .

Seth: Hey. Who the Hell you-

Michael: Oh, I'm sorry. Seems there's people who don't know who I am. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Michael James McMahon. You may know me as the Bad Prince, the Little Menace, the Demon Spawn of the Cerebral Assassin. And...Who are you?

Seth: I'm the-

Michael: Local Cruella wannabe. And ugly.

The crowd oohs and laughs as both Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose look on with smug faces. Seth glares at Michael, not believing that the son of his mentor, Triple H, is disrespectful to him.

Michael: your lackeys and come into this ring. Right now.

The crowd cheers as Stephanie grabs her husband's mic and glares at her son.

Stephanie: Michael, you don't get to demand anything from us. I am-

Michael: You're my mother, and the son who will, without hesitation, make your life a living nightmare.

The crowd oohs and cheered as he used the same line he gave to Stephanie back in 2005 when he debuted. Stephanie's eyes widen, not believing he used that line again. Triple H grabs the mic and goes to yell at his oldest child.

Triple H: You have no right to talk to your mother like that-


The crowd gasped in fright as superstars backed away in fear. They never seen Michael this scary before, as he would rarely shout when he was a kid. But now, older, experienced, and with no binds to him, he can show a scary side he hinted at years before.

The Authority were also frightened and Triple H and Stephanie deciding to listen to their 17 year old son. Triple H instructions the others to follow him as they make their way to the ring.

Michael: There we go. Wasn't that so hard, right? You could've saved everyone's ears and my vocal cords if you listened and not act cocky.

The crowd cheers as the superstars stepped away from the Authority and entered the ring. The crowd was enjoying this as it is clear that Michael is the one in Power and not his parents.

Michael: think this is funny? Right? Have your protégé threaten a Hall of Famer who retired too early, to have you two back into power. And even then, he tried to paralyze him for life.

The crowd boos as Seth grinned at that and nods.

Michael: Oh it's funny, right, Seth? How about this-

The crowd oohs loudly as Seth backs away and wipes off the spit from Michael. Everyone was in shock by that amount of disrespect. Seth then grew angry and tried to go up to Michael but was stopped by Jamie and Joey.

Michael: Not so funny, now, huh, you silly bastard?

The crowd cheers as Seth glares at Michael who now has the shit eating grin.

Michael: Didn't think so. Now...I've been looking at your track record, dad, and believe me...the stunt with Edge last week...didn't do ya any favors. Not like your record was anything good. MmMm. Nope. None. Zero. Nada. Nee. Nej.

The crowd laughs at the many ways he said No.

Michael: So...I gave a little call to the Board of Directors...and trust me, they like me more than you guys *winks*...and they decided on what to do with you now that you're back into Power.

The crowd oohs as Michael leans over to his parents, getting in front of his father.

Michael: And that guys can stay in Power...but I'm gonna be the one Supervising the Authority.

The crowd cheers loudly as everyone was in shock. Michael's barely close to a legal adult and he's gonna be in charge of the Authority? Triple H and Stephanie look on in horror as Michael smirks at them.

Michael: So see dad...*wraps his arm around Hunter's shoulders and pulls him closer* the Board and I, you can believe it or not, do want to make sure things are under control here in WWE. We can't deny that...but, the Board would like someone who makes sure you, mom, and the other blokes here, know that you cannot do any dirty tactic to get your way. And who would the Board feel could do that job? Well, none other than the Bad Prince himself.

The crowd cheers loudly as Triple H was in dread.

Seth: You can't do that! The Board would not allow a Pain in the Ass like you push us around!

Michael: Seth, you're the last guy that would even considered talking about pushing people around. So why don't you zip it and let the McMahon Family do business?

The crowd cheers as Seth goes quiet but is angry. Soon, Michael looks at his father and chuckles.

Michael: Come on, Dad. It'll be fine. *pulls him mother closer to him* You, me, Mom...we could work all three of us like a family, just like how you wanted me to do if I'm older. That way, we could make WWE more interesting. can spread the ideas you have from NXT to here in the Main Roster as I'm someone you can share and expand them. Would that be nice?

The crowd cheers as Triple H was actually thinking about it while Stephanie was dreading it.

Michael: I'll let you too process it. In the meantime...*gently moves them away* the first order of're not gonna fire Dolph, Erick, and Ryback.

The crowd cheers as the three and John sighed in relief.

Michael: As for Seth's be honest, I was thinking of firing him on the spot after what he did to Edge...

The crowd let out a mixed reaction as Seth looks in fear.

Michael: But the Board calmed me down and suggested a form of punishment for him and the rest that played along in his crime...And...I'm gonna borrow a thing from Teddy Long, here. Holla Holla.

The crowd laughs as Michael smiles and winks at the camera, sending a message to Teddy.

Michael: And that will be a 10 Man Tag Team Match at the main event tonight.

The crowd cheers loudly.

Michael: And it will be...Seth Rollins, Kane, Big Show, and J& God, guys. How is it that I'm taller than the both of you now? Are you even qualified to be Security? Looking like Snow White's Dwarfs with that dumb look on your faces.

The crowd oohs loudly as Jamie and Joey look away while trying to to cry (or laugh) as Michael continues.

Michael: Vs...John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, Erick Rowan, and...Daniel Bryan!

The crowd pops as Daniel nods in acceptance as the crowd started chanting "Yes!" as Michael nods as well.

Michael: And yet you call him a B+ Player after this reaction? Sorry, dad...but even the best has to struggle to reach to the told. Like how you scratched, kicked, clawed, and made love... "looks at Stephanie"

The crowd oohs and cheered that he used a line from the Undertaker back in 2001. Stephanie looks at her son in horror after hearing that.

Michael: You're way to the top you are now. So, no, it shouldn't matter how Good a Wrestler needs to be. It's how Great a Wrestler can be, given the chance and opportunity. And trust me...I will be giving that chance and opportunity. Don't test me and and I'm gonna make sure you see that I'm Bad and you'll know it.

The crowd cheers as Michael drops the mic and his theme plays. He stares at him family, smiles pulls out some sunglasses and puts them on.

MC: What an incredible moment! Michael has returned and has set rules against the Authority.

Jerry: The Board were smart to pick him of all people. Nobody knows Triple H and Stephanie better than their own son and he's known to go against them in many ways.

JBL: It created a whole new web of chaos now that the Bad Prince is back and is ready to show that he 's Badder than ever before.

Michael is seen shaking hands and hugging Superstars as the Authority look in dismay, realizing that their triumphant return to Power was destroyed and taken away by the Bad Prince of WWE.


We see Michael backstage shaking hands and hugging superstars he knew since he was younger. They talked about how they're happy to see him again after so long and how big he grew now that he's becoming an adult.

Soon, Michael is approached by someone unexpected.

It was Edge.

The crowd cheered and oohed as they knew the history between Michael and Edge, with Michael putting a target on Edge and Lita years ago. Even times when Edge tried to hit a Spear on him in order take him out.

Both stared at each other with a silence that people can feel the chill of it. Soon, Edge looks up and down at Michael.

Edge: Gotta had the better change than me as you age.

The crowd laughed and cheered as Michael smiles before they hugged. This caused a huge pop as it shows the two had made amends to each other after so long.

Edge: Happy to see you back, Bud. *breaks the hug* You know...back then without ya, it felt empty.

Michael: Yeah. Well, I'm back and you're bound to see me around that show of yours with Christian on the WWE Network. And we could collab on my YouTube Channel.

Edge: Oh that's amazing! I got so many ideas in mind. With you, they're gonna be great.

Michael: I know right? We could do music videos, skits, and even some short films.

Edge: Short films?

Michael: Yeah, well, my parents tried to get me to delete my channel, so I took over WWE Studios as a big Flip of the Bird to them.

The crowd cheers and laughs at that.

Edge: Hmm...not much of an actor...but worth a shot.

Michael: Cool. Can't wait, my friend. Happy to see you again.

Edge: Happy to see you big and healthy, Mike. And certainly...with you around, WWE will be a much better place.

The smack their hands and hugged before they went to their separate ways.


The 10 Man Tag Team match between the Authority and Team Cena was underway as both teams went back and forth to see who would win the match. Soon, the match climaxed as Daniel Bryan makes the tag and completely goes crazy on Seth Rollins, much to the fans delight. Bryan would gain momentum as he plans to end the match.

Soon, John stops the attempt and gets attacked by Ryback. Then an all out fight ensues as Team Authority and Team Cena battle it out. Soon, it was left to Daniel and Seth. Seth went for the Curb Stomp but Bryan caught him with a Running Knee.

Just when he's gonna win, Triple H pulls the Ref and knocks him down. He enters the ring as he pulls his suit off and gets ready to fight Daniel to try to get the win for the Authority.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Triple H turns to the stage in shock and anger as Michael's theme plays. Michael didn't come out to the stage, however, which confused everyone out.

Suddenly, as Triple H turns around-




Triple H goes down as the crowd pops seeing Michael again, this time wearing a Referee shirt on as he spins and poses for the crowd as they cheered. Big Show saw him and tries ro enter but Michael pulls out his Iconic Chain, wraps it and clocks the Giant, sending him down.

Daniel capitalizes and locks him the Yes Lock. Seth taps out as Michael signals for the bell. The crowd cheers as Team Cena beat the Authority once again, with the help of Daniel Bryan and Michael McMahon.

They celebrate their victory as the Authority stood at ringside glaring at their enemies and Michael, who mocks them. They yelled at him as Michael yells back.

Seth: You'll pay for it Michael! You're not gonna get away with this!

Stephanie: How dare you go against us?!

Triple H: This isn't over, Michael! You're gonna regret this!

Michael: Guess what?!


The crowd cheers loudly at another act of disrespect towards the Authority and they loved it. Feels like Triple H back in 1997, only younger and more rowdier.

Michael laughs at them before asking for a mic. The song fades as everyone turns to Michael, wanting to hear him speak.

Michael: Great match. Always trust guys like DB, Cena, Ziggy, Rybs, and 'Rick pulling off a good match. And I would like to thank all of you here for welcoming back to WWE after so long.

The crowd cheers.

Michael: So...I would like to make an announcement. I'm didn't come back just to make the Authority my punching bag...I'm here because I'm going to be the Host of WrestleMania 31.

The crowd pops as the Superstars where shocked and excited to hear that news.




Michael: You're gonna see more of me as time goes on. And for's not just a WWE's a show that I'm gonna host and have you guys enjoy it like any other WrestleMania.

The crowd cheers as Michael smiles at them.

Michael: We have a long way till that Day. In the meantime, we got the Royal Rumble going on. Have a Good Night and a Bad Time, folks. If you don't like what I'm sayin'...Then won't you slap my face! Because I'm Bad! I'm Bad!

The crowd pops as Bad plays and Michael dances and sings to the applause and cheers from the fans and the Wrestlers, while the Authority look on in disdain.

The new has started and it didn't go in their favor. Just like 10 years ago, Michael has rained on their parade.

How's this start of a new story?

I like to call Bad D-Generate, Truly Bad, and Bad Prince to be called the Bad Trilogy. Don't you agree?

I will only have a few moments of 2015 involving Michael and would later go to 2016 remaking his Road to Wrestlemania in Son of the Game and then 2017 will be the main focus.

As for pairings...I'm not sure at the moment. If you guys think it's a good idea, let me know here.

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