You're real

Cywren coughed waking up slowly her eyes fluttering open as she started off into the distance the smoke of the Tardis floating around the room. Her eyes lazily looked up to see where the source of the problem was as smoke fell from the control console. Slowly her brain started to work the gears in her mind slowly turning as she connected the pieces slowly as she sat up her head pounding from the concision she had revived from being sent back and hitting the core of the Tardis. Slowly standing up imagines if the Tardis doors shutting her friends out filled her mind as she coughed again from in hailing the smoke. Her hand waved lazily in front of her face as she forced her self to move slowly to the door of the Tardis. She knew she would die if she didn't get out now she just knew she would.

Cywren grunted in pain as she felt her head throbbing from the concussion the dried blood crinkled on her hair as she pushed forward. On problem at a time Cywren thought to her self as she shakily lifted her hand to the door before it was suddenly jerked open causing her to tumble down face first on what felt like a carpeted floor. Slowly blinking Cywren looked back up to see she was in a house but not a house she was used to by any means.

Looking around she noticed that it was a prewar house nothing looked tattered or torn. It was all in perfect condition to her. Blinking Cywren was quickly brought back to reality as she coughed again the Tardis's smoke staring to spill from the inside to where she was now on the floor. Sitting up slowly Cywren pushed the doors of the Tardis closed quickly before running over to a window and opening it allowing the smoke that had entered to leave. Coughing again Cywren felt as if she was going to puke. Her body coil up as she clutched her stomach a coughing fit erupting from her as she felt blood splatter on her hands.

'Oh no' Cywren thought again if she was coughing up blood she'd have to find a doctor. Grunting again from pain Cywren slowly walked from out of the room she was in walking out into a dark hall way the shadows looming ominously through out the entire hall way causing Cywren to immediately reach for her gun that was strapped to her belt. She knew by instinct that the dark was neither friend nor foe and that anything could be lurking in the darkness whether their good or bad Cywren needed to have a way to defend her self.

Slowly clutching the gun with her free hand as her other clutched its self around her stomach feeling small shards of glass pricking her finger. Slowly moving through out the hall way Cywren found her self standing on top of a stair case that lead down. Silently working her way down Cywren grunted softly in pain. She'd have to work fast at taking out the glass and wrapping her self up if she didn't it could be life or death. She just hoped this house had a med lot with a stempack in it if they didn't she knew she'd be in trouble.

The floor boards creaked under her weight as she finally made it to ground floor the darkness flooding down the corridor she was in. Quickly scanning the area she saw a door that lead to a family room and a door that lead to a kitchen. Quickly deciding that a med kit would be kept most likely in the kitchen Cywren limped her way through the open door way trying her best to be quiet and fast as she opened up pantry after pantry before she found a med kit. Quickly she opened it and pulled out the needed supplies trying her best to clean her wound before she pulled out the glass shards. Feeling tears prickling her eyes again Cywren continued addressing her wounds before she finally bandaged them up. Slowly placing down the remaining bandage she used Cywren sighed with relief that she had been able to fix her self up but she knew she wasn't all done she still had her concussion to deal with.

Slowly reaching her hand to the back of her head Cywren flinched from the light contact of her hand and the back of her scalp. Slowly retreating her hand back to her side Cywren saw that blood laced her finger tips glimmering in the light of the moon that flooded the kitchen from the window. Cywren sighed as she looked around. She was in a new place a different time even, she was confused and lost as she slowly placed the med pack back where she had gotten it.

She was lost in time far from her original time she knew that and if she was caught in the kitchen she'd have to figure out a way to leave these people alive if she was in a different time. Slowly she slithered out of the kitchen light moving up the stairs her hand clutched to her gun as she made her way up stank get back at the top of the stairs facing the same hallway she had just come from. Looking around at the different doors on the second floor Cywren saw that the room she had come from a door was wide open. Slowly walking forward Cywren peeked her head into the room seeing that the Tardis was still there it's doors closed off and the rooms window open causing Cywren to sigh in relief before walking further in.

Closing the window and wincing at the way she had moved Cywren walked back to the Tardis doors giving them a push only to find that they wouldn't open. Trying again the wooden doors of the time machine refused to budge causing Cywren to front her teeth slightly the nagging pit of nervous butterfly's filling her stomach as she tried to open the Tardis doors once more. Still refusing to allow Cywren access the Tardis doors were locked firmly the wood barely creaking from her weight stubbornly. Cywren sighed in a huff fishing around in her pockets in search for the key trying to open the door only to find the Tardis relocked the door again as soon as she tried to open the door.

"What's wrong with you?!" Cywren hissed in a low whisper to the Tardis as she tried to open the doors again only to find they still wouldn't budge. "Is it because I tried to lock pick you? You know that was only because you refused to open up to timebomb and Sarah" Cywren hissed in another angry whisper trying to keep her voice down as she tried to fiddle with the door once more. Suddenly the darkness from the hall way was flooded with light causing the darkness that once loomed in there to run away from the brightness that now took its place. Cywrens blood ran cold as she hear the soft pitter patter of feet on the carpet a sleepy male voice calling out into the empty hall way.

"Cirara? Bethany? Is that you?" The male voice echoed down the hall causing cywrens eyes to dart around the room she'd have to hide but her Tardis would be discovered regardless. Time was running short as the soft sound of thudding feet filled the air followed by a tired yawn quickly Cywren held her breath diving behind a corner as herd the sound of walking stopping. "Guys?" The male voice called out again confusion clearly laced in his voice as his eyes looked at the open door leading into the room Cywren was currently in.

Cywren slowly peeked her head out keeping her self in the darkness but it was hard to see since she had left her glasses inside the Tardis. The sound of walking feet entered the room she was in and panic flooded her as the man flicked on the light switch illuminating the dark room to reveal boxes filled with old gaming consoles and controllers.
Slowly the sound of walking feet thudded into the room as a shocked gasp escaped the lips of the male as he stood face to face with cywrens Tardis.

'Oh no' Cywren thought bitterly to her self. She was going to be discovered and in the state she was in that was the last thing she wanted right at this moment. Slowly the male looked around before he faced her his eyes growing big as he saw her red hair sticking up messily from her small pony tale and the marks that traced all along her face.

"Cywren?" The man uttered out in total disbelief. 'How could this be she isn't real!' He tried to convince him self but to no avail. She was real and she was breathing right in front of him. His brown hair messily stuck up from his head as he ran his hand through it looking as if he had seen a ghost.
"You can't be real!" The man whisper shouted at Cywren causing her to flinch slightly in confusion and as a reflex she knew that voice some where she just knew it but for some reason her brain refused to give her an answer.
"Am I dreaming?" The man slowly said in utter disbelief as he slowly reached a hand towards cywrens shoulder to see if he could touch her right as his hand made contact with her shoulder it clicked.

She did know this man, this was the man she had wanted to find the man she missed that was with her from the beginning. Tears began to stream down her face again, Cywren took note that she had been crying a lot today but she didn't care not at this moment. A small smile found to way to her lips as the man quickly recoiled his hand away muttering quick apologize in hushed whispers as she cried.

"It's you" Cywren chocked out as quietly as she could. "It's really you, venturian" her words slowly faded to a whisper as she felt her body collapse the pounding in her head becoming worse as she felt arms quickly catch her  the worries voice screaming for his siblings as she felt darkness take her over and she let it. 'I did it' Cywren smiled a little 'I found him' finally the darkness consumed her pulling her back down into its endless abyss.

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