The End is only the begining

The wind blew through cywren's hair as she stood where he had left her. Her hand clutching the pitcher while timebomb and Sarah looked at her their eyes scanning for any sign of life, cywren just stared off into the wasteland with a blank look on her face.

"Cywren?" Timebomb's voice filled her ears snapping her out of her dazed state brining her eyes up to meet his with glassy eyes.

"He's gone" Cywren muttered as she clutched the glass pitcher in her hand looking down again. Timebomb shared a glance with Sarah a look of concern crossing both their faces as they returned their eyes back to Cywren.

"Who's gone?" Sarah asked slowly her eyes scanning cywren, the gingers head looked up again revealing red puffy eyes and tears staining her face.

"What do you mean who's gone? It's him...venturian.." cywren muttered wiping her tears on her arm. Sarah looked sympathetically at cywren before turning her gaze to timebomb who only shrugged before he placed his hand lightly on her shoulder wrinkling the fabric of her clothes underneath his hand.

"Cywren there's no such thing as venturian...I hate to be the one to tell you this but he's not real he's never been.." timebomb slowly spoke his eyes never leaving cywren's as her eyes grew wide shimmering with a new wave of tears as she gazed back at timebomb.

"No" she muttered slowly tanking her shoulder back from his grip causing his hand to fall back down to his side. "You're wrong." Cywren stated standing her ground as her voice cracked.

"Cywren please be rational a voice inside your head that's not your own please, I don't think that exists" Sarah stated a matter of factly her arms crossing over her chest as she looks at cywren. Cywren glared at Sarah feeling a sudden rush of anger flowing threw her why don't her friends believe her? She was telling the truth and she knew it with all her heart that she had been. Her eyes glanced down at the pitcher in her hand slowly rising it up to look at it the fragile glass held delicately in her hands as she looked over it before she came to a decision.

"No" Cywren voiced again slowly bringing the pitcher to her chest like it was a teddy bear hugging it lightly as she looked back at her friends. "No you're wrong he's real just like you and me" Cywren looked back down feeling a warm tear trail down her face leaving a shining trail from where it had fell from dropping down to the glass pitcher she was clutching to her chest. "And now...he's gone...he's gone forever and there's nothing you or me can do a-about it" Cywren felt her voice her stuck in her throat as she choked down a sob before she felt her knees buckle underneath her making her fall to the floor on her knees. That's when she lost it. Tears started to flow like a river down her face as she looked at the ground her tears falling like rain down on it causing those once dried spots to become wet from the sudden tears.

"Cywren-" timebomb started slowly reaching his hand out before he retracted it back to its original place as he watched his best friend cry her eyes out before him. He just wasn't sure how to help her so he turned his gaze to Sarah who looked back at him then to cywren slowly lowering her body so that she was now in front of her. Her arm draped over her knee as she slowly extended her other arm out to cywren's shoulder trying her best to give a warm smile as cywren glanced up at her with tear woven eyes. Sarah's best attempt at a warm smile fell and her features became serious as she gazed at cywren.

"Look I may not under stand this 'voice in your head' but I understand one thing. Sitting here crying over it isn't gonna solve anything cywren. The sun's setting and copper and quasar are back at the base we should head back as well" Sarah looked for any sign of cooperation from cywren eyes only to find on after her speech. Cywren only stared back at Sarah shaking her head violently whipping her tears on her sleeve.

"You don't understand I can't just leave...I can't...Sarah you have to understand he's out here I know it he's out her some where and I've got to find him" cywren sniffed before continuing "you have to help me Sarah please I can't just leave the last place he ever spoke to me" Sarah studied cywren for a minute thinking of a time cywren had lied to her only to find cywren had never spoken a lie. Sighing Sarah gazed at her for another moment before nodding.

"Alright, we'll help you cywren. We'll help you find this venturian" Sarah had finally caved in. She had never been able to give into some one so easily but it was different when you respected that person she supposed. Cywrens eyes lit up for a moment she was feeling as if the light at the end of the tunnel was much closer than she had ever felt in her whole life. Cywren sniffed no longer feeling the burden of tears as Sarah stood up offering her hand out to Cywren to help her up which Cywren gladly excepted. Timebomb stared at both girls wordlessly silently stunned that Sarah of all people had been able to calm Cywren down but deep down timebomb felt that it was simply because she was another girl and that's something Cywren must of needed. Letting out a small yawn timebomb returned his gaze back to Cywren and Sarah to find them both starring at him.

"What?" Timebomb muttered slightly annoyed but the seemingly angry face of Sarah and the slightly amused face in Cywren.

"Nothing" Cywren breathed before a cold wind swept threw the air causing cywrens hair to flutter in it slightly. Looking over her shoulder Cywren noticed that the Tardis happened to be right behind them ready and waiting to be flown back to the base in a matter of seconds. Cywren smiled slightly thinking that the Tardis had brought her self there sensing her distress moments earlier. Slowly her smile dropped as she turned back to her two friends nodding her head slightly as she lightly jerked her head back to the Tardis. "Ready?" Cywrens voice lightly said echoing threw both Sarah's and timebomb's ears as they nodded mutely their eyes snapping towards the doors of the Tardis as they opened by them selfs revealing the interior that was bigger on the inside. "Then let's go" as cywren turned her body she couldn't help shake the feeling as if something was off something was out of place but she could quite place her finger on it but then it clicked as soon as she stepped into the Tardis hearing the doors click shut leaving her two companions outside to the harsh wasteland. Cywrens eyes widened as she cranked her neck quickly seeing the closed doors of the Tardis the constant banging and muffled yells of her friends echoing threw the Tardis's control room. Quickly Cywren darted for the doors trying to open them only to find they refused to open the Tardis being stubborn and refusing to let them in. Quickly thinking on the spot Cywren kneeled down her lock picks in her hand as she fiddled with the lock quickly trying to open the door as soon as she heard gun shots sorry filling her mind as she fiddled with the stubborn lock. Slowly she found the sweet spot and was ready to click open the doors till an invisible force blew her back with full force sending her tumbling towards the control console. With a loud crash Cywren hit the glass separating the core of the Tardis from her and fell to the floor hearing the familiar sound of take off as her glasses fell off her face cracked slightly landing with a soft thud on the floor Cywren knew she had a concussion from the heavy stars in her eyes her eye lids slowly dropping as she fought to stay awake. But it was useless as she laid there she could feel the warm trickle of blood running down her face as she gazed lazily up at the ceiling feeling as if she was falling. 'This is it' she thought bitterly tears stinging her eyes once more. 'This is how I die isn't it' Cywren felt her eye lids shut causing her to be indulged in darkness the black abyss consuming her as her head landed on the floor with a tink the Tardis flying on her own with an unknown destination.

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