A fairy's light

The teachers of Airi High, Nagisa and her friends begin fighting the monsters in order to protect their school.

Nagisa turns her staff into broom and tries to fly closer to the largest monster but fails. 

Lesha: Nagisa! Lets try again, together!

Nagisa: Right!

They fly towards it again. Lesha distracts it while Nagisa casts a spell.

Nagisa:    LAVA  RAIN!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Ayumi, Yumi and Hisato attack it from the ground but the monster's skin is too damn hard to pierce through.

Ayumi: We are getting nowhere like this!

Yumi: Yeah! We need to figure out it's weakness!

Just then, one of the smaller monsters, attacks a first year student trying to escape.

Lily: Oh no!

Lily runs to the girl. Hisato wipes the monster in her way out. She reaches the poor girl and tries to heal her.

Hisato: Is she okay?!

Lily: N..N.oo... She's...dead...

Karma: No way...

Tears fill Lily's eyes.

Lily: She...was innocent...why did she have to die?!

Hisato: Pull yourself together Lily! 

Nagisa looks at them from above, on her broom.

Nagisa: I wonder.... if this is how Mihu felt every time she fought in the front lines.... seeing innocent people die....

Lesha: Yeah... we haven't seen even half what she went through....

Karasuma: Fall back. I'm going to try using a technique. 

Nagisa: Try?

Karasuma: I've never used it. It requires great power and precise calculations of your enemy's movements. I don't know if it'll work but I have to try!

Nagisa: Yes sir! Everyone! Fall back!!!

Everyone does as told.


Karasuma uses this ancient and strong attack on the monster and wipes it out. But there is still a flame ball like thingy floating in mid air.

Yumi: Is it...over?

Ayumi: I think so....

Karasuma then tries to destroy that fire ball too but his sword goes flying away.

Another teacher ( Healer) : No....it can't be....

Another teacher: (Warrior): Even after such an attack?!

Nagisa: What's going on here?!

Lesha: The monster is not dead!

Karma: But it is! 

Lily: Look...

The monster was recreated by the small flame ball.

Hisato: Sir, what can we do now?!

Karasuma: I'm not sure.... it didn't go down by that spell... I can try using other ancient spells but I doubt they'll work...after all, this was the strongest one of them.... that flame core can only be destroyed by a very strong flame sword user.....

Teacher (Wizard): What about calling  The youngest undefeated knight ?

Karasuma: He must be on his way. His sister is here and he'll never let her be in danger. But he doesn't use a flame sword either.... the only strong enough sword is that of Mihu....


When the fight had begun,

Airi Middle school;

Zen is attending class when suddenly a servant comes running in.

Teacher: What is it?

Servant: Airi High school is under attack! They need The youngest undefeated knight's help!

Zen's eyes widen and he stands up. Sakura looks at him with worry.

Zen: Mam! I need to go immediately! 

Teacher: Very well... you may go...

Zen is about to leave when Sakura holds his hand.

Zen: Sakura, what is it?

Sakura: P...Please take care...

Zen smiles at her.

Zen: I will...don't worry.

Then he runs out of the class. He grabs his horse and leaves for Airi High.

Zen's thoughts:  So they decided to strike...Mi-chan, wait for me...please be safe!


Everyone is still trying to stop the monster but all their attacks are useless. The monster grabs Nagisa and throws her away.

Lesha: Nagisa!

But just before hitting the ground, she is saved by a magic bubble. The bubble puts her on the ground and Lesha and Lily rush to her to see if she's okay.

Lesha: Are you okay?!

Nagisa: My arm... I think it's broken!

Lily: Let me see.

Nagisa: Who...saved me?

Just then, they see someone walking towards them.

Nagisa: Mihu....

Mihu walks to her. Tears falling down her cheeks.

Lily: Mihu... are you...okay?...

Mihu looks at the three students who had died and many more who were injured.

Mihu: I'm... so sorry...I was late...

Nagisa: Mihu, it's not your fault....

Mihu: How...dare they?.... Why is it always those around me?!.... IF YOU WANT ME, THEN WHY DO YOU KEEP KILLING OTHERS?!!! WHY DON'T YOU KILL ME?!!!

Mihu yelled as she cried.

Just then, Zen arrived there too. He runs to Mihu.

Zen: Mi-chan! Are you okay?!

Mihu: That's the the problem..... I'm the only one who is okay...always..

Zen: Mi-chan....

Mihu: Zen... stand back.... everyone's safety is in your hands.... I'll take care of that monster....

Zen: But Mi-chan!

Mihu: JUST GO!

Zen looks at her sister and then tells everyone to retrieve. Now they are fighting only the small monsters, leaving the big one to Mihu. 

Zen's thoughts: If only I had arrived a little earlier.... I hope Mi-chan can do this. She is strong but I know something is bothering her...hope this doesn't effect her skills...

Mihu brings out her sword and casts a spell.

She transforms into a fairy.

Karasuma: This is amazing....

Nagisa: Is that her real form...?

Zen: Yes...her true fairy form...

Mihu: I'm done with you! Go away!

Mihu flies to the monster and then forms a gigantic fire ball.

Mihu: DIE!!!!!

The fire spell swallows the monster in a few seconds and burns it away.

The small fire ball thingy appears again.

Mihu: You are not coming back!

She transfers her magic to her sword.


She slices the fire ball into half and it turns into dust. Mihu lands on the ground. The smaller monsters disappear.

Zen's thoughts: So the monster had a flame core... that's why nobody could kill it! Only the flame sword could cut through it!

Mihu turns and starts walking towards her friends when suddenly, she hears someone laughing. She hurriedly turns, only to see a vampire.

Vampire: Good job killing my demons, princess.....

Mihu: So you finally decided to show your face.

Vampire: So you knew I was there all along? Impressive.

Mihu looked so angry.

Vampire: I was sure that my demons were no match for you... but I wonder.... can you fight a person too?

Mihu smirks.

Mihu: Person?... I hope you are not talking about yourself....because all I see is a disgusting vampire standing in front of me who finds pleasure in killing people!!!

Vampire: Now now princess, you know it's not my fault those students died.... YOU were the one hiding....

Mihu: SHUT UP!! I wasn't hiding!

Vampire: Oh really? Then where were you when they died? Did you not know that the school was under attack? You knew that I was here for YOU... but you hid yourself and let those innocent people die....

Mihu: No....I was....!

Vampire: Just like back then... you let others die so that you can live! How selfish can you be? I might kill people but at least I am faithful to my species...YOU..on the other hand, didn't even protect the fairies....and you think I'm bad?

Mihu: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Mihu falls on her knees, crying.

Vampire's thoughts: Yes. It's working perfectly... She might be strong physically but mentally... not so much and that, I can use in my advantage.

Mihu's thoughts: I..wasn't hiding... I was too wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't realize what was going on...I was so unsure of myself....I am not at fault...or...he's right?....It's all my fault... my family died because of me too...If only I had let them take me away...they wouldn't have killed my family.... I am so coward and selfish....I don't deserve to live.... 

Zen's thoughts: He's torturing her! I have to stop him!

Nagisa: What's going on there?! Is Mihu okay?!

Zen: No... Mi-chan last took part in the war two years ago but now she can't. The reason she isn't allowed to fight is not because she's not strong enough but because vampires know her weakness. Only the mention of the day the fairies were killed, is enough to freeze her in her place and effect her mentally. The truth is... she can't fight anyone but senseless, speechless monsters....

Lesha: Poor Mihu....

Zen: I got to stop this!

Zen casts a spell.

(I couldn't find an anime guy with fairy wings so imagine this guy above has them. When a guy transforms into a fairy, his armor changes and wings appear. At least this is the concept of male fairies in this story. Deal with it!)

As soon as the vampire raises his sword to kill Mihu, Zen blocks his attack.

Zen: Stay away from my sister!

Mihu's thoughts: Zen...I'm sorry for being so weak....so useless...

Vampire: I almost forgot. The princess has a bodyguard. How awful of you to even make your little brother protect you. You sure know how to use people.


Vampire: (sigh) Family....gross...!

Zen attacks the vampire. No one was able to see them clashing their swords as they moved so fast.

Vampire: (Breathing heavily) You sure are strong....

Zen: What can I say, My sister is an awesome teacher!  

Zen's thoughts: Mi-chan, pull yourself together!

Vampire's thoughts: Where did this nuisance come from? I have to force her to fight me... I have to use that spell.....

The vampire forms a dark magic spell in his hand and throws it at Mihu. Zen tries to stop it but his sword just passes through it and it hits Mihu.

The vampire smirks.

The spell is actually a curse. The one hit by it sees his or her greatest fear come to life in their mind.

Mihu sees that Zen is fighting to protect her from the vampire and dies.

At the same time, Zen runs to Mihu.

Zen: Mi-chan! Are you okay?! Say something!

Mihu lets out a scream.

Zen: Mi-chan!!

Zen hugs her, tears in his eyes.

Zen's thoughts: What did he do to her?! I have to take her to Lily. If she stays here, I don't know what he'll do?!

Zen: Mi-chan, it's okay... Come, lets go to your friends.

Mihu: N....No....

Mihu pushes Zen away.

Zen: Mi-chan?!

Mihu blinks her eyes and they turn red.

Zen: Your eyes....YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!

Mihu: Zen! Move aside.

Zen: Mi-chan! Don't be crazy! You can't fight him!

Mihu glares at Zen.

She uses her magic to push Zen away.

Vampire: Finally!

Mihu: Destroy!
Mihu's armor as well as her wings turn black and she begins to attack the vampire with one spell after the other.

Ayumi: What's going on?!

Yumi: That can't be Mihu!

Principal: No... That's her....THE FAIRY OF LIGHT turned into dark...

Zen: He did something to her! She would never use this power of darkness! She doesn't even know how to awaken it!

Nagisa: Darkness?! But aren't fairies creatures of light?

Karasuma: They are but she isn't just some fairy, she's the chosen one. She possesses the power of light and dark both....When her heart is filled with dark emotions, her dark power awakens.....

Zen: Mi-chan isn't thinking straight! This isn't her!

Hisato: Yeah. She's attacking him continuously but hardly any of the spells are hitting him. She doesn't really care if they don't.... She is being led by her anger and at this rate....

Karma: Her spell power will soon be zero...

Nagisa: Oh Mihu! We have to do something!

Lesha: But I don't think she'll hesitate to attack us too at this point. How do we do this?!

Zen: I'll stop her. Please stay out of this!

Karasuma: You can't! This is too dangerous.....She is already so depressed because of people that died because of her. If something happens to you, she might never turn back to normal.

Zen: But we can't leave her like that! SHE'S MY SISTER!

Principal: Prince Zen, we all care for the Princess. But at this point..... We might have to fight her to save her.

Zen: Fight....her...? But she's...

Suddenly, Mihu , who was flying, loses her consciousness and starts falling from the sky. HER spell power was almost zero.

Mihu's thoughts: I...HATE EVERYTHING....I WANT EVERYTHING TO DISAPPEAR....THERE'S NO PLACE FOR ME HERE..... I'M THE CURSED CHILD....I'LL KILL EVERYONE AND REALLY BECOME ALONE....yes...that's what I really want....what I need...Need...Need?.... Wasn't there....someone who needed me?.....no...no one needs me....but...why do I feel like...I'm wrong?....Zen....I know him...yeah...He's my brother....He needs me...or not....he's strong....and...there was another person....Hiro....I hate him?....no...I love him?....It doesn't matter now....I'll kill everyone....even them.....wait...why is everything so blurry?....I...feel like going to sleep.... and let myself fall...yeah...nobody will catch me....I like that.....but still...won't anyone save me?....


Zen sees Mihu falling.

Zen: Mi-chan!!!

The vampire advances towards Mihu while she's still falling. Zen is just about to fly and save her when someone very fast, rushes to her and saves her instead.

Zen: You....



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