Keeping up Appareances.
(Disclaimer: I don't own Indigo Park (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song if I put one in.)
(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)
(Based on chapter one of Indigo Park. Basically just the game from (mostly) Rambley's POV, along with a few changes lol.)
(Hope you enjoy.)
He can't help but think during the days of darkness. Shadows press his eyes shut, someone pulls the plug as if he was just a tool at their leisure. Never thought of as himself, alive as anyone in what he used to call home. Now, now, he doesn't know what he is meant to be-
"Hi there! And welcome to Indigo Park!"
Initially, the guest ignored him. Veering away from the television screen, and into another area with a load of paperwork, files, and other private things Rambley is not supposed to let anyone touch-
"Get away from that!"
They flinched at his tone. Stern. Sharp. Serious. Like a parent scolding their child for an act of rebellion. For a moment, they are afraid of the artificial intelligence of the park.
"I-...Wait...I didn't mean.."
Rambley regretted the shout as soon as it left his mouth. Within the screen, he cringed at the loss of his composure. He isn't Salem, whose anger ruled her heart and caused misery for others. He's not Lloyd, whose jealousy prohibited him from seeing how his actions affected others. And Molly...
He is nothing like her.
The random guest backed away from the files, hands raised in a sign of surrender. Their eyes are hollow, though their body language suggested the slightest hint of anxiety at seeing Rambley's reactions.
He only rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Oh! My apologies! The people who created me were always going on about privacy! Guess it held up to today. You know how it is, right?"
To his relief, they nodded in understanding. Their hands directing his attention to the monitor, and Rambley's eyes lit up as it finally got what they wanted. They're offering him a way out of the awkwardness, and he gladly took the opportunity to forget about this.
They only stared calmly as his eyes matched the dialogue pre-programmed by his creators. Recognition of Rambley's own added dialogue made him develop a little respect.
"You're the first guess to come here in 2920 days , ___ hours, and ___ minutes. Congratulations! It's Rambley Tuesday! You get to come in for some of the experience free! But first, let's register you as our first honorary guest!"
He could tell this human didn't smile often. But the way Rambley acted, his first impression of not messing up. It stirred something within the human they hadn't experienced in years. Their upper lips twitched into the opposite of a frown, and Rambley felt himself proud of being able to make a guest smile again.
"Now, just go the monitor!-...To your left! Then we'll be able to bring you such a wonder time!"
The giant tv faded to black. From another nearby monitor, Rambley observed the human pulling out something from their bag, biting down on the plastic covering, and them peering down at the object in obvious hesitation. In the end, they only sighed, and clenched whatever they held in their palm before striding forward to the desk containing more computers.
"Hello! And welcome to Indigo park-...What are you doing?!"
The human sent Rambley an apologetic glance, then proceeded to press their finger on a foreign button. Being constricted to the entrance, Rambley almost didn't know of the art known as hacking. His eyes filled with static as his knowledge of the park, the residents, and his friends was pulled from the systems, and into the hard-drive the hyman carried in their personal. For a brief moment, they looked to be contemplating whatever they should stop, carry on this painful process-
"Stop it, please. Stop, it hurts..."
Rambley was forced kneel at the intensity of this...this violation of his boundaries. He barely tolerated when his creators updated him with, 'necessary changes', and now this human did it without remorse. After a few, agonising minutes, the pain ceased, and the human pulled away with what they initially came for. Cradling the flash drive with a greedy sneer, the regret and anger flashing in their eyes hinting that they weren't here on their own volition.
"...Is it over?"
The human flinched, seemingly forgetting about Rambley. Placing on a mask of indifference, they only waved, then began to walk away from him-
It was the pure desperation that made them turn back. With a brow raised, they waited expectantly to see what Rambley needed from them. He didn't know himself, there was the just the feeling of abandonment, him resenting the people of the park for leaving him to sleep for so long. This human that put him through the most recent amount of pain captured his attention. They were here.
Waiting. Watching. Most importantly, they stayed to listen. And they hadn't even said a word the entire few hours that passed.
"Why don't you stay for a while? You look like you need a little fun! Me and the others always loved to cheer up the guests!"
There was no reaction whatsoever from them. Virtual sweat began trickling on Rambley's brow, his tail twitched with every second the human refused to answer his offer with a yes, or a decline.
"That is...if you want. Of course, we don't force anyone to go if they aren't ready for the adventure."
The human tightened their grip on their jacket sleeves before giving a reluctant nod. Rambley suddenly felt...ecstatic, excited, happy, and all those other emotions his creators refused to elaborate on-
"Excellent! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to-"
They shook their head at Rambley's dialogue. Rather annoyed that he kept repeating lines that were imbedded into his systems. They pointed at Rambley, pity in their eyes as they then put a hand to their chest. Hoping he'd understand the message.
Be yourself.
...Well, that was hard for him to comprehend.
He struggled to find any speech patterns they weren't from the old creators. They watched with interest, a sort of test for Rambley to ensure they remained, and so they didn't leave him behind (just like his friends, the ones who should've known he was missing)-
"Thanks for staying, human. I...didn't think you'd listen to me. No one else did."
...He appeared to have appealed to a past failure on his behalf. Before they both knew it, the human hopped in the carts, and Rambley seized control of the systems in order to bring them inside. An odd feeling in-trepidation and curiosity building as a result of his own new experience.
The human put their closed fist against their cheek, viewing the introductions of his friends, and then of Lloyd with an idle interest. Actually finding these mascots intriguing as Rambley explained who they were (used to be), and their function around the children as their main audience.
"You know why Rambley's railroad is my personal favourite?"
They hummed softly for him to answer.
"...'Cause I like trains."
The racoon once again managed to make the human laughed at his antics. They shook their head, another smile slipping on their face to express their amusement.
He couldn't wait to show them around his precious park.
It wasn't often that jealousy took ahold of Rambey's code. Viciously spewing inside the numbers and letters that make him who he is supposed to see. He lost communication with the human a while ago, and he may have...lied to them. It was for their own good! They couldn't think that was selfish!
For them. For me.
Acting in his best interest, the artificial mascot of the park watched them wandering around Lloyd's theatre. Fixing issues of closed gates, glitching screens (the fault of Rambley, he had no idea they were broken), and avoiding an enemy he may have forgotten to tell them about. In his defence, Rambley thought that Lloyd would've been sleeping at this time of night. Even as a mascot, he wasn't much of a morning person. He genuinely slept like the dead on some days.
"I should've warned them..."
The shout of the nearby human caused Rambley to jump. His body fizzed into electrical static as he traveled to another screen closest to his guest. Sensing Lloyd on the prowl, finding himself relieved as the human managed to dodge the debris that fell on the lion. A guttural growl sounded in their direction, and the humans cry of surprise made it to even Rambley's ears.
...No. They aren't yours. Even if we don't get along, they are in Lloyd's domain. They'll be okay. They're capable.
But still...the pre-determined hatred brewed with the mix of distaste, and Rambley accidentally sparked some of the light in the theatre as a result. He gasped at the aftermath, ears drooping at what he saw due to him losing his temper. He needed to be calm. Keep himself in check.
I'll watch over them. Step in if necessary.
Those words comforted him less than he imagined.
They were confused to say the least. Various series of events lead them to following Rambley on his quest to guide them through these rides. Now with someone stalking them in the darkness, they were starting to regret accepting his offer of a free, joyful experience at the place known as Indigo Park.
Lloyd is here. He will kill me.
Pulling out their laptop (the slightest bit of guilt gripped at their brain), they opened it to the files of...whatever characters inhabited this theatre. Lloyd's blueprints, description, and who he was before the park closed down appeared on the screen.
Where is it? Where is it? Where the hell is it?
They hurriedly dragged the general icon through the information (too much of it), whilst another sound of Lloyd's growl echoed from all around them. Finally, finally, they found what they were looking for. Who Lloyd used to be. His former self before defaulting to the predator hunting his unwilling prey.
'Move out of the way, for the performer of Rambley and Pals is here! Lloydford L. Lion, the regal lion of the mane stage, is decked in the finest tailored suits that make royalty look like mere commoners. Lloyd struts across the stage with an air of arrogance that could rival any monarch. He's friends with the main cast, but he's really starting to push it... Meet Lloyd today, only at Indigo Park. Located in [REDACTED].'
...Everything here was useless, but they did learn a lot of their stalker. His name was actually Lloydford? Either they weren't able to read, or Lloyd's creators were really old school when it came to names.
Jesus Christ. If Lloyd comes to kill me, this might provide a decent distraction.
Plus, the files mentioned something of Lloyd being a theatre kid. They chuckled under their breath. Him hiding in the darkness, buying out time for him to hunt seemed planned in advance. He was certainly surprised when they appeared out of nowhere. They didn't forget him stumbling into some of the forgotten junk of the studio.
Just gotta get past him. Good thing I have the flashlight. And whatever this band does.
The only usefulness it had was for opening certain doors of the building.
...So otherwise useless, then.
They decided to carry on through the piles of debris. Resorting to crawl, climb, and even squeezing through the narrow cracks as Lloyd watched them. They knew he knew he couldn't risk coming in without being crushed by the objects in both their ways of leaving this area. For now, they were safe, and reflected on how they got here thanks to a racoon named Rambley.
Strangely, they missed the little guy. He was...socially stunted, but alright toward them from the beginning. They approached the exit to the theatre, the object they needed in hand, then reached to open the door blocking them from leaving Lloyd's territory-
Aaaggh! What the?-
They shook off whatever grabbed their arm, turning to face Lloyd as something then activated in their wrist band. He kept tight paw on their arm, refusing to relent to the noise that perpetuated through the room.
That constant of something akin to a dog whistle pained their eardrums. But to Lloyd, it must've caused agony. With a grimace, their stalker began the cycle of wrecking every object within distance, shaken yowls, whimpers, and any other sound he was capable of making escaping even as he tried to stop it. Then, the image of Rambley forming above the screen of their watch looked at them with a normal smile. His version of saving them the danger known as Lloyd the lion.
"...You're safe now, human! Don't worry! He can't hurt you anymore."
They just ignored him in favour of observing Lloyd writhing from the constant stream of whatever Rambley made them listen to, at least before he suddenly re-appeared. They couldn't bothered to be grateful if this was how Rambley chose to deal with trouble. Their plan of non-violence, distraction, and getting away would've worked just fine. He had no faith in them.
"Why are you looking me like that?"
...I'm not sorry.
Soon locating the button, they powered off the wristband, and Rambley accordingly as the irritating waves of the sound just...stopped. Their ears were still ringing, but they didn't feel as if their head was about to explode.
They noticed the lion not bothering to move after the whole event. His chest barely rising in time with each breath, fur mangled and messed up from years of neglect, and access to any tools to keep it intact. Panic grew from their chest, and they hoped to God this wasn't what they thought.
He's not gone, is he?
Lloyd simply laid there like he was the prey cornered in their weakened state. The human hobbled their way to his laying form, and the blackened eyes of the mascot only accepted his fate of death, or maybe something worse. Anticipation written clear in his expression, his skills of acting not-so-fearful impressing them. The files were correct of him being an actor after all.
...Okay, he's not dead. Rambley may be pissed with what I'm about to do.
Hooking their arms under Lloyd's, they somehow dragged him (it took a huge amount of effort), over onto deceptively pile of soft things such as blankets and sweaters. Only recognising it thanks to a poster they saw earlier. Rambley drew their attention from it as soon as their eyes laid on the lion's past self. Thinking it over, they than put a hand to Lloyd's main, attempting to smooth the messy areas into a neater style.
A kind gesture to make up for this incident.
Amazing how I pity him, despite this one trying to murder me.
The mascot version only closed his eyes, facing away from the cause of his state. They weren't able to blame him, and instead said their goodbyes before leaving Lloyd to hopefully heal from Rambley's assault by using their device as the weapon. Although, maybe he hadn't meant for it to hurt that much.
No, no, do not just let this slide.
They cursed their human weakness known as empathy.
Rambley observed them from the screen behind them as they rested. He allowed it from the footage of Lloyd on the hunt horrified even him at the attempt of ridding his guest from the park. He understood Lloyd's tendencies of guarding his home, Rambley and the others usually on the receiving end of his wrath.
But that had been too far. He should've been there to guide them. Shown 'em how to slip by, the ways of safely traversing any building in his domain.
The rage of his own limits filled the cheerful racoon without his consent. Resorting to watch the human skimming on their 'computer', as they informed him of the term. He witnessed non-viable information on him and his friends being processed by the human. He didn't mind if it kept them preoccupied, and within his sight. He couldn't stand to have their blood on his (digital) paws.
The footage of them helping out Lloyd of all people only added fuel already burning flames of his codes. Programmed emotions by his creators interfered at the worst possible time. As the human swiped onto Molly's files, an idea blossomed that would benefit them both. They'd experience her ride, and Rambley would be away from Lloyd and his uncontrollable tendencies to hurt those that got too close.
"We should go to Molly's landing pad!"
...They peered up at the virtual racoon with a look. A mix of fear, annoyance, and...something made itself known to Rambley. He wasn't the greatest at reading expression, but it's a good his creators installed facial tracking data. He traveled from his current screen to another closer to the human, seeing their eyes widen in mild surprise. Rambley was once again proud of himself for being a little unpredictable.
His guest certainly hadn't expected that.
"Allow me to explain. I see you're hesitant."
The human hugged themselves, laptop in their backpack. They were distracting themself as Rambley went on about why they even consider heading there.
"Lloyd was known for his unfriendliness. But Molly is different, I promise! She's smart, loyal, a tiny bit clumsy, but she means well! The same goes for Finley if you meet him! Please, give her a chance. You can be mad at me if I'm wrong. Unlike Lloyd, I always take responsibility for my actions."
The human was convinced before he even finished his speech. Mentioning them being away from their most recent threat appealed to their nature. The moment their shoulders relaxed, and they started the trip to where Molly resided, Rambley looked back to where the human had just beaten Lloyd, somewhat patched him up, and then used his influence to bust every light within the theatre. The lion thrived in the shadows, however, every resident required light, should they forget their past and future.
Out of the human's vision, Rambley's natural smile dropped.
Not like he doesn't deserve it.
Somewhere during those years of slumber, Rambley's sympathy for...certain creatures dissolved. And he found that he didn't mind.
As long as those he kept close were safe.
Who was he to stop any unfortunate circumstances from creating a tragedy?
Her voice mimicked any of those from around the park. Didn't matter if it was a minute, month, or even years ago to their unfortunate encounters. She made the willing choice to seek them out, and determine them as nothing but a free meal.
"Where are you going, friend?!"
"Come back!" "We need you!"
"Never fret, Rambley is here!"
Admittedly, they stopped at a couple of times because of those phrases. They sounded fake, yet so real. It tried luring them into a false sense of security. They almost fell for it too.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Goddamn idiot.
Molly never talked in her real voice. In the years of abandonment, they thought that maybe she'd forgotten on what she simply sounded like. Copying anyone she came in contact with, including Rambley and the rest of their friends. She used them as methods to bait the prey before their unwitting demise.
"Where are you, little one?"
"I do not wish to harm you."
"Please come out."
"You can trust us. We only wish to keep you safe."
An outright lie. Based on Molly's snarls, her shrieks, and disturbing motivation on finding where they hid. Waiting for the mascot to be out of sight (and hopefully out of mind), they bolted for the free halls, Molly on their heels as soon as they were within reach of freedom.
"Come back!" "Please don't leave!"
They were losing energy. Stamina in their body depleted with each step they took, powered by sheer will to not be killed. Just in time, Rambley appeared on the monitors.
...Thank the Lord.
His usual smile in place. Not noticing they were being chased by a giant bird.
"Hey, buddy! It's been a while! Just come around here, and we'll discuss what you've been upto!"
They just kept sprinting for the nearest exit to this hell. Molly's claw barely missed the scruff of their collar, and the human only wanted to collapse before escaping the inevitable. Once again Rambley peeked down at them, face morphing in confusion.
"Hey, you can't go in there! It's for staff only!-...Come in new staff!"
They didn't dare look as the metal door slammed shut. Their eyes closed, the sounds of yelling and something cutting into flesh and bone echoing before everything fell into silence. Rambley's comforting voice bringing them out of the state of anxiety, his tone serious and with almost no emotion.
"....You can look now."
Obeying the unspoken command, the human squinted to peer at the scene of Molly's head rolled on the floors. Her eyes listless, no signs of life as they stared at the human. In response, they kicked the head of their would-be murderer so she faced the wall.
...Is it finally over?
Rambley's ignorance of their emotional state never seemed so feigned. Appearing on the screen yet again, they saw his smile wavering as he prattled on about the positives of his park. Nobody else was ever mentioned.
"Welcome to Rambley's Ranglers (registered) room! Here we have plenty of amenities and—ahh—okay—okay...I can see if in your facial tracking that you're an-a-angry, maybe upset, confu-fu-sed. Transparency is a very important policy at Indigo Park. I need to be honest about something..."
They perked up at Rambley dropping his cheery act. He never usually seem so...downcasted. It was a shocker to learn he could experience anything remotely negative.
"The park has been inactive for years. The employees stopped showing up, the guests too. And the mascots are-...I was just so excited to see a visitor and wanted to give you the best experience possible. Being confined to the for so long, I didn't realise the state of disrepair the park had fallen into."
...How was it that they were to see where he was coming from?
"I'm wasting all your fun time. Eh, sorry for the inconvenience...But, BUT! I have an idea. I have access to the repair documentation on my database. I just can't access most tasks without authorisation from a human user. You must've come here because the parks means a lot to you, right? Would willing to help me restore the park?"
If Rambley was manipulating them, then damn did he know how to act. They found themselves standing with no reaction, then slowly nodding to confirm the part they would play in Rambley's greatest plan.
"...I can see in your facial tracking data that you aren't opposed to this! Thank you so much!~...And now, let's get this place back in business!"
For a minute, he looked like he'd leap out of the screen in order to hug them. Composing himself, the critter thanked them, and then went off to do whatever Rambley did when he wasn't with guests.
They simply pulled out their laptop, the icon of Rambley to let them know he was nearby. They were slowly developing a fondness for the A.I of the park. Continuing to scroll through the files of Issac Indigo, their thoughts were dragged on how they could help, and it'd assist them in return.
Mainly to learn about them.
They came here for a reason. Rambley wanted them to stay for his own desires. It would also benefit them both from using for other one for their whatever they needed.
And perhaps they would be able to work on restoring Rambley's dream when all was said and done.
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