Chapter 4 Part 1
It's being a bit of minutes since both falls asleep until Kitty wake up do she hears an can falling to the floor by one of the hooded mans.
Kitty: *Confused* .......Melody?
Hooded: Idiot! You wake up one!
Kitty: What the?!
Before she could say something more, one of them quickly covers her mouth and nose with an moist rag smells so hard, the kitten girl try to yell but it was impossible, she sowly loose her vision as saw how the other hooded figure bounded Daniel.
Kitty: Da....niel.....*Falls unconscious*
Later that same evening Kitty wakes up to see she has her mouth covered with tape as she couldn't see nothing
Kitty: *Muzzles scared*
Hooded: Oh so already wake up huh?
The man removed the bag on her head as she know notices it was tied up to an chair, so she cannot escape.
Kitty: *Keeps muzzles of fear*
Hooded: What do you say dear? I can't hear you? *Agressivaly removes the tape from her mouth*
Kitty: I SAY WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING WITH US! And were is Daniel!?
Hooded: Your little friend, right? Well he won't going to wake up from a while, me and my friend injected him Midazolam (An medication who help to sleep for a big while) so he won't gonna feel what were going to do with you two
Kitty: What do you mean?....
Instantly the other hooded man grabs an baseball bad ready for beat up Daniel on his head or all his body, Kitty immediately yelled for mercy but the man only slap her on the cheek (an pain she never fill before)
Hooded: Shut up you little b*tch, or he's going to suffer more than you
Kitty didn't care a sh*t of what that evil man says so she stars to yelling for her with all her forces waiting somebody could arrive for help them.
Meanwhile in that same street, an 17 years old boy who wears an pink hoodie was running quickly for some reason.
???: Oh man, the training was more longer than i expected if i am not an home right now, mom is going to kill me!
In that moment the boy hear Kitty's scream for help
???: What the?
He quickly run were the yelling comes from it was an abandoned factory and the yellings comes from the highest floor.
???: Dear lord! Somebody is in troubles, i know is dangerous but i better try to save it!
The hooded boy enters in the factory as run towards the stairs to the last floor, while Kitty got silent by the hooded man who covers her mouth with tape once again, but she keeps making fear noises
Hooded: I am sore little b*tch but Hello Kitty fans like you sickss me up, we better ended up with all of them before they expanded all around, starting with you two!
The other man was preparing his bat as Kitty starts crying of fear wishing they leave her and her friend but she only got another slap.
But in the moment the guy with the bat was about to hit Daniel, something unexpected happened.
Everyone turns on to see it was that pink hooded boy, who gets shocked after saw what those two monster was going to do with the kittens.
Hooded: That's nothing of your interested! You better leave already!
???: No way! I am not going to leave you hurt those poor little kids! I am going to call the police!
Hooded: So you have choosen death, right? Well as you wish for
The man with the bat quickly runs to him trying to hit him but he avoided his attack and give him an very hard punch who knocks him out a little , so then he jumps over the main hooded man and stars to punching his face as the man also stars to punching him, Kitty was so scared, sad and stunned to see that violent fight between those two animals.
After some minutes of fighting the hooded man punched him right on the nose making he spits something red who stranged Kitty (She never saw somebody spitting red paint out of the nose) even though his nose didn't stop bleeding and he was already tired the boy didn't give up yet.
Hooded: *Sighs exhausted* although your show off to be stronger than i tough.....*laughs evil* But that won't be so longed
The crazy man takes from her pocket something really sharp (It was an knife but Kitty doesn't know what actually is) and runs to the boy cornering him to the wall.
Kitty: *Muzzles louder like she was saying "NOOOOO!!!!''
He keeps laughing very maniacally as both was struggling with the knife.
Hooded: Any last words? *putting the knife near the boy's neck*
???: careful with your family gems!
Hooded: My what!?
He quickly kicks him right on his balls making him fall to the floor sore as touches his crotch in pain.
While he was on the floor the boy quickly grans the knife who fall to the floor too and uses him to free Kitty from the chair and removes the tape from her mouth
Kitty: Quick! i saw an syringe on that table i guess they use it for put my friend to sleep!
the boy goes right to the table and how she says i was an syringe who still got some midazolam, so he tries to inject it on that crazy man but with his last forces he uses one of his legs to make the boy fall, thankfully Kitty grabs the syringe before it brokes with the falling at the floor, so without thinking she injected the sharp object on the man leg.
Hooded: What the? didn't i make you fall?
Kitty: Yes but he didn't inject was me!
Hooded: Nooo!! you bastard!........
Instantly the crazy man sleeps meaning the medication already hits him very hard.
Kitty comes to see the hooded boy iff he's okay
Kitty: Dear lord! are you okay?
???: Yeah....i am fine, thankfully he don't break me ane bone....*Cleans his nose a bit as this one keeps bleeding*
Kitty: *Confused* Why are you spitting red paint or jelly on you're nose?
???: *Confused* Uh? what did you saying?
Kitty: Did you and the other hairless monkey don't spit red paint neither?
???: What are you saying? this is not red paint is blood
Kitty: Blood? what is that thing you call blood?
???: Well is like a liquid that all the humans got and is important to us
Kitty: Humans?
???: Yes don't you know what humans are?
Kitty: No
???: Oh, then what is you're name?
Kitty: I am Kitty
???: *Gasp* So you're actually the real Hello Kitty!?
Kitty: Who?
???: You know the japanese doll who is famous all around the world who was created by the company Sanrio
Kitty: Oh my!..... i don't know anything, so i techno famous?
???: Well yes but actually no, you're the actual Hello Kitty but people don't believe you exist in real life and maybe the ones you saw before think you were only an cosplayer but here you are! In flesh and bones!
Kitty: Ewwww!
???: Don't worry is another humans expression
Kitty: Oh
???: But don't we get more distracted let's better call the police for take to the jail this two bastards and then an ambulance to help Daniel
Kitty: You also know his name?
???: Sure i know all the Sanrio characters names
Kitty: (Gosh i need to ask him a lot later) I didn't ask you you're name yet, what's your name?
???:My name is Mackenzie Thompson, but you can call me Mac
To be Continued....
Sorry for the very long delay, I was busy doing a lot of things, i will try to be more active.
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