The Captain
The smile never left Freen's face ever since the film had ended. She lost count already how many days had passed since Becky's kissing incident. What she knew was today she just kissed the other girl again, unfortunately as Khun Sam, not as Freen. She actually had this mixed feelings every time they needed to film the kissing scene. She felt comfortable because she had to do the kissing scene with Becky instead of other people, but she was afraid that she would be unprofessional and let herself out instead of Khun Sam. Nevertheless, none of the kissing scenes she had filmed felt awkward to the point it felt too natural, she could no longer differentiate whether it was Khun Sam or herself. She was unsure about how Becky felt about this. She could not read Becky's mind but every time they filmed the kissing scene, never once Freen saw Becky seemed uncomfortable.
"Freen, you've been smiling all day." Nam's voice made Freen jerked her head in surprise.
"Such an exaggeration. I've been smiling only since the film ended." Freen snickered at her friend.
Nam laughed at the answer as she packed up her belongings. Today's schedule had ended and all the casts were allowed to go home already. "So, you've been smiling because you've got to kiss Becky again, is it?"
Freen gasped at the question and pinched Nam's right arm — which was the closest to her hand. "Oii! Don't make such vague statement! You've been making the fans crazy because of your ambiguous statements all the time!"
Nam laughed even harder, ignoring Freen who kept pinching her arm. "What? I was just asking."
"I was smiling because today's schedule finally ended! Not because I kissed Becky!" Freen now slapped Nam's shoulder.
"Okay, okay. Stop pinching and hitting me, would you? I will have bruises all over my body if you keep doing that." Nam finally sat down next to Freen and nudge the latter. "So, not girlfriends yet?"
"Phi Naaaammmm!" Freen gestured a punch to Nam but didn't really hit her. "I told you, me and Becky are good friends."
"Yeah, good friends, indeed." Phi Nam pretended to yawn before smirked teasingly. "Friends with bene-..."
And Freen punched Nam's shoulder, making Nam laughed hard.
"You really need to stop that, Phi Nam. Becky might feel uncomfortable if people keep shipping us together. Because we really are just friends." Freen pouted this time. She never really knew how Becky felt about being shipped all the time by their fans — and even worse now the crews and other actors were also shipping them.
"Not that I know." Nam shrugged. "I think she enjoys it as much as you enjoy it."
"You don't even know whether I enjoy it or not." Freen snickered at the answer. Of course I enjoy it! I like her a lot!
"I know you do, you punk!" Nam nudged Freen's arm with her elbow. "Everything is so obvious even baby can see it through. Your smile is wider, your eyes twinkle, your pupils dilate. You should see yourself in those fancam." Nam playfully wiggle her eyebrows, continue teasing the other girl.
"Who doesn't enjoy being with Becky? She is a lovely girl. She is nice, and smart, and playful." Freen unconsciously smiled as she mentioned all the good things about Becky.
"See? You smile again just by describing her."
Freen side-eyed Nam in response to the never-ending teasing. "I am serious though. She might not feel uncomfortable with that."
"She is okay with that. Really." Nam sticked to her opinion.
"What are you guys bickering about?" Another voice joined the conversation, making both Freen and Nam looked up to the voice owner.
"Ah! Speak of the devil!" Nam smiled wide when she saw Becky just got into the room. "Let me get clarification from the main source."
"Phi Nam! You're crazy!" Freen pinched Nam's arm again in attempt to stop her friend not to ask silly question at Becky, which of course didn't make the latter stop.
"Nong Beck, do you find the fans annoying?"
Becky furrowed her eyebrows, confused about the sudden question thrown by Nam.
"Why should I think they're annoying?"
"Because they ship you with Freen."
"Huh?" Becky shifted her gaze from Nam to Freen, trying to get a clue on what exactly the question meant.
Freen shrugged in answer. "Don't ask me, it's Phi Nam who asked the question."
Becky tapped her chin with her index finger, seemed like she was trying to figure out why Nam asked such random question. At the end she shrugged before took a seat next to Freen, which makes Freen sat in between her and Nam. "Why would that be annoying?"
"So, you enjoy it?" Nam kept prying.
This time Becky put her attention to Freen, trying to read the other girl's expression but Freen shrugged again, not telling her anything. "Do you enjoy it, Phi Freen?"
"Why you throw the question at me?" Freen gasped, not anticipating the question would be thrown to her. "Nam asked the question at you. She would like to get your opinion on that."
"Freen also wants to know your answer to that, anyway. I am not the only one who's eager to know." Nam smirked as she poked Freen's arm, earning death glare from Freen.
"Hmmm..." Becky nodded before laying her head on top of Freen's shoulder. "I don't find it annoying for sure. Not sure whether I enjoy it or not though."
Freen automatically lied her head on top of Becky's head. A habit she got used to every time Becky lied her head on her shoulder. She could not remember when did this had become her habit, but now her muscle memory worked as if Becky's head was the magnet to Freen's head.
"Ah, you're so indecisive, Nong Beck." Nam clicked her tongue in disappointment. "There is nothing in between. It's whether you enjoy it or not enjoying it at all."
Becky furrowed her eyebrows, seemed like she had difficulty in answering the question. "Well..." She circled her arms around Freen's arm. "I can't really tell whether I enjoy it or not. But I am fine with them shipping me and Phi Freen."
"Eyyyy! See, Freen? She's fine with that!!" Nam excitedly punch the air as if she just won a lottery.
"What are you guys talking about?" Becky seemed to be more eager to know what's the conversation behind Nam's questions.
"Anyway!" Freen immediately jumped into the conversation, without giving Nam a chance to answer Becky's question. "I am tired, I wanna go home." She turned to Becky and asked, "Do you want me to drive you home?"
Becky nodded, but a pout decorated her face. "I want to sleepover. But I promised Richie to have breakfast together."
Freen chuckled and tapped Becky's cheek softly. "You need to fulfill your promise. Shall we go now?"
Becky nodded again as she stood up and stretched her hand to be hold by Freen. Freen took Becky's hand as she pulled herself to stand up, and instinctively her fingers filled the gap between Becky's fingers. Their eyes met and smiles appeared on both faces.
"So, see you tomorrow, guys?" Phi Nam's voice brought them back together, making both girls put their attention to Nam.
"See you tomorrow, Phi Nam!" Freen waved a bit too exaggerating as if she was really happy because she was about to part with Nam, while Becky also waved her hand to Nam.
"Yeah, go you two lovebirds. You can leave me alone here." Nam shooed them both with a playful pout on her face.
"Oii! Told you we're not lovebirds!" Freen's hand turned from a wave to a punch this time, making Nam laughed again.
"Kidding, kidding! Safe trip you both!" Nam then shooed them again to leave. Freen and Becky soon skip their way outside of the room, hand in hand, leaving Nam who had a smile on her face.
"Two stupid lovebirds. Both needs some push. Is it time for Captain Nam to involve?"
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