N i n e t y - t w o

This chapter contains violent acts, abuse, rape, and mention of death. Please read with caution. 


''For all of them.''


''He'll be fine, dear, I promise,'' Narcissa placed a hand on her back, stroking the spine of it gently, ''He's home now, and that's all that matters.''

Amelie nodded slowly as she peered up at the lady from the edge of the bed, and she hesitated. Realizing that his mother most likely would hear about the prison she'd leveled with the ground and put one and one together, yet she wished to talk to her about it, to be honest, and truthful about what happened.

''I did something,'' Amelie huffed out, silently, ''After I found him, I did something — I did something horrible, Narcissa and I—''

Tears defined the hem of her lids, ''I hurt people. I hurt—''

''Shhh....'' Narcissa hummed, softly and she sheeted her arms around the girl, bending down to let Amelie hug her back, ''I read the paper this morning, I know. I know you did something, but it wasn't horrible, dear. You did what you had to do to get you both out of there.''

She couldn't keep her courage for much longer. Not one bit of bravery did she carry at this time, and she caved into Narcissa's arms, ''I'm sorry—''

''Don't be sorry, Amelie...'' The lady comforted her, and she knew how unfamiliar she was with the behavior she had at the prison. Amelie was everything but a violent person, ''You would've died in there. My son would've died. If it weren't for you, doing what you did, you would've burnt with it. I am so happy that you did what you did and that you made it out of there.''

Her sight floored, her bravery vanished, and that ticking piece of darkness as it stung in her chest flooded her, ''Not all of us.''

Thinking about the lives she couldn't save, her bones crumbled, ''I saw that lives were lost, but Amelie—'' Narcissa tilted the girl's head back, stroking her thumb across Amelie's drained skin, ''With battle comes sacrifice. We never wanted this. We're the ones trying to stop it—''

Her hooded stare fled to watch the one person who gave her an ounce of peace as he laid in their bed. Malfoy's chest heaved roughly at the aftermath of her magic.

''I know...'' She whispered, ''I know you think that, but I don't. I lost people, Narcissa. People that were important to both Teddy and me... and Draco. I just—''

''You have a heart of hundreds, you know?'' Narcissa mumbled, stretching her spine and looking over her son's resting body, ''Every person's actions aren't on you, Amelie. You can't be responsible for everyone, just like he can't.'' She nodded towards Draco, ''He carries the conscience of the world and just like you told him when he needed to hear it — I'm telling you, that you can't save everyone.''

Reaching forward, Amelie let her fingers stroke across Malfoy's arm, ''Do you think he'll forgive me?'' She uttered, nearly inaudible and the tears in her eyes let her be, ''For doing all of this? For creating this mess?''

''I think he'll feel guilty for it. It was his plan, after all, and I think he'll make it out to be your fault. He doesn't like you putting yourself in harm's way, Amelie—''

''Then what was I supposed to do? Sit here and wait until they killed him? He never apologizes for protecting me, no matter how he does it, so why should I?'' Her tone slightly broke at the lump splayed in the back of her throat, ''This isn't his fault, I know that. I know he just tried to do the right thing, but it was the wrong way. He shouldn't have gotten himself caught, Narcissa. It's way too dangerous now.''

''I know, dear,'' His mother whispered, giving her shoulder a light squeeze, ''I know it wasn't the best call to make, but if he felt the need to do it — then we need to trust him with it. He's not a fool, Amelie. He has saved all of us multiple times. Let's not forget that.''

Draco had.

He always rescued them.

''I know,'' Amelie inhaled sharply at Narcissa taking steps back across the floor, ''It's the way it is, I suppose, takes some time to get used to, that's all.''

Narcissa merely hummed, pulling at the curtains coating the massive windows and hauling them apart, ''Who did you go with?'' She asked, nervously fixing the drapes.

''I didn't—''

''I know you couldn't find Azkaban on your own, dear. You need a Death Eater's for that, so tell me, who helped you? I know it wasn't Theodore because he came down for breakfast unharmed this morning.''


''Was it Adrian?''

That caught her off guard, making her cough out awkwardly, and she rose to her feet, blinking quickly as Narcissa spun around, ''Was it?''

Amelie nodded, remembering what Adrian showed her in that cell — how Theodore had taken Narcissa there after a meeting, how she'd watched the potion turn his body back, ''It was.''

''So you're aware of what Theodore had to do?'' She questioned, leaning against the window sill and crossing her arms, ''That he was forced to save his life?''

''I am.''

A slight sweep of hovering silence struck them, and neither truly knew what to say as they both watched the boy still lying unconscious on the bed.

''They were in love,'' Amelie's lips barely moved, her fingers shaking, ''Teddy and Adrian. They fell in love.''

''I had that feeling too,'' Narcissa let a shy yet hurtful smile take over for just a second, ''If anyone deserves love, it's Theodore.''

''I know he does,'' Amelie couldn't breathe properly, knowing what had happened the prior night, ''He's always the one loving everyone else, but he never gets it himself.''

''How does that make you feel?'' The lady tilted her head, her inky eyes leveling the bronzed ones, ''Adrian hurt you a lot, Amelie, and finding out that your best friend—''

''I—'' She swallowed a sob, her heart ached so much, ''I haven't had a lot of time to think about it, but he changed, I think. I like to think that Theodore changed him for the better. He's the reason Draco and I made it out—''

''Oh dear,'' Narcissa's palms cupped her mouth, shaking her head so that the mixed curls fell across her shoulders, ''He didn't—''

''He didn't...'' Amelie couldn't keep her eyes open, slipping down to her chair, she pinched her lashes shut, ''He didn't make it out.''

Looking away, Narcissa felt tears burning in her eyes, ''I know he hurt you, but the way Theodore talked about him... he changed, didn't he?''

''He changed...'' Amelie let out, lowly, ''He changed, and he didn't deserve this, Narcissa. Somewhere I think he earned a life with Theodore. God knows Teddy deserved it with him.''

''You need to tell him,'' She said, her voice rupturing, ''You need to tell Theodore—''

''I will,'' Amelie bent forward, placing her elbows on her knees, and she dragged her hands through her hair, ''Is he with Atlas now?''

Narcissa brushed her fingers across her skirt. She exhaled, ''He is, but I can watch him, and he can come up—''

''No,'' Shaking her head, she forced herself up again, standing close to the bed, ''Would you mind asking him to meet me outside? Down at the treeline? I don't want to do this in front of Draco. He needs to rest.''

Nodding, Narcissa strode across the room, and she turned in the doorway. Her face mantled in both sorrow and guilt, ''I am so sorry for your loss, Amelie. This will be hard on Theodore, but I can't imagine what this must be like for you — you thought he was dead, and in a few hours, you lost him again. It's not fair. It's not fair to anyone.''

Amelie smiled tenderly to herself as she arched over Malfoy, ''It's not fair, no...'' She brushed a strand of his blond hair away from his forehead, pushing her lips against his skin, ''I'll meet him outside.''

Tucking the sheets around him, Amelie heard how Narcissa left the room, and she lingered with the tips of her fingers across his bare chest — scars of the brutality he'd been trapped in still showed.

Amelie spent the whole night cleaning him up, wiping every stain of blood, whispering the magic to heal his wounds.

Draco was home.

They made it out just in time before she burnt Azkaban to ruins, and that was supposed to be a good thing. She fought. She won. Amelie overruled the darkness, and she kept them safe.

Yet she wasn't happy. Not one single thing of what she'd done — did she enjoy, and it ached miserably within that fragile chest of hers.

Her heart felt so heavy, her veins soared in agony, all because she couldn't save everyone. She made it out, indeed but with less of a soul than she'd walked in with.

She failed to bring her mother back, the very reason Draco surrendered and got himself chained in the first place. His plan didn't work. Malfoy's attempt to bring her mother back winded up in chaos.

She lost Blaise.

She lost Adrian.

Tears rimmed in the brim of her eyes, and her pupils crowded in torture as she turned the lights off and walked out of their room. Never had Amelie thought she'd mourn the two boys that left this sphere for her to live freely. They threw themselves at the feet of the devil for her to remain unharmed.

She didn't understand why.

Not once did it clock her mind why they had done so. She believed that she wasn't worth it. That so many souls could've flourished if she simply abandoned hers.

Amelie had seen death. She'd lived through it. Hell, she'd even wished for it at times but never had she feared it as she did now. If this was all on her — if she was the one the Dark Lord craved to possess, she'd give herself up in a heartbeat.

She'd happily lose herself to keep everyone else in pieces, even for Blaise and Adrian. It wasn't a question to her. It wasn't a thing to be debated.

Amelie would sacrifice her life for this madness to cease, and she'd to it with the most gracious smile. When she killed herself in that haunted house all those months ago — she thought she'd be at peace. She believed that it would be over and that she would live with Draco in their own heaven.

But that was far from it, and now she'd never seen a darker side of hell.

Her knees slipped onto the slightly damp grass, and she placed her wand in front of her. Looking around in the little glade she was seated in. The birds chirped around her.

It felt strange to her. She watched the little lives as they flew across the crowns of the trees, how they were so unknowing in everything that was befalling their world.

Amelie had picked two flowers, two white roses that stung in her hand as she hugged her fist around them, and she waited for Teddy.

She wanted to meet him in that glade behind their new home. It shone similar to the one Pansy and Aimee laid buried in back at the manor — how she wished she could bring their graves to this place, but moving them didn't feel right to her.

''Amelie—'' Theodore called out for her from behind, making her head snap and her eyes squint through the brightened sun. His hands gripped him by the knees, and he bent down from running to her, ''What happened? Where did you go—''

He faltered, freezing ultimately in his doings as he watched her resting body, the flowers in her hand, ''Amelie?''

''Come here,'' She reached her hand out, waving her fingers for him to sit down next to her, ''I need to talk to you.''

''Talk to me?'' He frowned, a bothered grimace climbed him, ''You want to talk to me? On Narcissa, it sounded like a matter of life and death—''

That pained dash in her eyes caused him to hush, and she looked back at the ground.

''No—'' Theo kneeled next to her, his chest tightened, ''What happened?''

''I need—'' She hushed, gathering what was left of her, ''I need to tell you something.''

''Is it Malfoy? Do you know—''

''He's safe...'' She whispered, so quietly, ''He's upstairs, he hasn't woken up yet, but he's safe. We got him out.''

Scowling, he sunk completely down to the grass, looking at her with disbelief looping in his wide eyes, ''You did what?'' He stuttered, confusingly, ''What do you mean—''

''I remembered something last night, the diaries,'' She still stared at the ground, feeling so guilty, ''And when I found it, Draco's part of it, I saw something that made me think about the masquerade...''

''Amelie, I don't understand—''

''And the person you were talking to.''

Theo's eyes broadened, his throat restrained.

Seeping wind trickled them as the clouds dragged across the strokes of the sun.

''I went to see him,'' She said, her note airy, "Adrian."

''You did what?'' Theodore began to tremble, his fingers nervously tugging at the grass, ''I don't—''

''He told me everything, Teddy,'' Amelie whispered through a sigh, her lashes battled the tears she felt coming, ''He showed me everything, and I—''

''Amelie, I don't understand—''

''He told me about Azkaban. He thought the Death Eaters had Draco there, and they did, so Adrian and Blaise—''

''Blaise?'' Theo's chest began to heave, heavily, his body shifted to face her fully, ''Amelie, hold on a minute, what are you telling me? They kept Draco in Azkaban?''

Her neck moved, looking up at him, ''They had him locked up in Azkaban, yes.''

Shaking his head, Theodore tried to ease his clouded mind, ''You went to Azkaban? To get Malfoy? Without me?''

Amelie's heart weighed. Her soul felt thin, as if it left her body.

''Adrian and Blaise took me there, and they found us, it wasn't pretty, Teddy. It was a fight and Blaise, he—'' She swallowed the sob that kept urging, and she tore her sight from his, ''I lost him.''

Theodore didn't do anything else than blink. He couldn't possibly understand what she was telling him.

''A Death Eater was aiming for me, but he—'' She couldn't hold back the tears any longer, and they began to pour down her skin, ''He died for me. He threw himself in front of me, and he— he died.''

Closing his eyes, Theodore dragged his knees up to his chest, hugging his arms around them, just like Amelie was.

''It all went straight to hell after that. I surrendered, thinking I had a chance to get us all out of there, even if Adrian told me not to, and it didn't work...'' Burying her head into her folded arms, she cried between the words, ''They took me to Draco, and he was locked up in a cage, and I waited until all of them were in there, and then I set fire to it, all of it — I got Draco out, but he was so heavy, Teddy. I couldn't carry him—''

Theodore's heart broke for her. His heart completely shattered at the thought of her doing all of the things she said she did. He couldn't begin to understand what she'd been through.

Wiping the spine of her hand underneath her eyes, she looked out over the thick crowd of trees around them, and the birds kept singing.

''They had my mother there too, but they took her away the minute Adrian came, and she disappeared again, Teddy. I couldn't save her—'' She panted as the remembrance of fire spreading around them haunted her, ''Adrian he helped me, he carried Draco to the door and then—''

It ripped her to pieces, thinking about it. Knowing that she had to speak the words and tell her best friend that she didn't save the boy his heart belonged to.

''They tried to stop us, we were getting out of there, but they were too many and Adrian— he—''

Theo combed his fingers through his hair, tugging it back at the roots, his curls spilled messily around him, and usually, she'd think about that haircut he so clearly needed, but she couldn't think of that now — not anymore.

He peered down at the soil, rolling a few straws of grass between his fingers, and it clocked him, the two white roses resting in front of her on the ground. Suddenly, Theodore couldn't focus anymore.

There were two roses.

''No—'' He breathed, his bones caving, ''No, Amelie, please — no, no—''

She tried to stay solid. To keep going.

''Adrian didn't let me save him. He refused to come, so he locked the door—'' She cried out, her fingers clawing at her own arms now, ''He didn't want to be saved—''

Theo gasped for air, covering his face with his palms, ''No, don't tell me. Don't tell me. I don't—''

''He told me to burn it down, all of it. He—''

He forced himself off the ground, tears rolling down his chin, and he paced back and forth. Trying to stay sane, attempting not to lose all of himself in the missing of Adrian.

''I thought we were vowed. He told you we were vowed, but he lied, Teddy. He lied because he was in love with you. He didn't want you to leave him—''

Flinching back, Amelie shook at the boy as he screamed out. Theodore fell to his knees behind her, and he shouted so loudly that it broke her.

''I'm sorry,'' She whispered, crawling across the grass, and she sheeted her arms around him, ''I'm so sorry, Teddy. We tried — I tried to save him, but he didn't want to—''

His body violently shaking as he brought her onto his lap, making her straddle him. He hugged her, hiding his head in her shoulder, and he cried. For long, heavy moments, Teddy cried and cried.

''I'm sorry,'' Amelie took his jaw in her palm, leaning forward as she kissed the tender skin underneath his eyes, across his forehead, ''I'm so sorry, Teddy. I'm—''

Gripping his curls in between her fingers, she kept him steady, and she tried, with everything she had, not to let him fade from her.

Teddy was always, even before Malfoy blessed their lives, the one person who kept her sane. He ever so made sure she had two feet on earth and that she didn't vanish into oblivion.

''No—'' He sobbed, his body sinking into hers, ''You shouldn't be sorry — I should. I lied—''

''You did what you had to do, Teddy...'' She mumbled, ''You were saving us, all of us, even Adrian.''

Breathing her in, Theodore wailed. His insides wrenched and writhed as she hugged him. Amelie held him, guarded him and that bright heart he owned.

''Thank you—'' Theo whimpered, attempting to calm himself, ''Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for not hating me. I—''

He dragged for air, ''I was so scared, Amelie. All the time. I'm so scared all the damn time, for you, for Draco, Atlas, my father, Narcissa — I was so scared you'd hate me. That you'd leave me for what I've done.''

''No—'' Amelie choked on her tears, her throat restricted. She didn't grasp how he could ever think that she was capable of loathing him. ''Thank you, Teddy.''

Furrowing his brows, he slightly scowled at her, puzzled out of his mind, ''I lied to you, Amelie. I fell in love with—''

''You fell in love with the same beautiful boy I once did, Teddy...'' She looked so softly at him, her eyes honoring the boy she was seated on, ''You always asked me how I could love him, why I loved someone like him when all he did was hurting me, and now you know — now you got to see that kind heart he owned before his father ripped it out.''

She took a breath, deeply as daggers split through her lungs, ''He was horrible, Teddy. Adrian manipulated me. He made me think that I wasn't worthy, and he hurt me in so many ways, and for that — for that, he will never be forgiven, but he wasn't all bad before he turned vile. He was one of the most beautiful people I have ever known. He was mesmerizing, kind, gentle, and I am so happy you got to see that. I'm so thankful you brought that boy back to me.''

His tears looked so heavy to her.

''I should hate him, right? I should've hated him?'' Amelie smiled bravely, ''He hurt me so much, and I should hate him for that.''

''Don't you?'' He uttered, tightening his grip of her waist, and he brought her closer, ''I didn't think you were capable of hate, but I always thought you hated him.''

Amelie's forehead tipped to his. She kept him so near, ''I wanted to, and sometimes I think I did... but I don't. I don't hate him. I hate what he did, everything he ever did to hurt people, but I didn't hate him. I know it sounds crazy that I'm crazy for thinking this. I wouldn't have met Draco, and I wouldn't be able to love him if it wasn't for Adrian.''

Amelie smiled, a beautiful curl arched on her lips, ''Everything happens for a reason, doesn't it? Sometimes I'd like to think that Adrian was my reason. I'm not excusing anything he did. What he did was horrible — it was wrong, Teddy. He was always going to pay for what he caused, and he did. He died for me, for Draco — for you. He died so that we can keep living, so we can save the people around us like he failed to do.''

''I'm sorry,'' Theodore drained her of all the comfort he could, ''I'm sorry for everything he did, for everything I've done. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you — I'm sorry I lied.''

''I'm happy you kept it from me, Teddy. I'm happy you didn't tell me because that gave you time with him. I am so happy you changed him and that he became the person I used to love. You deserved to see him like that — you deserved to know him without all his demons.''

She was, Amelie was grateful that Theodore had a chance to see the light in Adrian, to see what she fought so hard to hold onto.

''I'm happy that he had you, that you were the one to save him. I always thought I'd save him, and I thought I did when I drove that knife into my chest...'' She stroked the skin of his chin with her thumbs, ''I thought I saved him, and I thought I saved myself, but in the end — in the end, it was all you. You always save us, Teddy. Good or bad, you always save us, and I'm so thankful for that.''

''Thank you for loving him,'' Her heartbeat in bearing with his, ''I think he needed that. I think he needed you, and I think you needed him too...''

Theodore kissed her forehead, settling his lips against her skin, ''I love you, Amelie. I love you so much.''

Sealing her eyes, she melted into her best friend, hugging him with everything she owned, ''And I love you. Forever, Teddy. No matter what happens, no matter what you do — I'll always love you. We all will, and we don't say it enough. We don't see what you do in all of this, and for that — for that, I am so sorry. I am sorry that you're not seen for what you do.''

He cried out again, and he let go of everything he'd kept inside for so long.

Theodore Nott fell in love, over and over with all the people he ever so saved, every soul he shielded, he felt for. He never believed he was worthy of love, like the love Draco held for Amelie or the love Adrian wished he had for his best friend. He never thought he was worthy of the love he'd read in his favorite novel — that love he thirsted for, the love he constantly poured upon everyone in his life, but this was different.

Adrian Pucey was different to him. He fell so heavily in love with a boy he didn't see. He didn't know — who later turned out to be the person at fault for all of this. Teddy fell in love with the kindness of his soul and that beautiful, drawn mind he carried. Even if it was short, even if it didn't last long — he did. Theodore Nott loved Adrian Pucey.

And now — now he'd never get to see him again.

He'd never get to hold his body close to his as they fell asleep, and he'd never get to embrace the damned lips he ached to kiss.

Now he was banned and alone again, all because he died.

Adrian finally earned a rightful place upon this earth. He redeemed himself, and he did so by dying for the girl and her life he'd wounded so terribly.

He destroyed Amelie. He took every last piece of her without remorse, and he gave it back by paying the highest price, and for that — they'd always be grateful.

''I can't believe he's gone...'' Theo finally spoke after minutes in silence, ''I never thought I'd miss him, you know? I never thought he would matter so much to me...''

''Adrian had a habit of doing so,'' She weakly chuckled, ''He had this charisma of making you dependent on his heart, even before his father destroyed him.''

''I'll miss him if that's alright with you?'' Their eyes met, and the storm within his pupils rose, ''I don't want to make you uncomfortable, Amelie. I don't want you to feel like I took—''

''I have Draco,'' The girl smiled, kindly and her mind fled to the boy resting in their bed and how she longed to go back to him, nestling up next to him and drown in all his warmth, ''I have Draco, and I will never want anyone else than him. I loved Adrian, I did, but I love Draco more than I'd ever loved anyone in that way, so don't ever feel insecure about Adrian. He wasn't mine. Draco is.'' Amelie nodded as Theodore smiled.

She reached for her wand, picking it up and twisting it with her wrist. The tiny birds Theodore cherished appeared around them. A light so cold and glazed yet so warm and loving swirled across the little glade they rested in.

''Only four?'' The brunet lifted a brow, slightly scowling at the animals, ''Weren't there five of them last time?''

''I know,'' She let a bewildered grimace scale across her features, ''It was six when I got it, and then there were five and now... now there's four. I don't know why. Perhaps it's... people I lose?''

''I don't think so,'' Theodore mused, sounding a bit troubled, ''In that case, it would've been two left — if you think about it, I mean. Hermione, Pansy, Aimee, and Adrian.''

Amelie lightly winced. Her blood felt like it shifted into ice by the spoken name — she let Hermione's death slip through her fingers. She was informed about it when her mind was struggling with everything else, and it caused tears to edge in her lids again.

''No—'' Theodore breathed, ''I thought you knew—''

''I do,'' She shook her head, swallowing the guilt as it trapped her, ''I do... I just had so much to think about so I didn't—'' Inhaling a breath laced with all the emotions she'd put aside for Draco to come back, she exhaled every last piece of it, ''I think we should put up a grave next to Pansy and Aimee.''

Theo hummed, tipping his head as a bow fell off of it, ''That's a great idea. I think she would've wanted that.''

"In that way, they'll always be together."

The sun began to lower around them, and the warm breeze shifted cooly, goosebumps pathed across her skin.

''I want to say goodnight to Atlas. He must be furious with me,'' She looked around, noticing the darkness falling in between the trees, ''He slept in our bed last night, but then I left, so I have to—''

''I'll join you,'' Theo said as Amelie stood up, her hand stretched to help him off the ground, ''I could use some of his bear hugs right now.''

A chuckle fled her throat, and she intertwined their fingers, tangling their arms as he brought her body close to his, ''We'll make it out, Amelie. Just like we always said we would. We'll win this, and we'll do it for them — for Pansy, Aimee, Hermione, Blaise, Adrian, all of them.''

Suddenly, it didn't feel as heavy anymore. She watched as her birds faded into the gloom, her magic dimmed.

''For all of them.''


Amelie kissed Atlas goodnight, and she fought him on the matter that he wished to sleep in their bed again. He truly liked it in her room — he said it felt safe in there with her when their mother was still in the wind.

It hurt her, listening to him when he talked about Athena, knowing she wasn't there. Remembering that worn look in her eyes as she stood in flames she'd caused, held hostage by the Death Eaters, and she damned herself for not being able to save her.

But she saved Draco, all of them saved him, and she promised herself that when he woke up — she wouldn't sleep until she returned Athena to Atlas.

She turned the lights off in the bathroom, and she gently crossed the floor over to their bed, slipping beneath the covers next to Draco as he still rested.

Malfoy had yet failed to wake up, but she knew he'd do so any minute now. He just needed to sleep.

He'd been bending himself inside out to protect everyone — he even went behind her back to be taken and hurt in order to locate her mother. If anyone deserved a peaceful moment within the chaos, it was him.

Her Draco.

''I love you,'' Amelie whispered, threading his numb arm across her shoulder, keeping him as close as she could and just as she settled in, her head on his chest — voiding him of all the welfare he always managed to drown her in, his body moved.

She coiled back at that, propping herself up on one elbow, looking down at him wide-eyed.

''Amelie?'' Draco groaned, tracing his knuckles up to his face, and he rubbed his eyes, ''Amelie—''

His chest began to rise and fall roughly, nearly as if he didn't remember them arriving at the manor. He flew up, sitting straight next to her.

''Draco,'' She gasped, crawling across the covers and bringing herself upon his lap, holding him steady, ''I'm here, Draco. You're okay. You're okay here...''

Malfoy blinked so quickly, his eyes snapping across the room, and it felt like something flipped within him — even Amelie could feel it.

Leaning back, her gaze scanned his, ''Draco?'' She frowned, knitting her brows, ''What's wrong—''

''Are we alone?'' He asked blankly. All emotion faded from his face.


In a swift move, he pushed her down into the mattress, towering her as she felt her veins shift into ice.

Something wasn't right.

''Are we alone?'' He questioned her again, harshly, this time through gritted teeth as she tried to yank out of his hold.

Draco's touch began to hurt.

''Let go of me—''

''Are we alone?''

''Draco, let me go—''

His hand grabbing her by her throat, and without cause, he hauled her body up with his. Standing plainly on the side of the bed, ''I'll ask you one more time, Avery. Are we alone?''

Malfoy's hand tensed around her skin, digging his fingers into it.

She couldn't breathe.

''Please—'' Amelie begged, running out of air, ''Draco, what—''

''Are we fucking alone?'' He yelled, inches away from her face. Anger dashed in his darkened eyes. ''Answer me, or we'll do this the hard way.''

Her nails clawed at his arms, trying to twist away from him, but she didn't stand a chance.

He was too strong.

''Yes!'' She whimpered, her lips shaded in a blue color. Her chest strained, ''Please—''

''Fucking witch!'' He growled, shouting at her now, and without reason, he threw her to the floor.

Amelie was coughing out of control in the dimmed room. His violent acts clouded her mind, but she couldn't form a thought before she heard his grunting.

Draco stormed towards her, gripping a fist full of her hair, and he pulled her up. Her toes barely touched the ground, and she was thrown into a wall.

Colliding roughly with the wood, Amelie slid down it, but he was quick to drag her back up, pinning her aching body against it.

''Draco, stop!'' She screamed, feeling his hand as it wrapped around her throat again. Her eyes leveling his, ''Draco, please — what are you—''

Amelie sought to think, to fully understand what was happening.

It couldn't be polyjuice. The healing magic she performed would've given it up. It couldn't possibly be anyone else. This had to be Draco.

''Don't fucking speak,'' He spat, gripping her jaw and forcing her back to the ground. Crawling away from him, she felt as if her heart was being ripped out, not understanding anything.

''Draco, stop! I don't want to do this—''

He yanked her up before throwing her into the bathroom, her body colliding with the mirror inside it, causing the glass to shatter around her. The sound of it echoed, her skin bruised and bled.

''Please, stop!'' Amelie was pleading for her life now as he marched up to the bathtub, turning the water on, ''Please, Draco. It's me. It's Amelie—''

''Shut up!'' Malfoy screamed, making her flinch, and she studied his exposed back. His muscles flexed by the heavy breathing, his scars shaded in light pink. Every mark she'd ever seen was still on his body. Amelie pinched her own arm over and over as her body trembled, pieces of glass tore through her palms.

''Please, Draco—'' The girl cried out, weakly, ''What are you—''

He merely shook his head at her, not even sparing her a glare. She let her sight flicker to their room. If she hurried, if she jumped off the floor, and if she ran fast enough, she'd make it to the door. She could call for help.

Amelie decided to make a run for it. Her body struggling to flee, her feet stinging by the shattered mirror, but he caught her in the doorway, ''Don't you fucking run away from me!'' He shouted, and with his hand tangled into her hair, he tugged her with him to the tub.

Amelie realized what he meant to do. He was going to drown her, and she fought.

''Please!'' Her breath held so thin from him strangling her only minutes before, ''Draco! Please, stop!''

''I don't want to do this!''

''Draco, please—''

She screamed. She kicked. She shoved at him, but the blond didn't budge, and he forced her upper body across the edge before he pushed her head into the flaming water.

It filled her lungs, her skin burnt at the heat of it, but she couldn't do a thing.

He was so much solid than she ever would be, and she felt as if she was suffocating. She tried again. Tossing and turning, fighting for her life but nothing. His fingers around her neck kept her in place, and her chest filled with water. Just as her eyes rolled back, water splashing wildly around them — voices scored, the muffled sounds of it split through her ears.


She was yanked out of the bathtub by her shoulders. Someone wrapped their arms around her, pulling her down onto the tile floor.

Amelie shook. Her entire body trembled and was crowded in pain.

Her sight managed to flicker for so a second, and she watched how Theodore furiously dragged Draco out of the room.

And the next thing Amelie knew — everything turned dark.


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