This chapter contains mentions of abuse, blood, and rape, along with emotional trauma. Please read with caution.
''I won't fight for something you're ready to walk away from.''
It took Draco moments, minutes to be exact. Long, hurtful seconds as they passed ever so slowly, and he watched the boy he saved Amelie from — the person who robbed her of everything she ever was, step up to stand beside her.
''No...'' He, at last, breathed, shaking his head and trying with every bone in his body not to give in to the burning rage as it escalated, ''This isn't happening. He's dead.''
Amelie swallowed the painful lump as it ached in the back of her throat, nearly fainting right there and then by the look of Malfoy losing his mind, ''Draco, it's him.''
''Polyjuice?'' The blond hissed, his chest rose, and fell forcefully, ''Is this a bloody trick to get me loose from the Dark Lord because this isn't funny, Amelie. This isn't—''
''Oh, so this is your way of saying you didn't miss me?'' Adrian grinned provokingly. The taunting curl on his lips caused Draco to tense, ''My voice wouldn't change of the polyjuice.''
He had told Amelie before they stepped through the doors that he needed to be ruthless. Adrian couldn't hold back on his insults and the way he meant to speak about her in his presence. It was either Adrian, challenging Draco to a point where he'd lose it, or it was Teddy trying another week of his method.
He'd done this before. He knew it would work, and even if she knew he enjoyed this — even if she understood that this wasn't just saving Draco for Adrian, this was also him getting his vengeance for Malfoy taking her away from him, she still let him do it.
Amelie needed Draco back.
She couldn't bear to breathe the air if Malfoy weren't the one she'd share it with, so she allowed Adrian to go as far as he thought to be appropriate.
''You fucking—'' Malfoy growled, ''Don't you dare stand beside her. Get away from her right now.''
Tears prickled in her eyes because he didn't look at her. Never had he been as disappointed with Amelie as he was now, ''Draco, please—'' She pleaded, but without luck.
''Right fucking—'' Rolling his shoulders, Draco grasped at the armrests of his chair, ''Let me out, Amelie.''
Both of the boys glared at each other from a distance, narrowing forest in ice, and never had it been a deathlier potion.
''I can't do that,'' She whispered, and now she was the one looking away. She felt so much guilt. She didn't want to put him through this. Not once did she wish to pour the memory of what Adrian did to them, over him again, ''He's here to help us.''
''Let me fucking loose, Amelie.'' Malfoy demanded, so coldly that it shook her, ''Let me out of these chains so that I can kill this fucking—''
''This fucking what?'' Still mocking him, Adrian smirked, ''The reason you're not a bloody corpse on the bottom of the ocean?''
''Amelie, let me loose.''
''Right fucking now!'' He shouted, so loudly that it shook the room, ''Step the hell away from her.''
''Adrian,'' Amelie turned to him, her persona diminished, ''Perhaps you should go—''
''Not until I fucking kill him,'' Gritting his teeth, Draco spat his words with more despise she'd ever heard him utter, ''He's not going anywhere with you and Atlas in the house.''
''Atlas, you say?'' Adrian neglected Amelie's plea for him to leave the room, and he maintained his smug behavior, ''He's quite good at playing catch.''
Draco snapped his head, glaring at the girl who stood more than beaten in the middle of the room. The words Adrian spoke caused his blood to ice, ''You let him near Atlas?''
''Oh, she did more than that.'' Adrian kept pushing, needing Malfoy to lash out. He knew that was the only way for Amelie to get her Draco back, ''That bed of yours is quite comfortable, Malfoy.''
''Adrian...'' Scared as she was, she tried to warn Adrian. She knew how ruthless the love of her life could come to be once someone spoke about her in the terms he'd done. Draco ripped apart every soul that talked tastelessly about her, ''That's enough.''
''You bloody imbecile,'' Malfoy roared, wrenching in his chair as the chains began to unhook from around his wrists. Veins slithered and popped out of his arms, the blood rushed through him wildly, ''If you're even thinking about touching her, ever again, I'll rip you to pieces limb by fucking limb until you're begging me to kill you.''
''Oh please,'' Adrian scoffed, and he stepped ahead of Amelie, walking so close to the blond that she now feared for Adrian's life.
She knew Adrian to be powerful, strong, and mighty, but Draco was even worse, ''It wouldn't be something we haven't done before. I had her years before you even earned a chance with her, Malfoy, and let me tell you, I know exactly why you're so protective over her.''
''Adrian!'' Amelie couldn't bear this. She thought she could, but all of this would go to waste if Adrian didn't live to see another day, ''That is more than enough, I think you should leave—''
''Yeah?'' Draco rose his chin, staring daringly back at Pucey. His chest felt like it would explode, his heart pounding, ''Is that why she left you for me? Because you're so much better?''
Adrian rose a brow, nodding mockingly, ''Is that why she welcomed me back with open arms?'' He chuckled, darkly, ''Because you were such an upgrade—''
''She's mine,'' Feeling his temper as it leaked, Draco drew a breath, ''She'll always be mine.''
''Keep telling yourself that, and perhaps you'll start to believe it,'' The provoking boy dragged his hands through his hair, and he backed away, closer to the girl again. He peered around the room, ''But you're the one locked up in here, while I, Malfoy — while I'm upstairs, with her. Comforting her all alone—''
That was what it took for Malfoy to twist his wrists, and before Amelie could manage to blink, Draco tore brutally at his chains, ''You're dead,'' He grinned, sensing the metal as it caved.
Without missing a beat of his heart, Malfoy stood up, flying to his feet almost. The chains fell to the ground with the loudest of thuds.
''No—'' Amelie gasped, but she didn't stand a chance. He'd already gripped Adrian by the collar of his shirt, and he tackled the boy to the ground, ''Draco—''
But the blond didn't hold back. His balled fist crashed against Adrian's jaw repeatedly. Over and over until blood gushed from his nose and mouth, ''You're not worthy of the air she's breathing,'' Malfoy shouted, not even feeling the pain in his hands by the ruthless acts he executed.
''Draco, stop it!'' Amelie tried to yank the wild boy back, but he didn't budge. Instead, he threw Adrian across the room, causing him to collide violently with the stone-covered floor.
''She's mine,'' Draco growled, storming up to Adrian's numb body, ''She's fucking mine, and if you as much as look at her again—''
Heaving out of control, he didn't spare Pucey any mercy.
Amelie didn't know what to do. She'd never overrule Malfoy in this state. Thinking, her thoughts rushed through her head, and just as Draco's hand raised in the air to deliver yet another punch — Amelie twitched her hand with her wand firmly hugged in it. The shattered chains coating the ground flew over the room and snaked their way across the blond's frame.
''What the—'' His arms strained and restricted, the metal wrapped around the entirety of his raging self, ''Amelie, what the hell did you—''
''You can't,'' She stood petrified, shaking uncontrollably. Not wishing to do this to him, but she didn't see another way for this to stop, ''You can't do this to him, Draco. He's the last chance for you to come back to me.''
Crawling across the floor, she tugged at Adrian's shirt, pushing her cheek to his chest to feel his pulse, ''You'll be okay. You'll be okay....'' She whispered to herself, and guilt washed over her like a tidal wave.
Theodore always protected Draco, and the utter fact that she couldn't do the same for the boy Teddy loved tore through her, ''You have to be okay.''
His chest slightly leveled, indicating a beat of his heart and his lungs as they filled with air. Adrian coughed out, blood stained her clothes.
''Amelie, what is wrong with you?'' Draco growled, still attempting to loosen the chains she'd trapped him in, ''He abused you, he fucking raped you, and now? What the hell are you doing now?''
Snapping her head, brown strands of hair smeared to her damp skin, and Malfoy would cease to exist the instant he saw that glint of betrayal in her eyes, ''I don't care right now, Draco!'' She couldn't stop crying, ''He's bringing you back to me! He's not here for you or me. He's here for Teddy!''
Squinting, Draco shook his head, ''What are you—'' And that's when it hit him. Malfoy might have been cursed, but he wasn't foolish, ''No... Tell me he didn't.''
''He's not here for me....'' Amelie rose to her knees, brushing Adrian's tousled hair away from his forehead, ''I was with you, Draco. I was yours, and he's not here for me.''
Slowly, Malfoy stopped fighting her magic, and he fell back into his chair. Never had he looked as defeated as he did now. A sickening feeling rocked him, ''Was?'' Draco breathed, ''You were mine? You're not anymore?''
Staring at the ground, she stayed quiet. Pinching her lashes shut for a mere second, ''I am yours.''
Clenching his teeth, he grittily spoke through them, ''You said was.''
''I meant am—''
''Are you still in love with me?''
There it was, once again, she believed. He doubted her, and she couldn't blame him. Amelie doubted him just as much.
Standing up, her knees nearly crumbled. The panic of not knowing what to do caused her to feel nauseous. Her pulse towered.
Something crackled within Malfoy. Something that he'd fought so hard for, something he'd tried to give his life for so many times, wasn't there anymore. He didn't think she loved him. He didn't believe she was in love with him anymore.
It was the silver lining in his horrendous life. Her. It had been her, ever since he watched her sprint through the corridors back at Hogwarts, ever since she approached him and talked to him in the hallways outside the class only they had, ever since he'd seen her fade away, not smiling, not sprinting, not talking.
Amelie became invisible to the sinful souls as they feasted on her. As they took every last inch and piece of the girl, he found so mesmerizing. She faded. She wasn't seen anymore — except she was.
He always saw her, and she never knew.
And he looked at her now, seeing as she stood in a dark blue dress, edging at her knees. It had long sleeves, and her throat had stains of magic glimmering through the bits of dust as it misted.
Malfoy failed to notice. He didn't see how he now was the reason she dressed that way, that he'd hurt her more than anyone ever could.
It wasn't him to her anymore. Oh, how he didn't understand how wrong he was.
''I had it coming,'' Malfoy looked away, ''I hurt you. I promised I would never hurt you, and I did. This is my own fault.''
Begging him in silence now, Amelie took steps forward. She knew he wouldn't recover from this. He'd die once he connected with the deep, hidden emotions he held. He'd curse himself for doing this to her, ''Draco, I will always be in love with you—''
''No, you won't, and I can never blame you for it. You're not in love with me anymore.''
''Stop,'' She began to tremble, ''You don't know what you are—''
''What?'' He snapped, rudely, and once again, Draco spaced himself from all the feelings he carried, ''What don't I know? That I hurt you? That I tried to fucking kill you, and it's been almost three god damn weeks?''
Tears rimmed her eyelids.
''I said I would never hurt you, but I did. I've hurt you so many times now, and I can never be with you once this is over.''
It felt surreal to her, something that wasn't truly happening. Her heart dropped.
''I can't be with you when this is over, when this war is done. I can't, and I won't, so leave when you still have the chance, Amelie. Leave and save yourself because I'm already gone.''
Crying. That was what she did. Amelie stood there with her heart as it stopped.
''What happened?''
She flinched, her body jolted backward, and her spine collided with the wall. Tears fled her lids. She felt like she couldn't breathe.
Theo didn't even bother the two boys. He couldn't mind them when she stood there, on the far edge of falling apart, ''Amelie—''
''He got out,'' She stuttered, and it looked to Theodore as if she was captured in some sort of trance, ''He was so mad and he—''
''It's okay,'' Nodded Theo, with so much compassion he could master when he knew Adrian to be lying bleeding on the ground, ''It's alright, Amelie. I can heal him.''
''I know,'' Slowly and carefully, Theodore wrapped his arms around her. Showing her yet again that she'd always be his priority. It would ever so be her to him, ''Why don't you go upstairs and clean up, take a shower perhaps? And I'll deal with this.''
''Amelie,'' It was heard as a plea from Draco, but she couldn't listen. She couldn't hear him because if she let herself catch the words she knew he'd be speaking, Amelie would fade.
He was letting her go. Malfoy was loosening her from the hold she had of his heart and never had anything hurt as it did now.
Adrian yet strained to seek mercy within the vicious state of Malfoy's mind. He'd toiled beyond reason. Worked rigorously, day in and day out, endlessly, almost. Both of the rivals fought through spilled blood and tears, hurt and pain leveled — still Draco wasn't ready, nowhere near it.
But he didn't give up, and that was all Adrian needed. It provoked the blond, extremely so, that Adrian was the one doing this, yet it seemed to be working. The raging verity of Amelie's worst nightmare being the sole reason for him coming back caused him to strive further on his own.
What Adrian put him through, every act he'd so ruthlessly forced upon Amelie, he showed him, over and over, making it sense similar to a memory Draco had lived through himself. And when that wasn't working, Pucey put their happiness on display, how he'd taken Amelie traveling. Visiting every country she wished to see. How he'd treated her better than Malfoy ever thought he, himself, did. How they were happy with another. How Adrian Pucey, if so for a short while, made Amelie, the happiest girl he'd ever seen.
Everything hurt.
Draco couldn't bear a single thing of it, not anymore.
It didn't feel worth it to him, not without her.
She wasn't in love with him. That was all he ever thought about since she'd walked out on him a week ago. One month had they been like this. One whole month had he been without her, and it caused his insides to wrench and his veins to sicken.
Malfoy always promised her that she'd be safe with him, over and over until there wasn't a thing left of him. He'd give her his last piece in a heartbeat, but now she didn't want it anymore. All because he couldn't keep his promise.
Draco believed that, more than anything, he'd maintained that mindset not to break. If he for one mere second imagined her, waiting for him — her breaking apart in the missing of him, he'd cease to exist himself.
He simply couldn't do that. He couldn't vision her putting her entire being on hold for him to come back to her, yet she did. Amelie waited. She'd always wait for him.
She did everything Draco refused to see. She missed him. She missed him and she put every piece of herself on hold for him to come back to her.
Amelie hated her birthday. She loathed it with every nerve-racking bone in her body, always had she despised it, and she never knew why. Thinking it had something to do with her mother, that she'd abandoned her close to it. That no one except Teddy made it count — that she didn't wish to age.
She was scared of leveling her number of years on this planet. Absolutely terrified she was, because she didn't know how long she'd stay. Every year, it felt to her as if she was running out of time. It caused her to feel as if she hadn't accomplished any of the things she urged for.
But today — today, it was worse than it ever had been.
Today she was turning nineteen, and all she could think about was Draco.
Laying on his side of their bed, sinking as deep as she possibly could into his mattress, she hoped to catch a swift sweep of his scent.
She managed to, sometimes.
If she buried her face enough, she could feel that trapping smell of home he ever so brought her.
The sun flickered, beams of it tickled at her nose, causing her to scrunch it a little, but she quickly relaxed. Malfoy wasn't here to brush the tip of his nose against the spine of hers. He always did that when she woke up, slowly, he'd stoke his skin near hers, and he'd linger for minutes before he finally kissed her.
He'd praise her, he'd honor her body with his, and it pained her. It suffocated Amelie to a point where she dragged her sheets over her head to escape reality. She didn't want to be there anymore.
Hearing the slight noisy footsteps from outside, how they'd wrestle to enter her room first, she forced a smile. Pinching her lashes shut and taking the deepest of breaths to prepare herself for the boys she knew would storm into her room, Amelie trembled.
''Happy birthday!'' Atlas shouted as he slammed the door broad with a thud, making it collide roughly with the wall, and he marched inside ''Happy, happy, happy birthday!''
The bliss in his vocals, ripping through her ears at the early hour, almost made a true smile climb her, almost. Stalling a bit in her doings, she stayed hidden below the sheets, feeling how her little brother crawled up on the bed.
''Amelie, wake up!'' He laughed, yanking at her bed-linen, kneeling his way closer to her, ''It's the best day!''
''Is it?'' Amelie whispered from behind the soft fabric, mockingly, and when her brother least expected it — she flung forward, her arms wrapping around him. She forced him down with her, ''Looks like I won.''
''You cheated!'' He chuckled, trying to get out of her hug, ''You did that when I wasn't prepared!''
''Well...'' Amelie smiled, falling next to her brother instead, her hair tickling his nose, ''That's a you problem and not a me problem, isn't it?''
Stretching his arms and legs out, he began pushing her off the bed, ''Only because it's your birthday, doesn't mean you have to be mean—''
''Good morning, my love,'' Theodore stood in the doorway, smiling broadly at the two siblings, ''Special day today, isn't it?''
Blushing, she propped herself up on her elbows. Her chest slightly heaving underneath her nightdress, ''I don't know, Teddy. Is it?''
But it didn't take long until she jolted, bending over her own legs and wrapping the sheets around herself, solidly. Adrian stepped up beside Theodore, and no matter how well they seemed to get along now, she was still, in many ways, scared of showing too much of herself.
He noticed. She never believed that he did, but Adrian noticed every time.
Even before he returned and Theodore shaped him into a worthy human being, he'd see how she flinched, how her body coiled, and how her eyes twitched in uncertainty.
Adrian had spent what felt like a lifetime hurting her, over and over. He could never escape the responsibility for that. He didn't want to. Knowing that they would never forgive him for his past, he didn't ask for their mercy. Adrian adapted. He made sure, no matter in which situation they were held in — that Amelie was feeling sheltered when he was around.
Never did he cross a line. He couldn't even if he tried. This wasn't the same as it had been before. Pucey didn't see Amelie with spite and anger anymore. There wasn't a point to do so. He was happy in Theodore's company, and his mind had brightened with the way Theo healed him.
Now — now Adrian Pucey didn't fully understand how he was capable of those things to begin with. He still knew what he'd done, how much he'd hurt her. He would work relentlessly in order for her to feel secure with him again.
''I'm sorry—'' Amelie breathed, tugging the cover up over her chest, lying flat on the mattress again, ''I didn't realize you'd be here—''
Shooting her a sympathetic arch as it curved on his lips, Adrian nodded out towards the hallway behind him, ''If you want me to go, I'll go. You know that.''
Squinting at the roof, she hummed silently to herself before she curled up against the headboard of her bed, dragging her sheets with her, ''I'd like for you to stay if it's okay with you?''
Amelie felt nervous. Adrian had seen her in all the ways Draco did, yet it was different now. She didn't want her body to be on display for anyone who wasn't that particular blond boy her heart ached for.
''Well, he got you something. So—'' Teddy shouldered Adrian to the side, smirking as he went up to her bed with a tray balanced in his hands, ''But Atlas and I got you the best gift.''
''Where is Narcissa?'' Her little brother peered up from behind the sheets, ''She said she made you a cake—''
Theodore gave Amelie a serious stare, hurtful almost, ''She's... in the basement, doing laundry, but she'll be here any minute.''
Marching around the bed, Theodore slipped down next to Atlas, and he rose to bicker with the boy almost immediately. Meanwhile, Adrian rested close to her, sitting on the bed.
''What happened?'' Amelie asked quietly. Narcissa adored Amelie. If she wasn't here to wish her happy birthday — something was wrong, ''Tell me what happened.''
Adrian peered down at the girl, a soft smile on his lips. He wished to lie. He truly wished he could lie to her and tell her that it's nothing, but he wouldn't do that. He'd treated her more than poorly in the past, and now — now he hoped to change that, ''Malfoy had a rough morning.''
Cocking her head, Amelie looked up at him, startlingly, ''Rough morning?'' She questioned, her pulse raising, ''What do you mean, rough morning? Is he hurt?''
''He's coming back,'' Adrian huffed out, silently as both Teddy and Atlas kept fighting, ''He's slowly returning, and that hurts him because he, at the same time, tries to stay away. He tries to distance himself from you because he hurt you.''
Nodding, faintly, she pushed herself up on the bed, slipping her legs across the edge of the mattress, ''I'm going down there.''
''Amelie,'' Adrian tried to call for her, but the girl had already rushed out the door.
Sprinting down the stairs, her bare feet soared upon the marble, stinging into the pads of them, but she didn't stop, and with the air, as it trapped in the back of her throat — out of breath, she slammed her palms into the stone next to the metal door she feared.
It was the thing keeping them apart. That door she'd rip off its handles the very second Draco's mind cleared, and she'd burn it. Never did she want to see it again.
Taking another step towards the doomed door, she faltered to the hilt. Amelie couldn't move.
''I can't do this anymore.''
''Draco...'' Narcissa spoke softly, ''She'll be alright.''
''She won't. She might let you believe that she is, but she's not. She won't be alright, not after this.''
Her heart ached so wildly within the cage of her chest. She was hearing something so rare. Something she wished she never had to hear ever again.
Draco was crying.
''You need to have faith in her. She'll be alright when you're back with her. She loves you, Draco.''
''I don't want her to love me. I don't ever want her to love me after this. I'll do what I can to help her, mother. I'll do everything I can to make sure her brother is safe and she's unharmed, but I can't do this anymore. I can't be the reason she's hurting again.''
Narcissa gave out a vague sigh, heard as she stepped closer to her son, ''You're the reason she's not hurting. If you wouldn't be here, then she'd be hurting, but this pain she's in now — it's nothing compared to the pain she'll feel if she's losing you.''
''I'm already gone, mother.''
Amelie slipped down the wall. Hugging her knees to her chest and she wrapped her arms around herself. She shouldn't be listening. She knew that. This was as private as anything could be, but never could she leave him. Even if he didn't see her — she had to be there.
Hoping that he'd always feel her.
''Don't say that, Draco. Don't ever say that. You're my son, even if you don't feel as if you are my child anymore — you are, and you always will be.''
Narcissa knew that if Draco left this world, Amelie would too. Not once had she seen two people with souls as tangled as theirs. As laced with tenderness and devotion. As worshipped and cared for. Amelie and Draco had gone through the burning depth of hell on their own, and together, only to find salvation and shelter in another.
It was the heaviest of fears Mrs. Malfoy carried, that they wouldn't survive without the other. Amelie would never take another breath if Draco weren't inhaling the same air as she was, and neither would he. Malfoy's heart, drawn and frail as it was, kept beating for her. Always in bearing with hers and without Amelie, he wouldn't last. Seconds, perhaps, but not a beat more.
Soulmates, Narcissa believed, and even if it was a heartbreaking time as this one — it caused her to smile. She never considered soulmates being something to exist in this world, but that was before she saw them together.
Draco swept Amelie off her feet. He saved her over and over. Ever so would he guard her soul and protect her heart, but what mesmerized the lady as she stood in that chamber, looking at her son's breaking self, was how Amelie had saved him.
Malfoy as a boy was nothing to be explained. He was ruthless, cruel, and hard-hearted. Most of it, she was to blame for. Narcissa never protected her son, and it warmed her to see that Amelie did. She brought life into the numb boy. She watched his flaws, his demons, and all the sins he'd executed, yet she loved him even more.
She caused him to feel worthy as if he had a place on this earth that was his to have. It hypnotized Narcissa, knowing that love — love as Amelie and Draco's still managed to rule over the darkness.
''I know I am,'' Draco muttered through a sob, agonizingly, ''I am your child. I'll always be your son, but I'm so tired, mother. I am so exhausted without her, but you don't understand. I can't be with her. I don't want to be with her anymore. I broke her.''
Taking a deep breath, Malfoy gripped the armrests of his chair, ''I always believed I saved her, but how could I do that when they turned me against her. I tried to kill her, twice. There's no coming back from that, and even if it were — I would never want that.''
''Why is that, Draco?''
''Because she'll forgive me. She would forgive me in a heartbeat, and she'd convince herself that I didn't hurt her because she doesn't want me to hurt. She would slowly go back to everything I've worked for her to stop with, and I can't do that to her.''
''Is that why you're holding back?'' Narcissa asked silently, ''Is that why you don't let Adrian help you? Because you're scared, she'll accept all of this without question?''
''I can't do that to her. I'd rather lose her than see her go through all of that again.''
Amelie had to place her palm over her mouth, squeezing her eyes shut to stop the tears from rolling. She couldn't breathe.
''I don't think that's your choice to make, son. You wish for her to live freely, but you're taking that choice away from her. This isn't up to you.''
''I'm not surviving this, mother. You know I'm not,'' His voice calmed, like he was speaking something so certain, ''I won't make it out of this in one piece. You know that. If not Dark Lord has me executed. The ministry will. I've done unforgivable things. I'm a murderer, and in one way or another — I'll pay for what I've done.
''You don't know that—''
''I do, and it's more than fine. I've come to peace with what will happen to me, as long as she's unharmed and that Theodore and the little one are safe — I can go. I could use the rest, mother.''
It was a shaking sound his mother let slip her red painted lips, ''Don't speak like that, Draco. I won't allow it.''
''It's already done.''
''She won't survive if you leave her.''
''She has Teddy. She has Atlas. She'll get her mother back — she'll have that little family that I can't give her. I can't give her a life away from all of this. I'll always be doomed. It's in my blood. So why would I take that away from her? She could be happy with them.''
''I won't be happy without you....'' Amelie whispered to herself, tears reeled down her cheeks, dripping onto her arms as she gasped for air, ''I will leave if you do.''
''She needs you.'' Narcissa spoke up painfully, ''I think it's proven that you two need each other.''
''I think she did, once. I think she needed me for a while when she was lost,'' Draco smiled proudly through his own tear jammed eyes, ''But she's not lost anymore. She's not in need of anyone but herself, and that's all I ever wished for. She changed, mother. She changed, and she became someone I could never deserve.''
Narcissa was staying quiet now.
''She's not... as fragile as she was when I took her in when I was meant to fool her. She managed to fight twelve Death Eaters without me. She found her mother. She leveled Azkaban with the ground. She's letting Pucey in,'' Draco paused, catching his breath, ''She might have needed me, once, but that was a long time ago. She's come longer than any of us expected for her to do, and that's all I need, mother. That's all I could ever ask for.''
Amelie shook. She couldn't take in what he was speaking. He wanted to leave her.
Draco Malfoy couldn't do this anymore.
''I'm so—'' Nearly sobbing himself, Draco drew a sharp inhale, shaking his head, ''I'm so damn proud of her, mother. We had a beautiful time together, her and me. I don't know what I would've done without her, and I'd do anything to relive it, exactly how it was, but this isn't my story. It isn't me this is about. It's her. It will always be her.''
''Don't do this, Draco. Don't decide this now. Let's try and get the two of you back together, and then you'll see—''
''I was always meant to go after her. It wasn't a secret, mother. I was meant to love her, to have something — someone before I went. I had her. My beautiful Amelie.''
''Please, son. If you just talk to her—''
''She can't know. I don't ever want her to know. I want her to wake up one day — a rainy one,'' He grounded his stare, ''It has to rain. She'll be happy when it rains. And then I want her to turn over, to kiss me like she always does in the morning, and I want to kiss her. I just want to kiss her, mother....''
He couldn't hold his tears in, no matter how hard he tried.
''Then I want her to go up, to take her braid out, like she always does... She thinks it's a secret that she takes her braid the first thing in the morning, but it's not. She doesn't like her neck.'' Huffing out half a chuckle, he shook his head, ''If she only knew how much I love it, her neck.''
''That's when I want to go. When I lay there, hearing the rain against the window, seeing and smiling at her in that beautiful nightdress of hers... That's when I'm done, mother. Silently, as if I'm falling asleep. I just want to fade away while looking at her.''
Amelie nearly fell over as she pushed herself up from the floor, her spine crashing against the stone wall.
''Don't do this to her....''
''She'll be happy, mother. You'll look after her, she'll look after you, and you'll be happy, both of you. Both of my girls.''
Amelie didn't go in. She wished she could, but she didn't. It hurt her so much, knowing that he was in so much pain that he was meant to leave her. Draco had a whole plan figured out. He knew exactly how to leave her and when to do so.
Not understanding why. Not truly grasping how he could do this to her. It wasn't supposed to end this way. This was never supposed to happen. She was supposed to have him. He was her Draco for a reason and a beautiful reason at that.
She was his Amelie. She ever so believed she'd be his Amelie.
Never did she think of an outcome where he wasn't hers, and she wouldn't be his. Never did she imagine that he didn't wish for the same thing she did, and it shattered her.
Amelie spent the rest of that day with Atlas. She let him bake for her. She watched as he and Adrian mixed and poured ingredients into different bowls. Theodore granted Pucey a kiss on the cheek here and there, and it caused her to feel.
She was so happy for them.
She even smiled, from time to time, but not too often, only when her little brother was looking.
She didn't want to smile. She didn't want to think. She simply craved to be with Atlas until he went to bed, and then she wished to disappear.
Theodore caught onto her, dragging her out of the room to talk to her, but she didn't say much. She stayed quiet.
It wasn't until late at night when she laid next to Atlas, listening to the sounds he formed as he slept, she felt like she could breathe. Amelie did that often. Listening to his breathing. She used to do the same thing with Malfoy when he was the one laying next to her — she'd make sure, all night, that he was still breathing. That he was alive and that he wasn't going anywhere, but now she couldn't think about that without crying.
He wanted to leave her.
That was all that flooded through her head.
Not being able to take it anymore, she rose from her lying position, crawling to the edge of her mattress. She slipped to the floor and walked out of her room. Hesitantly, Amelie strode her way through the mansion she now was living in.
Quietly marching past every door. She didn't quite understand where she was going until she stood outside Theodore's room. Her fingers nervously tugged at the edges of her nightdress as she, as gently as she could, wrapped one of her fists around the handle.
''Adrian...'' Amelie whispered, dubiously, ''Are you—''
''Mhm,'' He tossed in Theodore's bed, being the one sleeping on the side next to the door, ''What is it? Did something happen—''
''I need you.''
Not once did Adrian stall it, he flipped the covers off, tangling Theodore's arms away from him, and he strode across the floor. Amelie backed up anxiously. She didn't quite know if this was okay. If she could speak to Adrian like she wanted to.
''Here,'' He mumbled, gripping her wrist in a soft hold, and he dragged her with him throughout the house until they reached the far end of it. He wasn't wearing more than a loose t-shirt and his striped night pants, but he didn't bother. Not when she needed him.
Bringing her up to one of the roofs, he let go of her. Amelie peered around. She'd never been up there, ''What is this place?'' She let out, airily, ''When did you find this?''
''A few weeks ago,'' He whispered, looking over his shoulder at where he would usually sit, ''You know how I love—''
''Roofs,'' Amelie finished for him, smiling shyly to herself, ''You always used to sneak up on them.''
''I did,'' He hunched, patting the seat next to his for her to slip down to, ''It's... calming, being alone like this.''
Amelie did what he wished for her to do. She kneeled next to him as the nightly breeze smoothly grazed against her exposed arms, dancing through her hair, ''I liked being up there with you. The little spot you had outside your bedroom window, where your mother always found us in the middle of the night.''
Huffing out a weak chuckle, he tipped his head, looking right at the girl. The moon glimmered above them. Adrian had missed her. He'd missed the relationship they had behind all the bad memories. What they were before he failed her.
The two used to be best friends. They had a love story and a friendship that was unmatched to him. He cherished the bond he had with her. The way she was his reason to smile, his way of keep going. She always did so much for him, caused him to feel in ways he didn't know he could.
Adventures, trips, secret jokes — he missed all of it. He missed her like that, and he was more than proud to see that side of her again.
It wasn't the same as it was before, not when Malfoy wasn't beside her, but he still, underneath that coat of sorrow, saw her. She never believed that Adrian saw her, but he did. He always did.
''I remember when we fell asleep out there,'' She continued, closing her eyes and breathing the air in, ''Your mother was furious with us.''
''She was so mad,'' He laughed, shaking his head, ''She was terrified that we would fall off that bloody roof.''
''So was I,'' She shouldered him a bit to the side, ''But you always held me, so it was fine.''
It hurt. His chest tightened as he looked away, gazing over the surroundings. She noticed, ''Do you hold Teddy? When you take him up here?''
His shoulders sunk, his brows rested, ''I haven't—'' Breathing heavily now, he swallowed, ''I haven't taken him here yet.''
She looked away too, gazing across the treetops.
''Tell me what happened,'' Adrian said, his voice low and drowsy, ''You didn't wake me at eleven just to spend time with me, did you?''
He smirked at her playfully.
Amelie sighed, loudly and her fingers tangled in her lap, looking down at them, ''It's Draco,'' She tried to stay as solid as she knew how ''I overheard him talking to Narcissa this morning. I shouldn't have done so, I know, but I did and—''
Heaving, her chest rose and fell heavily. Every breath she inhaled stung miserably. She'd been keeping it together during the day, for Atlas but it was beginning to get to her.
''One word at the time,'' He placed his hand on top of hers, it was so large, cupping both of her hands with the pad of his palm, ''Just tell me one thing at the time, and I'll help you.''
Nodding, she let him hold her hands. Her voice was airy, scared almost, ''He wants to die, Adrian.'' She whimpered, so quietly that he nearly missed it, ''When all of this is over — he wants to leave me.''
Adrian gritted his jaws, holding a severe mantle.
''He doesn't want me to know. He just wants to fade away one day and leave me.''
''Mhm..." Adrian mumbled, tightening the hold of her hand, ''Did he tell Narcissa why?''
''He's tired. He's exhausted, and he doesn't think he can do this anymore.'' It hurt her so much to speak like she did now. She couldn't believe her own words, ''He's been through a lot, and he just wants to rest.''
He could see on the constant parting of her lips that she wished to speak more. So Adrian remained silent.
''And I understand that. I understand that he's tired, exhausted, but he's leaving me, Adrian. I always thought it would be us after this, but he doesn't want that anymore.'' She felt tears as they burnt in the lids of her eyes, her insides weighted, ''He said he loved me, and that's why he wants to do this, but I can't do this without him. I can't be here if he's not.''
''I know you can't,'' His note softened. He would always shift brighter for her, ''I think you should talk to him. I think you need to talk to him about this — all of it, because he's coming back, Amelie. A few more sessions and he'll be—''
''That doesn't matter anymore,'' She said, hewing him off, ''It doesn't matter because he's leaving either way.''
Adrian shook his head, ''You don't know that,'' He tried to convince her, ''You don't know if this is a side effect of what the Dark Lord did to him if he's feeling like this at the moment. I've seen this before, Amelie. I've seen people change on their way back from that darkness he's trapped in, but they always snap out of it when they're ready—''
Staying hushed, Amelie simply locked her glance over the world. The sphere she'd hoped to be sharing with that blond boy her heart kept beating for.
Minutes passed where it was just them — two people that had hurt the other more than anything pain allowed, yet, somehow — this was the one person she went to for comfort. She'd never, in a million years, think that Adrian would be the one making her more assured when it came to Draco. Still, he was now.
''I missed this,'' She finally let out, still smiling to herself, '' I missed this version of you.''
Adrian rose his brows, startled that she admitted to it, ''I missed this version of me too....'' His teeth showed for a second, a shy curl on his lips, ''And I missed you, Amelie.''
Moving her head, it landed on his shoulder. She nestled up to where she once loved to be, ''I missed you too.''
Tilting his own head, it struck hers. Adrian wrapped an arm around her, holding her steady upon the roof, ''It will be okay,'' He said, mumbling the words into her head, ''No one in their right mind lets you go. He won't leave you.''
''You let me go,'' Amelie whispered, catching the edge of his shirt between her fingers.
''And that I will regret for the rest of my life,'' Adrian revealed, ''That was one of my gravest mistakes, and I'll spend my days paying for it, but only because I did, doesn't mean he will. I didn't think it was possible for someone to love you more than I did, but Malfoy proved me wrong. He loves you in ways no one ever could.''
''You think so?'' Amelie asked hesitantly, ''You think he loves me? Even if he wants to leave me?''
Humming, Adrian hugged her tighter, ''I think he's doing this for you. I think that in his mind — this is for you. Like he's doing you a favor, almost. That he's taking all the evil away from you, but he doesn't realize he's not the bad parts of you. He's a part of all the good ones.''
Amelie dipped her chin forwards, hiding her face and the tears cramming her eyes. Draco Malfoy indeed lived to be all her good days.
''He's everything to me,'' Whispering again, she leaned onto him. Her own arms hugging around his body, ''He really is, Adrian. Without him — there's no me.''
''I know there isn't,'' He kissed her head unhesitatingly, but he figured she wouldn't mind. Knowing that she was a soul, constantly thirsting for comfort, ''It's like that thing with rain you told me. He's the rain to your flower.''
Amelie smiled through the painful, leaking tears, ''He's all of the rain. All of my storms. All of my sunny, joyful moments. He's that beautiful spark in the sky after a thunderstorm, where the sun breaks through, and the rain pours — that's how it feels, loving him.''
She sucked in a harsh breath, laced with the cool late hour air as it darkened even more around them, ''It's beautiful, the love we share. Him and I. It's the best thing I've ever had, and it hurts that he's willing to give up on it — on us.''
''Amelie—'' Adrian spaced from her, looking down at the girl with daggers of hurt as it pained his pupils, ''Don't—''
''He's all my reasons, Adrian. Every single one of them. He and Teddy. If he's leaving, I'm leaving too.'' She could try. Amelie could make an effort to stay without Draco, but everyone, even Adrian, knew she wouldn't come far. She'd barely last a minute if he weren't there, right beside her.
''He's not leaving, and neither are you,'' Exhaling sharply, he was terrified to confess what he was about to reveal, ''I can't lose you, Amelie.''
His tone was filled with truth. This was truly Adrian speaking straight from his hidden heart, ''I have Theodore, I know I do, and I'll never want anyone else but him. Theodore means the world to me. But we can't lose you. Not you, Amelie. Hell, I can't lose Malfoy either if it means that I'll lose you.''
''You'll be fine—''
''I won't be. I'll never be fine without you. I never was fine without you. I will always be a mess when you're not here. Theodore wouldn't make it a day,'' Nearly heaving now, he shook his head, ''I know it's not the same like it was before. We're not... in love anymore, and I don't want us to be. I want Theodore with all my heart, but I still need you. I'll always need you. We need you, and I'll work harder, Amelie. I'll do better with Malfoy. Just don't go.''
She couldn't tell him. Not like this. Amelie figured something out as they talked. She came to a realization — no one would agree to, but her. And she wished to tell him. She wished for him to know what she planned, but she couldn't tell him now.
''I won't leave,'' Calming him down, she stroked his arm. Her fingers were a feather-light touch upon him, ''I will always be here.''
''So will Malfoy,'' He attempted to soothe her haunted mind too, ''He won't leave you.''
''Maybe he won't,'' She smiled so bravely that it cracked his heart. He had no right, but he was so proud of her, ''But he wants to, and that's what's making all of this so hard, Adrian. Why should I be the reason he has to stay here? If he doesn't want to stay, then he shouldn't have to.''
''I think you should talk to him. Like I said — even if he doesn't change his mind, at least you'll understand him, and he'll know what you think about it all.''
Lowering her stare, she felt so beaten.
''It's your birthday for another twenty minutes, isn't it?'' Adrian smiled again, nodding towards the tiny window they'd climbed out of, ''Go talk to him, Amelie. Go talk to him and have faith in him. He's all your reasons for a very good one at that. Don't give up just yet.''
Her tear-crowded eyes caught his, and she leaned closer, pushing her lips into his cheek, ''Thank you,'' She said, breathily, ''Thank you for listening to me and thank you for being Teddy's reasons.''
Amelie left Adrian on that roof, and she hurried her way down the house she'd bought for her and Draco, trying to decide within her mind what she was supposed to do now.
Even if it was so crystal clear to her, Amelie knew what she needed to do — what she had to accomplish in order for everyone she held dear to live freely.
Amelie was leaving them.
In her mind — she was all the causes to how wrong it ever so went. She was the reason behind all of it, and if she vanished, if she simply turned herself in — they'd be safe.
Standing petrified on the free side of the door, she plainly gripped her handle. Not stalling, not pausing. She needed to get this over with.
Amelie had to see him before she wished to disappear, in the early morning after Atlas was awake and she could hug him, hold her little brother in all the ways no one else could.
The second she shoved the door open, her eyes fell upon Malfoy, still resting in his chair, fiddling with the edges of his chains, ''I thought you'd come to see me today.''
Halting a bit in the doorway, she looked away, ''I wanted to. I planned to.''
''Planned to?'' Draco questioned, dropping his chains. He stared right at her, ''Then why didn't you?''
Swallowing the biting lump in the back of her throat, she attempted to hold herself in one piece — even if all she wished to do was to shatter into a million of them, right there and then, ''I don't know.''
''You don't know?'' He raised a brow, arching it, ''What happened?''
''Nothing,'' She was so quick to reply. Regretting her decision to come down in order to talk to him. She just wanted to see him, hear his voice and memorize it, ''I'm sorry if I bothered you. I didn't mean to come down this late,'' Backing away now, she held her breath, ''I should go.''
''Amelie, wait—''
''I'll come down for dinner tomorrow,'' She wouldn't. She knew that. Turning around now, she gripped the handle of the door again, ''Goodnight—''
''You didn't let me wish you a happy birthday, Amelie,'' Draco said, tipping his head to the side as he looked at her. She got him hooked every time. He loved looking at her.
Staring at the ground, shocked, she yet faced the door. Her hair spilled chaotically around her, ''You remembered.''
''Of course, I did,'' It was a laced dash of honesty in his vocals. He was working his way back to her, ''I could never forget.''
She paused for so a second, taking a deep breath before she looked up at him, ice melting with bronze as their sights collided, ''And still you're leaving me?''
Quietness trickled around them. He just blinked. He gazed at her, emptily now, ''What?''
She looked away, ''Nothing.''
''I should go,'' The shaking girl whispered, her insides burning and cracking, ''I just wanted to see you.''
''Don't you walk away from me like that,'' Draco raised his voice, ''It's enough with the running away every time you don't feel like talking to me.''
Amelie froze, her limbs aching, ''I'm not running away. I just don't know what to—'' She sighed again, louder this time, ''I was down here, before....'' She whispered, ''But I went back upstairs.''
Draco's eyes broadened, his hair tousled across his head, ''When?''
He knew exactly when. She wouldn't have come down to see him this late if she didn't hear him and his mother's conversation earlier.
''You know when.''
''I won't fight for something you're ready to walk away from.''
She would. She'd fight until there wasn't anything left of her. Amelie would drain herself for Draco.
That caused his veins to ice, his breath shallow. He didn't know how to turn this, how to make her understand what he so desperately wished to tell her.
Propping himself up a bit, he closed his eyes, ''I'd never walk away from you or us.''
''You want to leave me—''
''I never said I want to leave you,'' He stated, shaking his head as the cold eyes warmed up. She always made him so warm, ''I—''
''It doesn't matter, Draco,'' She moved towards the door again, ready to leave, ''It doesn't matter anymore. Any of it.''
''Don't you dare say that,'' Malfoy sounded offended, struck right in the chest by a nerve, ''You won't lose me, Amelie. I'll still be there. I'll always be with you.''
''No, you won't.'' She breathed, still not looking at him, ''I thought you'd be mine.''
''I am yours. I'm yours, and you're mine.''
''Not anymore. You're leaving me.''
Another hit. This time it caused his blood to boil. Scowling at her now, ''You don't get to say that. You don't ever get to say that I'm not fucking yours. I'll always—''
Amelie's face fell, ''I don't want this. I don't want to live on borrowed time with you. I want you, but you don't want this anymore. You're leaving me.''
''I never said—'' Huffing out, he knew she'd set her mind to it. She wouldn't believe him either way, ''You're not listening to me. Just— just come here. Let me hold you, and I'll show you.''
Hesitatingly, she tried not to. Not to give in to what she knew she couldn't have anymore, but as she always had done, she caved. She'd always cave for him.
Using slow steps, her eyes hooked in his. She let herself closer, nearer to someone she could never be without.
''Amelie...'' Draco breathed, wrapping his arms around her the first chance he got, and he dragged her in, ''Fuck. I've missed you.''
Letting her lashes flutter shut, he dragged her down to his lap. Positioning her on top of him, ''Don't ever say you're not mine and that I'm not yours.''
Amelie scanned Draco, her sight flickering, taking him in as best as she knew how, ''Why?'' Her fingers found his hair, pulling herself closer, ''Why can't I say that, when you did?''
''I never...'' Barely being able to talk when she held him, he groaned, ''I never said I wasn't yours. I would never say that. Nothing has been further from the truth.''
Staying put for a minute, she let herself loose with him. She allowed herself to hold him.
She sheeted his head with her arms, and she tensed her knees on the side of his hips. Amelie held Draco. Sitting in his lap, with his breath hotly fanning her shoulder, placing light kisses upon her skin, she drowned herself in the longing of him. Over and over, he silently whispered how much he loved her.
How she'd miss him. She didn't think she'd miss anyone as much as she'd miss him. So she stayed, but only for that one minute — until she straight away jumped off.
''You did, and I don't want you to be with me if you don't want to. I would never blame you for that, and I'm sorry if I ever did.'' She whispered, blurting out the words. Still standing ever so near him. That heartbreaking smile she carried, he'd seen before. It's as if he recognized it, ''I'm sorry.''
Stretching his spine, his tied limbs tried to grip around her again, but she avoided it. She stepped back, ''Amelie, please. Don't do this to me.''
Still holding onto the brave curl on her lips, she yet held so much hurt in her heart, ''I could never force you to be with me, Draco. I love you too much to do that.''
Tears shaped in his eyes, ''Amelie, it's not about me not wanting you. It never was, and it never will be. You know I want you. You're mine—''
''At one point I was...'' She said it silently as if a heavy memory haunted her, ''I like to think I was yours and you were mine through all of this. I just don't know when we stopped.''
''We never stopped,'' Malfoy breathed, panic began to score through his hoarse vocals, ''I will always belong to you, Amelie. I'm yours, and you're mine, no matter what happens.''
She needed to leave. Amelie needed to flee, all because she believed it would save them. Save him.
''I used to believe that too,'' Her fingers traced across her own arms, almost giving herself the comfort he couldn't, ''It was nice... believing that.''
Malfoy couldn't breathe. He couldn't lose her, ''Do you hear what I'm telling you, Amelie? Are you even listening? I love you. I love you. I love you, and I'll never stop loving you—''
''I'm sorry that I let you down, Draco. I'm sorry that I, somewhere along the way, didn't make you feel like I was worth it anymore. You deserve more than I could ever give you.'' Her spine struck the basement wall, and she tipped her chin, looking up at him, ''You deserve the world, Draco. No matter how you want it.''
''Just listen, Amelie—''
She was silent for a while. Just standing there with the weight of this sphere on her shoulders. She didn't want to do this. She didn't want him to feel as if she was giving up on him, but she craved to go. She craved to save them.
''Thank you.'' She said, spacing herself from him. She'd gone through loss before. People left her all the time. She could do this.
''Don't, please—'' He nearly sobbed out, yanking at his chains. He couldn't let her leave. Everyone left, and he could never lose her. ''Don't leave me, Amelie. Please.''
''Thank you for loving me like you did. It was the best thing that ever happened to me....'' Taking another moment, she looked down at the floor, ''You were the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm just so sorry that I wasn't enough for you to stay.''
''Amelie,'' Malfoy pleaded, ''I beg you.''
''I love you.''
Her hair leaked in a mess around her, parts of it smeared to her face in fusion with the rolling tears. Her knees had been weak before but never like this. She took one last moment, staring blankly at the door she was aiming for, ''It's raining today....''
Draco couldn't see properly anymore. The tears in his eyes turned everything blurry, ''I can't live without you, Amelie.''
''You don't want to live with me either,'' Her neck moved, and she finally saw him again, ''I don't want to be the reason that you're not doing what you want. I don't want to keep you somewhere you don't want to be.''
In reality, she wished to fall to her knees and beg him to stay. To reconsider what he wanted to do, but she couldn't. She did this for him.
''You're everything I want. You're all I'll ever want, Amelie. You're mine. Please stay.'' He begged, his voice broke, ''Please be mine.''
''I'll always be yours,'' She smiled again, tilting her head a bit, ''I was yours, even when I wasn't. I'll always be yours.''
It was the right thing. It was the right thing. It was the right thing. She tried to glue it to her mind. That all of this — that her leaving him in the morning was for the better. They'd be safe.
Draco wouldn't be in harm's way. She was finally the one saving him now. Even if it tore both of them apart, she needed to do this.
All for him.
''Please—'' He watched how her feet slowly tracked closer to the door, ''Amelie. Don't you dare—''
''Your mother will be down in the morning,'' Stalling, she gripped the handle, ''She's making you—''
''I don't care. I don't fucking care. I want you, and if you leave me—''
''I love you, Draco.''
He blinked. He blinked so quickly, yet that one second it was flickering dark, as his lashes rested against his skin, Amelie left.
And never had Malfoy regretted anything as much as he regretted this. He lost the one person who'd choose him above everything. He lost her.
His Amelie.
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