F o r t y - f i v e


'' I hate Christmas.''


'' I hate snow.'' Amelie muttered, tucking her chin deeper into the collar of her coat, '' Why would you make me do this?'' She sent Theodore a glare as he closed the door to the manor behind him.

'' Because it's Christmas in two days, and we need to buy presents,'' His eyes rolled at her shaking figure, '' And how can you love the holidays but hate snow? It just doesn't add up to me.''

'' Because—''

'' Where do you think you're going?'' Draco shouted, slamming the door shut as he marched after them out on the gravel-covered ground, '' What did I tell you, don't go anywhere—''

'' We're just going to shop for presents, mate, calm down—''

Draco stormed right past Theodore, with his eyes narrowed in hers — he halted only inches away. She could feel his heated breaths on the chilled surface of her face.

'' I thought I told you not to—''

'' Then come with us.'' Amelie's chin rose from the fabric as she sent the blond a sweet smile, '' You can always join us, you know?''

'' Is that so?'' Malfoy rolled his eyes at her, looking evilly at her startled friend next to them, '' And why would I do that? We're not kids. Christmas is for children.''

'' Technically—'' Theodore raised but where quickly hewed of by Draco's piercing stare, '' Okay then, but we're going whether you like it or not, so either you come with us, or you can stay here and be mad about it.''

'' Nott—'' Draco growled, but Amelie's fingers intertwined with his made him lose the focus from Theo. He looked down at their tangled hands before gazing up at her again — his eyes fell upon her reddened nose, and all matters in the world faded.

He had never seen something so simple as a blushed nose, being so beautiful.

'' Come with us, Draco, please?'' Amelie smiled, her hand gripped his harder, '' It will be fun. I promise.''

He was still hesitant, but he knew that he couldn't stand against that smile of hers and especially not when it came with her flushed cheeks and colored nose.

'' Fine—''

Amelie didn't let go of Draco's hand. She held him near as they strolled down the streets of London with Theodore stumbling behind them.

The snow laid in clouds around the busy streets, and her eyes flickered everywhere — Amelie hadn't been out in the world for months, not since she returned for school this summer, and to her — that felt like a lifetime ago.

'' Here,'' Amelie said, pointing at a shop window, '' I want to—''

''There are only children... things, in there, Amelie, why would you—'' Draco rose, staring the eager girl down, but before he had the chance to finish his sentence, Amelie was already walking through the door.

'' For fucks sake—'' Draco muttered as Theodore placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a hard squeeze.

'' There's something you should know, Malfoy,'' Theo smirked as they both watched Amelie through the glass, '' She's incredibly stubborn.''

Draco's eyes merely rolled, shrugging Theodore's hand off, '' So I've noticed.'' He mumbled as they stepped after her into the shop.

Amelie's fingers trailed over all the pastel-covered toys and clothes. She wanted to buy everything — she wished to spoil Pansy's unborn child to an unlimited point.

Her breath hitched as she felt Draco's chest, pushed up against her spine, '' So... why are you looking at these things?''

'' Because—'' Amelie turned around, meeting the grey eyes as she smiled, '' Because Pansy asked me to be the godmother, and I feel like it's my job to spoil Aimee.''

'' The child isn't even born yet,'' Draco huffed annoyingly at her, '' And it's not like—''

'' Draco,'' Amelie said sternly. Her brows knitted together at his tensed expression, '' Don't be like that. It's fun, and it's Christmas.''

'' I hate Christmas.'' He stated shortly, shoving his hands into his coat pockets.

''How can you hate Christmas?'' She looked at him, shocked, '' It's the best holiday—''

'' I don't want to talk about it, just—'' He muttered, rolling his eyes at her as she tilted her head, '' Get whatever you want, and I'll pay for it. I just want to get out of here.''

'' No,'' Amelie took a step back from the blond as she grinned, '' I'm more than capable of paying for myself, and if that means I can spend more time in here, win-win.''

She disappeared in between the shelves again, leaving him uncomfortable and troubled in between the toys.

'' Told you.'' Theodore smirked as he stepped up to him, '' She's more stubborn than you are.''

'' Oh, shut up, Teddy,'' Draco let Theo's name slip out with sarcasm, '' Teddy,'' He said again, as his fingers gripped a stuffed animal off the shelf, '' Why Teddy? Wasn't Theodore embarrassing enough—''

'' That spell you told me about the other week, Malfoy—'' Theodore cut him off, '' When you wanted me to shut up? Well, it would look pretty good on you right now.'' Theo's shoulder annoyingly nudged Draco's before he strolled after Amelie.

'' What?'' Draco nearly shouted, throwing his hands out in the air at the brunet before his eyes fell upon the stuffed bear in his hand, '' Was it something I said?'' He lowered his tone at the animal, placing it on the counter again.


'' I can't carry one more bag, Amelie!'' Theo muttered after her as she was about to open the door to yet another shop, '' This has to be the last store because I refuse to carry—''

'' I told you that I can carry them myself, Teddy.'' Amelie rose a brow at him, '' But you insisted to carry them for me, so—''

'' Well, I didn't know that you were going to buy half of that bloody baby store.'' Theodore rolled his eyes as he dropped all of the bags to the ground, '' This has to be the last one.''

'' Fine.'' Amelie smiled at him, even if he was annoyed with her — she couldn't help but to find a bit of pleasure in the situation, '' This one, and then the bank — and then home.''

'' Where in the bloody hell is Malfoy when I need him?'' Theodore whispered underneath his breath as he leaned against the rock-covered wall, waiting for Amelie to be done.

Her eyes flickered over the books in the store. She wanted to buy something for Draco — something that would mean a lot to him, but she didn't quite know what.

At first — she thought about buying him a ring, but he already had so many of them, and to fit another on his ring-coated fingers wasn't possible — so perhaps a book, but she didn't know which, because he had yet failed to tell her about his favorite one.

Her fingers brushed over covers coated in leather until a bundle of two identical books caught her attention, one held in a pale shade of blue — nearly a sky-blue color while the other was black.

'' Looking for something in particular, miss?'' The store worker asked kindly from behind her, and she slightly flinched by the sudden question, '' Oh, I'm sorry I didn't—''

'' No, no!'' Amelie breathed out, '' I'm sorry, I'm just in a hurry, but if you don't mind telling me...'' She pointed towards the two books, '' What is that?''

'' Oh, you see—'' The worker grabbed it, holding the books between them, '' This is twin diaries. They compliment each other, and what is written in one of them magically appears in the other.''

Amelie's eyes widened as the worker reached them out to her, '' The books are close to soulmates if you know what I mean. They belong together, and one of them feels what the other one is feeling as well.''

'' Really?'' Amelie whispered to herself, stroking her hands over them.

'' And it's a perfect size too. It's small, handy and you can bring them anywhere.'' The worker said again.

'' It's perfect.'' Amelie nodded before handing them back to the person in front of her, '' I'll take them.''

'' Very well then, nothing else you need?''

'' No, I'm okay—'' She faltered in her own words, '' Or on the other hand, do you happen to have a copy of Romeo and Juliet?''


'' It's about time.'' Theodore groaned as she stepped out of the shop, '' So just the bank, and then back to the manor?''

Amelie looked around — still doubting in her mind as to why Draco wasn't back yet, '' Yes, but Draco—''

'' He had one more thing to do. He said he'll meet us at the bank.'' Theo reached for the bag held in her hands, but she quickly dragged away,

'' Not this one.'' She started to walk away from him, grinning provokingly, '' I'll hold this one myself.''

'' Why?'' He stalked after her, huffing frustratingly with the load of paper bags in his hands, '' Oh, it's for me, isn't it?''

Amelie stayed quiet, not letting a sound out as they walked down the crowded street.

'' I knew it. What was that store? I can't remember.'' Theodore muttered to himself, '' It was a jewelry store, no! It was a clothing store, wasn't it?''

'' I'm not telling you,'' Amelie chuckled, shouldering him to the side, '' You'll have to wait and see.''

'' But it's two days—''

'' Exactly, two days. Now, stop whining.'' She halted, right outside the massive building in front of her, and the amused smile she held onto — faded into a look of despair as he noticed.

Theo's arm wrapped around her, his mouth against her head, '' We don't have to do this today, you know.''

'' I want to.'' Amelie whispered back, peering up at him, '' I just want this over with, so that I don't have to think about it ever again.''

Theodore nodded, '' I'll be right outside, do you want me to let Malfoy in if he—''

'' No, I can do this by myself.''

Amelie walked down the room. Her eyes flickered all over the elves sitting at the elevated desks as they stared down at her. The way they were eyeing her down while folding the papers in front of them — was intimidating.

She halted in her steps, right beside the guard standing next to the exalted counter.

'' Name, please.'' The elf said without looking at her.

'' Amelie Avery.'' She nearly stuttered back as her cheeks flushed at the situation. The elf stared scribbling in a pad before glaring down at her.

'' Key, please.'' The elf said again, the high-pitched voice shredded loudly in the hushed room, '' Or no, scratch that. You're here to collect a key, correct?''

'' I am—'' But before she could say anything else, the creature disappeared behind the desk.

She was terrified — Amelie had never done anything similar to this on her own before, but the letter an owl left her a few days ago — suggested that she'd visit the bank before Christmas to collect the last piece her father had left her.

It hurt. The fact that her father wasn't here anymore. That the boy she couldn't get her mind cleared off — killed him. Even if she understood that she couldn't blame it on Draco, it was still sad.

She loathed her father. Andrew was the one person she feared in comparison to Adrian, but he was still her dad. Someone that once, before her mother walked out on them — seemed to love her.

But he hadn't done so in many years, and perhaps it was for the better — him not being alive anymore. Amelie's heart lightly ached as she thought of it.

'' There you are.'' Draco placed a hand on her lower back, making her wince at the tense thoughts clouding her mind, '' I was looking—''

'' I told Theo to—''

'' Ask me to stay outside, I know.'' Draco smirked down at her as he stood tall and protecting beside her, '' Not a chance I'm waiting outside. Do I look like a person who's asked to wait outside to you?''

Amelie let out a huff, leaning her head onto his shoulder for a slight second, '' You do, actually—''

'' Watch it.'' Draco snapped back, silently, '' You're walking on thin ice, Amelie.''

'' Here you go, miss.'' The elf stepped down the stairs connected to the massive counter, '' My condolences.''

'' Thank you.'' Amelie nervously took the golden key before Draco's hand on her back tightened, leading her out of the bank.

'' Are you alright?'' He mumbled as he walked beside her, his coat swirled in the wind.

Amelie's fingers stroked over the piece of gold in her hands, '' I think so. It's just strange, you know? My father took everything from me, only to leave me it all when he died. Ironic, isn't it?''

'' Amelie,'' Draco's arm moved over her shoulder as he pushed his lips into her head, kissing her gently, '' You know you're safe with me, right?''

'' I know.''

'' Good.'' The doors out of the bank flung open as she completely melted into his touch, '' Then let's go home.''


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