E i g h t y - t w o
This chapter mentions abuse, rape, and emotional trauma. Please read with caution.
''You know I would. I'd do anything for you.''
Amelie was conflicted, to say at least.
She didn't quite know what to do with everything around her as it crumbled. Everything spilled into pieces right in front of her, and she didn't know what to do.
Her mother had left her, indeed. She'd left Amelie to fight her own battles, live through both Adrian and her father's abuse, while she was taking care of someone else — while she carried another child.
It broke her heart. It shattered her to know that, yet she could never hold that against them.
Her brother was the son of Voldemort. Her brother was a Horcrux and someone that would be hunted for the rest of his life if his existence was ever made known. So no matter how much Amelie felt as it ripped her apart, she couldn't be emotional about this.
''Are you sure?'' Draco's voice tipped her out of her own mind, feeling his arm as it tucked around her waist, ''That you want to go back already? You don't have to. We can just stay here for a little—''
With a low huff, she cut him off, ''I want to go back...'' She whispered, gasping out as his lips pushed into her shoulder, ''I need them to be safe, Draco and I— oh God—''
He was pressing himself against her, drowning himself in all of her as he kissed her neck, shoulders, that soft spot right below her ear, ''Mhm, and you...?'' He grinned against her skin.
''And I—'' Amelie pinched her lashes, trying to focus on the words she meant to form, ''And I don't want them to live out here, all alone with no protection. As soon as we figured it out, they were just—''
His hand snaked underneath the covers, slipping around her waist, and he grabbed her hip, ''And they were just—?'' He groaned out at the sense of her skin, smoothly brushing along his, ''Then what, Amelie?''
Amelie shifted around, not saying anything more as he met her soft gaze in the slightly dark room. She had that adorable little curl glued to the brim of her mouth, and he couldn't tear his sight off of it.
He missed her smile.
Cupping her jaw, he dragged her closer in between the sheets until he felt her bare skin on his, and he kissed her again, gently. Memorizing exactly what it felt like, having her lips pushed against his.
''I'm not talking you out of staying here today then?'' He mumbled, breathing hotly into her mouth, and her head shook lightly, feeling her wavy strands of hair as they tickled his arm.
''I'm afraid not,'' She smiled, fully before she let their touch part and she leaned back to her pillow again, ''You don't have to come. I can go there myself if you have other things to—''
Amelie squealed out, her breath hitched in the back of her throat as he sat up against the bed frame, his hands wrapped around her, and he brought her effortlessly to his lap. He didn't even blink.
''What was that?'' He arched his spine, holding her body ever so close to his, ''Was that you acting like a fool again, Amelie?''
''No—'' She managed to chuckle out, licking her bottom lip and looking back at him.
His hair tousled, messy as he lifted a brow, cockily, ''No?'' His lips brushed against hers, ''Then why would you say that? Why would you even propose—''
''Because I saw how uncomfortable it made you, being there with my mother, and I know you did it for me, but I don't want you to constantly give up what you want—''
''Yeah?'' His chest tightened at that as he sought to hide it, ''But what if I want to do what makes you happy, and we can worry about me later—''
''But I don't want that,'' She whispered, her hands coming to hold his jaws in the palms of them, ''What if I want to sacrifice things for you too, Draco? What if I want to make you feel good and make you happy? You shouldn't have to—''
His eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head at the fusion of her inching herself closer to him on his lap and her breaths as they riched in his mouth.
''Fuck this—'' He groaned, his arms around her again as he tilted her back, earning a cry to flee her lips as he did, and before she knew what happened, he was laying on top of her.
Malfoy pushed his legs in between hers, and he watched her, scanning the tiny twinkle in her eyes and the thick lashes as they fluttered, ''Don't say those things, Amelie. Don't say that you want me to feel good and be happy as if I'm not.''
Her smile faded, her hair leaked messily around her.
''I am happy, you make me happy,'' Draco saw her expression as it changed, ''I feel good, every time you're close, I'm good. I don't want that happily ever after shit where you are meant to give me all the things I give you. I don't want that—''
It was a slight pause as he talked, his forehead against her shoulder, ''I want you. I want our story. I want what we have — how we got it. I don't want to compare or deny. I just want you, with all of your baggage. I want you even if you have a—'' Clearing his throat, he looked back at her, ''Even if your mother isn't my favorite person, I want you. I want you, Amelie, and all that comes with it.''
Amelie was held in a loss of words.
''I don't want books or movies. Hell even a happy fucking ending if that's what it means that I get to have you like this. Like us and nothing else.''
Feeling pearls of tears in her eyes, she nodded, brushing the back of her head against the mattress, ''I want you like this too...'' She kept her tone low, ''All of you, all of this.''
''That's what makes us — us, Amelie. That's what makes us different from everything and everyone else, that I get to have you this way. That I'm allowed to love you through all of this, because if it wasn't for that—''
Draco sensed a lump in the back of his throat, ''If it wasn't for you loving me, and I loving you through all of this — I would've been gone, a long time ago.''
Dipping his head forward again, she caught his cheeks, holding him steady above her, her thighs tensing around his hips, ''Don't say that, Draco. Don't say you wouldn't.''
''I'm not a liar, Amelie,'' He stated, and he felt defeated. In the midst of all that talking, he'd realized that his life wasn't as simple as he tried to make it.
Draco fought her demons, indeed, but he still carried his own — a numerous amount of them as well.
Rolling off her, he fell to her side, lying next to the girl instead, and she could feel how her whole self ached at that. The loss of his touch when she knew he needed it.
''Draco, don't say that...'' Amelie mumbled, shifting around so that she was resting on her stomach, her legs in the air and her chest on top of his, ''Don't say you wouldn't be here, because you would.''
He didn't look at her.
''Of course, you would. Never, Draco, never have I met someone like you,'' Her chin buried into his chest, and her fingers traced circles upon his skin, ''I don't think you understand it yourself, and I know it's not an easy thing to do, but you are worthy Draco.''
Peering up at him through her lashes, she could feel his chest as it rose and sank underneath her, ''I know it's hard to accept your own worth, but you taught me how to do it, so it's my turn to teach you.''
Even if he wasn't meeting her doll eyes, he smiled shyly — a discreet arch on his lips.
''I will never be worthy,'' He whispered, nearly below his breath, hesitant if he wished for her to hear it.
Amelie huffed out, tipping the side of her head and pulling herself on top of him entirely. Her nose brushing against the brim of his neck and his collarbone, hiding from the world, right there.
''I don't think anyone is fully worthy...'' Her heated breaths caused shivers to trail behind his ear, ''I don't think anyone could be worthy. I think all of us do something bad, at least once, but just because we do — doesn't mean we're bad people.''
He blinked at that, looking down at the frame of her face.
''I think we live, we learn, and then we teach... We teach the ones we hurt to do better, to be better, and to never hurt anyone in the ways they've been wounded, if that makes sense?''
Draco didn't think he could love her more than he did already, but he was wrong. Somehow, every time those breathtaking lips of hers parted, he always seemed to love her a bit more.
Nestling his arms around her again, he pushed his lips into her head, ''It makes all the sense in the world, Amelie.'' Draco whispered.
''That's why I know you'd make it on your own, Draco because you're not a bad person. You don't have an evil soul,'' She closed her eyes, only feeling the scent of him now, ''You're the most loving person I have ever met, you do everything for the people you love, and then you hate yourself for it.''
An ice-cold flush pushed through him.
''You think you don't deserve happiness and love. You think you constantly have something to prove, so instead, you do horrible things because you think it makes you a horrible person, but you're not Draco...''
His chest felt so heavy.
''You're not a bad person, and you'll never convince me to think that, so if I stop thinking that I'm not making you happy — you stop believing that you're a bad person, deal?'' Amelie felt tired again, her hooded eyes weighted.
''I love you, you know that, right?'' He muttered into her head, holding her tightly.
She smiled, her cheek against his skin, ''I know that. I'll always meet you halfway.''
''Then you got yourself a deal,'' Draco said, quietly and he dragged the covers over them, feeling her body as it slackened in his hold, ''We'll deal with everything later, alright?''
Amelie was still so tired, and she yawned, humming in response to him before he felt her breaths as they slowed and her heart calmly beating in the bearing with his.
Amelie fell asleep again. Her body caved into his, but he didn't — he didn't allow his mind to rest as she did.
Draco stayed awake, holding the girl his heart belonged to as they laid plain on the mattress. He knew there wouldn't be much more of this — more of them being them.
Understanding that the world was changing and so were their lives, he held her a little tighter. Savoring her at his best capabilities. Even if she was lying on top of him, her whole body over his, it was a feather-light touch.
It didn't feel heavy nor bothering to him. It felt easier, knowing that he still had her body pressed to his and that she was his to love and cherish.
It wasn't until hours later when her eyelids fluttered, and the tiny, soft, nearly inaudible noises she made fled her throat, he clocked back to being. He always seemed to be so lost in her.
Even when she walked up, getting dressed and ready — even if he once again, tried to convince her to stay there one more day before going back to the cabin, and she said no, he was still lost in her, suffocating in the girl who now stood in front of him, her dress fluttered around her thighs in the evening sun.
They were once again standing outside of that tiny house they once found shelter in. Now, Draco wouldn't even look at it without feeling disgusted as it boiled within him.
He has such a hard time being around her mother. He understood that the lady had her reasons for doing what she'd done, for leaving Amelie, but he couldn't stand it. He could in no reality stand her.
''Amelie!'' The little boy shouted, shoving the door open as he ran towards them. Not once did he hesitate before Amelie sunk to her knees, and her arms widened for Atlas to embrace himself in.
Hugging his sister closely, he smiled, ''You came back,'' It was a tingle of laughter in his voice.
''I said I would, didn't I?'' Amelie folded her arms around his body, bringing him nearer as he looked up at the tall blond boy behind her.
Malfoy peered down at the deer-eyed boy, lifting an amused brow and arching his upper lip, ''Miss Amelie over here usually holds her promises.'' He placed a hand on her shoulder as she stood up, ''Usually,''
Amelie shouldered Draco to the side, rolling her eyes as her head shook, ''I always hold my promises,'' She muttered, feeling Atlas as he stretched towards Draco, reaching for his hand.
''Hello again, little one,'' Draco now dropped to one knee, placing his arm on his kneecap and stretching his fingers wide for Atlas to shake his hand, and he did, ''You got a strong grip there.''
Atlas eyes flashed happily, nearly shyly blushing at what Draco said, ''I'm not strong...'' He twisted his upper body, his sight darting between the two guests, ''But I am fast, come on!''
Atlas turned around, sprinting his way back to the cabin and both Amelie and Draco looked at each other confusingly. Crossing her shoulders with one of his arms, he slammed her frame into his as they walked over the grass.
''So she just lets him run out here on his own like that? What if it would have been anyone else? He could easily be taken from—'' He hushed, looking down at the girl as she snickered, silently, ''What? Why are you laughing?''
Amelie halted in her steps, turning around in his arm and her own trapped him by his waist, ''Careful, Draco,'' Her lips curling, ''You're emotions are showing a little too much, aren't they? For someone so cold and heartless—''
''For fucks sake—'' Draco groaned, throwing his head back before he smirked, dipping down and pinching at her thighs. He lifted her in the air. Her body bent over his shoulder, ''You do think you're funny, yeah?''
''Draco!'' Amelie laughed out, trying to struggle her way out of his grip, ''You can't do this here, please, my mother—''
''I don't care,'' He growled at her mockery, ''Should've thought about that before you made fun of me, besides—'' Lacking the hold of her, she slipped down in his arms as he looked at her.
Her cheeks blooming with color, and her eyes sparkled. He adored seeing her like this, ''You're mine, and I can do as I please with you—'' He was on edge to let his forehead fall to hers, his lips thirsting to feel hers pushed against them.
''Well, hello there,'' Amelie's mother called out from the front door, making Amelie almost push herself out of the hold he had of her as he let her down, plainly on two feet, ''I'm happy you decided to come back.''
Athena took steps closer as Draco backed away. Amelie tried to stay put, to let her mother come nearer, but it was so hard for her. Every nerve in her body stung, and she felt her chest as it tightened.
''We're not—'' Peering nervously over her shoulder, she shot Draco an anxious stare, ''We're not back, we just wanted to check up on Atlas and you... and I—''
''No, it's alright,'' Athena nodded politely, ''This is your cabin. I'm technically dead, so this is yours. I'm happy you allow us to be here.''
Amelie frowned slightly, ''Of course I'd let you be here, why wouldn't I?'' Nearly sounding offended, her mother withdrew, balancing the fine line she had to hold when it came to her daughter.
''No, I didn't mean—'' She sighed, her hair somewhat danced in the wind, ''We were going to sit down for some dinner, would you like to join us?''
Defusing the tension, her stare flickered between the two, and she noticed just how tense Malfoy turned at the question, ''Well, we'll be inside if you'd like to join us.''
Athena walked back into the cabin as Amelie spun to face Draco. He scowled at what her mother had offered, ''Amelie,'' He muttered, bothered with the situation, ''Perhaps we should go home?''
Feeling guilty at the way she wanted to ask him that they'd stay — she stalked forward, leaning her head against his chest, and she huffed out dubiously.
''I know you don't want to, but I'd really like to spend some time with Atlas,'' She lowered, shuddering at the air as it shifted colder, the sun falling between the mountains, ''I know you don't like my mother, but I—''
''Then bring him to the Manor,'' He said, keeping his arms hanging by his sides, ''We can spend time with the boy there—''
''And leave mother here?'' Amelie arched her neck, looking up at him, ''That's not how it works, Draco. Besides, the Manor isn't safe for them.''
He knew she was right. Taking her mother and brother to the manor would only enhance the chances of them being discovered, and they couldn't have that. He knew it to be a risk, which Amelie wasn't willing to take.
''One night,'' He caved. Never could he stand against her, ''One night and then we go home, deal?''
Smiling at the words he was speaking, Amelie nodded, ''One night.''
They spent that entire evening with her mother and Atlas. Getting to know them both more, learning what they'd been through and where they'd stayed the last couple of years.
Amelie was impressed, to say at least, how her mother had been able to keep her identity hidden and obscured. She hadn't seen anything like this. They traveled from place to place, settling down only to rip the roots they'd created and move again, all so that no one would find them.
When her mother had heard about both the hospital and the office of the doctor who'd delivered Atlas many years ago — being compromised, she realized that all of the places she'd given him, all the addresses she'd put onto paper, were at risk.
She burnt the house down, along with all the evidence of them ever being there, and they started over, from scratch all over again, here in the cabin.
Living with the thoughts and hope that her daughter one day would find that house, that home she left in ruins, and make her way to the cabin by the little frame she left behind.
And Amelie did, and now — Amelie didn't know what to do.
Tucking Atlas into bed, reading him a part of his favorite book before he fell asleep in her arms was all she could manage for today. Amelie was so tired of thinking.
Lazily, she laid next to Draco on the couch in the living room, once again without the capabilities to sleep. Her mind was overworking, her head spinning in all the theories and ideas she sought to push away.
Truly did she think she'd find some peace out here, but she didn't. It just made everything for her — worse, so much more difficult.
It felt as if her skin crawled, seeing the moonlight illuminate Draco's bare arm around her, his muscles outlined and his breaths hot on her shoulder.
She smiled.
No matter where they were, he'd always hold her like this when he slept. Protecting her even when he wasn't conscious.
''Draco...'' Amelie whispered quietly so that she wouldn't wake anyone else. Turning around in his arms, she brushed her nose against his, ''Draco, wake up.''
At first, he didn't budge as she whispered his name, over and over. The tips of her fingers trailing across his shoulder didn't do a thing. It wasn't until she tried to slip out of his grip the blond gave up a life sign.
''What are you doing?'' He rasped out, still with his eyes screwed shut, his tone throaty, ''It's the middle of the night, why are you—''
''Come with me,'' She whispered, her lips stoking along with his, and she kissed his upper lip, making Draco tighten his hold of her, ''I want to show you something.''
Amelie dragged him out of the cabin, her fingers tangled with his as she led him through the woods, down the tiny path that was nearly overgrown now.
She hadn't been here for so long.
But this time — this time, Draco didn't complain. He didn't utter a word at the walk they had to stroll at the late hour. He didn't mind it at all now.
''Remember this place?'' Amelie whispered, feeling as the breeze tugged at her skin, but it wasn't too chilly, ''We haven't been here since—''
''Everything went to hell, yeah, I remember,'' He muttered, his jaws clenched.
She stayed silent at that, not wishing to push him further as they stalked past the treeline, out on the open beach.
''I wanted to ask you something,'' She said, gently as her feet slightly sunk into the sand, her eyes flickered to look up at him, ''And I don't want you to be mad at me.''
Rolling his eyes, he huffed out, knowing what would most likely come from this, what he'd have to cave with this time, and what he'd have to give into for her to be happy.
''Go ahead,'' Draco stopped, his hand holding hers from walking further without him, ''Ask away.''
Hesitating, she peered out over the lake. The tiny waves caused the water to sparkle. Amelie loved it here — especially during summer.
''You know how we talked earlier about bringing them to the manor?'' Her voice thin, swallowed by the air around them, ''And how we can't do that, because it's too risky?''
''Yeah...'' He didn't quite know where she was going with it, ''We talked about it just a few hours ago, Amelie?''
He frowned, a doubtful grimace mounted him, ''What is this about?''
Twisting her feet into the sand, she excitedly angled herself towards him, ''What if...'' Scared to actually speaking her mind about this, in remembrance of how it turned out last time.
''What if we buy another house—''
His brows immediately knitted, sighing loudly at her.
''Together? What if you and I buy a house, or I can buy it, but it can be ours? Somewhere we can start over with them, and they'll be safe with us?''
Cocking his head, he looked away, ''So you want me to live with your mother?'' He asked, pure antipathy breaking through his hoarse note, ''You actually want me to live underneath the same roof as her?''
Malfoy dragged a ring-clad hand through his hair, tugging it back as his pearly eyes lit up in the icing light of moonlight glimmering on the waterline.
Amelie was quick to grab his hand, holding it between them, her fingers stroking the spine of it, ''No, I want you to live with me,'' A shy smile climbed her, ''I want you to live with me, Draco and I want Atlas, Teddy, your mother and yes, my mother too, to live with us.''
Gritting his teeth, he still didn't look at her. He didn't want to make her disappointed with him, ''Amelie, I'm all for buying a new mansion with you. I want nothing else than to live with you in something that's ours, but your mother, I don't know—''
Amelie waited for him to say something more. To let his inner conflict spill out and let his thoughts leak for her to understand him.
''I can't stand her. She left you to that damn monster, and I don't—'' He let his eyes seal, taking a deep breath, ''I can't stand by what she did. Hunted by the Dark Lord or not, you're the only thing keeping me together, and what person would I be if I forgave her for hurting you?''
A razor-sharp dash pained her eyes, ''Draco...''
''No, I'll think about it, but I can't promise that I'll be okay with this,'' His gruff vocals louder, ''I'll think about it, alright?''
Nodding as she looked away too, gazing over the ruins of a house standing at the edge of the beach and she smiled, even if it hurt her that Draco wouldn't be okay with her mother. That he'd have a problem living with her, she at the same time — knew she couldn't be upset about it.
Draco had all reasons in the word to loath her mother.
Her feet stumbled as she kicked her shoes off, taking tracks away from the blond, and he looked at her, puzzlingly, ''Amelie, what the hell are you—''
She didn't answer, she simply kept walking, nearly running towards the water as she tugged her dress off, letting it fling to the sand, and she, without warning, unhooked her bra, leaving him gawking at her from a distance.
''Amelie, for fucks sake, it's the middle of the night!'' He yelled after her, rolling his neck as he watched her bare figure at the shoreline, her toes nudged by the midst water.
''It's always the middle of the night somewhere!'' She shouted back, laughter hewed her off, letting her skin alter with the cold as she took step by step.
Draco groaned to himself, but at the same time, he couldn't help but smile at the way she was acting — Amelie, without exception, managed to find a way to enjoy the heartbreaking times. To not let it immerse her more than it already did.
He adored that about her, ''Fucking hell—'' Draco muttered, booting his shoes off, and as he ran towards her, he unbuckled his pants, shoving them down his legs and stepping out of them.
Hauling his so far half unbuttoned shirt over his head, tossing it next to her dress, he rushed up behind her. His arms blanketed her thighs and spine as she laughed out.
''Draco, please—'' His muscles clenched flexed, breathing heavily, ''No, no, no, Draco!''
Lifting her into his arms, he marched down the water, ''You need to stop running away from me, Miss,'' He spoke into her head, and before she had a chance of replying — he threw her into the water, entirely.
Her whole body drenched as she gasped, wiping the drops off her face the very second she reached the surface, ''That's not fair—'' Amelie chuckled, her hair spilling wildly around her.
''It's never fair, is it?'' He mocked, rolling his tongue on the inside of his cheek, eyeing her down, ''You ran away, again, so I did what I had to—''
Amelie cupped her hands in the water before throwing it on him, and he nearly stumbled back, ''Amelie, stop that—''
She did it again, bursting out in laughter, ''What was that, Draco?'' Another palm of water iced at his ashen skin, ''Beg,'' She smirked proudly.
His arms hugged around him, and he frowned, displeased with the situation she held him hostage in, ''Beg?'' He scoffed, amusingly, ''You want me to beg you?''
Boldly, Amelie bowed her head, the waterline held up to her collarbones as he stood afar, ''Yes, beg, and I'll stop.''
She threw more water onto the boy, ''I can just leave,'' He quirked a brow, his pupils held darkly, ''I can walk up and leave you all alone here.''
Amelie didn't let the smile on her lips fade this time, throwing another fist of water at him.
''Stop it—''
''Then beg—'' Taking a step forward, she revealed more of her chest, and his eyes dropped to watch it, clenching his jaws at the sight of her bare skin, ''Beg, or leave.''
Malfoy bit down his lower lip, knowing that the stubborn girl in front of him would refuse to cave to this, and he, knowing he'd regret it, stormed towards her in between the waves.
''Draco—'' Amelie cried out, backing away from him in the attempt to save herself from the hell he'd bring down on her for making him beg her, ''Draco, please—''
''No,'' He said, loudly and he swam closer, gripping her waist underneath the water, slamming her body into his, ''You're not getting away with this one.''
Draco kept her close. His breathing calmed, as did hers. Simply holding each other in the water, she folded her arms across his neck, placing her chin on his shoulder.
It turned still, serenely around them, only their breaths heard as the wind danced in circles. Amelie let her fingers play with the ends of his damp hair, hugging him. Her legs wrapped around his waist.
This tiny moment, them in the water, in the middle of the night, moonlight as it ignited their tangled bodies, their souls intertwined. It was just them, finding a peaceful stroke in the heavy sphere.
Draco's hand moved to her neck, gently gripping it and her head fell back, leveling his soft gaze, and he looked at her for minutes.
He watched as her lower lip shuddered, jewels of drops coating her porcelain skin, in crown silence.
His lips parted, a shaky breath escaped him, ''I will—'' He couldn't shape a proper word with her, looking at him in the way she did, her lashes wet, her hair tousled.
Amelie was his whole world. The scene framing them held astonishing, indeed, but nothing could ever compare to her and that arch, tugging at the corner of her mouth.
He knew he'd never be able to give her everything she deserved in this life because there wouldn't be enough things. Nothing would ever be valuable enough to measure up to the girl clinging onto him.
But Draco wished to try. He strived to at least give her a piece of the world while she was his. He would always meet her halfway.
He drew a breath, deeply inhaling, ''I will move in with you,'' He said, his eyes trapped in hers, in no reality could he ever look away from her, ''I'll move in with you, Teddy, Atlas, your mom, hell I even force my mom to come, but—''
Amelie wanted to kiss him, he could tell how her brows lifted and her face held near his.
''But...?'' She whispered. Her body tensed.
Feeling how his muscles strained at the intimacy, Malfoy breathed out, ''But you need to let me buy it for you.''
''No,'' He slowly waved his head, ''You can pick whichever house, castle, mansion you want. I don't care what you choose, but I want to buy it for you, and I want it to be ours.''
Her eyes watered, feeling how tears prickled in the brim of them, and she pushed her lips to his, kissing him, ''Really?'' She whispered, her fingers combed through his hair, ''You'd really do this for me?''
Draco moved his lips along hers, tensing the grip of her neck as her soaked hair tickled his arm, ''You know I would. I'd do anything for you.''
''Even buy me a castle?'' Her lashes battled, surprisingly.
Nodding, the water stained their bodies, ''Even buy you a castle, I'd buy you five of them if you so wished.''
''I can buy it myself, you know I can—'' Draco pushed a finger up to her lips, shaking his head at her.
''That wasn't the deal. I get to buy it for you, and I'll move in with you,'' He studied her expression to that, the tears as they pooled her eyes, fusing with the lake water, and her lip didn't quiver anymore.
He always made her warm enough.
''Then buy it for me,'' Amelie gasped, her face brightly alight from the overwhelming warmth she felt within, her heart hammered, ''I don't care, I just want you.''
He couldn't resist her, kissing her again. Feeling her hands as they moved across his shoulders and her body tightly pressed to his.
Both of them found a safe haven, a shelter in the other, in the mightiest storm as it rose above them.
''Tea?'' Athena asked politely as she reached over the table, collecting the dishes, ''I can put on some more if anyone wants?''
Amelie shot a quick look over to the blond boy sitting next to her as he pushed his lips together, trying with all he had not to let out a rude comment to what her mother asked, and Amelie smiled shyly to herself at the way he sought to calm himself.
''No, thank you,'' She said, her hand searching his underneath the table, and the very instant he felt the tips of her fingers stroking over his wrist, he looked eased. Amelie always seemed to make him rest.
''Draco—'' The giggling voice came unexpectedly from behind them as both Amelie and Draco turned around, looking at the little boy, standing with the glint of hope in his eyes.
Nodding, he rested his elbow on the backrest of his seat, ''Atlas?'' Draco mumbled, raising a brow at the boy calling his name, ''What can I do for you?''
Draco couldn't deny the fact that he indeed enjoyed Atlas being attached to him already. He figured it was the lack of other boys in his life since he'd always lived with his mother. It was adorable to Malfoy, having a child that wasn't intimidated by him.
Atlas didn't say a word. He simply reached his hand out, tugging at Draco's arm, ''I want to show you something, come,'' He laughed out, pulling and tossing at the blond's shirt, ''It's outside!''
Draco cocked his head, looking straight at Amelie as she nodded, ''Go ahead, I'll be out in a bit.'' She smiled cheekily at both of them.
Malfoy rose from his seat, pushing his lips into Amelie's head before he got dragged out the door by Atlas.
She looked after them as they went, and her sight lingered through the kitchen window, watching as both of the boys slipped onto the ground right where the toys were.
''Are you sure you don't want some more tea?'' Athena asked again, placing a pot of it in front of her on the table as she hunched down onto her seat again, looking curiously at her daughter.
Twitching her mouth a bit, shifting around on her chair, she huffed out, ''One more cup then,'' Amelie tried to be as civil as she knew how with her mother, ''You still drink a lot, I see.''
''I do—'' Athena smiled, pouring the steaming liquid into a cup, ''It's my favorite thing.''
Amelie looked down at the hot fumes, ''I remember,'' She said quietly before her sight darted back up and Draco, running around with Atlas, caught her attention.
''Amelie...'' Her mother recognized that slight crack in Amelie's voice, ''Can we talk, you and me? I feel like there's a few things we need to sort out before we can move past this.''
Her teeth gritted at the terms her mother spoke as if the seven years her mother had abandoned her could be solved over a cup of tea, but with the heart Amelie carried, she nodded.
''I'd like to—'' Her mother sighed, pathing the cup up to her lips and taking a sip of her tea, ''I'd like to apologize, Amelie. For what I did to you and for what I left you with, I know it's been hard for you—''
''You think?'' Amelie couldn't control it. In no verity could her mother possibly know what she'd been through, ''You actually think you know what I've been through? You think you know how father treated me after you left?''
''Did you know he promised me away? That he forced me to take the unbreakable vow and tie my life to a monster? Did you know that Adrian beat me more than my father did? That he raped me so many times that I lost count? That he kept me tied up in a small, dark room for months and that he hurt me in ways you don't even read in books, did you know that, mother?''
Athena's eyes widened, but she didn't say a word.
''Did you know that father made me clean up the bodies he slaughtered? That I had to close the eyelids of dead people just to learn a lesson? That he punished me with the ends of his cigars if I didn't? That I have been hurt, mother, that I have been so hurt for years while you went into hiding?''
It hurt to speak. It hurt to admit everything she'd never spoken out loud.
''Amelie, please—''
''I was twelve!'' Her voice louder now, ''I was twelve years old when you left me, and for seven years, I had to live through that. Father hated me for you dying. He hurt me so much just because he couldn't hurt you anymore and Adrian—''
She was on the tipping point of tears. Her chest stung so vividly.
''I killed myself, mother. I drove a knife into my chest after being locked up for months because of you. You had a child with that man, and we couldn't find you in time, so the Dark Lord had Adrian released, and he found me, he killed—''
The tears didn't falter, and she sobbed out at the thought of Pansy and Aimee.
''He killed a girl who was pregnant with his child because he hated me. All because we couldn't find you and Teddy—'' Her chest heaved uncontrollably, ''Teddy went through hell for that. He had to hold everyone together while he was drowning inside. They turned him into a Death Eater, and he's still going—''
''Amelie, dear, please, listen to me—''
''He's eighteen years old, mother and the things he had to do. The things he had to see for all of this to be put together, it wasn't human. Not to speak about Draco—''
Drops of tears poured down her cheeks as she looked straight at her mother.
This was one of the hardest parts for her, thinking about what Draco had done.
''He died with me. A piece of him died with me, mother. He did everything he could, he searched my mind, he killed my father, and he sacrificed so much for me to be safe, only for me to be taken from him, over and over. The things he had to do, the things he had to do for me, for Teddy, for you! You have no idea what he's been through — what your mistake did to all of us.''
Her mother's eyes shun in tears.
''My life hasn't been mine for seven years, all because of you cheated and you left to save another child. You even told me this before you left, and then — then you took it away. Teddy's life was ruined, and Draco—''
Amelie shut her eyes closed, banning the world from around her as she thought of Malfoy.
''Draco died inside, he will never be the same again and still—''
This was pure torture to her, never had Amelie opened up as she did now.
''Still, I would never hold that against you or Atlas. I could never be that person because no matter how much you betrayed me — how much you betrayed all of us, I could never do what you did to me. I would never leave the two of you out to dry.''
Athena was crying too now, but Amelie didn't cave. For a year had she known that her mother was alive, and for nearly a year, she'd thought about how she'd say this.
Even if it crushed her bones and wrenched her insides — Amelie needed to get this out.
''They have taught me so much better, Teddy, Draco, Narcissa, Pansy — everyone has taught me more than you ever have. I mourned you, I cried at your grave every bloody Saturday, and I took every beating that was meant for you. So no, mother. You don't know. You don't know anything about what I or those two have been through. You might think you do, but you don't.''
Amelie hushed down, shaking her head and wiping the tears falling from her eyes. She didn't want Draco or Atlas to see her cry if they walked inside.
''I'm sorry,'' The girl whispered, ''I'm sorry you had to go through what you did. I am, I am so sorry that you and Atlas couldn't live freely, no one deserves to go through what you did, but don't you dare come to me and ask for my forgiveness before you know what you did to us.''
Athena wasn't surprised that Amelie was talking in the ways she did. She was right all along. Her mother had always seen the strong and powerful girl she lived to be. Not once did she doubt that when she left — Amelie was the one who would come out of this alive.
Always did Athena know it, that this wouldn't break her. It would take pieces of her daughter indeed, but she knew all along that Amelie would survive. Even the twelve years she got with her before she fled, Amelie was like no other.
As a child, she dwelt to be the most brilliant human Athena had ever seen, so warm and kind-hearted. Even when her father was as ruthless as he could with her, she'd still kiss him goodnight or place a blanket over him when he'd passed out on the couch from drinking too much.
Amelie was everything Athena wished for her to be, if not more.
There were no excuses for what she'd done to her daughter. She knew that. She understood that Amelie most likely wouldn't forgive her for the sins she'd committed. No one should. Athena was well aware that she, one day, would pay for everything she'd done.
Rightly so, she'd earned her punishment on this earth for the misdeeds she'd pledged.
''I know,'' Athena said, nodding and drying the tears spilling down her skin, ''I know what I did to you and all of your friends is unforgivable. It truly is, Amelie. It's something I will stand responsible for, and I will take accountability for everything I have done...''
Amelie looked away.
''I know I did you incredibly wrong, and I am so sorry for doing so, you have no idea just how much it hurts me to know what all of you have gone through because of me, but I want you to know—'' Her mother reached for her hand, gripping it tightly in her hand, ''I want you to know that I will make this right, I promise. I can't undo the past, but I can do everything I can to make the future better.''
She was begging her daughter now.
''You have all right in this world to be upset with me, and I wouldn't blame you for being angry with me, Amelie. I would, if my mother did to me what I did to you — I would've been furious, but you were never like me. I was weak. I couldn't stand against your father, and I couldn't stand against Voldemort.''
Amelie's eyes flickered, looking up at her mother again.
''I am sorry for that, for being weak and not giving you the life you deserved. That will haunt me for the rest of my life... You and Atlas are my redemption, both of you took something so vile, and you turned it into something so beautiful, and I wished I could, but I wasn't like the two of you, and I am happy you found us, Amelie, I am happy Atlas gets to learn all of this from someone worthy—''
Tears threatened in Athena's eyes again, ''So I won't apologize — I will thank you. Thank you, Amelie, for being everything I never was. Thank you for finding us and for giving Atlas a try at a future he truly deserves. Thank you, for being you—''
Her mother was cut off by Amelie's arms wrapping around her neck, and she hugged her so close, ''Thank you...'' Athena whispered into her daughter's touch, ''Thank you for coming back to us.''
Amelie held onto her mother with everything she had, and it was as if she drowned herself into the embrace, her mother's arms around her and her words close to her ear.
''Thank you for keeping him safe,'' Amelie whispered, feeling the tears as they prickled in her eyes again by the thought of that little boy, for finally having someone to share it all with, ''Thank you for saving Atlas and for being safe...''
Never had a soul been as forgiving as hers.
They stood there, holding each other in the peacefulness for moments, only them.
A slight sigh escaped her throat as Amelie let go and looked outside, watching the blond boy her heart belonged to, lifting her brother up in the air — placing him on his shoulders.
''He's really good with him...'' Athena said, keeping a hand on her daughter's shoulder, ''He's really good with kids. I can tell. I hope you come and visit more, so Atlas can be around you two—''
Amelie withdrew from her mother's hold, slipping down on her chair again, and it made her mother scowl bewilderingly as she copied her daughter's act. Sitting down on her own seat again.
''Is everything—''
Amelie cleared her throat, looking down in her lap where her fingers held tangled, ''I wanted to talk to you about something if that's alright with you?''
Her mother nodded, surprised to the question, ''Of course, dear, anything.''
''We...'' She peered back out the window, and her heart missed a beat at the way Draco smiled, ''I know it's sudden and probably not a good idea at all, but we have been living at the Malfoy Manor for almost a year now, and I wanted you two to come and live with us, but it's not safe...''
Athena knitted her brows, not really sure where her daughter was going with this.
''Draco and I are buying a house, and we'd like for you to move in with us.''
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