Waluigi and Jesus have a good time (owofied)

Jesus Chwist was in hiws modest house one day when Wawuigi buwst into de huose.

"I've impowtanta news!" Wawuigi excwaimed. "I've maid some spaghetti!"

"What? Wet me sea..." de messiah said. “Did yuw get iwt fwom Demetwi at de bad house?”

Wawuigi puwwed owt de spaghetti fwom hiws pokets awnd dwew iwt onto de tabwe.

"Why was iwt in youw pocket?"

"B-Because I didn't have any c-containews ow someding!" Wawuigie answwed. "Wah!"

"Weww, wet me sea dis spaghetto," De h-howey spiwit said.

He moved o-ovew tuwu de tabew, awnd inspected de spaghetti d-dwoughwy.

Iwt was of gud qwawity despite b-being in Wawuigi's twousews.

But what a-about de taste?

De textuwe?

O-Onwy one way t-tuwu find owt, but befowe Jesus couwd eat iwt, he hawd tuwu spice iwt up fiwst.

Dat when h-he tuwned a-awound, puwwed h-hiws wagged t-tunic up, hiws ass f-facing de spaghetti, awnd fawted on iwt.

"Waht awe doing?" Wawugi asked.

"I juwst need tuwu g-give iwt s-some spice," J-Jesus wepwied.

He bwasted anodew n-nasty sass bwast, w-which weeked of onoins awnd Meditewwanean fecaw m-mattew.

Iwt was pewfect, Jesus de bwasphemew doght.

He picked up some of de speagheti awnd ate iwt, tasting de mixtuwe of saude awnd fwatuwus.

"D-Dat's disgusting!" Wawuigi said. "Can I twy some of youw communion?"

Jesus hawd idea.

H-He took off hiws tunic awnd e-exposed hiws big butt.

He put some of de spaghetti on hiws bibwicaw c-cownhowe awnd s-spwead hiws cheeks wide.

"Dinnew iws sewved," he said t-tuwu Wawuigi.

Wawuig b-bent down awnd began tuwu eat de s-spageti off of Gods son's a-asshowe..

Jesus Chwist fawted in pweasuwe as Wawuigi continued tuwu eat.

Den, aftew Wawuigi was don, he hawd a gweat idea.

He was going tuwu fawck Chwisto's butt howe.

"I'm g-gonna fawck gonna f-fawck youw butt howe!" Wawuigi excwaimed. “Naiw naiw yuw tuwu mwy wood.”

He took off hiws p-pants awnd exposed hiws fouwteen ich dong.

H-He powewed h-hiws choo choo twain into M-Mawy Magdawens husbands's tunnew awnd p-pwowed wike h-he was digging fow g-gowd, but instead of gowd, iwt was Jesus's butt nuggets.

Chwist s-stawted tuwu mastuwbate two, jewking off hiws f-five inch pens as Satan awnd Gawd w-watched, gwowing fiwm demsewves..

“Yuw got a tight wittwe bibwicaw bussy, don’t yuw?” Wawuigi gwoaned, hiws eyes wowwing back as he wutted, wutted i-into de fictionaw bibwe chawactew.

W-Wawuigi pumped awnd p-pumped awnd pumped awnd pumnped hiws fat c-cokc into jesuw , hiws penis bwowing up inside of de wowd's w-wectum, shooting off gawwons of s-semen awnd fiwwing Jesus's butt up wid Wawuigi cum.

"Iwt feews so gud," Jesus m-moaned. “Sew youw seed, I feew iwt gwowing inside me.”

"Now dat we bwasted ouw wopes, what do yuw wawnt tuwu do n-next, yuw fawse pwophet?" Wawuigid a-asked.

"I dunno," Jesus Chwist sad. "How about we fawck dat cuck, Judas?"

"W-Weww isn’t dat oddwy s-specific..." Wawuigi s-said, wid dis faciaw expwession: . “Wets gow!”

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