Chapter Six.


I stood in front of my mirror, but I was looking down at the phone in my hand as I read the text Logan sent me for the fourth time.

'Why are people saying Kaden going to be joining us at the fair??'

Well of course Tabby just had to be a big mouth and gossip. I was hoping to tell him when I meet him at the park where the festival going to be. I was so much of a coward this week to tell him. Pussh, I couldn't even talk to him alone this whole week without Kaden at my side when we we're on break from classes!

And I mean always there. It's like he knows where I am every second and it's starting to become a little creepy. Not to mention how possessive he can be and his mega mood swings.

We were able to act like nothing happen on Monday, though, I can't stop thinking about it. I mean, how can you not think about the make out session you had with your best friend!? It's like...impossible to erase out of your memory.

Finally decided to tell him, I called Logan. Better to tell him threw a call instead of a text.

It ranged a few times before he picked up, "Hey, Jesse.",

"Hey. I can totally explain what you heard today. It's actually kind of a funny story.", I said, nervously chuckling. "I mean, it really is. It'll just blow you mind away-"

"Jesse, you're babbling.", he said, cutting me off.

"Oh.", I said, realizing I was. "Well, um, see here's the thing. I didn't plan for him to come. It's just on Monday at lunch and when he followed me to the table, he just said he was going with me without asking. When I tried to tell him he wasn't, he good at moody and possessive. I tried to get him to change his mind this whole week, but it didn't work. Please, don't be mad at me.", I said, biting down on my lower lip.

"I'm not mad...not at you at least. I'll have a talk with Kaden when we meet up.", he said and before I could protest, he hung up.

Oh, this isn't going to be good, I thought.

Kaden is not going to like taking 'no' as an answer. I know very much since this whole week he sneaked over to my room and slept beside me. I always try to get him to go home, but he would just ignore me and lay down anyways.

I have to admit though, it was nice to have him by my side at night and cuddling. But I knew I shouldn't like it thought since we are just friends and he's just making everything so damn difficult to even be around him!

After changing into some nice Aero skinny jeans and throwing a pink tight fitting tank top and threw a black jacket on since it's starting to get cold at night, I walked out of my room after throwing on body spray and grabbing my phone and purse.

I jogged down the stair case and jumped into the dinning room where my mom and dad were as were doing work.

"Hey, you guys still going to take me park?", I asked.

My dad looked up confused for a second before running his hand down his face as he sighed, "Oh, man. I'm sorry Jesse-Bear, I totally forgot. I have to leave soon to make it back to the construction sight to help my boss with the building parts.",

I frowned, "Well, mom can you-"

"Sorry sweetie, but you know my car isn't working right now. Go see if Kaden still home and you can go with him and Angela.", she said.

I grumbled under my breath, but went up to them to kiss both cheeks, "Fine. I'll see you guys later tonight.",

"Love you.", they both said as I walked over to the door and opened it.

I jumped when I saw Kaden there and he looked like he was about to knock on the door. He grinned, "Great, you're ready. Come on.", he said, taking my hand in his as he dragged me out of the house, but luckily I closed the door behind me and managed not to fall.

He opened up my door for me and I looked at him confused. He just shrugged and I decided to just get in. Kaden ten year old little sister popped her head between the car front seats, "Hey, Jesse.",

"Hey Angie. Who you going with? A boy?", I teased as I arched an eyebrow up as Kaden got in the passenger side.

Her cheeks flamed up, "Wha-what? No. Well-"

Kaden twisted his upper body around, "Excuse me, Ange?",

Her cheeks got more red if it was possible, "It's with Carly and Jamie, but our friend Tyler is going to be joining us with his friend Jonah.",

"Carly mom going to be there, right?", he asked, arching his eyebrow and sounded like the over protective brother he is.

She nodded, "Yes, Kaden.",

"Good. Make sure to tell him who's your big bro.", he said and I chuckled.

I hit his arm, "Be quiet, Kaden. Angie, don't listen to him. You can do whatever you want.",

She gave me a small smile, "Thanks, Jesse.",

Kaden just rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath about me always taking her side instead of his, which Angela and I laughed at.

When we made it to the festival, Kaden parked them car blocked away since it was lot of people from town are here. The Last Summer Festival is the only one of the few things that happen in Hayden that's actually fun. Rides, games, food, and music was here and it's the only time the whole town together to do something together.

We got out of the car as Kaden asked, "Where did they say to meet them?", he asked Angela as we walked towards the park where everything was.

"Near where they sell the French fries.", Angela said, pointing over to where a booth was where I saw two ten year old girls and two boys and an lady. Angela stopped us and stepped forward and turned around, "No offence, Kaden and Jesse, but I can go on here without you both. You guys are to embarrassing to be seen with.", she said. She lowered her voice as she leaned into Kaden and pointed behind her to the one of the girls, "And Jamie thinks you cute, but don't tell her I told you.",

Kaden chuckled, "I wont, promise Ange.", he said and pointed at her, "Remember, I got my eyes on you even when I'm not around. So no kissing with one of those boys or I'll have to beat them up.",

Angela jerked and squealed. She turned around and ran towards her friends as Kaden and I laughed with each other.

"She's growing up so fast.", I said to Kaden.

He nodded, "Yeah, she is.",

I heard a squeal behind me and before I could turn around, I felt a pair of arms go around my neck from behind, "There's my gorgeous best friend.", Melanie said as she kissed my cheek.

I chuckled, "Hey, Mel. Hey Jason.", I said when I saw her date for tonight. Jason was the blonde hair blue eyes type of guy. He was a year ahead of us and totally gorgeous.

"Hey, Jesse.", he said and Melanie let of me to go next to him to hug his waist by wrapping her arms around him.

I saw Tabby go up next to Kaden, but saying nothing. Finally, Logan came up to me and hugged me. I giggled as he swayed us side to side, "Hey Logan.",

He chuckled as he stepped away, "You look beautiful.", he said, looking me up and down.

I felt my cheeks blushed up as I twirled my strain of my wavy hair around my finger, "Oh this? It's just something I threw on. Nothing special.",

He grinned, "That what make you look beautiful. You look stunning in anything. You could wear anything I wouldn't care, you'll still look beautiful.",

I heard Melanie awe and I felt my cheeks blush up more, but I couldn't hold back the smile. Awe, isn't he just so sweet? Gosh, he's amazing.

I heard Kaden snort and I scowled at him. He just rolled his eyes and looked away.

Logan stepped forward to Kaden, "Oh, I almost forgot, Kaden. You don't mind if it'll just be me and Jesse, right? I mean, I'm sure Tabitha would like to hang out with you.", he said nicely.

Kaden scowled at him, "No, it's going to be me, Jesse, and you. ",


Kaden shook his head, "No, it's mine and Jesse thing. I mean, you couldn't always go with Tabitha.",

Tabby wrapped her arm around Kaden's and pouted up at him, "But I want to hang out with you.". She grinned up at him, "Come on, Kaden. I'll show you a good time.", she said, lowering her voice seductively. I felt my hands ball up into fists in anger. I can't help but feel jealous still.

Kaden snatched his arm back, "No.", he said, his voice cold. "I'm going with Jesse.",

Tabitha looked hurt and confused, "But-but-"

"Man, what's up with you?", Logan asked. "What's with the major mood swings?",

Kaden stepped forward to get in his face, "And what's with you going all over Jesse like you just did?",

"What does it matter to you?", Logan said, his voice getting cold. "You think just because of your her friend means it'll stop me from punching you?",

"I like to see you try.", Kaden said. "I bet I'll be able to hit you before you could even raise your fist.". Kaden face started to get red again and he looked like he started to sweat actually. His hands were in tough fist and I could see his arms and biceps tense up.

I stepped forward, "Okay, that's enough.", I said, getting they're attention. "If you both are going to be acting like this...then, I'm going home!",

"See what you did.", Kaden said to Logan, who was breathing out his nose heavily.

"No, Kaden, it's what your both doing!", I said. I grabbed the Logan hand, "Kaden, you go with Tabitha, I'm going with Logan.",

He gave me a humorless chuckle, "Like hell you are.", he said, taking me hand and snatched me away.

"Kaden!", I yelled as I pushed on his chest for him to let go. "What the heck up with you?",

"Nothing!", he shrugged. "But your chosen him over me?", he asked, pointing at Logan in a hurt voice. "Over your best friend?",

Oh, jeez. Here we go with the guilt chart.

"Kaden, it isn't like that.", I said, reaching out to touch his shoulder, but pulled away when I felt how heated his shoulder felt. It wasn't a normal and he wasn't sick, so why is he so heated up? "Kaden, I think you should drink some water.", I told him.

He was breathing out of his nose heavily, but not in anger by the way his facile expression was. Actually, it looked like he was in pain.

I stepped forward to him, "Are you okay?", I asked, reaching out to touch his forehead.

Her jerk away, "I-I have to go somewhere real quick. I'll be back in an thirty minutes.", he said as he turned to run away into the forest.

"Kaden!", I called after him, but he kept on running. "Where are you going?",

He didn't call back to anything, but just kept on running.


It's been thirty minutes, so where the hell is Kaden?

As I brought a kettle popcorn up to my mouth, I looked around, hoping I'll see him, but like before, I didn't. He's making me paranoid again. How could he just run off into the forest? Why'd the forest anyways?

I didn't noticed the rock ahead of me until I tripped over it, but Logan caught me on time, "Are you okay?", he asked.

My cheeks blushed up, "Um, yeah.", I said, straighten myself up. I bent down to pick up the small bag of kettle popcorn up and happy only some got on the ground. I love kettle's one of mine and Kaden favorite.

"Do you wanna go on a ride?", he asked.

"I'm good.", I said, looking around again.

"Okaay...", he said slowly. "Well, do you want that chocolate cover apple now?", he asked, but I was barley listening.

"Mh-hmm.", I mumbled, not really sure what he said though.

"Jesse, are you even paying attention?", he asked a second later and that woke me up. I turned my head to see he was standing at the direction where the booth of candy apples were. Oh, jeez. Look at me! I'm ignoring him. I feel so bad again.

"Oh, I'm sorry Logan.", I said as he walked back up to me. "I'm just...worried about Kaden. He isn't answering his phone and I'm freaking out a little. It's getting dark out and I'm still trying to figure out what crossed that big head of his to run into the forest.",

"I'm not trying to sound rude by saying this, but Kaden is a big boy and can take care of himself. He ran off into the forest himself and you shouldn't be worried. He knows the forest well and he's going to be safe.", Logan said.

"But on the news they're saying at least two wolves are running the woods and haven't bin seen since Wedenday's night. I don't want anything to happen to Kaden.", I said. I turned, "Maybe I should go find him-"

Logan grabbed my arm, "Wait, I need to ask you something first.",

"Can't it wait till after we find Kaden?", I asked and he shook his head. I sighed, "Okay, but make it quick.", I said, anxiously looking at the forest before turning back to him.

"Okay. Jesse, will you be my girlfriend?", he asked.

That made my anxious feeling feel like it flew out the window as I froze and stared up at him in shock. Well, I wasn't planning him to ask me that. I thought he was going to make me stuffer a few more weeks.

I smiled up at him, "What?", I asked, even though I don't know why cause I heard him loud and clearly.

He smiled back down at me, "Would you like to be my girlfriend, Jesse? I know I waited a long time to ask, but I just didn't want to ask you out without knowing you. I wanted to see what you were like and I wanted you to see how I was like. I didn't want to rush.",

That made my heart squeeze up in my chest. I thought it was so sweet! It was totally wroth the wait! What he said made me smile bigger till my cheeks hurt, "Um...of course! I love-I mean, like to be your girlfriend.", I said as I nervously chuckled for my stupidity of saying 'love'.

He took my hand as he stepped closer to me, "Great, cause I been waiting to do this for a long time.", he whispered as he leaned down like he was going to kiss me. I could hear my heart pounding in my ear and wishing he would just go fast and smash his lips down on mine already! I been wanting to feel those lips on mine ever since I started to talk to him...

I felt a warm hand took hold of my other hand, making the bag of popcorn slip out my hand, and pull me away from Logan. I squealed in surprised as I almost fell, but caught myself in time.

"What did I miss?", Kaden hard cold voice filled my ears as he scowled evilly at Logan.

Since my hand was still in Logans, he pulled me back to him, "Oh, you know, the usual. But I just asked Jesse to be my girlfriend.",

Kaden pulled me near him again like I was a rag doll as he faked chuckled, "Ha-ha, Logan, very funny. Now let go of her.",

"She's my girlfriend,", Logan said, pulling me towards him again. I was getting frustrated now. "You let go of her.",

"She's my best...friend.", he said as he tugged me back to him.

I snatched my hand out of both they're hands, "Guys, quit it!", I yelled at them. "I'm not a doll! I'm a human girl and if you keep pulling at my arms, they'll break off!". They continued they're glaring contest and I sighed and ran my hand threw my hair, "Look, I want to go on a ride now.", I said, changing the subject, hoping they'll stop looking like both could attack each other.

"Fine.", they both said as each grabbed one hand and went off in different direction until they realized what they did.

Ugh, not my brightest idea. I groaned and snatched my hands back again. "I'll just go myself.", I said, walking towards the fairest wheel.

Logan came up next to me and put his arm around my shoulders, "Like I'm going to let you go on alone, Jesse.",

Kaden just grumbled under his breath as he walked next to us. Well, this should be interesting.

When we made it to the line where people were waiting for they're turns, nothing but awkward silence filled around us. Some people we knew looked us weirdly and some girls asked if Logan and I were dating. We would only nodded our heads and I guess he also felt the moody awkward feeling coming off Kaden as well as he started angrily at the fairest wheel.

Finally when it was our turn to go on, Logan and I went up to the cart, but I stopped when I heard the guy say to Kaden, "Only two-"

I saw Kaden growl at the guy and bare his teeth at him. I jerk and my eyes widen in shock. Did he really just do that? That reminded me so much of what a dog would do to someone. I looked up at Logan who also looked shocked and freaked out.

The guys hands flew up next to his hand in serfender, "I'm sure three can fit.",

Kaden walked passed us as he got on and we hesitated, but I then climbed in and Logan climbed in last and pulled the rail down and we herd a clamp. It was cramp in here pretty much now. The guy pressed the button for our cart to move and next cart to come down.

As we waited for everyone else to change, nothing but awkward silence was filled like before.

After a few more moments, Logan finally asked, "So, what's with the growling now?",

Kaden snapped his head around to look at Logan, "What?", he asked in a cold tone.

"You know, the growling like you're a fucking dog.", Logan said. "You on drugs or something? Is that were your mood swings are coming from?",

"Don't be an idiot.", Kaden said. "I'm on try outs for the soccer team and if I did drugs, I wouldn't be able to. Coach Riley would kill me if I did, not to mention my parents.",

"Then explain your mood swings, Kaden.", Logan asked, his voice getting hard. "Why are you so hyped up about Jesse and growling at the guy.",

"I just don't like a prick like yourself stealing my best friend-"

"Okay, that's enough!", I said, raising my hands in front of both of they're faces. "Would you both stop fighting? It's ruining my night and I starting to get really annoyed.",

Logan took my hand, "Sure.", he said, leaning back on the chair and looking straight ahead, ignoring Kaden hatful glare.

This is going to be a long night.


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