Halloween Hjinks - Part 1

Happy Halloween, everyone! I hope that everyone is enjoying themselves on this scariest holiday of all! This is a special horror two-part oneshot to celebrate that stupendous franchise: Five Nights at Freddy's! All of the credit for this oneshot of course goes to one of my bestest friends: @rosescentedabyss. I hope that you guys like it! 👍


A fair-sized house in Hurricane, Utah, present day, on Halloween night ...

"Mum! I'm home!" Gregory called as he threw the front door open and ran into the hall, a big grin on his face. The young boy had rushed all the way from the nearby bus stop to his home in order to catch his adopted mother before she left to go on the night shift.

"I'm in the kitchen, Gregory!" Hearing her voice, the aforementioned boy then dropped his school bag in the hall, and ran towards the kitchen door on the left ... while ignoring the sounds of voices and music from the door on the right.

The kitchen door was open, and sweet and savoury smells were drifting out of the room beyond. Gregory sniffed eagerly and licked his lips as he went in!

Mum's making goodies for tonight! I wonder just how many treats she's making!! Being a former orphan who once lived on the streets, Gregory never took anything that his new mother gave him for granted ... especially her cooking!

"Hi Mum!" the young boy cried, running to the blonde woman standing by the oven at the opposite side of the room. She had an apron on, and was stirring a pan of what looked like thick orange soup with a wooden spoon.

Hearing his voice, Gregory's mother turned around instantly, stopping the stirring. Vanessa (Pizzaplex Night Guard, Gregory's adoptive mother, and the one formerly known as 'Vanny') smiled affectionately down at her son, and gave him a hug.

"Hello, my little bear cub!" she said, smiling, as the boy hugged her back. She then turned her head and called out of the door.

"William! Gregory's home!"

"Oh joy", came the sarcastic, British-accented reply from the sitting room on the opposite side of the hall. The sound of voices and music then became louder, as if it was turned up.

Gregory's smile turned to a deadpan expression as he turned and shot a glare at the opposite door.

"He's watching that show again, huh?" the boy said, rolling his eyes. Vanessa sighed and nodded.

"Yep." The blonde woman and her son then turned back to face each other, separating from the hug.

"Anyway, I hope that you had a great day excursion today at the Pizzaplex!" she said brightly. Gregory nodded enthusiastically!

"It was great! The entire mall was decorated for Halloween, and the staff brought out spooky games and events for us to do! Even the animatronics even got into the holiday spirit!" he said, chuckling a little.

"Freddy dressed up as a mummy, Monty a zombie, DJ Music Man a ghost spider, Sun and Moon were ghosts, and Chica was a scarecrow!" The boy then suddenly smirked and beckoned to his mum. Vanessa leaned in close, smirking with amusement.

Somehow, she could sense that what was coming was a real doozy! "Freddy told me in private that it was super duper hard to persuade Roxy to choose a Halloween outfit ... cause she was afraid that it would ruin her 'winning' look", Gregory whispered, gesturing with his hands at the word 'winning'.

"Finally, she agreed to a few add-ons to make her look like a werewolf, but only if they made the 'coolest werewolf in town'!" The young boy struck a typical 'Roxy' pose as he said the last few words.

Vanessa's face broke into a big grin, as she tried to keep her laughter down. Gregory himself was giggling quietly at the memory.

"She'll never change, will she?" the boy murmured, smirking.

"I doubt it, sweetie", his mother replied, with a similar smug smile on her face. She then suddenly sniffed twice, and turned quick back to the soup on the stove.

"Darn it! The pumpkin soup's boiling over!" she cursed, trying to sort the bubbling mixture out quickly. The young boy just smiled and rolled his eyes as he turned away.

Looking around the kitchen, Gregory saw twelve ghost cakes on the cooling rack on the far end of the kitchen table. He licked his lips, eyed the busy Vanessa, then tiptoed over to the cakes.

The boy reached out to grab one, but froze when he heard a sudden and loud rebuke behind him!

"No, no, no, Gregory! These treats are for AFTER supper, not before!" his mother said without turning around. "I don't want to spoil your appetite ... especially since you're going trick-or-treating later!"

Gregory grinned a wry grin as he put his hand down.

"Heh, true!" the boy muttered. He didn't know if it was from being a night shift guard or not, but it was like Vanessa had eyes and ears in the back of her head at times!

"What time are your friends coming around?" his mother asked, as she finally managed to get the soup under control. Gregory frowned and consulted his wristwatch.

"In about half an hour or so", he said. The blonde woman nodded in satisfaction.

"That's great ... because you know what we've got to do before they come?" Vanessa said teasingly.

"What, Mum?" Gregory asked, raising an eyebrow. In response, his mum dipped her stirring spoon into the soup, tasted it, and then removed the saucepan from the ring.

Putting it on a cold ring and turning the stovetop off, the young woman turned to face the boy.

"Carve the pumpkins for tonight, of course! I've bought two of them!" Vanessa declared, smiling. She chuckled as she watched Gregory's face metaphorically light up like a lantern; with joy.

"One for the front door, and one for the dining room table", the boy's mother continued as she walked across to a cupboard on the left, and opened it.

"You can carve one of them, if you want?" Vanessa suggested, plucking both pumpkins out of the cupboard in her arms as she spoke. She then almost dropped them as Gregory hugged her again, with all the speed of a running hare.

"Thank you so much, Mum! You're the best!" he said with a muffled voice, his face pressed into her stomach. The blonde woman laughed, and gently extracted herself and the pumpkins from Gregory's sudden hug.

"All right then!" she said, carrying the pumpkins to the kitchen table. The boy followed her eagerly.

"William?" Vanessa called in the direction of the sitting room. "Do you want to carve the other one?"


Gregory's mother was answered by utter, and rather sullen silence. ... The blonde woman's eyes started to narrow at the ongoing silence, as she put the pumpkins on the spacious end of the table.

"William, are you even listening to me?!" she said, raising her voice a bit.

"I don't have to listen to you! I'm not bloody married to you! And I'm not going to indulge in stupid, childish trivialities, thank you!" came the peevish retort from the sitting room.

Vanessa rolled her eyes at the man's petty attitude, turning to face the open door and putting her hands on her hips.

"It's not stupid, William!" the boy's mother said emphatically. "Come on, you can carve a scary bunny face onto the second pumpkin if you like!" she then said coaxingly.

"Not interested!" The flat, annoyed reply came almost instantly. Vanessa's brow furrowed in a deep frown.

"William ..."

It was her warning voice, Gregory knew. The young boy smirked as his mischievous mind then came up with a plan.

"It's okay, Mum! If the old geezer doesn't want to carve a pumpkin, I'll be happy enough to do both of them!" he said loudly, distracting the blonde woman from her incoming, explosive rant.

She raised an eyebrow at her son, wondering what he was up to. That smug grin on his face just screamed trouble.

"I'll do one of them with a regular scary pumpkin face, and the other with Uncle Will's ugly mug on! Maybe we could even enter the latter in one of those Halloween pumpkin competitions! What do you think, Mum?"

Gregory then pretended to think, tapping a finger against his chin in mock indecision. "It could potentially win a prize, though not for beauty! After all—"

The boy's pondering was swiftly cut short  when he heard the sound of the TV in the sitting room being abruptly switched off. Vanessa and her son then both heard SOMEONE kick the door of said room open and march across the hall to the kitchen.

Then ... William Afton, co-founder of Fazbear's, secret serial killer, elevated remnant, and all-round total jerk ... stalked into the kitchen with a sour expression on his face. Without looking at either one of the duo, the purple-suited man walked across the kitchen to a chest-of-drawers.

He then pulled a drawer open, grabbed a carving knife from within, and turned to face the duo. William then sighed, and walked towards the kitchen table.

The man reached it, and sat down in a chair, in front of one of the pumpkins. William was currently in a semi-corporeal ghostly state at the moment ... which meant that he could be touched and touch things, to a degree.

A now rather nervous Gregory quietly slipped into a seat at the table, opposite William. The boy's pumpkin was slightly smaller, and already had a knife lying beside it.

A craft knife though, not a carving knife. The ghostly serial killer scowled across at the youth, but then sighed in resignation.

"I guess that I might as well carve a pumpkin, because we'll need at least one good one. I doubt if the brat's parents ever taught him how to do a proper pumpkin", he said, rather snidely.

Gregory's nervous changed instantly into a fierce glare at that!

"Actually, I do! Mum showed me pumpkin carving techniques yesterday!" he said angrily. The young boy hated it whenever William made cruel jibes and mocking words about his parent-less past.

And what was worse, was that the purple-suited man kept on doing it! The two guys glared at each other venomously, their enmity against each other plain to see!

Gregory's mother frowned at the ferocious glares.

"I'm warning you", she said coolly. "Both of you! Play nicely together. Behave ... or else! You know what comes then, don't you?" Vanessa then tapped a water pistol, which was strapped to her security guard belt; meaningfully.

She'd established a very important rule weeks ago about bad behaviour in her house. Anyone in the house who was caught misbehaving got squirted with Vanessa's water pistol.

Gregory had learnt quickly after a couple of squirts, but then again; he was a good boy at heart. It was William who seemingly couldn't learn!

The first time the ghostly serial killer had got blasted with the water pistol, he'd thrown a loud, whiny tantrum immediately afterwards! After ten minutes of incessant ranting from William about getting water on his precious purple suit, Vanessa had had enough!

The blonde woman quickly left the kitchen, and soon returned with a whole BUCKET of water! She then tipped the whole bucket of water over William's head, and asked the now spluttering spectre whether he was going to behave or not.

This incident instantly elevated Vanessa to "Best Mom in the Whole World" status in Gregory's eyes! William had been in a silent, shaking rage for the rest of that day ... but he'd never thrown a tantrum openly since!

The aforementioned man immediately turned and shot the boy's mother a scowl.

"Are you seriously going to squirt that kiddie toy at me again?" William growled, narrowing his eyes in an intimidating state.

"I'm a full-grown adult for god's sake, not a bleeding toddler!" Gregory flinched slightly at the harshness of the stare, but Vanessa wasn't even fazed.

"I will only treat you like a 'fully-grown adult', when you start behaving like one!"she replied sternly. The ghostly serial killer scowled again, but silently and reluctantly turned back to his pumpkin.

He then started the carving, not looking at the blonde woman behind him. Gregory smiled in admiration at his mother, before turning to do the same.

Vanessa sighed as she leaned on a kitchen cupboard, keeping an eye on the boy's carving. Enforcing that rule on William felt very therapeutic for Vanessa, every time actually.

It was understandable really; given what William had put her through as his puppet: 'Vanny'. Otherwise, it was a bit annoying having the former serial killer living in their house.

Kind of like having a fox lodging with some chickens in a henhouse.

Vote and comment if you liked it! 👍 The second part will come this evening, just in time for the main Halloween celebrations! 😈🎃

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