23. A Gift
If Mingi's and Yunho's gazes had been lingering before, they were downright stuck to each other by now. Every time they passed each other, their shoulders or tails brushed in greeting. Secretive smiles underlined coy eye contact. Their little blossoming love was private between the two of them, untouched by even San and his bold advances. After the number of reassurances Mingi had got from Yunho, his envy stayed well put in the pandora's box deep inside his heart he had sealed it in. Whenever San hooked his arm around that of the prince or kissed his cheek, only to glance over at Mingi to relish in his reaction, Mingi stayed confident.
Mingi had lost count of all the instances Yunho had proved his devotion to Mingi. Kindness that surpassed his usual sociable behaviour, moments of being together in seconds of intimate tension that left both of them yearning for more.
And while it was scary and Mingi still feared treading into the territory of inexperience, he trusted Yunho to guide him.
After yet another day of no pixie incident, the palace inhabitants allowed their shoulders to slacken the barest bit. For the moment, their eerie guards on nightmarish horses that patrolled the town alleys at night scared off the pixie killer. Each day, they searched for their hideout and received the reports of the townspeople. The pixie was trapped under tight surveillance.
On some days like that day, Yunho joined the hunting troupe. Mingi once more got left in his room on a free day to sigh over his romance novels and thumb at his gradually sharpening horns. Some of the books held romantic scenes that Mingi yearned to try with Yunho. They spoke of kisses under snow, of sitting under the stars together, and of making breakfast for each other. While the last barely counted since Mingi brought him breakfast every day anyway, his heart fluttered at the sweet imaginations it fed into his brain.
Mingi's favourite were the scenes that bordered just shy on intimate content. He liked the idea of long sessions of making out lazily. The idea of sitting on Yunho's lap to kiss him alone had Mingi hide his grin on his pillow.
When he heard Yunho's group returning downstairs, Mingi shoved his book underneath his pillow and rolled off his bed to greet the man. The initial excitement over their every return had settled by now. Today, too, the princes returned with empty hands. San excused himself first to dip into the kitchen and save his body from starvation.
Yunho joined Mingi on the stairs with a private smile. They walked alongside each other in the gallery. As soon as they were out of sight from the bustling crowd in the mighty foyer, Yunho's hand searched for Mingi's. Their pinkies linked when Yunho quickened his step. A moment later they jumped up the stairs, taking two at a time while they tried not to giggle too loudly. Mingi pressed his hand to his mouth so his euphoria wouldn't spill as he ran to keep up with Yunho.
The prince threw the door to his quarters open and spun Mingi around. The moment Mingi crashed into his arms, Yunho's back connected with the door to throw it shut. Their giggles burst over their lips without another second of waiting. Yunho leaned his forehead against Mingi's as they laughed, amused by their secrecy where none was needed.
Laughing with Yunho like this was precious.
Mingi hiccuped around his last heave, making both of them break out in smiles again. They still stood wrapped around each other, bodies aligned as they relished the touch of their skin. Neither of them minded the grip of Yunho's sword digging into their sides.
"Are you in a good mood, Your Highness?" Mingi's eyes never left Yunho's as his hands fiddled with the clasps holding his armour to his shoulders. As if he had to memorise his features, Yunho stared back. Gradually, more of his grey and black skin got exposed as Mingi undressed him.
"I am. As we returned to the mountain, I suddenly remembered that you would be here waiting for me and I couldn't help my joy."
Even as Mingi fought his smile, he couldn't help how it tugged on the corners of his mouth.
"I was bored all day, too, waiting for you to return." Mingi purposefully dragged his knuckles down Yunho's lean chest as he unclasped the last strap. Yunho's eyebrows quirked; then he squeezed Mingi's hips before he allowed him to step back.
The simplest of touches from the prince had Mingi's body sing for him. He adored Yunho with all of his heart, even as he had to distance himself to put the armour aside to clean. Today, too, no blood stuck to it, but Mingi dreaded the day it would. Yeosang had already advised him to keep a stash of the utensils ready.
"Since you had to wait for me, I have a present for you. Will you allow me to put it on you?" Yunho dug out a little box he had stored in the little chest under his bed. Curious about the hidden present, Mingi tilted his head. The excited swish of his tail gave his interest away.
"What is it?"
"Another piercing. I picked it specifically for you to wear. Accept it as a gift for our togetherness?"
Mingi's mouth dropped open in awe. Then he drew his brows together.
"But I have nothing for you."
"I think you do, but I will demand that later. For now, let me?" Yunho sat down on the bed, the box ready and waiting in his slender fingers. With a nod, Mingi came closer. Naturally, their tails found each other as Yunho shyly lifted the ornately decorated golden casket to present it to Mingi.
Mingi's fingertips trembled as they peeled open the tiny hatch. Inside, a velvety black cushion and the shining new piece of jewellery greeted him.
With wide eyes, Mingi took it in, too shy to even touch it.
The silver pendant was shaped like an oval. Filigree twirling metal held a shining green gemstone that exuded an air of strength and vitality. It was gorgeous, prettier than anything Mingi had ever seen. In it, he believed to see the flames of a fire dancing, even far away from Yunho's dragon-shaped fireplace.
"I had this made from the gemstones found in the mines of this very volcano. It's meant to keep you happy and fend off all those negative thoughts in your head," Yunho explained quietly, his voice unobtrusive at Mingi's wonder.
"It's magnificent," Mingi breathed. At his agreement, another grin snuck onto Yunho's lips. His face lit up with glee.
"I'm happy you like it."
When Yunho tilted the box towards Mingi in a quiet request for Mingi to take the pendant, he humbly did. With great care, he held the object while Yunho set down the casket on the ground.
Once more, Yunho's hands found Mingi's hips. They just rested there, spreading warmth through his shirt.
After another minute of marvelling, Mingi handed the piercing back over. Timid, his fingers pulled on his shirt to lift it the barest bit over his skin.
"Put it in for me?"
Yunho nodded a tad bit too quickly. His fingers patted the bed next to him, and Mingi crawled on it without a second of hesitation.
His pulse thumped against his ribcage. Even more than last time, Mingi was keenly aware of Yunho's proximity and his heavy eyes on Mingi. They made Mingi bashful and had him feel powerful and desired at the same time.
Mingi pulled his shirt up over his stomach, showing off the entirely healed piercing. Before Yunho took it out, he thumbed at it, watching it twinkle in Mingi's skin.
Exchanging the piercing didn't hurt. Mingi's skin had healed over nicely, and he barely noticed a difference. The only factor was the cool metal now resting on his skin, shifting with every clench of his muscles.
Once Yunho pulled his hands back from Mingi, Mingi ogled himself with a soft gasp of appreciation. He had become even prettier, the piercing in his skin matching him so wonderfully well.
"Gorgeous," Yunho commented, too. Mingi nearly teared up, too overwhelmed by appreciation. When he abruptly sat up, the piercing fell over his navel, tickling on the soft skin below.
Yunho's eyes flinched from Mingi's stomach up to his eyes when the servant was so close suddenly. For a moment longer, Mingi listened to his rushing heartbeat, tried to breathe through his senses that felt everything at once.
The skin on Yunho's nape was warm when Mingi slipped his hand there.
For a moment, he gulped, gathering all of his courage. Then he leaned in.
"Thank you," he whispered against Yunho's lips before brushing them in a hesitant kiss.
Mingi didn't know how kissing worked, only having read about it in books. He couldn't imagine there being a lot to it since it was merely lips on lips. And yet, the first touch of their mouths together already sent a shock wave of devotion and affection through Mingi's body. Petrified, he sat there, just concentrating on Yunho pressing back gently.
His inexperience was evident. Trembling fingers dug into Yunho's shoulder, searching for support. When Yunho reached out to cradle Mingi's second hand in his, Mingi held onto him in panic.
Tails intertwined on the sheets behind them, Yunho pulled back the barest bit. Their eyes fluttered open, searching for each other through the veil of their bashfulness.
"Are you sure you want to-"
Before Yunho could continue, Mingi nodded hastily.
Yunho didn't need him to say more. Long lashes fluttered shut once more when the prince tilted his head to kiss Mingi again. The second flash of heat that hit Mingi was even sweeter than the first. Relieved, he exhaled when some tension fell off him.
Yunho's lips kissed in no hurry. They left Mingi the time to get accustomed to their slow demand, brushing little kisses all over his lips. Yunho's free hand came up to cradle Mingi's jaw in a feathery light touch, providing the most courteous guidance and soft brushes of his fingers on Mingi's skin.
Sensitive, Mingi shuddered at every movement as if zapped by lightning. His heart nearly jumped from his chest with how thrilled it was, and he found his second hand letting go of Yunho's soon to slip into the man's hair and card through it smoothly. Heavenly soft to the touch, it wrapped around his fingers.
Mingi's position was uncomfortable. His waist strained with how he twisted it to face Yunho, but he feared to break their spell if he moved. The honeyed taste of Yunho's kisses distracted him, but not when the ache became more insistent.
When an idea popped into Mingi's head, he pulled back shyly from Yunho. The man's kiss lingered on his lips, making them tingle as if tiny spirits danced on them.
Yunho regarded him, his warm eyes filled with adoration even when Mingi meekly peered at their tails.
"Can I... Can I sit on your lap?"
"Of course," Yunho purred at him. His arms opened, body welcoming for Mingi.
Mingi nearly moved too hastily, but he remembered to place his knee carefully so he wouldn't hurt the prince. Once settled on Yunho's lap, his hands went back to thread through Yunho's hair. Like this, they had about the same height.
"Comfortable?" Yunho's eyes shone. Gentle hands wrapped around Mingi's waist once more.
Mingi nodded with a sheepish grin. When Yunho moved in again, he was ready to receive the man, eyes slipping shut at yet another pleasant kiss.
Mingi copied Yunho. He imitated the same devoted movements with his own lips, soon understanding the dynamic to it. And once he got it, it was the sweetest pleasure. Their lips moulded with each other as if the deities had shaped them to do just that. Yunho worshipped Mingi's plusher lips, sucking on the full flesh until a moan rumbled in Mingi's chest.
Mingi's head was left spinning, but his entire existence basked in the sensations. The feeling of Yunho's body between his thighs and his secure grip on Mingi's waist turned his mind into mush. The only thought that still counted was dedicated to their kisses.
When the next whine tumbled from Mingi's lips, Yunho had to smile. The notion made Mingi smile, too, their teeth nearly clacking. Chuckling, Yunho pulled back a bit, leaving Mingi's lips wanting and chasing for more. After yet another peck, Yunho held him in place to look at him.
Their lidded eyes found only content with each other.
No words passed between them before they surged in again. Mingi lost all sense of time as he sat there, falling apart in bliss under Yunho's ministrations. He didn't know when they landed in the sheets, didn't know how long he spent caged under Yunho's arms as they shared lazy kisses. All he knew was pure happiness and that he never wanted to let go again.
Night had already fallen when they finally let off each other. Yunho laid down on his back, exhausted from holding himself up for so long. Mingi had huddled into his side happily, his head cushioned by a pillow on Yunho's arm.
In the dark of Yunho's room, Mingi's whisper was filled with satisfaction.
"Now, what do you want me to give you in return for the piercing?"
Yunho chuckled and pressed a kiss to Mingi's forehead.
"You just gave it to me."
They fell asleep together in Yunho's bed, unbothered by all that was going on outside of their protective realm.
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