Chapter 12: Dinner
It felt like the wind had just been knocked out of you. Your day was going fine until your run in with Floch. Now, your mind swirled with unanswered questions and a hint of irritation. You tried to focus on the stove and drown out the distant laughter from the squad in the garden.
You washed a fresh cut of steak in the sink and placed it on the cutting board. The fact that Floch was probably going to eat this meal made you want to spit on it. Of course you wouldn't but it was just a fleeting thought.
What a fucking prick. You thought to yourself. Honesty if Floch hated you this much then why didn't he just leave? You got the feeling that the boy was definitely up to something. But what?
The front door swung open, it was Eren. Strangely enough, you were actually glad to see him after your conversation with Floch.
"Hey, I think we may need some of your help."
"What happened?" You chuckled, turning off the stove and meeting Eren by the door.
"Connie kinda let the cows out." He said, leading you outside. You were met with a hilarious sight, it was just what you needed after such a tense encounter. Connie, Armin and Jean chased after the roaming cows in the field as Levi scolded them. Mikasa carried a heavy feeding sack over shoulders and Floch... Well, let's just ignore Floch.
Levi jogged over to you, sweat smeared across his forehead. "I apologize, these brats can't even do one simple task."
"It's okay, honestly it's quite entertaining watching them run after the cows." You giggled.
"Until they lose them in the forest." Levi grimaced. "Oi! You idiots hurry up!"
"I got it." You interjected, taking a few steps out into the field and whistling with two fingers in your mouth. The cows galloped towards you and you led them back into their fenced area.
Levi and Eren glanced at each other with raised brows.
"Good girl." You smiled, rubbing one of the cows.
Levi walked over to you, shielding his eyes from the sun with a hand. You could see his cheeks were already starting to burn. "They listen to you huh." He said, leaning on the fence.
"It took some practice but they've finally gotten the hang of it." You replied.
"If only I could get these kids to listen to me that fast." He sighed, looking out into the field.
You stepped out of the gate and stood beside him, bumping his shoulder. "You sound like a stressed out father."
"I feel like one sometimes."
"Oh I can tell." You chuckled.
"Is it that obvious?"
"You're not one for subtleties Levi."
His blue eyes flicked in your direction. "Coming from you?"
You scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?"
He glanced around to make sure no one was close before whispering in your ear. "You weren't very subtle when you were begging me to fuck you."
Your back straightened and your eyes beamed at him. Levi just looked forward and acted as if he didn't just say something outta pocket.
"Using my own words against me... That's crude, Captain."
"Then don't say anything worth mocking."
You were stunned, Levi kept his lips tucked and tried not to laugh. You were starting to notice his playful side in little bits and pieces.
You lightly slapped his arm. "Remember I'm the one cooking your food today. Keep teasing me and I might stick a nail in your soup."
"Oh really?"
"Yes." You pouted.
"Should I sleep with one eye open tonight too?"
"That's if you don't choke and die by nightfall."
Levi coughed out a laugh, caught off guard by your morbid humor. "You and your empty threats."
"You're terribly mistaken to think my threats are empty."
He glanced at your lips before trailing his gaze back up to your eyes. That's when you decided to stand up straight, pushing yourself off the fence and slicing the tension.
"You still have some work to do." You chuckled, nudging your chin in the direction of the crops.
Levi stood up and walked past you, casually running a hand over your ass. "Then the reward better be good." He muttered.
Once again, your spine sat upright and your face flushed with red. You watched the man walk away like nothing happened. Levi had a really dry and particularly vulgar sense of humor so it was hard to tell when he was joking with you, especially when it came to sex. But regardless of the intent, his little comment made you feel aroused. However, part of you started to feel ashamed about said arousal.
Floch's words echoed in your head.
"Every mission, the boys always find some wench to sleep with."
"You're just another one of those whores."
"It's a matter of time before you go one by one, fucking the entire squad."
"He's just happy he got to fuck some girl."
You quickly blinked to snap out of your guilt trip and ignore Floch's taunts, but it posed a challenge. Before, you really weren't ashamed about having sex with Levi. You were enjoying each other's body's, it was consensual and secret. But now, with the stress of prying eyes, you couldn't help but judge yourself.
You started to hear a voice echo in your head. "Oi... Oi Miss.Y/n."
"Huh?" You muttered, only to realize that the voice was coming from an actual person. You were so deep in thought that you hadn't noticed Mikasa standing right in front of you.
You shook your head. "My apologies, yes?"
"We're all done with the left side of the yard. Is there anything else you would like us to do?"
Your brain felt a little foggy. "Uh... Um. Sure just... The seeds on the right side need to be watered and that's it. Don't stress." You flashed a weak smile.
Mikasa studied your demeanor. "Okay Miss... But, if you don't mind me asking, are you okay?"
You widened your eyes. "Me? Oh yeah I'm fine. No worries. The sun just makes me tired." You said through a fake laugh.
Mikasa didn't seem too convinced but she also didn't want to press you any longer.
Honestly, Floch's insults were really starting to eat at your self esteem more than you'd thought. No one likes being called a "whore"... well, at least not when it's in an antagonizing manner. Levi had already called you such filthy names but you knew the context. He was just horny and playful.
Floch on the other hand... well he obviously wasn't horny nor playful.
He was just a cunt.
You went back into the kitchen to finish cooking which honestly served you with some much needed peace. If you'd stayed out in that hot sun any longer, around Floch... you might've snapped.
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The sun reached its peak around midday and the squad helped you set the table. The clouds were beginning to darken as the summer heat reduced its strength, thankfully.
Levi's cheeks were burnt red but of course he acted like he didn't feel any pain. Much to his protests, you whipped up a quick natural remedy with aloe leaf for his sunburn. Apparently he always wore a hooded poncho over his uniform on missions which helped him not fry himself under the blazing heat. Although, the poncho in question was yet to be found.
Everyone gathered around the wooden table and took their seats. Akin to last time, Levi and you sat on your respective tail ends of the table with a clear view of the other. Eren sat to your left with Mikasa beside him. Across from you was Jean, Connie, and Floch. Hanji was up by Levi along with Armin.
Nine people, one roof, in enemy territory... What could go wrong?
"This... looks... fucking amazing Y/n." Hanji buzzed, staring at the array of food across the table. Everyone let out a little chuckle before the pony tailed woman covered her mouth and whispered. "Excuse my language."
You waved a hand. "No need for such manners. If only you've heard my own dirty mouth."
Levi snorted a laugh to himself which caught the attention of everyone at the table. Your face got hot, you knew exactly why he was laughing.
"I'm assuming the captain has heard her dirty mouth before. Am I wrong Miss. Y/n?" Floch said, feigning innocence.
The table got oddly silent besides the sound of a few awkward coughs. Eren folded his lips so tight because he knew that you'd fucking kill him if he so generously decided to share a laugh.
Levi flicked his eyes at Floch then back at you, worming his thin black brows together into a straight line.
"I think we've heard enough of your mouth, Floch. Y/n, thank you for the meal. Oi, you brats." He jutted his chin at you and the squad got the memo.
"Thank you!" They said in unison.
Levi gave you a glance but honestly it was worth a thousand words. It was like he was secretly trying to tell you something. It seemed like he'd caught on quickly to your weird tension with Floch. The man wasn't stupid, his eyes were screaming, what the hell did I miss?
You cleared your throat. "You guys are always welcome. Let's not waste time and dig in shall we."
The group began serving themselves and passing around the platters. In the center rested three large cuts of steak, topped with garlic, parsley, and a plethora of tasty spices. Down the line were potatoes, creamy pasta, steamed veggies and salads. And to wash it all down was a tall glass pitcher of lemonade. You were even proud of yourself for cooking something this delicious.
Eren elbowed you. "When are we gonna make you our official chef?" He said with a mouthful of food.
You looked at him with a mixture of disgust and endearment.
"Oh shit sorry I should probably chew first." He chuckled. You giggled and handed him a napkin. Floch rolled his eyes from across the table which wasn't descreate enough to go unseen by you.
"She's gotta meet Niccolo." Hanji said, taking a sip of lemonade.
"Who's Niccolo?" You asked, sort of struggling to pronounce his name.
"He's this insanely good military chef we met in Marley. You guys would get along." Jean chimed in.
"He's from Marley?"
"Mhm. I'm surprised you haven't met him."
"Dude, she obviously doesn't know every fucking citizen in Marley." Eren laughed, earning a few snickers from the rest of the table.
Jean scoffed. "Hey I didn't know if the circles run small here okay."
"This country is like ten times the size of Paradise." Connie added.
"You know I suck at geography."
"Yeah... we know." Eren threw back.
You all giggled over your food. When you looked up, you noticed Levi had eyes on you but quickly plucked them away as soon as you caught him. You flashed a smirk and refused to remove your gaze, you waited for him to notice.
The man slowly brought his eyes back up from his plate and met yours. It felt like there was no one else in that room besides you two. And if that was the case, you'd have your hands all over each other. You put your fork to your mouth and took a bite of your food, all while slowly, and intentionally, pulling the utensil from your pressed lips. You didn't break your gaze with him.
It was just a light tease. He began to focus his attention on your lips which was your plan considering the obvious fork gimmick.
Eren kicked your leg under the table and you snapped out of your daze with Levi.
"What?" You said with annoyance in your voice.
"She was asking you something."
He gestured to Mikasa and you immediately gave her your full attention when you noticed her shy expression.
"Do you think... I could have some of your recipes?"
You perked up and wiped your lips with a napkin. "Yes! No problem, I'd be happy to."
The timid girl began to relax, her eyes widening. "Thank you Y/n."
You gave her a nod and smile, the two of you started to engage in an idle chat. Although, the room grew quiet when Connie simply uttered the words, "Sasha would've loved this..."
Everyone grew silent and looked down, even Levi. You were the only one with your eyes raised as you scanned their faces.
Who's Sasha? You thought to yourself, of course you wouldn't just blurt that out because you assumed it was a sensitive topic. Considering their situation as soldiers, you made the conclusion that she was probably one who died in battle.
"She was killed by your people." Floch interrupted. Everyone snapped a gaze at him who's posture was stiff and filled with anger.
"Oi... Floch." Levi eyed the boy with one of those sharp looks.
Floch gritted his teeth. "Am I wrong?"
"This isn't the time for such a comment." Hanji added.
"Am I wrong?" He repeated, this time with clear animosity in his voice.
You felt your chest tighten up.
"Yes, Sasha was shot by someone from Marley, but that doesn't have anything to do with Y/n. She could've outed us to the authorities but she didn't. She let us in her home, Floch." Eren said.
The red haired boy scoffed. "I knew it... You guys just don't see it do you. You all sit here and laugh with her like she's your friend. She's got you all fooled. Do you even know who her brothers are?"
Levi raised his voice. "That's enough."
"I'm not finished."
There was an audible gasp from everyone at the table. You had to be an idiot to talk back to Levi in such a way.
"Yes you are, kid." The man ordered.
"You don't want to hear the truth, do you, captain?"
Levi's eyes showed a faint curiosity, but he knew it wasn't the time. "I already told you... that's enough."
The boy didn't stop, no, he couldn't stop. "Remember that duo of soldiers who bombed us repeatedly? The real sadistic fuckers who even took some of our own as prisoners. The ones who couldn't stop smiling at our bloodshed... Yeah, you all remember them right." Floch said, gesturing with his hands out into the room.
The squad begrudgingly shook their heads yes. "What does this have to do with Y/n?" Eren asked.
Your heart started to beat uncontrollably. Eren turned his head at you, worry written all over his face. He studied your expression. "Whoa, are you alright?" He said.
You gulped and Floch kept going. "Just wait for the good part... I got close to them, or at least I tried. I was able to see the surnames on their uniforms-."
"Please stop!" You cried.
"So when we showed up to this fucking whore's house, I saw the same last name on her door plate. I questioned her about it. Turns out she actually does have two brothers in the military. What are the chances..." His face contorted into a vicious sneer. "The devil's spawn has a sister."
Levi's voice was low, in one of those calm tones that veiled absolute rage. "Are you done?"
"Perhaps I should go on?"
You already had tears streaming down your face. Levi looked at you from across the table.
"Just leave her alone." Levi said, the room was silent besides your faint sniffles. Your face was burning with discomfort.
"Why should I? Oh yeah captain I forgot... She's your little prostitute... Isn't that right?"
Eren grabbed your hand beneath the table and squeezed it tight in an attempt to calm you down. The entire room glared at you then back at Levi who looked like he was about to snap Floch's neck.
"Oh... Whoa I feel like I'm missing something..." Connie blurted.
Levi stood up out of his seat. "If you have an issue with me, Floch, we can talk about it outside."
"Aw, you don't wanna embarrass her?" The boy eyed you. "I think everyone at this table already gets the picture. Right Eren?"
The brunette's hand flinched against yours. "Just shut up Floch." He grimaced.
You could see it in his eyes, Eren was already starting to feel guilty for talking to you about Levi this morning. He'd put the pieces together in his head that Floch definitely overheard that conversation.
He didn't mean to harm you. He was just joking around and teasing you about it. It was rather innocent. Eren really didn't care who you were fucking nor did he think you were a whore.
Levi's hands turned to fists by his side.
"Maybe if you weren't fucking her you'd be able to see that she's the enemy."
Your heart dropped into your stomach and your gaze hit the floor. The room went silent again. It was an awful feeling to have your business just aired out like that in front of everyone.
Levi closed his eyes for a moment to gather his thoughts and try to think through the anger he felt. When he opened his eyes, they rested in their familiar stoic expression. You genuinely couldn't even guess what was going on in his head.
"Floch... What are you getting at?" Levi said.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't play fucking stupid. You wouldn't air out all this information if you didn't have a plan."
Floch stood up. "It makes no difference if I tell you or not. It's already been set in motion. I took it upon myself to make the decision."
Now Levi was standing up. "What the hell are you talking about?"
Floch laughed to himself. "Talking about... An endless supply of fresh food. Clean beds. We can take care of each other and come back stronger."
Levi pursed his lips and stared deeply at the boy, slowly picking up on what he was alluding.
"No..." Levi declared.
"Our comrades are starving, weak, and injured. If we follow your lead we'll all end up dead. This place is perfect, it's in the middle of nowhere."
"Whoa, whoa Floch so you're essentially saying we raid her home? What the fuck man." Connie said.
"That's what this was about? Bringing up her brothers. Bringing up..." Levi paused himself, he didn't wanna make you feel even more embarrassed by saying that part. "You wanted to make her look bad to get everyone on your side about raiding her home. I fucking knew you were up to something. Do you realize how sick that is?"
Floch reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pistol, pointing it directly at you.
Levi whipped his head at Eren and the brunette knew exactly what to do. It was like they communicated in that brief, tense moment. Eren stood up and pushed you behind him. Levi would've done the same but he was on the other side of the table and didn't have the time.
Everyone was out of their seats trying to calm down the situation. It felt like you were walking on a tightrope.
"Why the hell are you protecting this girl?" He grimaced.
"Floch, put the gun down, you're not thinking straight. I know that last battle was horrific. Trust me, I know, but you need to pull yourself together." Levi said, gesturing with his hands for the boy to calm down.
He knew Floch, he was the type of guy who genuinely would shoot anyone in his way. There was a high chance he would pull that trigger.
You clung on to the back of Eren's shirt and prayed to god he wouldn't shoot.
"I shoot her, we take the farm, and regroup our comrades. You guys know I'm right." Floch said.
"You're not gonna shoot her. Put the gun down!" Levi started inching towards him, putting his hands out.
You started to worry for Eren, even though you were scared, you weren't about to let him take a bullet for you. You moved out from behind him and stood beside him. He grabbed your arm. "Y/n are you crazy!"
"Oi! Eren! Keep her behind you!" Levi ordered. The boy grabbed you by the waist but you fought his grip, fumbling around in his grasp.
"Eren stop!" You cried.
Floch put his finger on the trigger. "She lives alone, it's not like anyone's gonna miss her."
"Hey! Hey! Do not pull that trigger!" Levi exclaimed, moving over to Floch.
"Sorry Captain... But Eldia comes first."
A light gasp left your lips that was followed by the sound of a gunshot.
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