Chapter 11: Voyeur

It had become like an addiction, one that could only be cured by distance. Although, that didn't seem to be a viable option, considering the fact that you and Levi were living under the same roof for the time being.

The two of you had become remarkably addicted to sex. Absorbed in the long awaited release. You both hadn't indulged in a while and used each other's bodies to make up for lost time.

Your hands pressed against the tree while your back plateaued. Levi took his usual position behind you and had his way with your body.

You prayed that no one saw you that morning, inevitability, you would've been labeled as the town whore. But then again, no one ever roamed around your property unless they needed something from you.

Levi and you went back inside and washed up. He chuckled at you with a towel around his waist.

"What?" You pouted, exiting the shower. He stretched a hand over your head and plucked a piece of grass from your hair.

"Oh... Heh, thanks."

"Clean yourself better next time."

"Next time? So are we making garden sex a daily routine now?"

Levi smirked. "I didn't mean it like that... But if you insist."

You stepped closer to whisper in his ear. "Sounds like someone enjoyed himself out there."

He clicked his tongue and grabbed your waist to hold you in place. One hand was enough to harness your body. You weren't going to get away that easily, he mimicked your whisper. "You were moaning my name like a fucking slut. I think you were the one having the time of your life. Ah?"

You had a literal hot flash. You definitely did not expect him to get that aggressive out of nowhere, you weren't complaining though, just caught off guard.

"Well... I wanted to make sure you knew you were doing a good job." You said back, your faces were so close.

"Hmh, good."

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The frying pan sizzled a mash of scrambled eggs as Levi sliced all the vegetables.

"Could you pass me some of those onions?" You asked. Levi handed you a plate of perfectly diced white onions. You raised your brows.

"I didn't take you for a cook."

The man scoffed. "Are you surprised I can cut a vegetable?"

"Well you are good with your hands, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised," You tossed him an innocent glance.

Levi chewed at the inside of his cheek in an effort to subdue his own budding smirk. "What are you trying to say..?

"I think you know exactly what I'm trying to say."

The man snickered to himself.

You bumped him with your hip as you tended the stove.

"Oi, you trying to make me cut off my finger?" He said jokingly.

"I thought you were good with a blade. Or so I've heard."

"Heard? From?"


Levi scoffed. "I see he eventually got chatty with you."

"Yeah, he's sweet once he lightens up. We talked out there on the porch when your squad was here."

"Yeah... I saw you guys."

You cocked your head at him. "Really?"

"Mhm. Honestly, and not to dampen the mood or anything... It made me happy to see him relax with you. All of them actually. Those kids have been through so much. Seen so much shit that no one ever deserves to see. Y/n... Thank you for your kindness."

You widened your eyes. Levi looked at you with a genuinely soft expression and slightly curved his lips into a grin. He had the most adorable little smile on the planet. You got lost in those blue eyes but snapped out of it to form a response.

"I..." You paused once more, he was just so damn beautiful and that sweet look on his face wasn't helping. "Anything you guys need, anytime. You're always welcome. And I'll be here... Waiting for you."

That last sentence of yours struck a chord with him.

It really got him thinking...

Would he come back for you?

Isn't this just a hookup?

"Y/n... Are you suggesting that I-." Before the man could finish his reply, the two of you were interrupted by a hearty knock on the front door.

You jolted and looked at each other then at the door.

"Were you expecting anyone?" He asked, you shook your head no. That's when you heard a slew of familiar voices holler. "It's us! Y/n are you home! Hello?"

"Speak of the devil." Levi muttered, you let out a giggle.

It was the squad.

You shifted for the door when Levi waved his hand. "I'll get it, focus on the food. We're gonna need a lot of it." He said. You watched him walk away and a certain thought crossed your mind. You were still interested in what he was going to say. Would you ever learn what laid at the end of his sentence?

You replayed his words in your head,

"Y/n... Are you suggesting that I-."

Damnit, what was he going to say?

Levi let the group inside. They wore casual attire, the type you'd usually see in town. It was clear that they were trying to blend in.

There were two other people with them that you hadn't met before. One was a red haired boy who looked about the same age as Eren. The other was a woman who appeared about Levi's age and wore an eyepatch. Age seemed to be the only thing they had in common in regards to looks... she was much taller than the captain.

The red haired boy gave you a cold glare before sitting down with the rest of the group. You knitted your brows together and threw him back the same exact glare, except yours had a hint of confusion.

Don't try to give me an attitude under my own roof.

"Hanji?" Levi said under his breath standing in front of the tall woman. He looked shocked... and relieved. You turned your attention towards them. She had a wide grin on her face when she laid eyes on him.

"Levi!" She exclaimed, and thrashed her arms around him. The man gritted his teeth and tried to pull away but Hanji only hugged him tighter.

"Oi! You shithead, calm down." He grumbled, his head sat right against her boobs as she squeezed the life out of him.

You snickered quietly.

The cheery woman finally let go and Levi stepped away to get a good look at her.

"I thought you were-."

"Dead?" She interrupted.

"Yeah... I could've sworn I saw you die in that explosion." He said.

"Oh Levi, it will take a lot more than that to get rid of me. And as for yourself... I thought you were dead. But it seems you found yourself a guardian angel." The two of them glanced at you, although Levi appeared a bit bashful.

Hanji walked over to you and stretched out a hand. "Zoe Hanji. Nice to meet you. The kids told me so much about you."

You felt a little nervous but shook her hand regardless. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Y/n."

"Thanks for taking care of Levi by the way. I know he's not the most friendly individual. Nevertheless, I hope you were still able to make him lighten up." She smiled.

A blush ran across your face.

We've literally been fucking for two days straight.

"Oh um... Yeah... I think we've been enjoying each other's company." You laughed nervously and scratched the back of your neck.

"I'm glad."

You could see Levi awkwardly tense up in the distance. If the group had arrived just an hour ago, they would've walked in on you two having sex in the garden.

Yeah... It seemed that luck was on your side.

Eren met you by the stove. "What's up with you?" He asked, lightly kicking your ankle.

"What do you mean... I'm fine." You replied, looking back down at the pan.

Eren leaned in, his towering frame was devouring compared to yours. "Your face is red as fuck."

You whipped your head at him. "Excuse me?"

He chuckled. "You know what I'm talking about."

"No I don't. Stop being such a cryptic little shit and spit it out."

"Are you sure you want me to say it?" He said, glancing at Levi then back at you.

You rolled your eyes. "Just say it."

"Fine." Eren moved in to whisper against your ear. "I saw you out there... What's it like doing it in the great outdoors?"

Your heart absolutely plummeted into the pit of your stomach. Your eyes bugged out of your head.

Eren moved away and looked you up and down. "Don't worry, I was the only one who caught it. I didn't say anything to the others."

"How did... When were you even here earlier?" You stammered.

"They sent me to go check if you were home. I was by the edge of the forest when I saw you guys going at it like animals. I just turned around and headed back. I didn't wanna interrupt the moment."

You had a bad taste in your mouth. "Can you just... forget you saw anything? Please. And if you say something about this I swear to fucking god-."

He threw his hands up in surrender. "Hey, I'm not gonna say anything. It's already forgotten and see, I'm throwing away the key." He gestured to zip his lips and flick away an imaginary key.

You clenched your jaw as Eren's eyes felt so... invasive. Like he was imagining you naked in his head. "Can you stop looking at me like that?" You said sharply under your breath.

"Why? You think I'm picturing you nude?"

"Eren shut up." You snapped.

"They can't hear our conversation."

"You never know just... Let's change the subject. Why are you guys even here anyways? I don't mean that in a rude way I'm just curious. Did something happen?"

Eren sighed. "A lot happened. We met up with any remaining Paradis scouts we could find. We all made a hideout in the city and started on formulating a plan. There's still a good number of us left. We came here to inform the captain of our next plan of attack. That's why we brought the commander as well. She's the woman with the eye patch. Her and the captain go way back."

"Well I can certainly tell. They seem close." You said, eyeing the pair. They sat by the table and chatted, she was probably filling him in on everything. Levi looked very focused with a serious aura about him, more serious than usual.

"You jealous?" Eren blurted.

"Jealous of what exactly? Levi and I aren't even together."

"I know, I'm just screwing with you."

"Use a better word than screwing please."

"Aw, does it remind you of how you got screwed in the garden this mor-."

You stepped on his foot before he could finish. "I'm gonna fucking kill you."

"Looks like your wholesome country girl act is starting to wear off. Might need to recharge."

"You are pushing a very fine line, kid."

"Kid? You know I'm only like a few years younger than you? Five years maximum, I'm calling it."

"Well you certainly have the irritability of a kid."

Eren chuckled and pretended to be offended. "Ouch, anyways, we also got caught by Marleyian military police back at the hideout."

You raised your brows. "Holy shit, is everyone okay?"

"Yeah. Luckily the odds were in our favor. We had to kill him before he killed us. Word still managed to get out that there were Island Devils in town though."

"Yeah, I saw some MPs putting up ransom posters at the plaza."

"Those bastards are getting desperate."

"Clearly, just try to lay low. Stay out of trouble."

"You think I'm a troublemaker?"

You gave him a deadpanned look. "Yes."

"Hey, if I wanted to cause some trouble I would've told everyone about you and the captain. Unless you want me to?" He teased.

For god sakes that boy was lucky he was cute.

"Eren I will chop your hand off with this knife if you do so much as to utter a word about it."

"I was just asking for your permission. But I still can't help but wonder. Are you guys into each other or something? Or just hooking up for the fun?"

"It's really not your business."

"I know, I'm just being nosy."

The truth was, you didn't even know the answer to that question yourself. You didn't want to be naive and act like there was some sort of feelings between you two when you'd only known each other for a brief amount of time. You wanted to be mature about it. But you couldn't help but wonder what Levi thought of you. Did he even care? Probably not, and you couldn't blame him either. He was a man with a lot on his mind, you assumed that you were only relieving his stress. He'd probably forget about you...

Eren was still waiting for an answer as he tapped his finger against the kitchen counter.

You gave him a staunch glare. "I'm not going to continue discussing this with you. Levi and I are just... grown adults doing adult things, kay? End of story."

"So there's no feelings?"


"Sorry, sensitive topic." He smirked and walked away.

That little brat. Levi was right... He is a pain in the ass.

Speaking of the captain, when he finished his talk with Hanji, he made his way back over to you and leaned against the counter.

"Hey." He said.

"Um... Hey?" You could tell there was something on his mind.

"Will it be a bother if they stay for a few hours? They haven't eaten an actual meal in days."

You smiled and gave the man your full attention. "It's definitely not a bother. I like the company. But..."

Levi raised his brows.

"On one condition. I get to put you guys to work."

"What's the job?" He chuckled.

"Well, I haven't gone outside yet and tended the livestock. There's still also a few more crops that need watering. So here's the deal, I'll cook a big delicious meal while you guys head outside and do a few favors for me? Hm?"

"Sounds simple enough. Although, I don't think these kids have ever worked on a farm before so this should be interesting."

You cocked up an eyebrow. "Have you?"

"I've taken up various jobs in my lifetime."

"You make it sound so suspicious."

"The people I worked for definitely were."

"I get more and more curious about you by the day Levi."

"If your food is good enough, I'll tell you a little bit about myself."

"Oh I'll even take meal requests. That's if you guys can get your jobs done." You said, tapping his chest, your fingers slowly dragged across his collar bones.

"Is this another challenge?" He asked, looking down at you.

"Yes Captain."

"Then I accept."

The two of you turned to the side only to see that everyone was staring at you guys. As soon as you made eye contact, they turned away and went back into idle chitchat, besides Eren of course. He was trying so hard not to laugh.

You realized how close you and Levi were to each other, your hands were on his chest and you stepped away, clearing your throat.

"Um... Anyways. The watering cans are in the bathroom. Also all the feed for the livestock is in the shed. The bags are marked for each animal."

Levi nodded and started to walk away when you remembered there was actually something you really wanted to ask him. You grabbed his forearm. "Wait."

He turned around. "What is it?"

"Before they came to the door. You were about to say something to me. Can you tell me now?"

Levi's eyes glinted as if he were remembering that interaction. "I forgot." He said, and kept walking.

You stood there, dumbfounded, maybe even a little disappointed. Was he lying or did he really forget?

"It was literally like five minutes ago." You added.

Levi turned his head to the side where you could only see half of his face. "And I'm telling you I forgot." A hint of irritation in his voice. The man walked away and gathered his group outside.

You were confused. Why did that simple question get on his nerves?

Did I cross a line?

You folded your arms over your chest and headed back to the stove. You felt kind of stupid.

I'm reality... Levi just didn't want to tell you what he was going to say. He was going to say. "Y/n, are you suggesting that I come back to you?"

Suggesting that he... fall for you.

And Levi was scared of that. Scared that this was more than a hookup.

The front door shut and you assumed that everyone had gone outside, but there was one other person in the room... that red haired boy. He stood there glaring at you from across the room.

You flicked your eyes at him then focused back on cutting the vegetables. "Can I help you?" You blurted.

He walked towards you and you forced yourself to refrain from giving him any attention. He stood only a few feet away.

"Okay... this is getting weird." You said, furrowing your brows and finally turning all the way around.

He looked at you in disgust, like he wanted to spit in your face. Eyes gone narrow.

"Can I help you?" You asked with a light hearted chuckle, assuming the boy was just in a bad mood. But your playful attitude only seemed to irritate him even more.

"You're no angel." He finally says, scowling at you.

"I never said I was." You throw back.

"You walk around as if you think you are."

He takes a step closer and you scoot away a bit only to remember that there's no more space and you're leaning against the stove.

You look him up and down, trying to search for any hint of aggression. He was taller than you, and a soldier, and you two were alone right now.

You gulped and pretended to mask your worries.

"So that's all you wanted to tell me? I won't lie, a little anticlimactic don't you think?"

Why the actual fuck did I just say that? Y/n shut up before you actually piss him off.

He gritted his teeth and got even closer. "You're the worst of the worst..." He started. "A slut, and Marleyian trash."

Your eyes widened and a quiet gasp escaped your lips. He noticed your slight panic and absolutely relished in it.

"You people treated us like cattle for years. Do you even know what it's like to watch your best friends get eaten by monsters? You fuckers sent them into the walls, one after another. You don't know anything about what it was like. What we had to go through."

The boy continued. "Do you really think I'm that fucking stupid to trust a bitch like you? You're one of them, no matter what. What makes it worse is that you've got the captain fooled more than anyone else."

You felt a slight pang in your chest and you gripped the rim of the stove.

"What are you... trying to say?"

He let out a chuckle. "You don't think I heard your little conversation with Eren?"

Your heart echoed in your ears and you clenched your jaw.

He continued. "You've got the captain wrapped around your finger. No matter how strong a man is, he'll always have a weakness for sex, isn't that right Y/n..."

He looked you up and down. "You're a whore."

"Excuse me?"

"You and I both know that you are. The captain knows it too. What guy wouldn't take advantage of being alone with a woman in the middle of nowhere."

Now you were getting irritated. At first you were embarrassed that another person knew about what you'd been doing. But that embarrassment quickly turned into anger once he started insulting you.

"So what's your point? You just came in here to shame me?" You said, stretching your arms out and letting them hit against your thighs.

He completely dodges your question. "Let's keep this conversation confidential, shall we?"


"I know you won't just give me your silence for free." You said.

"You're right... I guess I'm not as kind as Eren. I atleast have my head screwed on right. I can see right through your bullshit. You'll see soon enough what it is I want from you."

What is he getting at?

"What could you possibly want from me? What? you wanna fuck me too?"

He scoffed. "So Eren was right. That wholesome country girl shit really was an act."

You crossed your arms over your chest. "No, you guys just haven't pissed me off yet. I'm nice until you get under my skin. I don't understand what your whole goal is. Who the fuck even are you?"

The boy looked at you with empty eyes and a sly grin over his lips. "I'm the guy who's going to make your life miserable."

You gulped and looked away, ignoring his threat. "Who are you?" You repeated.

"Ask your brothers. Oh wait, have you forgotten about them while you were too busy slutting yourself for the captain?"

"Watch your mouth."

He moved even closer. "Your brothers killed half of our soldiers. They didn't show any remorse. It was vile."

"I don't know anything about what they do in war... How do you even know if those are my brothers?"

"Their last names... L/n right?"

You gasped. "How did you know?"

"As soon as I walked in your house I saw the name plate on your front door. I was the only one who fought close combat with your brother so I saw the same last name on his uniform."

"It's a common last name. And besides, my brothers aren't sadistic. They're good men!" You defended.

"Oh... You have no idea. You should've seen the smiles on their faces when they blew up half of our military. It was like they were enjoying it."

You felt yourself get nauseous. Your brothers never told you anything about what goes on during their missions. They simply would leave the house for months and come back exhausted. You never bothered asking questions.

"I... I know my brothers better than anyone. I may not know what goes on when their gone but. I- I know they definitely don't find pleasure in killing people!" You exclaimed, now balling up your fists.

The boy found amusement in your outburst as his eyes scanned your upset demeanor. "Everyone has another side... locked away. Hidden urges that only reach the surface every once in a while. I thought you would know that better than anyone... Considering you're..." He moved close to your ear. "Fucking the Captain."

Your back straightened and you shoved him away. "Don't... Dont ever get close to me like that again. And I'm an adult, I can do whatever the hell I want with my body."

He took a step forward again and you cringed.
"Every mission, the boys always find some wench to sleep with when we take a break in some shitty village. You're just another one of those whores. It's a matter of time before you go one by one, fucking the entire squad. I don't think anyone would be surprised."

He continued. "I wonder what your so very honorable brothers would think if they found out their sister was a soldier's whore."

You lifted your hand and slapped the red head across the face. "Get. The fuck. Out of my house." You said through gritted teeth.

"Or what? You gonna send the captain after me? He doesn't give a shit trust me. I could kill you where you stand and he wouldn't care. He's just happy he got to fuck some girl."

You could smell your food starting to burn, which was ironic because you practically had steam coming out of your head. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner."

"Oh don't get pious with me. I know what you are."

Yup, that was it. You felt yourself beginning to snap. You grabbed the kitchen knife from the counter and brought it up to his neck. He flinched for a second before drawing back to a smirk.

"Get out. I may not be a soldier but I've learned a thing or two from my brothers on how to slit open a man's neck. I will gladly gut you open like a sheep."

There was a knock at the door and you lowered the knife. Jean poked his head inside. "Hey Floch get your ass out here and help!"

Floch, so that was his name.

"I guess I'm needed elsewhere." He chuckled, and left you alone in the kitchen. You fought the urge to slap that little brat in the back of the head.

After your anger subsided, your mind started racing with a million questions. What did he want from you? What was he planning? And Levi... Was he just as much of an asshole as Floch? Could Floch really kill you and Levi wouldn't bat an eye.

It really got you thinking about the fact that these are strangers in your home. They don't know you and you don't even know if their intentions were pure.

"What the fuck just happened?" You whispered to yourself.

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