twenty eight

did anyone connect the scene of yoongi scraping the icing off his cupcake to the fact that jimin only ever ate the top and yoongi would always finish off the cake part for him

also, vmin or jihope i have fics prepared

       Jimin had to run from the library to Seokjin's office after realizing he'd been goner for nearly an hour. Most of that time had been spent with him trying to find his way around the library, but even at that he'd only spent thirty minutes amongst the old books and even older pixie librarians. After that he'd run back to his room and then sprinted back to Seokjin's office.

       "Oh, Jimin, you're back." Seokjin said without looking up when Jimin stormed into the room. He was panting and he had his hands on his knees, but he waved anyhow. "What took you so long?"

       "Got," Jimin wheezed. God, when did he get so out of shape? Maybe it was all that cupcake icing he'd eaten in the mortal world. "Got lost, you know, as you do."

       "Got lost in a place you've lived your entire life. Very believable. Is Yoongi okay?" Seokjin asked. He was still looking at the papers on his desk and Jimin stood to attention, his eyes wide. Seokjin laughed and looked up from the paper he was writing on. "What, you think I didn't know? Why else would I show you that little trick of mine?"

Jimin just stood with his mouth open and looked at him, and Seokjin grinned at him cheekily. "He's good," Jimin eventually spit out. "I mean, I think so? I don't really know. He's upset that I haven't called him but I don't really have a phone or anything. But um, thanks for letting me see him, I guess."

"No problem, Jimin. I figured you needed a little bit of closure. Now, can you organize these files for me?" Seokjin pushed some of the files to edge of the desk. "They go in that cabinet over there, sorry if it's kind of a mess, I haven't cleaned it in a while."

Jimin nodded and walked over to the filing cabinets, and upon pulling one open the entire thing shook and burst open, sending file folders and papers flying everywhere. Jimin looked down at the papers scattered about the floor dubiously, and Seokjin looked up from his work nonchalantly. "Maybe you could organize that too, if you want."

"No problem, hyung." Jimin said sadly as he stared at the papers littering the floor. He already wanted to quit a job he had no choice in having. Jimin scooped up the papers one by one and started putting them back in their files, and with each paper put away another seemed to appear out of thin air. "I hate my life."

Eventually Jimin got everything squared away, the files organized and the cabinet to a point where it wouldn't explode of you opened it. It had taken him nearly all day, and he'd skipped his lunch break seeing as he was trapped in a sea of pink papers when it rolled around. Seokjin had offered to buy him dinner, and the rest of their group tagged along to the cafe. They all crammed themselves into one booth, Jungkook having to practically sit in Taehyung's lap to fit. Neither one of them seemed to mind.

"I feel like a fifth wheel." Jimin muttered to himself. Seokjin pouted and pulled him over to his side of the table. "What are you-"

"Did you open that file I gave you, by any chance? Just wanted to make sure you were okay." Seokjin whispered, cutting him off. Jimin nodded and looked down at his hands. He was hoping Seokjin wouldn't bring it up. He didn't want to talk about it. "Jimin, seriously, are you okay? Have you talked to your parents?"

"No, hyung I'm fine, seriously. My parents don't care." Jimin said, even though some of it was a lie. His parents definitely did care, they were just choosing to ignore it. Jimin had said it a little louder than he'd intended, dragging some attention from the two boys across the table and the one sitting on the other side of Seokjin. Jungkook raised an eyebrow and looked between Jimin and Taehyung, searching for an answer. "It's no big deal, Kook, don't worry about it. Just your hyung messing things up, per usual."

"It is a big deal, Jimin." Taehyung said. Seokjin raised an eyebrow and looked between the two, trying to figure out how Taehyung knew confidential information. "Maybe we can talk to the Council, have them reconsider–"

"Drop it, okay? I fucked up, I broke the rules, there's no going back." Jimin said. Seokjin frowned and opened his mouth to chastise Jimin for cursing, but Taehyung was already talking again before he could.

"Seriously, Jimin, we should talk to them. We're matchmakers, remember? We give love. It's our job." Taehyung told him, and Jimin squinted his eyes. Using his own words against him. What a bastard.

"The Council won't give love to someone like me, Tae. I broke the rules, I'm in love with a human, it's not allowed." Jimin practically hissed. A few heads turned their way and Jimin hid his face behind the big sleeve of his hoodie. Jungkook looked a little taken aback but quickly recovered, and Namjoon didn't react at all. Seokjin must have told him. "At any rate, even if they would send me back to give Yoongi love, since that's really their job, they wouldn't. They hate me."

       "They don't hate you–"

       Jimin turned towards Seokjin and scowled at him. "No, they definitely hate me. No need to lie. I could run around here wielding a knife, or do something to really put our race and danger, and they'd sooner have someone stabbed than send me back to the mortal world. As long as I'm not happy, they're happy."

"That's not true, Jimin–"

"It is true!" Jimin yelled, standing up from the table. "They want me as miserable as possible because I've always been a dud! I've never been able to do any of this matchmaking stuff right and now they're getting their revenge by making my life miserable! I- I don't deserve, I never have deserved my wings a-and this is just, this is just payback for all the time they wasted on me!" Jimin brought his fist down on the table with a heavy slam, his chest heaving as the realization of what he'd done sank in. He looked around him at all the people who had come to the cafe to try and enjoy their dinners in peace, but instead were rudely interrupted by someone who didn't even deserve to be amongst them. "I-I'm sorry, I have to go."

       "Jimin! Kookie, move, seriously c'mon– Jimin!" Taehyung ran after Jimin, who was already sprinting towards his room as quickly as he could. Taehyung debated just leisurely flying up to him, but Taehyung also lived for drama so he jumped over a bench and dropped his head, barreling towards Jimin, his legs working as fast as he could make them.

       "Jimin, stop! You know you're not a runner!" Taehyung yelled and Jimin stutter stepped, giving Taehyung just enough time to jump and tackle him to the ground. Jimin groaned and rolled over with Taehyung on top of him so he could cradle his head.

       "Jesus, Taehyung. I know you live for this kinda stuff but could you have a little sympathy on my skull? Jesus." Jimin moaned, pulling at the hair attached to the spot he'd slammed his head into the ground. Taehyung just shrugged and sat back on Jimin's thighs.

       "Wanna tell me why you're being such a drama queen? Yoongi's shows have changed you." Taehyung said. Jimin scowled at him and dropped his head back onto the floor.

       "Because I'm a literal piece of shit, Tae. I can't do anything right–"

       "That's never bothered you before," Taehyung said. Jimin reached up and punched him in the shoulder and Taehyung shrugged. "I'm just telling you."

       "But I'm sick of it, y'know? I've accepted my fate; I'm going to have to stay here and be miserable for my whole life. Fine, whatever. I can almost ignore it if you and Seokjin hyung aren't talking about it every two seconds." Jimin said. Taehyung frowned at him and helped him up off the ground.

       "We just want to help you, Jimin. And what I said, I meant it. Matchmakers are supposed to give love, it's what we're made to do. And every matchmaker gets a trial to try and convince the Council of why they should be able to marry before they can get married, I say you use your trial as a reason you should get to be sent back to the mortal world." They were headed in the direction of Taehyung's room, but Jimin didn't really mind. He was almost out of fairy dust anyway, before long he wouldn't be able to get into his room at all.

       "But I doubt they'll listen to me, they didn't before, what would make them change their minds?" Jimin asked. Taehyung shrugged and his door opened, and Jimin was momentarily jealous that his door wouldn't open automatically for him anymore.

       "Well, maybe if they won't listen to you, we'll have to get you to the mortal world some other way." Jimin and Taehyung jumped when Seokjin's voice sounded out from behind them. Taehyung recovered first.

       "What do you mean, hyung?" Taehyung asked, patting Jimin's cheek to bring him back to earth. He'd always been easy to spook.

       Seokjin smiled and turned towards Jimin, who was shaking off the last bits of jumpiness. "Jimin, how do you feel about one last mission?"

[ coughs ] two chapters left

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