Cursed Mark AU

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No One POV:

So many flames, so much chaos, so much blood. Everything was too much to handle.

The screams echoed through the night as blood splatters around. Multiple shinobis jump upfront, only to see blood once more. One head even rolled off.

Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, Haku, Zabuza, and everyone else showed up but with their eyes widen. Their face frightened at the scene as Naruto's eyes watered. "No..."

"Oh! Look who it is!" A voice squealed. "Just shut up. It's starting to annoy me how loud you can be." Another voice scolded.

"Y-Y/n... Why!?" Naruto demanded as his eyes widen. So many emotions in his eyes as the two bodies come out of the smoke.

A young male with a curvaceous and muscular body. His hair is long as it's light pink that fades into purple, as it's braided. However, his eyes are green with black sclera as the pupil slanted. He also has two horns as his body is filled with purple marks.Β 

"Oh, why the face Naruto? Be happy!" Y/n smiles as he licks the blood from his fingers. "How! Why would I be happy!? You murdered my friends!!!" Naruto yells as his eyes turn red.

"Oh please, these bastards were never your friends." A different voice scoffs.

Another person came as it was a male with his skin dark-grey and his hair is long and dark blue. His eyes are dark green with also black sclera.Β Additionally, he has six green insect wings growing from the end of his abdomen.Β 

The stem of the tail is green, but the wings are orange. Their outfit is a kimono as they have some small armor to it. He wears a headband as it resembles a helmet-like skull. It also has spike protrusions on its shoulders and a row of slits on each shoulder.

"Who are you!?" Kakashi demanded. Everyone was on edge as they see a new person next to Y/n.

"Oh yeah!" Y/n claps his hands. "Everyone this is Chomei, more commonly known as the Seven-Tails!"

Everyone's eyes widen as they now see a tailed beast in a humanoid form. "He's also the one that helped me nearly kill you Sakura. Remember the fight we had~" Y/n smirk sadistically.

Sakura's eyes widen as she was shaking a little. She remembers the fight and how Y/n's eyes went red for a second.

"You should be grateful bitch." Chomei stated as he looks at Sakura. "If it wasn't for Y/n, I would've killed you moments ago."

"But look at her now! She's starting to be more independent, makes the flavor more desirable~" Y/n licks his lips.

Sasuke steps in as his sharingan was activated. "This isn't you; it was Orochimaru! Wasn't it! When he bit you, you also got the mark!?"

"You're not entirely wrong. He gave us the mark, but the truth is~" Y/n cooed as he wraps his arms around Chomei. The two of them look at the survivors.

"𝓦𝒆 𝒆𝓢𝓫𝓻π“ͺ𝓬𝒆 𝓲𝓽."

Everyone's eyes widen. "Wh... What?" Haku slowly asks. Chomei clicks his tongue as he tossed a male's head off.

"Everyone in this village is nothing but greedy fuckers. Always wanting something and if they don't have it, they'll try a method to get it one way or another." Chomei stated as he looks into everyone's eyes.

"That's not true!" Naruto's eyes were watery. "Please Y/n..." He looks but just sees Y/n smiling at him.

"Come on Naruto, nobody in this village likes you. Nobody in this or other villages thinks of you as a human. They only see you as an object because of your tailed beast. They say they love you, but they're only saying that, so you won't suspect anything." Y/n shrugs his shoulders.

"But Jiji-Sama-" Naruto was about to say something. But Y/n's eyes sparkled. "Oh, the old man? Well~"

Y/n pointed up as Chomei started to get rid of the blood on his hands. They look up but see the building being in flames. "He was one amazing main course, but he wasn't that tasty. I'll give him....7 out of 10."

"This isn't the mark. They never made someone go like this." Kakashi stated. "What else has he done!?"

"Oh~ But Sensei, it is the mark." Y/n whines. "See when the mark gets into us, it made us more different because of Chomei. Since he's somewhat liked a demon..."

"It enhanced the mark. Makes you guys into demons." Zabuza stated. "But how did the tailed beast break free..." Haku asks.

"When you get stronger, you can do many things." Y/n put his hands on his cheeks as he licks his lips at Haku.

"I'm getting tired of listening to your guy's voices." Chomei irritably stated. "I'm gonna kill everyone single on you guys."

"No fair!" Y/n complains. He looks at the rest of the survivors as he smirks.

He slowly pulls out his blade as it was more demonic. The blade was coated with blood as he brought it up closer towards him.

"Save some for me~"


Shout out to one of my good friends _6tired6_ on Instagram. They were the ones that suggested it. If you guys have any other suggestions, then message me so we can talk about them. I always like to hear about your guy's thoughts.

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