2...."Accidental Explosions"

My life sucks.

Other people often say this phrase in passing; discussing how they couldn't find that high heel in their shoe size, or that their birthday cake had that cheap iced crap on it instead of real buttermilk icing. It makes me angry when people say this, knowing how ungrateful they are. Heck, they probably have 4 other high heeled shoes gathering dust in their closet. Or whatever.
The point is, is that they live blessed lives. The Elites. The Middlings. Both groups wealthy. Both groups respected. Both powerful: with gifts that are truly amazing.
Both groups go to bed with their bellies full.

Myself on the other hand, (and those like me) can legitimately say that our lives truly suck. A lot.
We're the Unmentionables.....the class so low down on the spectrum of power that we don't even deserve a proper title. We're nobodies-the scum of the streets. The rest of society treats my people as if we were animals, and we have to lie down and take it.

That is why, I can truly say that life stinks.

Speaking of stink......

Instinctively, I jumped to the side just as a huge, stinking, brown mess of horse poop hit the street that I had just been walking on. Fortunately, I had gotten out of the splash zone just in time. My best friend Killia on the other hand, was not so lucky. I couldn't help but giggle at Killia's dismayed expression, as she distastefully surveyed her tattered shoes: now covered in horse feces.

"I told you we shouldn't have followed that giant horse down the street!" I yelled at her, above all of the din of the crowded street around us. Killia, still with a sour expression on her face, turned to face me.

"Shut up Eli!" She scowled, glaring at me. A passing stranger may legitimately believe that Killia was truly angry with me, but I knew her well enough to know that she was just pretending to be upset.

Killia and I had been friends practically since birth. Technically my cousin, our mothers had been close sisters, so naturally Killia and I grew up closely together as well. After my mother had died when I was 9, I had moved in with her and had become even closer still. Best friends doesn't even begin to touch the deep relationship that Killia and I share. She has been my partner in crime, my shoulder to cry on, my companion: everything to me. She is like a sister to me....although we look almost nothing alike. Tall, dark, and alluring; I'm sure that if Killia wasn't an Unmentionable, she could be a model. But as it was, we could only dream of opportunities like that.

Closing her almond eyes, Killia's face screwed up in concentration. Slowly; painstakingly slowly, a small pile of crap rose into the air. Killia was using her gift of levitation to aim that pile of poop right at me.

Although most Unmentionables didn't have gifts, the lucky few who were blessed to have a power were generally extremely weak. Most couldn't do more then teleport a few feet, or see into the future and such.

Or use levitation to hurl a stinking mess at their best friend.

Using those same quick reflexes I had initially used to avoid the crap in the first place, I threw myself down and to the side: narrowly missing being hit by the poop projectile. It flew past me, and I internally applauded myself on further embarrassing Killia.

My joy was short lived however, when a strangled yell rose above the noise of the street, and a large man appeared.

A large, angry man covered in horse dung.

Good going Killia!

Still flat on the ground, I turned to face Killia, whose own panicked face mirrored my own. The man that she had assaulted with horse crap was dressed in the widely known uniform of the Guard: a police force made up of mainly Middlings. Just touching one of them could land you up in prison! I could only imagine what they would do to those who was pelting them with animal feces!

Scrambling up off of the cobblestone street below me, I sprinted towards Killia-still frozen in her same place. Grabbing her hand, I tore off, running as fast as I possibly could with Killia in tow. We couldn't be caught. Neither of us could afford to be in prison for the rest of our lives. Our family wouldn't survive it. We probably wouldn't either. And honestly....I'd rather live longer if I had a choice.

In an instant, I was frozen. Suspended literally in mid air, unable to move.

No no no no!

The crap-covered gentleman came into view, visibly furious. His gift must have been the ability to stop people I guess. The man stopped in front of us, hands resolutely on his hips.

"Which of ya was it!? Who did this?!" The man yelled, gesturing to his dirty uniform.

I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. Panic, coursing through me like a rampaging river. As a general rule, I didn't enjoy stirring the pot. I usually just kept to myself. I'd seen what happens to troublemakers, and had vowed to stay out of trouble. But stupid Killia had decided to lob some poop at a Guard, and now it was likely that we would both be punished severely!!!
Thanks cuz

Beside me, Killia sighed, rolling her eyes.
"I did," She muttered, focusing  intently on the ground below us. The Guard glared angrily at us for a moment more, before waving his hand and dropping us to the ground. Two of his 'friends' surged forward, grabbing Killia under the arms before we had a chance to react.

"It wasn't intentional! Sir please!!! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!" Killia wailed, her voice growing in hysterics as she was dragged closer to the poop covered Guard.

This can't be happening!

"Killia!!! Killia!" I screamed, scrambling to my feet and running towards my best friend. I could hear her yelling back at me, but her screams died as a large, barred cart appeared from a nearby street. A jail cart.
Criminals were placed in these carts and paraded around the city for hours before being thrown into a dirty jail cell: left to rot for eternity.

Killia was not a criminal. Neither of us were. She could not go in that cart!

All of a sudden, I couldn't move. Stopping dead in my tracks, a strange feeling came over me all at once, making my knees buckle. I felt nauseous. Dizzy. My whole body erupted into a powerful tingling, and white hot anger pumped through my veins.

"Let. Her. GO!" I cried, raising my hands in protest.

A lot of things happened in that moment. Gawking strangers turned to face me. A baby cried. A large bird soared over, far above in the big blue sky. But probably the most prominent thing that happened was the fire. Somehow, huge, gulping flames came shooting out of my hands. The jail cart exploded. The gathered crowd screamed and took cover. Smoke hung in the air, as falling debris hit the ground around me in smoking red piles.

The world spun around me. Vaguely, I saw Guards running towards me, but it didn't really register. Sinking to my knees, I felt utterly spent. My hands. My hands. What had just happened? Surely I didn't do this. Surely I didn't just shoot tongues of flame out of my hands! Surely!

Even as the guards came, hauling me to my feet and dragging me away, I couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

What had I done? Oh gosh....what did I do!?

Hey friends! Man...that was a fun chapter to write! In case you didn't catch on, this is now in Elixir's (the main character) POV.

Question of the day.....what is your favourite holiday?

I think mine would have to be Christmas. I love the spirit, I love the festivities, and I LOVE decorations/Christmas trees!

Speaking of holidays, I know I'm a day early, but to my fellow Canadians: Happy Canada Day! 👍🏼

On other notes, I'm going to be away for the next two weeks, so updating won't be great. :p
Have a great day lovelies!

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