Chapter 2 - Cinderella

Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep! The alarm rung and woke him up early in the morning.

The sun was just about to rise. Silence fills the streets and the clarity of the view as Toffee took a peek behind the curtain almost gave him a headache. Opposite of what he's seeing from the window occurs in his head. Louder and louder, the thoughts in his mind whispers louder as if he's being haunted by someone else's voice.

"Who goes there!?" He was startled as he heard an unfamiliar voice somewhere, and as he also turned his head, he saw the stuffed toy he got at the arcade yesterday. "It's only you, Haiiro . . . I guess I'm just imagining things again." Then he took Haiiro and hugged it.

Toffee still got a lot of time to spend before his date with Faye, so he turned his laptop on on his desk and checked out his social media account. There was nothing new on his news feed as he kept scrolling down. Random posts from random people. Travel images, food photography, selfies, links, and video tutorials. All of these are way too common on his news feed, but if there's one thing that would really caught his attention, it has to be the update posted for the Pixels for the upcoming concert of the online sensation and online diva known as Cube.

"Waaaaaaaah!" Toffee cried effeminately from too much excitement. His hug to Haiiro became tighter as he begin to fantasize of the happenings in the concert. "I'll go buy a VIP ticket, and she'll be there just in front of my eyes. Dazzling radiant face that I've dreamt of since the time I knew her."

He plugged in an earphone on his laptop and opened another tab to watch a music video of Cube which is entitled "Lure me with passion". Toffee lowered the volume and just sat back in relaxation. Then all of a sudden, he turned his head onto the alarm clock. 49 minutes left before seven. I've still got a lot of time before preparing myself.

His phone vibrated on the desk as it received an e-mail. Did you see the post?

Which one? He replied.

Oh c'mon! I know you're a die hard Pixel.

What're you talking about?

About the upcoming concert.

Let's talk about that later.

He sent his last reply and turned his smartphone off. Come to think of it again, Toffee. He whispered. I've been an obvious die hard Pixel, but does that attract her so much? I don't know if this thought is making sense. The rhythm of the music set his mood and ---

"Toffee!" He felt a continuous tapping on his leg until he found himself lying comfortably on the chair and was awkwardly drooling as he overslept.

"What time is it?" He rushed.

"It's nearly 9 in the morning." His mother replied "And Toffee." She waved his cellphone on her hand "Sorry for peeking on your messages, but I've just red some messages and knew that you have a date today, and that was scheduled by 10 in Kyoto station. So hurry up now and fix yourself."

"It's alright, mom." Toffee tried to stand up from a sudden back pain due to his sleeping position "And thanks for waking me up. I guess I'll just skip breakfast and go for a bath."

There was about thirty minutes left before 10 when Toffee finished his bath. His slender soft white skin radiated through the sunlight which reminded him of closing the window curtain on his room. Then he opened his closet door wide, trying to figure out what would fit him for a date.

Now, He sighed. which one should I wear? Smart casual or formal?

Without the slightest idea of what Faye will wear for today, he just randomly picked a dusty pink ribbed off shoulder crop top, a sky blue skirt that is almost a feet above his knee, and a pink and white striped long socks which is half a feet above his knee. He dressed himself brighter than a woman that every man could dream of. Toffee has been like this since his childhood. He was so soft and mild of his actions, and more than that, he was very fond of cross dressing. It filled his life with passion and satisfaction.

Toffee approached the mirror and applied a two-tone lipstick on his lips. Perfect! He was delighted, but he remembered himself having a hickey on the side of his neck from back then. So he checked if it was still on that spot, and fortunately it was gone. Still, I'll wear a choker to be more stylish.

There was not much time for him and he know that he'll be a bit late, so he sent her an e-mail: I might be a little bit late to meet you.

It's fine. I'll wait for you. She replied.

I just overslept.

I said it's fine.

Toffee released a gentle laughter. He can't help it. Making Faye waiting for him feels good somehow. He was fully prepared as he took his shoulder bag before coming out of his room. Then he called for his mother to inform her of his departure.

"Mom!" He called, but there was no reply. He looked for her at the kitchen, knowing that by this time she was preparing their lunch in advance, and still she couldn't find her. Toffee couldn't help himself but to go on his way. However, he heard her calling his name.

"Ah! There you are, Toffee." His mother smiled. "I just had a phone call, so I couldn't respond to you, but here ---" She lend him 10,000 yen. "It's for your date. You should go and buy her a bouquet as a present. A man should not be empty handed on his dates, you know."

Toffee was hesitant at first given their current situation, but he took the money and replied, "Thanks for this, mom. But I'm not a man today. See?" He turned around and let her skirt flew as he spin. "I'm a fine lady today." He touched her hand and added, "This is my passion, mom. So if I were to date Faye to get to know more about her, she must also get to know and accept me as I am."

"If you find happiness in cross dressing, then I'll let you be." His mother shed a tear. So he hugged her and kissed her tears away.

"I'll go now. She's waiting for me." He waved his hand.

Toffee took his way towards Karasuma Subway Line, and along his way, he already caught a few eyes and head turns. It was as if he was a new attraction on the area. And like a magnet, he pulls the opposite charge. His gratification was starting to be filled. Yet, he also felt pity for his fellow men for allowing them to be seduced by an experienced cross dresser. I shouldn't allow them to figure out my real identity. He averted his giggle.

Since it was Sunday, the subway wasn't much crowded, and there were like only eleven of them waiting for the train. Toffee took a peek at his wristwatch and it was six minutes past ten. Then train bounded to Kyoto station came. So he took his seat and remembered to e-mail her: I'm in the train now. I'll be there soon.

Just see me at Oriental Traffic within the B2 floor of The Cube.

Got it.

At last! Toffee reached his destination. He stood up from his seat and let the other passengers go first. It's been 4 months since I did this. Let's see if this'll work again. He thought, leaving a slight smirk on his face. He took a step exiting the train, but all of a sudden, the heels of his shoe was somehow bent as it hit the floor. He was about to fall on the ground, but ---

"Aaaaah!" Toffee screamt with a feminine voice.

"I've got your back." A man caught his back from behind and helped him recover. Toffee turned his head to him and as far as his eyes could see, both of them share the same hair color - light blue -, the man also has a black earring on his left ear, and as he sniffed for some reason, he smelled a familiar scent like it belonged to someone dear to him.

"Tsk!" The man scorned.

"I'm sorry." Said Toffee, almost with a crying voice. He averted his eyes with shame from what happened, and a tear fell on the ground.

"No!" The man cleared himself. "I didn't mean to --- I mean --- your shoes. Look at it now. It's been damaged." The man sounded confused "Plus, I also have a pair of shoes here. This is supposedly for my younger brother, but it's unisex so it would still suit your outfit." The man handed him the pair of shoes. He looked so very kind that he assisted Toffee towards a bench to change his shoes.

"So it's a pair of rubber shoes." Toffee plainly said as he unboxed it. "I don't know if I'll still look fashionable with this pair, but thanks for the help." He blinded him with a radiant smile.

"Uhmm . . . " The man was shy. "It's nothing . . . Really." He scratched his head. "Anything just for you."

*He took the bait since the beginning.* Toffee thought as he was gently wearing the rubber shoes. It worked, and that means I'm still wonderful as ever. He finished wearing the shoes, and he stood up to see if it will fit him.

"How does it look?" Toffee asked him.

"Uhmm . . . you look good with that." Came the reply.

"You don't sound sincere, you know?" Toffee honestly said, having no doubt.

"I mean it."

"I was just kidding." Toffee giggled once again.

"Aren't you in a hurry?" The man asked all of sudden.

"Eh?" Toffee realized that he still got to meet Faye at the Oriental Traffic. "Thanks for reminding me." He started to walk with such haste while waving a hand at him. "Thanks for everything, mister!" He shouted from a distance.

Toffee rushed towards the B2 floor of The Cube. He has been there in The Cube for a few times, but never had he got himself to explore the B2 floor. So he wandered as he was searching for the Oriental Traffic, but he found himself in front of Aoyama Flower Market. Then he remembered what her mother told him. You should go and buy her a bouquet as a present. A man should not be empty handed on his dates, you know. So he decided to buy her a bouquet as a present.

"That'll be 6,480 yen for the bouquet." Said the employee. Toffee faked his smile after hearing the price. He just took his wallet and paid for the bouquet.

"Thank you patronizing us!" Toffee got his change.

"If I may ask," He said to the employee "where is Oriental Traffic located?"

"Oriental Traffic?" The employee wondered. Toffee had a bad feeling about this, but he was hoping that she knows the way. "Ah! I remember. It's a shoe store. Just go straight ahead that area and then turn right. You'll see it quickly as you turn." The employee directed him.


So he took his way and turned left as he was instructed, and there goes the Oriental Traffic as he turned. It really is a shoe store. He felt awkward after remembering what happened earlier.

"Toffee?" He heard her calling his name. "Is that you?" Faye gently pinched his cheek as if she couldn't believe her own eyes. "W-what happened to you? And why that outfit?"

Toffee snapped out of his awkwardness and praised her beauty, "You look so gorgeous, Faye!" Faye reacted like she didn't heard his words and just held his hand, then pulled him into the store.

"I'll hear you out later." She said while still pulling him. "I can't decide which pair should I take. I need your opinion here." Then Faye showed him each pair for him to decide which will seem more suited on her feet.

"Eh?" He sighed. Shoes again? But he was willing to help her decide which one to buy. Toffee observed first every physical aspects of her from head to toe. She stood there, waiting for his opinion, wearing a simple yet alluring dress she bought. It was light green in color, almost faded if it weren't for the flecks of emerald on it. It was quite long, ending to the ankles. The top was designed with intricate swirls, forming eccentric flowers, and the fact that it was laced proved the wearer to be an elegant woman of fashion. A pristine, white belt to accentuate the dress completed Faye's look, and she looked attractive in a decent demeanor.

"You're so attractive with your style." He commended her. "But, going back to the shoes, I prefer that one." He pointed the pair of shoes which was cream in color. Its heels were made of fine wood, and a striped color pattern of white and mocha lace completed its appearance. "By analyzing your physical aspects, you are tall, and a high heel pair of shoes would fit your dress as well. There's nothing much that I could say, but I really like that one for you."

"Wooow!" The sales lady reacted with such surprise from his comment. "You've got an eye when it comes to fashion, ma'am, but ---" She noticed his rubber shoes. "Why rubber shoes? You'll look more elegant with one of our high class shoes. You might want to try and buy one." The sales lady suggested.

Toffee whispered to Faye, "Go and pay for it now, and then let's go. I don't have much money to buy one, and I don't want to tell her that directly."

"I'll handle this." Faye gave her a wink, and he felt something strange about it. "What's your size, Toffee?" And he was quite right about his thought.

"My size is 16.5" He replied, sounding hesitant.

"This is size 18, right?" Faye asked the sales lady, pointing to the same shoes Toffee picked for her. "Give me a size 16.5 of this."

"Sure!" The sales lady replied with a gentle smile. "I'll be back after a few minutes. You might want to look for other shoes as well while waiting."

The sales lady begun looking for the same pair with a smaller size. Toffee was looking around at the place just to make himself look like busy, while Faye was awkwardly following him. It was either Toffee was being shy because it was his first time dating her or he just don't know how to entertain his date. So Faye made her move. She inserted her hand into his shoulder, seemingly like she was hugging him. Toffee felt uncomfortable, but the fact that he has a feminine visage and demeanor at the moment helped to ease that feeling.

"So, what took you so long?" She asked.

"I overslept." He replied.

"And what else?"

"The makeup?" He guessed, knowing that she was looking for a certain answer. Faye pressed herself closer to him, until he felt a cotton-soft touch on her shoulder. Her breast. He reacted repulsively, but still letting her to do it since he was respecting her. "And also . . . at the subway line . . . my shoe suddenly got damaged while exiting the train, but there's this one guy who helped me and gave me this rubber shoes."

"Oh my!" Faye exclaimed. "So there were lots of delays you have there." She seemed more cheerful than Toffee was expecting her to be.

"Aren't you mad at me for making you wait so long? It's almost an hour that I've been late."

"Why would I?" She pressed herself tighter and closer to him. "Just seeing you makes me glad, and I'm glad that you approached me today. I appreciate it a lot."

Is this how really Faye acts? Toffee questioned his thought. She seemed a lot different today. Perhaps because I've only seen her actions in school, judging her like I really knew her without knowing her wholely first.

"I don't want you to wait here for nothing. That's why I came here." Said Toffee. Faye somehow felt responsible for her words, having a slight feeling that she was only approached because of the condition. "But more than that," He added. "I really want to spend time with you, and to know you better. That's why I also brought a present for you."

Toffee handed her the bouquet of tulips, following a line that every Pixels used to confess their love to their partner, "Let the heavens gaze at our hourglass of immeasurable love. Oh! My dearest queen, today let us venture a garden of tulips."

"Let the numbers run like our lips; we'll be equal to two lips." Faye completed the phrase as she took the bouquet. "That's so sweet so of you, Toffee!" She felt flattered by his words, and started to feel butterflies in her stomach. It was a blissful and beautiful feeling.

"Here you go, ma'am!" The sales lady suddenly approached them, bringing the pair of shoes. Toffee untied the lace of his rubber shoes and tried to fit the new pair.

"Absolutely perfect!" Faye clapped cheerfully. "We have the same shoes."

The two went out as Faye paid for the items. And since it was Faye who invited him for a date, Toffee have no idea where they'll be hanging around until he found themselves on Higashiyama district after riding a bus headed to Kiyomizudera. A number of tourists were at the area, and some of them were in yukata.

"Do you see them, Toffee?" Faye asked him, pointing all the women in yukata. "They're dressed as geishas. We'll try that later." She released a mild laughter.

"Don't tell me you mean it?"

"Mmhmm," Faye replied. "You've just cross dressed today and you do really look like a woman of fashion. So I'm daring you to be geisha together with me." It sounded like there's no turning back for Toffee since he'd already begun to cross dress.

It was past twelve in the afternoon and the summer heat crawls on their skin. So they have decided to go for a lunch in a restaurant nearby. The place seemed to cater a lot of tourists, but fortunately they managed to find seat for themselves. A waiter approached them to take their order, and almost half an hour of waiting after choosing from the menu, their food was served.

"Say, Toffee," Faye called his attention, but Toffee was busy voraciously eating his soba noodles. It was as if he skipped breakfast and was busy filling his stomach.

"You called me, Faye?" He asked her while his mouth is full, until he remembered that it was a fine lady in his front. He should've shown at least some manner, but Faye just giggled seeing him acting like that. It was more likely a cue that she was getting comfortable with him than an insult for not showing some table manners.

Faye took a tissue as she noticed an amount of liquid dripping below his lips. She wiped it away on his face and speak once again, "You're so different, Toffee." Toffee bent his head as he wondered. He gulped, and then he replied, "Eh? What does that supposed to mean?"

"You'll figure it out sooner or later."

"You're just hungry, aren't you?" Toffee said to her. "Well, the food won't eat itself, so go ahead and indulge every bite. We need to have more energy for later." He was so cheerful and energetic. Perhaps, it was due to the comfortability he had already established with Faye.

"Yeah!" Faye laughed a bit. "It's just hunger." Then she took her phone from her shoulder bag and asked him if it would be alright for them to have a picture. Faye stretched her arm while holding the phone, but a waiter passed by and asked for her permission to take their picture. The picture was taken with a casual pose, and the waiter asked them, "Is this alright?"

"Yes." Faye replied. "But could you please take another one? We'll be in another pose."


Toffee started to form two L shapes from both of his hands, and put them together to form a square and made a pose, like one taking a photo from a camera. That familiar pose was coined by no other than Cube herself. Faye was quite astonished, but smiled sweetly, knowing Toffee's affinity, and copied him. Both gestured Cube's pose, arms protruding forward, and the waiter took a nonexistent photo of them.

"Thank you very much!" Faye expressed her gratitude, then she took her phone back and opened a social media account. "I'll be uploading our pictures."

"It's fine as long as you won't tag me on the post." Toffee told her. "I don't want anyone to know that I'm a cross --- " He held his words back as he remembered that there lots of people surrounding them. "You know what I mean."

"Say, Toffee, it's your fashion, isn't it?" Faye swirled the straw on her glass of iced tea, staring at him with a warm look.

"Yes," He replied. "and my lifestyle as well."

"Then at least be proud of your fashion." Faye counseled him. "What would be the meaning of your life if people around you doesn't know who you really are?"

"There are situations that needs to be considered first. That's --- that's why I can't." Toffee looked gloomy all of a sudden.

"Situations?" Faye clarified. "Or are you afraid of being judged? Hurt? And of people dragging you down? Unless you want to conform to their twisted beliefs, you'd better stick to yourself. Don't be ashamed of being different, instead show it to them who you really are. The fake will never overcome the original." Then she laid a hand on his hand, and the other, touching the side of his neck. Faye pressed herself closer to his face, and then she whispered to him, "You've already seen my true nature. I'm the manifestation of the abyssal flames with an insatiable lust. And if I can be true to myself despite of all the people around us, how come you couldn't?"

It's because . . . we're different. Toffee thought, averting his eyes from her. I know my limits, and you don't know yours.

Faye snapped her finger twice, calling the attention of the waiter. She asked for the bill and paid. "Just forget what I said earlier, okay?" She pulled him as she stood from her seat. "I'm just hungry that's why I said such thing. For now let's go over the shop and dress as geisha."

"No way." Toffee laughed, but in the end, he came with her towards the shop.

"Welcome!" An old woman approached them with a greeting. She has a plate of yatsuhashi on her hands, perhaps a treat she got for the customers. "Go and have some. This is for free." Faye was quite astounded of the treat.

"Yatsuhashi," Toffee plainly said.

"Have you tasted one, Toffee?" Asked Faye.

"Yes. I've tasted one." Came the reply. "It's one of Kyoto's specialty. You should give it a try."

Faye picked one and took a bite. It was quite sweet that it brought its sweetness on her smile as well. The old woman was delighted seeing her satisfaction.

"We sell yatsuhashi. So you might want to buy as well." She said to her.

"I'll surely buy lots of it later." Faye replied "For now we'll be dressing as geisha and walk around the streets."

Toffee never imagined that she'll be looked upon by the old woman as a female, and that's the reason why they were sharing the same bathroom, but using a different cubicle. He was quite nervous knowing that by any moment, Faye might do naughty stuffs and arouse him.

"Toffee?" Faye called him. His heartbeat went faster, expecting that she will be flirting with him.

"Y-yes?" He gulped.

"Do you have a body wash there in your cubicle? It seems they forgot to put one here."

Toffee moved his eyes around until he saw one, "I don't have one here." He replied nervously.

"Are you sure? I'll go there to see if you really don't have one."

"No!" He screamt. "I was just kidding. I have one here."

Faye smirked. It's just either I'll go there, or you'll go here, and fortunately I know how to draw you closer to me. She murmured as she held her laughter back.

"Please come here. Let's share with that body wash here in my cubicle."

"Eh? A-Are you sure?" Toffee covered his entire body with towel and took the body wash. Then he knocked on her cubicle, starting to pant while thinking of the worst possible thing that might happen between them. The door opened only in thin space, revealing only Faye's eye as she peeked on him.

"Close your eyes, and come in." She ordered, and Toffee did as he was ordered to do so. He felt himself being pulled directing into the cubicle, and still, he was keeping his eyes shut.

"It's fine to open your eyes now." She said.

While still having a doubt of opening his eyes, Faye grabbed the body wash from his hand without turning on him until she touched him unintentionally. Faye unveiled him as she dropped the towel from his body, and Toffee was fluttered by her touch, but he didn't give any malicious meanings on it. However, Faye seemed to enjoy touching him. She slid her palm up and down on him until his towel dropped and he could feel the warmth of her touch.

"It's getting harder, Toffee." She said. Meanwhile Toffee finally opened his eyes as he could barely resist seeing her developing body. He was quite astounded of her body figure. Her curves are almost as perfect as a model. The way she stands backward in front of his eyes, only revealing her back and long smooth legs captivated his heart; he was totally thirsty to see more of her like an audience craving for another performance of a prima ballerina.

Toffee was getting harder and harder from her touch, but Faye never felt his hands on her body. So she requested him to lay his hands on her, "Fill your hands with body wash and then touch me." He could barely resist the temptation, but then he filled his hands with it and put his hands on the side of her waist.

"Ugh!" Faye bit her lips. "Your touch is really something, Toffee." The way she reacted pushed Toffee to place his hands on her breasts, and Faye was seemingly on the verge of heat. Faye put the shower on to reduce the heat of their flesh, but their desire for this sensation was warmer than the summer heat.

"Faye," He called her attention while still rubbing her down to the waist up to her breast. "I'm gonna explode."

"Hmmppp . . . Haaaa . . . Haaaaaaa . . ." Faye panted. "I was just . . . only starting . . . to warm up." And something sticky wet her hand. Toffee blew a lot, but Faye licked it off from her hand. Toffee was watching her almost in disgust, but keeping himself to be less apparent.

"There's still on the side of your lips." Toffee pointed.

"Then kiss it away, Toffee." Faye replied. It sounded like a request than an order. "I'll let you taste your own."

Without hesitation, Toffee laid his arm on her shoulders, pressed himself closer to her, and gave her a sudden eye contact. All of a sudden, he kissed the side of her lips to remove the remains, and Faye was flabbergasted. "I never saw that coming." She said.

"You taught me how to use the element of surprise." Toffee whispered to her.

"Well, you've learned something important today." Faye praised him. "So as a reward, I'll let you taste mine next time."

On a street of Higashiyama district, specifically the Ninen-zaka, Faye and Toffee exhibited their yukata as they were walking along with the tourists. They were headed towards the temple, and as they were on their way, Toffee got a lot of head turns though he was only acting like an average teenage girl. Faye somehow got this feeling that Toffee dressed himself as a girl either to attract men or to defend himself from her breathtaking amorous surprises. But whatever lies beyond her thought, she felt his passion for cross dressing.

Click! Somewhere around the streets, a shutter blinded Faye. It was a local who took a picture of her. There wasn't much details to describe the young man. He was an average teenager like the others, dressed with an outfit that seems to suit summer. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Is that a photographer, Toffee?" Faye asked while trying to recover her sight. Her eyes were sensitive to flashes, and she was still feeling a little bit dizzy from it.

"I don't know." Toffee replied. "And it seems he already ran away."

"Grrrr ---" Faye grumbled like a dog. Toffee doesn't have an idea how Faye might act if she gets really mad, so he just complimented her after all what happened, "That guy might have stolen your image, but I think he did it because you're beautiful. Your beauty shines like a Queen's crown . . . or no --- I think you are the bearer of the crown itself. You are a Queen, Faye."

In spite of his words that were meant to be a joke and a compliment at the same time, Faye blushed, fluttered, and smiled synchronously. However, Toffee added, "But I'm Queener than you."

"Pfffft ---" Faye tried to prevent her laughter, but she could barely resist it. "Hahahahaha!" Toffee was forced to laugh with her.

"Queener?" Faye repeated. "Tell me you're just kidding, Toffee. Such word like that doesn't even exist in my vocabulary."

"Y-yes," Toffee replied, scratching his head. "I was just kidding."

"I know. Let's just go to the temple."

After having a long tiring walk, they found themselves in front of the torii which served as the gate of the temple. Beyond the gate was a path of flourishing cherry blossoms. They bowed their head as a sign of respect, and finally, Faye sighted the temple and was relieved as their efforts paid its worth. On the other hand, Toffee spotted a blurry figure from afar. He was not quite sure if it was the same guy who stole a picture from Faye, but he still rushed towards him and caught him off guard while he's looking at the images he have on the camera.

He tapped his shoulder and spoke, "Delete it, please." Toffee sounded exhausted. The young man turned his head towards him and replied to him using his hands. Sign language? Toffee thought. Is he deaf or something?

Meanwhile, Faye was left behind walking alone on the middle of the pathway, and Toffee noticed her. She was signalled by him to walk on the side of the path, and ---

"Finally, I'm here." Faye panted and laid a hand on his shoulder while catching her breath. "I said to you once, Toffee, to never leave your princess on her castle."

"But we're not on a castle." Toffee gently smiled on her. "And don't forget to always walk on the side of the pathway when you entered the gate. The middle of the pathway is the path of god."

"Eh? I-I don't know that. Why don't you tell me in the first place? I'm not fully accustomed to the Japanese tradition and culture yet." Faye made an excuse. And there was also the sudden realization of the young man's presence just in front of her. "And hey, are you the one who stole a picture from me?"

The young man spoke to her using his hands. Faye was quite dumbfounded knowing that he was deaf, but it was not an excuse for her to just let his offense pass. Faye let the young man proceed on what he's gonna tell them, until she came to realize something.

"Do you understand what he's saying, Faye?" Asked Toffee, not having a slight idea of the young man's words. Somehow, Faye managed to understand sign language since she have a cousin with the same condition like the young man's.

"Toffee," Faye called. Toffee's expression was abstract and hard to understand. Perhaps because he lacks the idea of what's going on. "You're Queener than me."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"He stole a picture from you, not from me. He's now asking for your pardon." Faye replied. "He even said that he was seduced by your smile and the way you walk."

"Eh?" Toffee sweated. "Uhmm.. I --- I don't know what to say, but thank you for appreciating my beauty. You could keep the picture if you want, and don't try to steal another picture from people next time, okay?" Faye translated some of his words into sign language and asked him before she proceed, "Should I tell him you're a male?"

"No way!" Toffee politely exclaimed. "That may turn him off."

"Okay," Faye replied. "I won't tell, but you might regret this someday." And she proceeded with the sign language.

"Now he's asking me if I have anything here that he can use to write." Said Faye. Unfortunately, they were dressed with yukata and doesn't bring anything except for their phones. Faye had an idea of using her phone as their communication tool by typing the words, but the young man was against it. Then she remembered that she always bring a lipstick with her. "How about my lipstick? It's the least I have for now, but you can still write with it."

The young man took the lipstick from her hand. He suddenly took Toffee's arm and wrote something on it.

"好きです" He wrote.

"You like me?" Both of their cheeks blushed liked the cherry blossoms around the pathway, but the young man can't hold back from his timidity and ran away once again, dropping the lipstick.

"How unpleasant!" Cursed Faye. "He just dropped my lipstick, and now it's broken and dirty."

"D-Did he really mean that?" Toffee murmured and was still caught in perplexity.

"I told you. You'll regret it." Faye sighed. She held his hand and invited him to walk along the temple, but she couldn't move him even an inch. "What's wrong, Toffee? Let's go now."

"I just came to think of it, Faye. How would he react if he would knew I'm a male?"

Faye released his hand and spoke, "Why are you asking me that? Is it because you care for him and you're wondering of how he might feel for knowing the truth or because you want to defend yourself from the possibility of judgement and criticism?"

Meanwhile, the sun was about to set and Toffee wasn't back home yet. His mother was done preparing their dinner and was somehow worried of him as it was getting darker. There were recent reports of murder near their area, and she couldn't help herself to think of the worst possibilities. She was resting on a couch and turned the television on to help herself reduce her worries. And the doorbell rung all of a sudden.

"Toffee? Is that you?" She asked while holding the doorknob, waiting for a reply.

*There have already been 4 homicide reports in Karasuma which all occurred inside the victim's house. The victims were usually killed by seven stabs on the side of the neck and the nape of every victim had been cut off. According to the local police investigation, it was a serial killer behind these killings. The local police was already on the line to capture the suspect. As for now, please be reminded to lock your doors, be cautious of who's knocking on your door, and call us at 0120-575-396 if there are any suspicious happenings you encounter.* She heard from the television news report. A few seconds had already passed and there was still no reply.

"Who are you?" Her words crumbled in fear.

"It's me, Toffee." Came the reply.

She was quite sure it was Toffee's voice that she heard. So without hesitation, she opened the door. To her surprise, she saw another person. He has a bit taller than Toffee, both his eyes and hair are light blue in color, and has a black earring on his left ear.

"I'm home." He said while slowly waving Toffee's broken shoes on his hand.

"G-Grey!" She hugged him.

"Missed me?"

*Slaaaaaap!* Grey felt her mother's weight of hand on his cheek. "Ouch!" He reacted. "What a nice welcome!"

Just as how the dew drops from it's surface, his mother also shed her tears. She hugged him tighter and cried louder while Grey was patting her head to make her hush, "It's fine now, mom. I'm home, and I won't come back to France again." He said.

"You haven't contacted us about this!" Her voice almost broke his ear. He was scolded with a matching finger pointed in front of his face. "And what's with you, Grey? Why are you empty-handed? I thought you'll buy shoes for Toffee too."

"Oh!" Grey's eyes slightly widened. "Cinderella you mean? I think he already have the shoes."

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