Part 4
Nick came to slowly, not knowing here he is or how long he's been out. and feeling every heartbeat in time with his throbbing head. God what the hell happened.
The last thing he remembered was coming into work. And this was definitely not work.
At these he didn't think it was maybe opening his eyes would help clear that up.
Nick had had enough head injuries in his life to know to open his eyes every every slow. But even though he had only opened his left eye half way it felt like someone was driving a white hot stake though it and into his brain but he forced himself to keep it open because he knew if he closed it now he most likely won't be able or will to open it again.
With a deep breath nick forced the other eye to half mast doubling not only the pain but his vision as well.
The first thing he noticed was that he was handcuffed to a wooden chair and the room he was in was some kind of basement, not the industrial kind, more the kind found under everyday homes. It was mostly dark in here the only light coming from a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the cold gray cement brick room.
But none of that answers the biggest question nagging at nick. What the hell had happened and the biggest question why is it always me the nut jobs kidnap. I'm a good person at these I try to be. So way is it always me that has to get it. And why the hell is the blood caked to the side of my face?
Nick's mental tyrant was cut short by what sounded like a door squeaking open somewhere be —hind him. He tried to turn and see who was coming but the only thing that came of it was making his double vision turn into triple vision making the room spin even more. And if that kept happening much longer then what little nick had eat was going to be making a reappearance.
Good your awake. a southern twang voice came around into nick's line of sight, and that's when it all came crashing back. The fight in Grissom's office, the fight with Warrick, his friend laying on the ground with blood pooling near him. But worst of all the memories of what this man in front of him was going to do to him came to the for front of it all.
What do you want Tommy? Nick asked giving the cuffs a tug testing their strength.
I already told you that Nicky, but since that tape on the head I gave you my have caused you to for get I'll till you again. We both know that my sister is a bad person, so bad in fact that know matter how many theme I kill her she comes back from the dead.
Gart just what nick needed, some one who thought that his predator of a sister was coming back from the dead every time he saw someone who looked like her. Freaking fantastic.
So she unkillible none of this has anything to do with me. So just let me go, it's not like I can tell anyone where you are, since you knocked me out.
A loud booming laugh erupted from Tommy, pissing nick off even more which was pretty damn hard to believe because at this point nick's about 100 percent sure that if the psycho were to let him out if the hand cuffs then he would be the one being arrested for murder not tommy.
Oh Nicky. Tommy said bending down to look him in the eye. you're here because she won't come willingly, but your friends might being will to trade her for you. one of they own.
well I hate to be the one to burst your bobble but theres no way in hell they would ever do that. besides, it's the cops that would be making the traded and they wouldn't swop a cop for a CSI.
nick didn't bother telling him that maybe if he had tried this before he was buried alive then they might have, but he had been a mage asshole since he had nearly lost his life in that box. so no one but cath would even care that he was gone, don't get nick wrong he knew that they would look for him, it was their jobs, but they wouldn't truly care. and it wasn't so much that he wanted to be an ass to everyone it kinda just happened. some how some of the video of him losing it in that damn box had getting to the Medea, and for about four moths straight he was called none stop, having to change his phone number more then once. followed no matter where he was or who he was with. and one person could only take so much. and after what felt like the thousandth time of trying to nicely get the cameras and reporters to stop and leave him alone and it not woking, because despite them all saying they wanted a story on how he was doing and that they hoped he was well, they didn't give a shit. because if they did then they would have left him alone. not made him have panic attacks every time he thought of them sroming him the moment he stepped foot out his door. he had lost it and hit two reporters and a camera guy in the face, nick didn't really remember it happing. the only reason there worn't any charges was because you could see that he was out of it when it happened. and not from some drug or drinking, it was from not sleeping for a week straight.
well for your sake Nicky I hope they do the swop. with that Tommy stood up and headed for the door that was behind nick. leaving nick by himself, dark thoughts the only thing to keep him compony.
nick didn't really care about being killed, not that he wanted to die. he didn't but he every day fight to live was starting to wear nick down. the only reason he could think of for living was Catherine.
Catherine was the only reason for living, he loves her, and would give anything if he could tell her that one last time. with a sigh nick let his head fall till his chin was resting on his chest and closed his eyes. concussion be damned he as long past tired and his head felt like it would blow any minute. his last thought was of his love before darkness consumed him.
it's been five hours Gil. and we still don't know who took nick. We're running out of time.
the plate number warrick had give them came back as a rental which was dumped about five miles outside of the strip, with no nick in sight.
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