Chapter 15
Call To Mind
Mornings are never anyone's thing, unless it's a gem who doesn't need sleep or someone who is happy go lucky. Unfortunately, you were one of those who doesn't like waking early in the morning and rather just sleep forever if you could.
On the bed, Spinel and Nelly were both asleep. The smaller gem snuggled close to the others gem's side. Honestly, it was adorable and funny by who much they were snoring. That food fight really took a toll last night, along with the running, screaming and laughing.
Plus the late night stroll you had taken.
With small tired sigh, you reach over to your tablet as the screen blinked, so you shut it off and sat up. Being careful not to wake the two gems.
No nightmares last night. Which felt nice for a change, but….it could never go away unless you do something.
Spinel groans softly and immediately noticed Nelly practically laying across her stomach. Very carefully, she scoops up the smaller gem and lays her to the side before sitting up. The sound of running water made Spinel realized you weren't there. "(Y/n)?"
The only noise that stood out most and that seemed different from yesterday, had been the sound of running water. A mini waterfall?
Curious and slightly worried, Spinel makes her way down to the main floor and follows the sound. It got louder once she gets to a door that was under the bedroom. It was open yesterday, but now it was closed. Slowly, her pink hand turned the knob.
You were combing your fingers through your soapy hair and sigh at the freshness of the shower.
Spinel's sudden voice echoed in the bathroom and your reaction made you knock over your bottle of shampoo. Causing a giant boom noise that already increased your fast heartbeat.
"(Y/N)!?" Spinel grew extremely scared for your safety and reached for the shower curtain.
"NO! Spinel! I'm fine, just stay back!" You try to calm your panic attack and run a hand down your face. "You seriously scared me." 'It's been a very long time since that happened.' You thought and continued to wash yourself. Unfortunately, you could tell Spinel hasn't left the room and you peak your head out a little, spotting the pigtailed gem close to the tub. "Uh….this is a private moment, Bunchies. Can you leave until I come out?"
Spinel tilts her head like a confused puppy, "Why?"
There is no way you're explaining the reason why while trying to clean up. "Nevermind." You go back to finish your necessities, knowing very well that gems can start to become curious after awhile.
Spinel sits on the floor; criss cross; and begins to play with her hair. 'I wonder what a bath feels like. Steven says showers are better though. Is there a difference? Blue's pool had been relaxing and fun.' Her magenta eyes spot your hand reaching out from the curtain and trying to grasp a folded material.
You mentally growl in frustration after you turned off the shower and couldn't reach your towel. Usually Nelly would happily hand you a towel, but she was asleep upstairs. That is until you feel the towel being held out in front of your hand. "Thanks."
"You're welcome." Spinel stretches her hand back. "What are we going to do today?"
What were you two going to do for today?
Honestly, you already had plans, though having another free day would be great. "I'm sure we'll come up with something." You wrap the towel around yourself and step out, you grab another towel to dry your hair. "Do you think we should invite Steven along? I'm sure he can keep Nelly company."
Spinel perks up and leaves the bathroom, "I'll go ask him!"
You shake your head and chuckle while finishing your business.
The phone is pulled out of pink hearted gem and the screen lights up, showing a few texts and missed calls from Steven. "Oh. Oops." Spinel video calls the young teen back and he answers right away.
"Spinel! Oh thank goodness. Where are you?"
"I'm at (Y/n)'s." Spinel leans on the couch and giggles to herself. "We kinda had a fun time yesterday. Well, after I had a moment with Nelly." She chuckles a bit and glances up at the room with the sleeping gem. "I'm okay. Nothing less."
"That's good. I'm so glad you're making friends and being out on your own." Steven smiles warmly. "Is (Y/n) there?"
Spinel nods happily, "She's in the bathroom. Did you need to speak-"
"Ah! No, no, no, no! That's fine, Spinel." Steven laughs nervously. "So are you going to coming back later?"
You walk out, completely dressed and ready to leave when you hear Steven's voice. Your direction changes from the door toward Spinel. Your chin rests on the top of her head and your arms hug around her neck lazily. "Hi, Steven."
Spinel tenses up and her mind freezes for a moment at your actions.
Steven grins and waves, "Hey! Sorry about intruding with your date with Spinel, but I was just checking in to see if she was okay."
You hum and shrug, "It's no problem. Making sure your friends are okay is very important." You smile shyly, "Just asking, but would you like to hang out with us and Nelly today? I'm sure, Mr. I Saved the Universe, needs lots of breaks."
There's hesitance in the teen's expression, "Breaks do sound nice, but I've got a schedule to keep-"
"Alright. I see how it is. Maybe next time." You grin a bit mischievously then end the call. "Do you have Connie's phone number?"
Before Spinel could speak, you take her phone and look through the contacts. She huffs and stretches her arm to grab at the phone, "I can do it." But the device is kept out of her reach and Spinel couldn't help but giggle, "That's mine. Give it back."
You continue staring at the screen and easily maneuvering away from her curled arm and hand. "Of course it is, but I'll give it back once I'm done." You snicker and text Connie about hanging out with you guys and try bringing along Steven. Finally, you let Spinel take her phone. "I'm done."
The gem blows a raspberry at you which you flick her forehead, causing Spinel to grumble.
"Nelly! It's morning!" You call out and go to the fridge.
"Nooooo!" Nelly yells tiredly.
The colorful sippy cup is filled with apple juice along with a few grapes, cubed cheese, and a slice of brown bread. You cross your arms, "Nelly."
Spinel tilts her head at the plate and cup. Slowly, she tries the sippy cup and eats all the food on the plate. 'Wow! This is amazing and tastes so good! This cup is even better!' Suddenly it taken from her grasp. "Hey!"
"Bunchies, this is Nelly's breakfast." You fill up the plate and cup again. "If you don't get up, then Spinel is going to eat your breakfast!" You gently smack Spinel's hand away. "Nope."
Nelly finally comes down and you pick her up to sit on the counter. The small gem holds onto her cup and her head lolling to the side the forward.
Spinel chuckles and sits on the counter next to Nelly, pulling the baby spinel to sit on her crossed lap. "Still tired, Cutie Puff?"
Nelly hums and lays her head against Spinel's chest, "Mhmm."
You watch them and smile at their interaction. It's been a very long time since someone has shown Nelly this type of care. The way Spinel's soft pink cheeks crinkle when she laughs or smiles in happiness. Her face expresses everything and isn't hard to miss what emotions she shows. If not, you can see it in her glimmering magenta eyes.
Your smile slowly fades and you glance away from the two Spinels. There was something Spinel wasn't letting go of or possibly lying to herself about something. You couldn't blame her though. Even you had things you can't let go of.
The invisible barrier…...
Everything around you is dark and you reach out only for your palms to stop against a smooth surface of an invisible wall. Your breath hitches before you're pulled back to reality.
Spinel is in front of you with her hands on your arms with a worried look.
You realize Nelly is now at the table, eating and drawing. 'How long was I out now?' Your mood shifts and you grin softly, taking Spinel's hands. "Sorry. I kinda spaced out there." It felt nice to hold her hands.
Spinel noticed your calm and happy gaze at your entwined hands. So she squeezes your hands with a calm and cheerful expression of her own. Her eyes and yours now stare into each other. A faint blush glows on both of your cheeks as you two giggle shyly in a close eyed smile.
Nelly had snatched Spinel's phone a few minutes ago and snaps a picture. "Now to make it her home screen."
"Well….I guess we should head out." You pull away and noticed the faint disappointed look on Spinel's face when your hands move apart. With a gentle yank at one of her pigtails, you giggle at her annoyed reaction and take her hand once again. "Let's head to Greg Universe's Carwash. I need a favor to ask."
Nelly skips out with you and latches onto your back. Which you hold her up for a piggy back ride.
Spinel waits outside with Nelly of the Universe Business and raised a brow at the smaller gem as Nelly just randomly spun around before stumbling in every direction with giggles.
'I remember when I was like her…..I wish I still like that.'
Before her thoughts dug deeper, a pink portal opened up for Lion to jump through with Connie and Steven on the companion's back. They were laughing to themselves and Spinel only rolled her eyes at their interaction.
"Hey, Spinel. Nelly. Where's (Y/n)?" Connie asked and hops off Lion.
Spinel kicks at the ground, "She's inside talking to Mr. Universe."
"Why is she talking to my dad?" Steven asked in curiosity.
Before Spinel speaks, you walk out and spin a set of keys with triumph grin. "Alright. Who's ready for a night in Charm City? Food, shopping, all the goods."
Connie and Steven blink at you with disbelief. "Wait. I can't go that far." Connie says with worry and Steven backs her up. "Yeah, I can go, but Connie's parents aren't one for things….fun?"
You shuffle backwards toward Greg's van and lean on it. "That is why it'll be a secret. Connie, I called your parents and I've told them I am homeschooled student wanting to learn a little bit of being a medical personnel. So you're supposedly at my house until late tonight. I'll drop you off, no worries."
They still looked hesitant then end up going into the van. Connie, Spinel, and Nelly sat in the back and played a card game. Causing giggles or playful banters.
Steven sat in the passenger seat and stares out the window, although his gaze stares at your reflection in the glass as you drove. 'There's something about her that I don't quite understand. Maybe Lapis is just getting to me.' Steven shakes his head gently. The said gem wasn't really fond of you and had no idea why, yet Lapis liked Nelly. He wished Garnet's visions were still working.
Maybe conversing with you would clear things up.
"Soooo….what was your home like?"
You take a side glance at the teen then back to the road. Questions weren't your things, especially ones that were personal, so you always answer anyone as simple as possible. "It was exactly like Beach City...well a tiny bit differences here and there."
Steven could feel the tension from you, one he knew very well. Might as well change the subject before he seems like the bad guy. "A Voyager, huh? Which places have you and Nelly been too?"
"Everywhere." You shrug and chuckle, "Nelly and I, mainly me, have gotten into a lot of trouble. Ya know, living life as it goes. Now it's my turn to ask the questions."
Steven waits for questions with a smile.
"Since, you're like the savior of the universe and what not. Does that mean you have a gem? I mean I've seen you use a shield and stuff."
The teen places a hand over his stomach where his belly button would be. "Yeah….well...it used to be my mom's. It's used to be her- I mean….ugh…..it's kinda complicated." He chuckles a bit.
You nod and snort playfully, "All I asked is if you had a gem. Not if it was yours or not."
Steven blushes in embarrassment and grins sheepishly, "S-sorry. Sometimes I just let out a little too much. I'm an open book." He waves his hands in a jazzy manner.
You hum and you can easily see that he also had too much on his shoulders. Lots of things that someone like him….yourself….shouldn't have been born into. Taking a very large responsibility. You could help him. You could help everyone. You needed to help all of them. Your fists clenched tightly on the steering wheel.
'It was my fault….wasn't it?'
"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" Steven got worried at your minute of silence and your actions on the wheel.
"Just a random and silly question. I'm also really curious." You say to him.
Steven sighs in relief when you smile at him. "Yes?"
"Sorry if it sounds a little weird, but has your gem ever been taken out?"
Immediately, Steven's mind flashed back to that day so long ago;
"I'm not my mom!"
"But don't you know things about her that you couldn't possibly know?"
He remembered White grabbing him and her nails clinking against his gem. "It's time to come out, Pink."
Connie's screams. "NOOO!"
Everything had gone black. The last thing he saw was his gem being held in the Diamond's grasp.
"Steven--..." He heard Connie's muffled voice.
The teen snaps out of it and looks at you after you had tried calling out to him. Steven realized the van was parked and the three in the back weren't there. "How….how long was I out?"
"About 30 minutes. We're here at the Charm City Mall." You frown with concern, especially at his state. Nearly hyperventilating and….something he didn't know and that the others didn't see. He had turned pink. You slap his arm, "Come on. The others took off in a play of tag once I stopped."
Steven sat there once you got out and tried to calm down. He never had that happened for a long time. 'You're okay, Steven. You're okay.' He said to himself.
"You are okay. I'm always there….inside you. Protecting you."
Steven jumps at the sudden voice in his head….sounding like him, but more…...emotionless. He blinked and suddenly saw half of his eyesight staring at a pink form….of himself.
He starts to hyperventilate again at each step the pink Steven took toward him. His heart racing and tried to make it go away, until the pink form of himself held his shoulders and stared at him with a blank stare.
"I will always protect you. No matter what, I'll keep you safe."
"Wh-what?" Steven began to shake and it disappeared after you knocked on the window and wave for him to follow you inside. 'What just….happened?'
Couldn't end this chapter without any sort of digital art. Even if it's not related to the story. Another drawing of Spinel, done by me.
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