Reasons why Feister is an Introvert

Brought you by my weird brain who decided it was a good idea to try and figure out her and Brooklyn's  personality types and enneagrams. If you're here it's either because you saw my announcement, or you've got this book in your library and see the random once in a blue moon updates. WOO. Stay tuned because I can assure you, more randomness is on the way.

Me to my brain: nobody is gonna read this.
Brain: who cares? It's fun and you don't have anything better to do.
Me: well I have to work on drafts and make sure that Brooklyn story is -
Brain: you have nothing better to do.

Welp here we go.

Which originally started out a question on my announcement board made me realize I knew the answer all along to a certain extent once most of it was typed out. So I mentioned this to someone (probably Aisling cause let's be honest, it wouldn't be surprising if that popped up somewhere in one of our conversations) then it made it to my announcement board where nutcracker645 really helped me out with the whole personality type and enneagram for her. Which I will reveal at the end.

Feister, while does seem bold and outgoing, really does prefer her alone time. This isn't a universal introvert trait (I'm guessing), but I promise it does turn into one. Stay with me. We all know she isn't the most welcoming to new people but once she's somewhat warmed up she's fine for the most part. *cough* Mush is the one keeping that lid screwed on tight *cough*. With the boys (who she grew up with since she was S I X) she's perfectly fine with letting lose and being her true crazy self. She likes to take the time to make sure it's safe to let someone in. I would say that Heartbeat, Peeks into the Past, and Always There from The Story of a News Girl are great examples. Though there's like a million other chapters and one shots that hint at this as well. Those are the ones that come to mind first.

When she first shows up at the Lodge, when she's found by Jack, Racer and Specs...actually before the newsies, she's really shy and quiet. It's not until she meets Mush does she become loud and "in your face" it's a defense if you will. Does she enjoy being tough? Well, that's complicated. Mostly it's a way to not only protect herself but also to prove she's deserves to be apart of the Lower Manhattan ranks, as well as the rest of the newsies within the city. Feister kind of had to reinvent herself to make it on the streets.

Going back to the alone time thing (especially when she's moody) it gives her a chance to recollect her energy for when life decides to be a pain (which is everyday in canon time). But of course Mush being the extrovert he is doesn't like leaving her alone. He loves her ok? Yeah I know, "way to point out the obvious Crystal". Also there's that meme that goes "introverts make friends because an extrovert adopted them".Moving on. When alone she can recharge and her guard can be taken down in the safety of her bedroom. Though it hurts her hand and can't write cursive, she does enjoy writing in her journal when given the chance too.

Another note is the whole "opposites attract thing". Originally, it was outer personality that was the main difference. But that took a turn. As time went on just like you lovely readers I learned more about her with each story. Many of you have seen the deeper side of her that I thought only I'd be able too. I absolutely love it. Especially since it makes me see her in a new light. (ok enough side tracking). Unmmm.....In my mind, Mush is sort an extrovert. We see in 92sies the most. He's joking around (yes I am talking about the "on my back" scene). Always smiling. Starts off King of New York. This boy gets along with everyone from what I remember and yeah I know, I know, I'm fangirling now. Back to our scheduled show. So yeah it's still sticking with the opposites attract thing, even though extroverts are more willing to go do whatever and introverts are like nah. That's not Mush and Feister like at all. She's the one who needs to be stopped from being reckless and he's the one who somewhat needs persuasion to do something reckless.

That's where it threw me for a loop. The deeper reason why Feister is like that is because it tells people not to underestimate her. Plus the fact I kind of combined 92sies and livesies Mush for a more rounded character (again that's sort of beside the point). I know I know it doesn't make much sense but like I mentioned before, Feister is the way she is because she had to learn and adapt herself to her new surroundings. Put up a front to survive and only let her walls down when she's alone. She's more relaxed with those in her inner circle.

Here's where I was really stubbed. Obviously if you're here then you know how much Feister seems to overthink things. Up until recently I thought she was an over thinker until nutcracker645 pointed out she's more skeptical than anything else. Feister is very straight and too the point of things. She takes facts she already knows and applies them to the current situation. A great example is The Other Girl when Mush brings Genevieve to the Lodge and she upright tells him that she's a two faced snake. Reality that isn't true and she's mostly trying to protect him from another heartbreak. (That and the green monster jealously really kicks in).

I'm not sure how many of you thought whether Feister is an introvert or an extrovert. But by the way she acts I'm assuming the outcome of that was extrovert. Well....she's not. I never gave it two thoughts until Aisling asked me how I view her. I think I said "border line introvert that's out going". At that time I was really comparing those traits with Brooklyn/myself and nothing seemed to click. Deep down I knew Feister is an introvert. Remember how I said she isn't the most welcoming to new people and is skeptical of a lot of things? What Next in Strike showcases her wariness Katherine (look past the jealousy people). Davey and Les she had zero thoughts on them, I've headcanoned she just assumed they wouldn't make it through one day of selling papes. And then we've got Brooklyn. Oohhh boy this one goes way back.

Locked Secrets from Story of a News Girl. She first meets Brooklyn. She's not exactly wary of her, but Feister does sense something familiar about the freckled girl. Then we jump years later to Mystery Girl (a one shot) she's really skeptical now. Race never drags in some random girl into Jacobi's and sets Albert up on a date of sorts. And ok maybe a little jealously sparks up when Mush is talking to her (keep in mind Feister has zero clue Mush had a twin sister). And then she stalks them, somehow Albert walks into that and yeah....

There's just a few reasons why she's an introvert. Are these good examples? I've honestly got no clue. But she is definitely not an extrovert. Yes, she doesn't mind the boys since ya know, they're family.

Whew ok now for trait reveal I promised. Her personality type is ISTP. Let me tell you that it fits her so flipping well! That type seems really extrovert and that's what she appears to be. Enneagram is a 6w5. This fits extremely well. Like I was reading that reply on the living room couch in front of my parents. My face twisted in so much shock and disbelief I'm surprised they didn't ask me wha was up. That's how well it fits Feister. So like if my points don't make any sense just look into that from her perspective.

Thanks for listening to this rant and again special thanks to nutcracker645 for taking the time to reply to my random question. You were such a big help!

Last note there's literally no need for me to do why Brooklyn is an introvert since it's obvious from the get-go that she is. I see her as a INFJ and a 4w5, though when 8w7 was brought to my attention it threw me for a loop for reasons no one knows just yet. But truly she's probably a 4w5. Same as me and I can't blame my brain for doing that since I wanted her to be the complete opposite of Feister, and I guess that mission was a success. 

Guess I'll see ya in the next random rant. 

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