Attack of Frightningale
Ladybug (Ladybug finishing her transformation)
Cat Noir (Cat Noir finishing his transformation)
Crystal Cygne (Crystal Cygne finishing her transformation)
Cottontail (Cottontail finishing her transformation)
We've been preparing (Ladybug, Cat Noir, Crystal Cygne and Cottontail on patrol)
Sharing (Elisa helping Sakura with her Footloose lines)
Training (Luka and Elisa meditating together, holding hands)
Studying A to Z (Elisa raising her hand in class)
Bonding (Elisa and Sakura hugging)
Battling (Cat Noir destroying Captain Hardrock's ship with Cataclysm)
Laughing (Elisa laughing at Nathaniel's drawing of Hawk Moth's defeat)
Gettin' crazy, you and me (Luka kissing Elisa)
'Cause it's coming soon (The window in Hawk Moth's lair opening)
When we all meet our destiny (Luka and Elisa standing under the moonlight in each other's arms)
Under the Parisian moon (Ladybug, Cat Noir, Crystal Cygne and Cottontail stand side by side, now joined by Rena Rouge, Carapace and Queen Bee)
"Elisa, wake up!" Suuiren was tugging on my hair.
"Ow!" I swatted at my kwami. "Ok, ok, I'm up!"
I hopped out of bed and changed into a pink and white knee-length dress and my signature white heels.
"Hey, Suuiren, they're going to announce what this year's musical is!"
"Really? I hope it's a great one!"
I winked. "I'm hoping it's Beauty and the Beast."
"Elisa!" I heard Dad shout from downstairs. "Breakfast is ready!"
I put on my purse and let Suuiren into it. I then headed downstairs. To my surprise, Sakura and Lily were sitting at the table!
"Sakura? Lily? What are you doing here?"
Sakura giggled. "Your dad offered me to come over and eat breakfast with you. Of course, I said yes. I extended the invitation to Lily, and her parents were ok with it."
I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat down with my friends. "So, are you two nervous about starting at a new school?"
Sakura shrugged. "A little. I'm very much looking forward to it, though."
Lily nodded. "I'm very nervous. I've been homeschooled my whole life, and my mother and I just recently convinced my overprotective father to let me attend a public school."
"Hey," I comforted Lily. "You're not alone. A friend of mine at school, Adrien Agreste, has a father just as overprotective as yours."
"I'm sure your father just wants what's best for you." Sakura interjected.
A lightbulb went off in my head. I had an idea!
"Say, Lily! How would you, me and Sakura like to audition for the school musical?"
Lily's face lit up. "A musical? I love musicals! I'm personally hoping for Bye Bye Birdie!"
Sakura smirked. "Hoping for Into the Woods. What about you, Elisa?"
"Beauty and the Beast for me."
After we finished our breakfast, we picked up our backpacks and headed off to school.
"Well, girls, this is it. Françoise Dupont High School. Let's get your schedules from Principal Damocles."
Just as we started up the stairs, Lily dashed behind me.
"Lily, I know you're nervous." I turned to face my lilac haired friend. "But don't worry. Pretty much everyone here is nice. Watch out for Chloé Bourgeois, though. Prissy blonde girl, yellow jacket, striped shirt? She's the mean girl here. There's also a girl named Karen who's almost as mean as Chloé. She has her own gang here."
Lily nodded. "Hopefully, we have classes together."
"Ready, Lily?"
Lily smiled. "Yes, Elisa. I am ready."
I smiled back. "Well then, let's go!"
We entered the school building and entered Principal Damocles' office.
"Good morning, Principal Damocles."
"Good morning, Miss Krelborn-Fulquard. Are those the new students with you?"
I nodded. "Yes. Sakura here moved from Moscow like I did, and Lily's starting here, having been homeschooled almost her whole life."
Principal Damocles shook hands with Sakura. He wanted to shake hands with Lily too, but she shrunk away. "Welcome to our school, Miss Morris and Miss Robinson. I had two other new students come through a few minutes ago. One of them seems to be very shy, just like you, Miss Robinson."
"Yeah, sure..." Lily squeaked. "That's nice..."
"Lily will adjust." I reassured Principal Damocles. "It'll take time."
"Miss Morris, Miss Robinson, here are your schedules."
I looked at Sakura's schedule, very much impressed. "So Sakura, you and I both have Ms. Bustier first period. Who do you have first period, Lily?"
"Um... French History with Mr. Thompson."
The three of us walked out and into the hallway.
"Ok. Sakura, Chloé is in our class, so if she says anything mean to you, just ignore her, ok?"
"I'll try, Elisa."
While Lily headed off in another direction, I brought Sakura to Ms. Bustier's classroom. I opened the door and poked my head in.
"Ms. Bustier, I have the new student."
"Bring her in."
I walked Sakura into the classroom, seeing the familiar faces of Marinette, Adrien, Luka, Nino, Alya, Kim, Chloé, Nathaniel and the others. I patted my best friend on the shoulder before taking my seat next to Luka.
"Good morning, class!"
"Good morning, Ms. Bustier!"
"As you all can see, we have a new student in our class today. Sakura, will you introduce yourself?"
Sakura stood up front next to Ms. Bustier, where we could see her.
"Konnichiwa! My name is Sakura Morris, and although I was born in Japan, I moved from Moscow, just like my bestie, Elisa!"
I giggled, and the other students laughed, including Chloé. The only one who didn't laugh was Nathaniel.
"Tell us more about yourself, Sakura."
Sakura seemed to radiate positive energy as she talked about the things she liked to do.
"Well, I am very skilled in martial arts and sword fighting. After my sixth birthday, I started watching videos on how the samurai in the Sengoku era used to do it. The Japanese still do it, but nowadays, it's just a sport."
Adrien raised his hand.
"Yes, Adrien?" Ms. Bustier called on Adrien.
"Did you know that we have fencing here? You should try it."
Sakura smiled sadly. "Oh, that's very nice of you, but I'd rather stick to my training. Plus, my parents want me to know how to defend myself. That also includes surviving the woods."
Max raised his hand next.
"Anything you want to ask Miss Morris, Max?"
"What's the difference between a fencing sword and a samurai sword?"
"Well, the fencing sword is thin and rounded, but the samurai sword has a distinct curve to it. It's also flat and a bit thicker."
"Wow, Sakura. That's very impressive." Ms. Bustier smiled. "As much as we want to learn more about you, I'm afraid we have to get to learning. Miss Morris, you can take the empty seat next to Mr. Kurtzberg."
Sakura took her seat next to Nathaniel, and Ms. Bustier started the class.
I arrived at Mr. Thompson's classroom and opened the door. I slowly stepped into the classroom.
"Mr. Thompson, I believe that's the new student!" A boy with raven hair pointed to me.
"Marvin, she appears to be shy!" Said a girl resembling the boy.
"Marvin, Mia, that's enough." Mr. Thompson quieted the two. "Students, I'd like to introduce you to your new classmate, Lily. Now, she's been homeschooled most of her life, and she's very shy, so take it easy with her. Everyone, stand up one at a time, and introduce yourself."
The boy and girl from before stood up and introduced themselves.
"Marvin Monarrez."
"Mia Monarrez."
One by one, the other nine students got up and introduced themselves.
"Shane Vermeer."
"Sharon Miller."
"Charles Kane."
"Valerie Mezvinsky."
"Olivia Arclight."
"Jack Alvarez."
"Aaron Curtiz."
"Kayla Norris."
"Anita Woodard."
My new classmates seemed nice, but I wanted to wait and get to know them.
"It's... It's nice to meet you guys..." I said timidly.
"We're very happy to have you here, Lily. You can take the empty seat next to Miss Arclight."
I sat down next to Olivia, and Mr. Thompson started the class.
The school day was almost over, and fifth period had just ended. I was walking with Sakura, Lily and Luka to lunch when I heard someone crying.
We followed the sound until we came upon a girl with brown hair sitting under the stairs, her head buried in her knees.
I turned to my friends and boyfriend. "I'll catch up with you guys in a bit."
While Luka and the others headed to the cafeteria, I bent down next to the girl and put my hand on her shoulder.
"Go away, Sharon!" Sobbed the girl.
"Sharon?" I asked. "Who's Sharon?"
The girl looked up at me, her tear-streaked face and brown eyes full of sadness.
"Oh, you're not Sharon."
I gave the girl a sad smile. "Ok. Let's start with your name."
"I'm Nichole Miller. My mother is the drama teacher. Sharon's my sister."
I nodded. "Nichole's a nice name. Sharon is too. Now, what's got you all down in the dumps?"
"I had a crush on this guy, and I told him how I felt. He didn't feel the same way."
"Who was it?"
"My classmates Marvin and Mia Monarrez's older brother, Oliver."
I immediately felt sorry for Nichole. I didn't know what it was like to be rejected, but I could tell it hurt her badly.
I saw Melandra Kinsey and Matthew Ellerbee walking by. If I recall clearly, they are both in Ms. Mendeleiev's class. I whistled to get their attention, and they sat down next to us.
I relayed to Matthew and Melandra what Nichole had told me, and they expressed their sympathy.
"What's the age difference between you two?" Melandra asked.
"I'm 15, he's 24. I thought he was around my age. Boy, how wrong I was." Nichole let out a bitter sob and buried her face in her knees again.
"Hey," Melandra put her hand on Nichole's shoulder. "Elisa may not know what it's like to be rejected, but I do. I've been there."
Melandra began to sing.
Mother cannot guide you.
Now you're on your own.
Only me beside you.
Still, you're not alone.
No one is alone.
Truly, no one is alone.
Nichole sniffled. "I wish..."
Melandra squeezed Nichole's shoulder. "I know."
"You know," Matthew spoke up. "Last year, I had feelings for a girl. As a matter of fact, it was Melandra! I told her how I felt, but she didn't feel the same. She just wanted us to be friends. I was disappointed at first, but got over it quickly. Now, Melandra and I are besties!"
That wasn't enough for Nichole to smile.
"See," Said Melandra. "We're here for you, Nichole. Just listen to what we have to say."
Melandra: (Matthew:)
Mother isn't here now. (Wrong things, right things.)
Who knows what she'd say? (Who can say what's true?)
Nothing's quite so clear now. (Do things, fight things)
Feel you lost your way?
You decide, but
Matthew and Melandra:
You are not alone.
Melandra: (Matthew:)
Believe me,
No one is alone. (No one is alone, believe me.)
Matthew and Melandra:
People make mistakes.
Matthew and Melandra:
People make mistakes.
Holding to their own...
Thinking they're alone...
Melandra: (Matthew:)
Honor their mistakes (Fight for their mistakes)
Everybody makes
Matthew and Melandra:
One another's terrible mistakes.
Witches can be right.
Giants can be good.
You decide what's right.
You decide what's good.
Melandra: (Matthew:)
Just remember... (Just remember...)
Matthew and Melandra: (Elisa and Nichole:)
Someone is on your side. (Our side...)
Our side,
Someone else is not.
While we're seeing our side... (Our side...)
Our side,
Matthew, Melandra, Elisa and Nichole:
Maybe we forgot...
They are not alone.
No one is alone.
Someone is on your side...
No one is alone.
Melandra, Matthew and I pulled Nichole to her feet and brought her into a group hug.
"Nichole, we're all here for you. Your family, your friends, everyone!"
Melandra gave Nichole a tissue so she could blow her nose.
"Thank you, Melandra, Elisa..."
I smiled. "You're welcome. Hey, we're heading to lunch. Wanna come with? You can sit with your sister."
Nichole nodded. "I will."
The four of us headed to the cafeteria together. Sakura ran up to us while squealing.
"Elisa, did you see the poster revealing the musical?! We're doing Footloose! In fact, auditions are after school!"
"After school? Ok, then. I'll text my parents and let them know. You should do the same, Sakura."
"I shall."
Sakura and I texted our parents, letting them know we'd be staying after school for Footloose auditions. We immediately got the ok back, and we knew the auditions were a go.
I was on my way to my art class when I bumped into another new student. She had lilac purple hair, zircon blue eyes, pale white skin, and a rainbow dress under a white shrug.
"Oh, h-hello. Uh... Are you i-in this class?" She stuttered.
"Y... Yeah."
We walked into the class and sat down at our table. The art teacher, Mr. Ross, stood in front of everyone.
"Good afternoon, students. We have two newcomers in our wonderful art room today. Marc, Lily, would you please step in front of the class?"
The girl and I slowly stepped up to the front where the other students could see us. I was so scared... I looked at the girl, and I could see that she too was frightened.
"Class, meet Marc Anciel and Lily Robinson. Marc moved here with his family from the other side of the country, and Lily just started here, having been homeschooled almost her whole life! Say hello to Marc and Lily!"
"Hello, Marc and Lily!" Said the class.
Why can't I get Lily out of my head? I've never liked anyone before... Why am I feeling this way towards her?
She's beautiful. I want to tell her how I feel, but I'm too scared, especially since we just met.
I did notice that Lily's rather shy herself. Does she like writing? I hope she does.
Is she a fan of Ladybug? I'm sure she is. I've been working on my latest journal, The Diary of Ladybug. I don't want to show it to anyone just yet.
I think I'll start with getting to know Lily.
"Marc and Lily, we are very happy to have you in the class. There are two empty seats next to Miss Kinsey."
I went with Elisa to the lockers right before seventh period. I had something up my sleeve.
"I told Lily to meet us here. If she doesn't come within 30 seconds, we're going to have to do something that will really annoy her."
30 seconds passed by, and Lily was a no-show. I whispered into Elisa's ear what we were going to do. She agreed with a smirk.
We both took a deep breath and shouted:
"Lily, Lily, Lily! Banana fana fo fudy! Mee mi mo moni!"
"Ok, I'm right here! Shut up!" Lily stormed up to us, frustrated. "It's not like you have to say my name three times, you know!"
"We just did!" Elisa and I said with sheepish grins on our faces.
Lily rolled her eyes. "I sometimes wonder why I even put up with you guys."
At that moment, the warning bell rang.
"We all have seventh period together. Let's go."
School had just let out. Elisa had invited Sakura and I to stay the night at her house. Chloé and Sakura have started insulting each other, but Elisa and I would just stay out of it.
I still can't believe Elisa and Melandra had the gall to annoy me the way they did...
"Hey, girls," Elisa said to us as we walked to her house together with mine and Sakura's suitcases. We were finished with our Footloose auditions. "I heard from Marinette that Clara Nightingale will be performing her hit single 'Big Bang' live tomorrow morning. Want to come up with a group dance routine?"
Sakura shook her head. "You do that with Lily. I'll pass. Plus, I have to attend my training session. I won't be back for a couple hours."
"Oh, Sakura, please..." I faced Sakura with the old puppy eyes I knew she recognized.
"I'm sorry, Lily, but I have to uphold my family legacy. My parents are very strict about that."
I sighed. "I understand."
"Sakura, you go on ahead to your gig. Lily and I will take your suitcase up to my room."
Sakura nodded. "Will do, Elisa. See you girls in a couple hours!"
While Sakura went off in another direction, I arrived home with Lily.
"Let's go tell Mom and Dad we're home."
I opened the door and entered the house, Lily following behind.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!"
Dad entered the living room, and Mom came downstairs.
"How was school, sweetie?" Mom asked.
"We had a great day! Sakura had to go to Samurai training. She'll be here in a few hours. We'll bring her stuff upstairs."
"Are you and Lily going to study for your Humanities test next week?"
"Yes, Mrs. Krelborn-Fulquard!" Lily answered for me.
I opened the door for Lily and allowed her to enter first. I followed behind and shut the door.
"Wow, Elisa! This is your room?"
"Yes, it is."
We set our backpacks and Lily's suitcase on the floor. We pulled out our sets of flashcards.
"Lily, shall we quiz each other?"
Lily nodded. "We shall."
I put my study guide in my backpack and sat across from Lily.
"Elisa, you remember what way the call and response pattern of African music influenced jazz, right?"
It instantly came to me. "Slaves brought the pattern to the United States."
Lily sighed. "In fact, I really don't get why women weren't allowed to participate in Elizabethan theater, but were allowed in neoclassic."
"Maybe because times changed between those eras."
"Ooh! I have a good one!" Lily smirked. "Do you remember the name of the artist who took jazz from small clubs to concert halls?"
"Um..." I tilted my head. "Uh... Oh! Edward Kennedy Ellington!"
Lily snickered. "Who did you think it was? Michael Jackson?"
"Oh!" I perked up. "Tell me the name of the Greek playwright who best satisfied Aristotle's requirements for tragedy!"
"Sophocles!" Lily and I sing-songed together.
Lily read off the next flashcard. "Do you remember the name of the Russian playwright who started naturalism?"
"Anton..." I paused, trying to remember the last name. "Chekhov! Anton Chekhov!"
Lily winked. "You're on fire, girl!"
"Thanks!" I read off my next flashcard. "Define 'Exposition'."
"An exposition is dialogue in a movie or play expanding on the characters' backstories. For example, in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, after Luke Skywalker was cornered by Darth Vader, he found out that Vader was his father."
I flashed Lily a smile. "Smart girl!"
Lily read off her next flashcard. "Compare and contrast the Hinduism and Buddhism religions."
I perked up, instantly remembering that one. "Hinduism is based on the concept of atman and Brahman, whereas Buddhism denies the existence of an eternal soul."
Lily nodded before pulling up her next flashcard. "What is Samadhi?"
I gasped. "Concentration achieved by meditation!"
"You know that one very well, Elisa. Do you meditate?"
I nodded. "I do. So does my boyfriend. We did it together once." I then pulled out another flashcard. "What kinds of films does Spike Lee make today?"
"Films about racism, interracial romance, and prejudiced police."
Lily nodded again. "Great one!"
We laughed and continued to study together until Sakura came back.
"Hi, hi, hi, girls! I'm back."
"How did it go?"
"It went great, Elisa. Let's just say that I kicked their butts."
Lily snickered. "Whose butts?"
"These two nerds who didn't know what they were doing."
Lily laughed. "Once a nerd, always a nerd."
I then remembered what I wanted to ask Sakura. "So, elaborate more on why you don't want to join us in our group hip hop routine tomorrow?"
"I am expected to uphold my family's legacy, and there are strict rules that come with this. One such example is that I'm not allowed to do any dancing other than traditional Japanese dances, ballroom dancing and ballet. The only exception is if I'm participating in a play or musical."
Lily nodded. "I think I understand a bit."
Sakura perked up. "Oh! They're showing the newest episode of Stranger Things. It's the first episode in the second season!"
"Let's put it on."
I sat down on the bed with Lily as Sakura turned on the TV and put on the channel showing Stranger Things. She then sat down between myself and Lily.
When the episode ended, Elisa's mother called us downstairs for dinner.
I was surprised to see that she had cooked my favorite Japanese food: wagyu beef.
Elisa and Lily both had cheddar cheese cubes and grilled meat.
"Thank you so much, Mrs. Krelborn-Fulquard! I love wagyu beef!"
"You're very welcome, Sakura. Why would I ever forget what my daughter's best friend loves to eat?"
"Lily, what part did you audition for?" Elisa asked the purplenette.
"Um... Honestly, I'd prefer to be in the ensemble. I don't feel ready to play a lead role yet." Lily replied before popping a cheese cube in her mouth.
"I kinda guessed that." I interjected. "We both know how shy Lily is."
"You know, Sakura, what are you concerned about? I mean, in regards to the show." Elisa asked.
I sighed. "I'm worried that one of the lead roles will go to Chloé."
Elisa laughed. "Oh please. Even Mrs. Miller hates Chloé. The chances of her playing any of the lead roles are very slim."
When we finished eating dinner, I looked at my friends. "Elisa, Lily, I need to show you something."
When the three of us went back upstairs to Elisa's room, Sakura pulled a thick book out of her suitcase.
"This book contains many ancient legends told over the centuries. One of them has really piqued my interest." She opened the book to a page depicting two goddesses. "Over a thousand years ago, twin goddess sisters came into existence. The firstborn was named Diana Lane, D.L. for short, and the secondborn was named Stella. D.L. was the warrior, and Stella the healer. One day, the girls' birthday party was crashed by their maternal aunt, Medusa."
"Medusa?" I tilted my head in confusion.
"Goddess of reptiles and stone." Sakura explained. "Anyway, Medusa crashed her twin nieces' party, but none of the Twelve Olympians were there yet, not including Hades."
"Why did Medusa crash the party?" Elisa asked.
"No one knows. The most common theory is that Medusa tried to kill Stella and hypnotize D.L. The girls' parents got in the way, and Medusa killed them."
I put my hands to my mouth and Elisa gasped.
"Those poor girls..." Elisa bit her lip.
"Now get ready. This next part is gonna be a little gross."
Elisa and I braced ourselves for what Sakura was going to say next.
Sakura took a deep breath before talking again. "In a fit of rage, D.L. slashed Medusa's head off, killing her murderous aunt once and for all. However, the two sisters were not out of the woods yet. D.L. ended up with Medusa's powers, and the whole tragedy has been a burden to her ever since."
"That's really sad." I hung my head low.
"And that's not all. The legend says that if there's an extreme crisis, the Goddess Sisters will come to help."
"Do you think they could help the Miraculous Four defeat Hawk Moth?" Elisa asked.
"They can't intervene in a case like this. It's mainly if the entire world as we know it is at stake." Sakura replied, shutting the book.
When we went to bed a few hours later, right before I dozed off, I wondered if we would meet the Goddess Sisters one day. Are they just a legend, or do they really exist?
The next morning, after we had breakfast, Sakura went outside to practice her samurai tricks. Lily and I tuned in to the channel broadcasting Clara's music video.
Instead of trying to imitate Clara's choreography, Lily and I did our own hip hop routine.
"And that was Clara Nightingale's hit single "Big Bang" for us!" TV host Alec Cataldi announced. He was currently doing an interview with Clara.
"That was wonderful, Elisa. Whew, I'm thirsty." Lily wiped her forehead. "I'm going downstairs to get some water."
When Lily left the room, I focused my attention back to the broadcast. Clara was dancing while Alec spoke to her.
"Clara, in just a few short months you've become an international sensation with your ultra-unique singing and style. Apparently, you even sing and dance in your sleep! Do you ever stop?"
Clara replied with a chant in rhyme, "Never, you see.
Dancing and singing are everything to me.
And I'm happy to share the joy of song and dance
To the amazing people of France!"
"She's very passionate about her art..." I said to myself.
"You've come to Paris to film the video for your next song, which is gonna be titled 'Miraculous'."
I gasped. What?!
"I really admire and adore
The Miraculous Four.
An homage to them I wanted to pay
Because they inspire me every single day!"
I gasped again. "A song about me, I mean Crystal Cygne?! Wow!"
"Auditions will be held at the Grand Palais Hotel, is that right?" Alec asked. "A little birdie told me that you already found your Cottontail and Cat Noir. Care to share the good news?"
"My lips are sealed,
But soon they'll be revealed.
We must still cast Crystal Cygne, Ladybug and extras, by the way.
So come on out and audition today!"
I let out my third gasp of the day. Audition for the music video?! I'm floored...
My phone buzzed. It's a text message from Marinette!
'Elisa, did you get the news about the auditions?! Alya and the others already buzzed me. Are you going?'
I sent a reply. 'I have great admiration for Clara Nightingale! Why would I not go?!'
Suuiren flew up in front of my face. "Elisa, you aren't auditioning for Crystal Cygne, are you?"
"I wouldn't do anything to risk revealing my secret identity. I'm perfectly fine with being an extra."
Suuiren kissed my nose. "I'm very proud of you, Elisa."
I had gone to use the bathroom when I got a text on my phone from my mom.
'Sakura, sweetie, your father and I have wonderful news. Clara Nightingale has come to Paris to film her next music video, "Miraculous!" She knows of our high status, and has chosen you to be Cottontail. She also chose Adrien Agreste to play Cat Noir. She's holding auditions for Ladybug, Crystal Cygne and extras.'
With shaky hands, I texted back 'Ok, that's wonderful!'
Fluff flew out of my kimono, sensing my stress. "Sakura, is something the matter?"
"Clara Nightingale, the famous singer, has chosen me to play Cottontail in her music video! I'm happy, but also very frightened. What if they discover my secret identity?"
"You could just hide the mask and say you lost it and can't find it." Fluff suggested.
"Great idea, Fluff!"
We were now at the Grand Palais for auditions. Clara Nightingale herself stood on the stage, greeting everyone.
"Thank you for coming, all of you!
This is like a dream come true!
Together we'll all dance and sing;
It's going to be awesome and amazing!"
I was standing in the extras line with Marinette, Alya, Luka, Lily, Rose, Melandra, Juleka, Alix, Mylène and Marc Anciel, one of the new students at school. Marc had his red hood up. He seemed a bit nervous, but at least Lily was there.
"We're gonna be in Clara Nightingale's music video!" Alya squealed. "This is humongous!"
"I can't believe this is happening!" Marinette shrieked.
"And now, meet our rising star,
Adrien as Cat Noir!" Clara announced.
Adrien came to the stage in a Cat Noir costume. He was missing his mask though. I must say, Adrien looks a bit like Cat Noir... There's no way Adrien can be Cat Noir... right?
"Followed by the girl who won't fail,
Sakura as Cottontail!"
Sakura came into view in a Cottontail costume. What happened to her mask? Did she lose hers too?
"It's no biggie; it's okay.
We don't need the masks for tryouts anyway." Clara reassured Sakura as she helped her onstage next to Adrien. She then called for the Ladybug and Crystal Cygne auditonees.
Among the Ladybug auditionees were Officer Roger and a little girl. She had a little black cat with her. So cute! Melandra had decided to move to the Crystal Cygne auditionee line at the last minute.
I saw Clara pick up a tray of Chouquettes and walk over with them.
"You must be starving
From all this waiting!"
I pulled out a piece of Russian chocolate I kept in the freezer. I recall the day I arrived in Paris and gave one to Master Fu. I think I'll give this to Clara.
I got out of the line to tap Clara on the shoulder. I held out the piece of chocolate to her.
"I'm sorry to disturb you, Clara, but I wanted to present you a gift: a piece of chocolate from where I lived as a child."
Clara took the piece of chocolate and gave me a hug.
"Thank you!
You're cute, I must say.
For you are Crystal Cygne!"
I gasped for the fourth time today. "What?!" Did she know my identity?! "What exactly are you talking about?" I asked nervously.
"Chocolate is one of my favorite sweets,
Oh how fast my heart beats!
Crystal Cygne would've done the same,
So dearie, what is your name?"
"Elisa Krelborn-Fulquard..." I replied softly. Thankfully, she heard.
"Well, then, Elisa! Say it's so!
Be a dear and play Crystal Cygne on my video!"
I covered my mouth in shock before looking down at Suuiren in my purse.
"I'm sorry, Clara. That's very nice of you, but I came to be an extra."
"That's a pity, a shame; but I understand it's true.
That's a very cool gesture, very Crystal Cygne of you!" Clara sat me down in a chair near a trailer.
"Just sit over here for make-up, okay?
I'll ask your friends to be sent over right away!"
I then saw Clara trip with the tray of Chouquettes. Marinette helped her up. Clara asked Marinette to play Ladybug, but she gently said no like I did.
"Good job for not giving into temptation, Elisa!" Suuiren praised me.
Marinette was seated into a chair next to mine. Alya and the others came to talk to her, excluding Luka, Marc and Lily.
Suddenly, much to my surprise, Chloé entered in a Ladybug costume!
"Thank you all for coming. You can go home now." Chloé snarked.
"Uh, heads up; brat alert in the immediate vicinity." Said Alya.
"Don't worry. Knowing Nightingale, Chloé doesn't stand a chance of being chosen." Marinette reassured us.
"I second that." I interjected.
Chloé got up on stage and faced Clara. "Your 'Ladybug' has arrived! So when does the shoot begin?"
"Chloé, everyone has to audition. You know that!" Adrien reminded Chloé.
Chloé did some arm stretches. "Oh yeah, that little formality." She then did some expert looking dance moves that floored even myself!
"Aaah...ha ha. It's been a while. Eight years of private classes with Aurélie Dupont from the Paris Op-er-a. I know. I'm breathtaking."
I rolled my eyes. I knew how big of a crush Chloé had on Adrien. She would do anything to get with him, which is part of the reason she hates Marinette.
"You've definitely got enough talent for me,
But you and Cat Noir have to be a good match, you see.
It's just like Crystal Cygne and Cottontail you know,
It's more than just a show." Clara said to Chloé.
"No problem." Chloé hugged Adrien. I could feel the anger coming off of Marinette. "Adrikins and I have known each other since we were little!"
"Hmmm." Clara contemplated.
Mayor Bourgeois stood up just offstage. "The son of the world's greatest fashion designer and the daughter of the Mayor of Paris - that would be just perfect!"
Marinette growled, and even I was starting to boil up with anger.
"Is there a problem, Master Dupain-Cheng?" Alya asked Marinette.
"Chloé playing Ladybug? No way! Not gonna happen!" Marinette snarled.
"Oh? That bothers you more than not being with Adrien in the video?"
"Uh, if I were Ladybug, I wouldn't want a brat like Chloé playing me." Marinette spat.
"Same here if I was Crystal Cygne!" I added.
Clara talked to Mr. Agreste via FaceTime on his assistant Nathalie's tablet. "What do you think, Gabriel?"
"Hmmm. Artistically speaking, the young lady with ponytails would've been ideal; but it's time to start filming. We'll make do with Miss Bourgeois for Ladybug, and Miss Kinsey for Crystal Cygne."
Chloé seemed pleased to hear that. "Woohoo! We're both going to be in a music video, Adrikins! ...Or should I say, Adri-cat!" She laughed. "Get it? Adri-cat!"
Adrien laughed nervously. "Adri-cat, yeah."
Marinette was ready to blow a fuse, and I was too. She stood up.
"Hey wait!... I've changed my mind! I do wanna be Ladybug!"
I stood up as well. "Likewise with me! I actually wanna be Crystal Cygne!"
In my purse, Suuiren gasped.
Melandra shrugged. "My initial plan was to be an extra. I'm fine with that."
Sakura sighed in relief. I could tell that she didn't want to deal with Chloé.
"Awesome! This will be the best video yet!" Clara kissed Marinette on both cheeks and did the same to me. "Thank you, thank you, Elisa and Marinette!"
Clara then turned to a fuming Chloé. "I'm really sorry, what's-your-name,
But you can still be an extra in the video, if you're game!"
Chloé was furious. "What?! You want me to be a mere...extra?! " She stormed off in a fit of rage, followed by her father. "Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!"
I laughed. "I knew she would say that."
Sakura sighed. "She really needs to learn the Golden Rule."
"She never will." I scoffed.
I had gotten changed into the Ladybug costume. I held the mask in my hands.
"Ooh! Great choice of fabric! And these seams! Amazing craftsmanship!" Tikki marveled. "Almost like the real thing, don't you think?"
I felt happy that I stopped Chloé from being Ladybug in the video, but miserable that my secret identity is now at risk. "Uhh, yeah, it's too well done! Oh wow, Tikki; I really messed up this time! If they see me with this mask on, they're all gonna recognize me for sure! There's no way I can wear it!"
The stagehand knocked on the door. "You ready, Marinette?"
I was so anxious. "Yes, I'm coming!" I called. I hid the mask in a pile of folded fabric before running out to the stage.
"There she is!" I heard Alya say.
A few minutes later, Elisa went into the trailer and exited in her Crystal Cygne costume, lacking her mask.
The two of us joined Adrien and Sakura onstage.
"Spot on! And spotlight!" Clara called.
The stage lights switched on.
"So, you're The Miraculous Four, right?" Clara asked us.
I panicked. I could see the same expression on Adrien's face, as well as Elisa and Sakura's faces.
"No!" We said. "Uh... Yes." We corrected ourselves, grinning and laughing sheepishly.
When Clara was done working with Sakura and Elisa, she started working with Adrien and I.
"One, two, and three." She instructed us on the arm movements. Unfortunately for me, I was lagging behind Adrien.
I noticed that my friends were watching. I hope I don't mess this up!
"Your dance moves need to be synchronized if you can,
So you'll need to hold each other by the hand." Clara instructed.
Adrien and I turned to face each other and clasped hands as if we were doing a casual handshake.
"Okay," Adrien said as we both chuckled nervously.
"Not like that." Clara giggled, putting Adrien's left hand in my right. "Don't be shy.
Like lovers do. Give it a try!"
I gaped anxiously at our clasped hands. Was this really happening?!
"One final task." Clara turned to us with a wink. "Put on the mask."
Adrien and I both nervously said that we lost our masks and couldn't find them.
"Yeah, we lost ours too." Elisa and Sakura said from behind us.
Normal POV
"It's okay! I found them!" The stagehand shouted from next to the trailer.
Marinette, Adrien, Elisa and Sakura all gasped in dread. Clara handed them their masks and struck a pose, instructing them to put them on.
Time seemed to slow down. Their hearts pounded in their ears. They could not hear the cheering of their friends. Marinette, Adrien, Elisa and Sakura lifted the masks up to their faces as slowly as they could.
Right before the masks touched their faces, they were interrupted by Mayor Bourgeois carrying a stack of papers, followed by a smirking Chloé.
"I'm sorry. My administrative staff just realized you never submitted permit A38 as stipulated in the circular B65 that one can only get at counter C, third floor of City Hall, which is, alas, closed for renovations until August, which means you don't have a permit to shoot...anywhere in France, including Paris." Mayor Bourgeois gave the stack of papers to Clara.
Clara was shocked. "I...I don't understand!"
"It means no more dancing, no more singing today," Chloé walked up to Clara and snatched her microphone, throwing it off the stage. "The nightingale can spread her wings, and fly away! Oh! Did you hear that? I made a rhyme! How talented am I?"
While Chloé was talking, Clara had dropped the papers, running down and getting onto her knees to grab her fallen microphone. The star on it had cracked from the impact.
"No! The video needs to be shot here, in Paris, the capital of love, the city of the Miraculous Four!
This ruins all of my plans!
I'm so sorry, my beloved fans!"
A sobbing Clara ran into a dressing room trailer, closing the door and leaning back against it.
Marinette, Adrien, Elisa and Sakura went to change back into their normal clothes.
"Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous." Elisa muttered under her breath, walking to a nearby bathroom.
By the time we were back in our normal clothes, Chloé was dramatically trying to shoo everyone out.
"The show is over! You all have to leave now." She then laughed in evil triumph. Before Chloé could gloat any further, she and Mayor Bourgeois were struck with a whip and surrounded with pink glowing auras.
"Sing, dance or rhyme,
Or you'll be frozen in no time!"
We looked up to see a Harley Quinn like villainess standing on top of a catwalk.
"What is she talking about?" Chloé demanded as she and Mayor Bourgeois ran up to where Hawk Moth's latest akuma victim stood. "Dancing and making rhymes? And why not play the trumpet too, while you're at it -" She then turned into a pink statue.
"Chloé, hon!" Mayor Bourgeois gasped in dismay.
From above, the Harley Quinn villainess cackled in delight at having gotten revenge on Chloé.
"Please! Please! I'll keep up this rhyme,
Don't make me freeze, not this time!" Mayor Bourgeois pleaded.
The villainess clapped. "Oh, bravo!
And you've got the right tempo!"
She then spun her whip, hitting some of the extras. Others fled in panic.
I ran into a nearby trailer and locked the door.
"Suuiren, shake your feathers!"
I transformed into Crystal Cygne and met up with Ladybug. We followed the Harley Quinn villainess and confronted her. She had already hit more people with her whip. Among the unlucky people were Melandra, who had turned into a statue on her knees in front of the bus.
"Sing, dance or rhyme,
Or you'll be frozen in no time!" The villainess shouted across the city.
Using her yo-yo, Ladybug caught the villainess's whip wrist from behind.
"I thought you were a fan of us four, Nightingale; so you should know that we fight villains!"
"I'm Frightningale from here on out,
Forever and ever, there's no doubt!
And if you stand in my way,
There'll be a price to pay!"
Frightningale, huh? Hmmm... Interesting name.
Frightningale swung her whip at Ladybug, but she dodged.
"You have to come 'round!" Ladybug pleaded. "Don't let negative emotions take you over!"
"Yeah!" Said Cottontail, who had just hopped down next to me. "What happened to the Clara Nightingale we all know and love?"
"Hawk Moth is what happened." I turned to my teammate with a deadpan face.
Frightningale jumped down to battle Ladybug. "Song and dance will make the world a better place.
Don't agree with me? Ha! Then you're a disgrace!"
Frightningale and Ladybug took the fight to the ground.
"I can help you if you give me your akuma!" Ladybug pleaded some more.
"I won't let you take my akuma away.
I like the new me, and I'm here to stay!"
Frightningale charged at Ladybug, but was tripped by a familiar staff. Cat Noir had entered the scene.
He twirled his staff before extending it to the ground and resting his hands and chin on it.
"Do you mind if I join the dance?"
"Cat Noir!" I beamed. "Just in time."
Frightningale leaped back onto the roof of the Grand Palais.
"You're like all the others; but you can't silence me!
I'm just trying to make the world better, can't you see?"
Hawk Moth's overlay appeared over Frightningale's face. He said something to her before it disappeared.
"Do you really think the four of you
Can win this battle through and through?" Frightningale sneered.
"Two is always better than one, and four is always better than two!" Ladybug said before turning to us. "Cat Noir, you and Cottontail take the left. Crystal and I will get her from the right."
"We're on it!" Cat Noir replied.
The four of us ran up the building and charged Frightningale, but she dodged, causing Ladybug's yo-yo to snag Cat Noir's staff.
We charged her a second time, and Frightningale swung her whip. Cottontail and I moved out of the way just in time, but Ladybug and Cat Noir weren't so lucky.
"Uh oh..." I bit my lip.
"Welcome to my musical show.
I hope it will be your fatal blow!" Frightningale cackled in evil triumph.
"Crystal, I have a plan." Cottontail grabbed my hand. "Come with me."
We ran back into the Grand Palais when we noticed Frightningale was still focused on Ladybug and Cat Noir.
"Cottontail, what are you doing?" I asked when we ducked behind a wall. My teammate was holding up a glowing wish card.
"This wish card is going to turn the tide of the battle." Cottontail smirked at me. "Frightningale won't even see it coming so much as an inch away." She then raised the card to the sky. "I call upon Hatsune Miku. Time to fuse!"
A voice from the card said, "Wish accepted."
A blue portal opened up, and Cottontail stepped into it. She came out fused with the legendary Vocaloid singer Hatsune Miku.
I was stunned at my teammate's new form. "Girl, you're looking great!"
"Please," She raised a hand. "Call me 'Mikutail' in this new form."
I nodded. "So what's your plan?"
Mikutail leaned into my ear to whisper the plan.
I nodded. "I see. So you're going to intimidate Frightningale with a song so Ladybug and Cat Noir can move in and get the akuma."
Mikutail winked. "You catch on pretty fast!"
"So what's the song?" I asked.
"Senbonzakura, Japanese for 1000 Cherry Trees." Mikutail explained. "I'll be singing it In English instead. In this form, my special power is called 'Miku Heavenly Pitch'. It has a pretty high chance of making my enemy deaf."
"Awesome!" I said. "Let's go stop Frightningale before she gets her hands on Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous!"
I then heard commotion from outside. They were coming!
"Mikutail, hide!"
Mikutail darted into the shadows just as Frightningale ran into the Grand Palais. Ladybug and Cat Noir entered, linked together by a pair of handcuffs summoned by Ladybug's Lucky Charm. At that moment, I used the instrumental function on my scepter to get the music started.
"Hey, Frightningale!" I called to get the villainess's attention. "Be dazzled! Be amazed! Be prepared to get outsmarted! Here comes Mikutail!"
The lights seemed to dim on their own as Mikutail stepped out of the shadows with a smirk on her face.
So here's the revolution, hot air across the nation
One heart to bind creation, motivation
Fly the flag with pride and bravery, shout out loud, say no to slavery
Let's take down the all too savory, ICBM
Running quickly, traveling along the line
On the move, hurry, saving what is mine
Boys and girls are Samurais in their right
They're prepared for the endless fight!
As they fade to the night, a thousand blossoms fly
With a wonderful cry, it makes us wonder why
In this cage of despair, who knows if what or where
Will the guillotine release its fate on me?
Frightningale started to swing her whip at Mikutail, but she expertly dodged every blow while keeping her composure.
In a world engulfed in hate, your voice invades my ears
Will its wonderful song, be there for all to hear
In the sky of red and black, there's no use coming back
Just give up, my love and shoot me with your gun.
"Stand still, you mangy rabbit!" Frightningale hissed, chasing after Mikutail.
"Why?" Mikutail smirked. "You afraid?"
I darted over to Ladybug and Cat Noir, who were trying to keep up their rhythmic dancing and rhyming.
"Ok, you two, when Mikutail uses her special power, you grab Frightningale's whip wand and use your Cataclysm, Cat Noir."
"Your advice I got,
It's worth a shot!" Cat Noir replied.
Everyone look arms and fought for, every little son of daughter
Still the plague of courtesans or dirty whores rule,
One day, the world will gather, bow down before us rather,
Saints are marching to the sound of one, two, three, four
Passing through the gates of hell and hate
Warding off the evil nightmares of the State
Certainly as the bell tolls at the dawn
We will witness a loud applause
As they fade to the night, a thousand blossoms fly
With a wonderful cry, it makes us wonder why
In this cage of despair, who knows if what or where
Will the guillotine release its fate on me?
In a world engulfed in hate, your voice invades my ears
Will its wonderful song be there for all to hear
If it's hope that we need, we'll shout and cry our creed
Till the bullet flies through the space between our eyes
"Ok, you guys, it's almost time. You ready, Ladybug?" I asked.
Ladybug nodded.
"You ready, Cat Noir?"
Cat Noir winked and nodded.
"Ok, just wait for the signal and act when I give it to you."
Ladybug and Cat Noir flashed a thumbs up.
We continued to watch in amazement as Mikutail did all kinds of tricks as she dodged Frightningale's whip.
Running quickly, traveling along the line
On the move, hurry, saving what is mine
Boys and girls are Samurais in their right
They're prepared for the endless fight
As they fade to the night, a thousand blossoms fly
With a wonderful cry, it makes us wonder why
In this cage of despair, who knows if what or where
Will you leap so free from the guillotine with me?
As they fade to the night, a thousand blossoms fly
With this song that you cry, you dance with me tonight
In the sky of red and black, there's no use coming back
Just give up my love, come shoot me with your gun
Before she sang the last part, she activated her special power.
"Miku Heavenly Pitch!"
Come shoot me with your gun!
With Frightningale disoriented, Cat Noir was able to grab Frightningale's whip wand and disintegrate it with his Cataclysm. The akuma flew out.
Ladybug threw the handcuffs into the air as the four of us yelled "Miraculous Ladybug!"
All around us, those who had been turned into pink statues were returned to normal, including Chloé.
"No more evil-doing for you, little akuma." Ladybug opened up her yo-yo to catch the akuma, swinging it. "Time to de-evilize!" She then caught the akuma with her yo-yo. "Gotcha!" Finally, she opened her yo-yo again, releasing the purified akuma. "Bye-bye, little butterfly."
The fusion dropped, and I waved goodbye to Hatsune Miku.
"Thanks for your help!"
The bluenette winked and left through the same blue portal she came from.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Frightningale transform back into Clara.
"Pound it!" Ladybug, Cat Noir, Crystal Cygne and I did our signature four-way fist bump.
"Ladybug? Cat Noir! Crystal Cygne and Cottontail?! What are you doing here?"
The four of us approached Clara, and Ladybug helped her up.
"You were akumatized by Hawk Moth." Crystal Cygne said, putting a hand on Clara's shoulder.
"But everything's back to normal again." Cat Noir added.
Clara beamed. "I was saved by the four of you?
How amazing! Too good to be true!"
"And," Ladybug held up a finger. "I have an idea how you can finish your video without anyone getting in your way!" She leaned into Clara's ear to whisper her idea. Clara smiled. She seemed to like it!
Ladybug's plan turned out exactly like she hoped it would: everyone was a featured dancer in the video (except for Chloé), wearing a Ladybug, Cat Noir, Crystal Cygne or Cottontail mask.
We viewed the finished video in the school library the following week.
"It's so much better like this!" Rose squealed.
"At least now everybody gets to be in it!" Mylène added.
"Besides, even though Marinette, Adrien, Elisa and Sakura kinda look like the Miraculous Four, they really weren't believable." Alya remarked.
I let out an inner sigh of relief, happy that my identity wasn't exposed.
"I couldn't agree more!" Marinette smiled.
"And I wouldn't have had any fun playing Crystal Cygne. It was so much better being with you guys!"
"I agree with Elisa. I couldn't have possibly made a good Ladybug. Had way more fun with all of you."
Marinette's friends rushed her for a group hug.
"Yeah, I prefer this version, too." Adrien interjected. "I couldn't have pulled off playing Cat Noir."
"I know!" Marinette agreed. "Worlds apart!"
"What?" Adrien and Sakura asked, confused by what Marinette had said.
As Marinette stammered in front of Adrien, again, I rolled my eyes.
"You know, Elisa," Sakura looked me in the eye. "You don't look a thing like Crystal Cygne. She's not as kind as you are."
"And Cottontail isn't as fierce as you." I smirked.
"I agree with you guys too. I probably would have made a dreadful Cottontail. I just had fun being with my best friend." Sakura pulled me into a hug, and I embraced her back.
Two weeks have passed since the Frightningale incident. School had just ended for the day, and as I got my stuff from my locker, we heard the announcements come on. After a couple minutes, Mrs. Miller came on the intercom to announce the cast.
"Good afternoon, students! Thank you to all who came out and auditioned. I'm very happy to announce the cast. It wasn't an easy process, and all of you are talented."
I held my breath.
"Playing the role of Ren McCormack is... Luka Couffaine!"
I heard some hooting and hollering from the other side of the locker room.
"Playing the role of Ariel Moore is... Elisa Krelborn-Fulquard!"
I couldn't suppress a squeal. My best friend got the lead lady role!
"Playing the role of Rusty Rodriguez is... Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"
Wow! Go Marinette!
"Playing the role of Willard Hewitt is... Adrien Agreste!"
I gasped, remembering that in the show, Rusty has a HUGE crush on Willard. Does that mean Marinette gets to kiss Adrien?!
"Playing the role of Urleen is... Alya Césaire!"
I sighed in relief. I was worried that role would go to Chloé.
"Playing the role of Wendy Jo is... Sakura Morris!"
Elisa heard my name and rushed over to glomp me.
"Oh, Sakura! Congratulations!"
"Playing the role of Ren's sister Lucille McCormack is... Juleka Couffaine!"
"In most shows, Ren is an only child like us." I reminded Elisa. "Lucille was created specifically for this show alone."
"Playing the role of Chuck Cranston is... Ivan Bruel!"
Elisa sighed. "Chuck is Ariel's abusive boyfriend. Ariel does eventually break up with him and starts dating Ren. He does kiss Ariel a few times in the show. I think Mylène is a bit annoyed with this."
"Playing the role of Travis is... Kim Chién Lê!"
I heard Max yell "Yeah! Go, Kim!"
"Playing the role of Lyle is... Max Kanté!"
I shrugged. Coincidence? I think not!
"Playing the role of Principal Clark is... Aurore Beauréal!"
Elisa shrugged. "Well, even though she lost to Mireille, she at least got a speaking role in the show."
I recall Elisa telling me how she heard from Marinette that Aurore and Mireille competed for the title of Kidz+ Weather Girl. Aurore had lost, and was akumatized into Stormy Weather.
"Playing the role of Coach Dunbar is... Marvin Monarrez!"
Oh, right, Marvin is a student in Ms. Mendeliev's class. I almost forgot who he was.
"Playing the role of Eleanor Dunbar is... Olivia Arclight!"
Olivia was also in Ms. Mendeliev's class. I think she's the one with the red hair...?
"Playing the role of Ren and Lucille's uncle, Wes Warnicker is... Théo Barbot!"
Wait, Théo isn't a student at the school anymore! Oh, maybe he was asked to play the role as an alumni.
"Playing the role of Ren and Lucille's aunt, Lulu Warnicker is... Mireille Caquet!"
I had a feeling Mireille would get that role.
"Playing the role of Garvin is... Marc Anciel!"
Oh, yeah, he's the kid who wears a rainbow shirt!
"Playing the role of Jeter is... Nino Lahiffe!"
How wonderful for Nino! I recall reading that Jeter is one of Ren's close friends. Does Jeter date Urleen...?
"And last but not least, playing the role of Bickle is... Nathaniel Kurtzberg!"
Ugh! Why am I blushing just thinking about him?! Ok, I admit it. I have a crush on Nathaniel Kurtzberg.
"In addition, per the request of our own Principal Damocles, Elisa's parents have been invited to play the roles of Shaw and Vi Moore, and Juleka and Luka's mother has been invited to play the role of Ethel McCormack."
Elisa and I looked at each other with dropped jaws.
"If you auditioned and did not hear your name, then you are in the ensemble! Rehearsals begin next week! The rehearsal schedule will be given out in class tomorrow! Have a great day, students!"
"I'll put up with Mom and Dad being in the show as long as they don't do anything to embarrass me." Elisa held up a finger for emphasis.
Suddenly, Chloé stormed by, followed by Sabrina. We pretended to talk to each other.
"Did you hear that, Sabrina?! Me, in the ensemble?! This is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! I should've gotten the role of Rusty Rodriguez! I should be the one with Adrikins!"
When Chloé and Sabrina were out of earshot, I let out a sigh. "Chloé has been on my nerves since we arrived in Paris."
Elisa put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure she has."
Seymour was in the shop, and I was doing laundry, waiting for Elisa to get home.
I really love my husband and daughter. They're the rays of sunshine in my life.
Quite often, my mind turns back to the day Seymour and I were married (Chiffon was the officiate), the day Elisa was born, and the day baby Elisa laughed for the first time. Today was another one of those days...
We had finally gotten to the vows.
"Do you, Seymour, choose Audrey as your wife? To love and respect her, to share your life and your dreams, and to build with her a home that's a place of love, happiness, commitment and growth?"
"I do." Seymour said with a loving smile.
Chiffon then looked to me.
"Then do you, Audrey, choose Seymour as your husband? To love and respect him, to share your life and your dreams, and to build with him a home that's a place of love, happiness, commitment and growth?"
"I do." I replied sweetly.
Chiffon smiled. "Today you stand before your friends and family who are here both physically and in spirit. Audrey, please repeat after me: 'Seymour, from this day forward'..."
"Seymour, from this day forward..."
"'I promise you these things:'"
"I promise you these things:"
"'I will respect and nurture your independence'..."
"I will respect and nurture your independence..."
"'And support you as my partner in life'."
"And support you as my partner in life."
"'I will communicate fully and fearlessly'..."
"I will communicate fully and fearlessly..."
"'And listen to you with compassion and understanding'."
"And listen to you with compassion and understanding."
"'I will speak to you with encouragement'..."
"I will speak to you with encouragement..."
"'And about you with honor'."
"And about you with honor."
"'I will consider you in all decisions'..."
"I will consider you in all decisions..."
"'And assume good faith in all you do."
"And assume good faith in all you do."
"'I will cherish our life together'..."
"I will cherish our life together..."
"'And love you more each day'..."
"And love you more each day..."
"'Than the day before'."
"Than the day before."
"'You are my best friend'..."
"You are my best friend..."
"'And I will stand by your side always'."
"And I will stand by your side always."
"'For better or worse'..."
"For better or worse..."
"'In sickness or in health'..."
"In sickness or in health..."
"'For all the days of my life'."
"For all the days of my life."
"Now, Seymour, please repeat after me: 'Audrey, from this day forward'..."
"Audrey, from this day forward..."
"'I promise you these things:'"
"I promise you these things:"
"'I will respect and nurture your independence'..."
"I will respect and nurture your independence..."
"'And support you as my partner in life'."
"And support you as my partner in life."
"'I will communicate fully and fearlessly'..."
"I will communicate fully and fearlessly..."
"'And listen to you with compassion and understanding'."
"And listen to you with compassion and understanding."
"'I will speak to you with encouragement'..."
"I will speak to you with encouragement..."
"'And about you with honor'."
"And about you with honor."
"'I will consider you in all decisions'..."
"I will consider you in all decisions..."
"'And assume good faith in all you do."
"And assume good faith in all you do."
"'I will cherish our life together'..."
"I will cherish our life together..."
"'And love you more each day'..."
"And love you more each day..."
"'Than the day before'."
"Than the day before."
"'You are my best friend'..."
"You are my best friend..."
"'And I will stand by your side always'."
"And I will stand by your side always."
"'For better or worse'..."
"For better or worse..."
"'In sickness or in health'..."
"In sickness or in health..."
"'For all the days of my life'."
"For all the days of my life."
Chiffon then called for the rings. Seymour took the gold ring with emeralds on it and slipped it onto my finger.
"As you place the ring onto Audrey's finger, please repeat after me: 'Audrey, I give you this ring'..."
"Audrey, I give you this ring..."
"'As a symbol of my love for you'."
"As a symbol of my love for you."
"'I promise to love you today'..."
"I promise to love you today..."
"'Tomorrow and always'."
"Tomorrow and always."
"'And I am honored to call you my wife'."
"And I am honored to call you my wife."
Chiffon then handed me the gold band, and I slipped it onto Seymour's finger.
"As you place the ring onto Seymour's finger, please repeat after me: 'Seymour, I give you this ring'..."
"Seymour, I give you this ring..."
"'As a symbol of my love for you'."
"As a symbol of my love for you."
"'I promise to love you today'..."
"I promise to love you today..."
"'Tomorrow and always'."
"Tomorrow and always."
"'And I am honored to call you my husband'."
"And I am honored to call you my husband."
"As you join hands, Seymour and Audrey, you came here today in the presence of family and friends here both physically and watching from Heaven to express your love for each other. May this love grow deeper, stronger and more beautiful each day that you share together. May you have many long years to delight in each other's company. May you always have a special appreciation for the life that you're building together, and never tire of the endless possibilities exploring your shared existence. And long, long years from now, may you look at one another and be able to say: 'With you, I have lived the life that I've always wanted to live. With you, I have become the person I've always longed to be."
I looked down at mine and Seymour's joined hands before looking back up at him.
Chiffon then shared with everyone a closing greeting in the very true words of Neil Gaiman.
"'This is everything I have to tell you about love: nothing.
This is everything I've learned about marriage: nothing.
Only that the world out there is complicated,
and there are beasts in the night, and delight and pain,
and the only thing that makes it okay, sometimes,
is to reach out a hand in the darkness and find another hand to squeeze,
and not to be alone.
It's not two broken halves becoming one.
It's the light from a distant lighthouse bringing you both safely home
because home is wherever you are both together.
So this is everything I have to tell you about love and marriage: nothing,
like a book without pages or a forest without trees.
Because there are things you cannot know before you experience them.
Because no study can prepare you for the joys or the trials.
Because nobody else's love, nobody else's marriage, is like yours,
and it's a road you can only learn by walking it,
a dance you cannot be taught,
a song that did not exist before you began, together, to sing.
And because in the darkness you will reach out a hand,
not knowing for certain if someone else is even there.
And your hands will meet,
and then neither of you will ever need to be alone again.
And that's all I know about love'."
I exchanged a nod with Seymour. Every word had a profound meaning.
"With everything shared today, I honor your relationship and see so much beauty in it. And I'm sure everyone here will join with me in sending you both home blessed with the world and what it can possibly offer. And now, Audrey and Seymour, by the love that has brought you here today and the vows you exchanged with the integrity of your commitment in the witness of all your family and friends and the powers vested in Skid Row, I am happy to pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Seymour took me into his arms and dipped me down low for a passion filled kiss. Everyone in the audience clapped and cheered for us. Oh, I wish my father hadn't left us so he could have walked me down the aisle!
End Flashback 1
Now that I think about it, I can't choose which day is happier: my marriage to Seymour, or Elisa's birth. Nah, they're both equally special.
Flashback 2:
"It hurts so much! I can't do it!"
"Audrey, I know it hurts, but you must try." Ronette squeezed my hand.
"I just want this baby out now!"
"Not much longer, Audrey..."
"It's your fault, Seymour!" I screeched.
"Just a few more, and you'll have this baby!" The nurse reassured me. "Ok, push on three. One... Two... Three!"
After a few more pushes and screams, I heard the cries of a newborn baby.
"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Krelborn-Fulquard! It's a girl!"
My tears of pain turned to tears of joy as I held my newborn daughter for the first time.
A few minutes later, the nurse went off to clean our baby. Seymour turned to me, placing a loving kiss on my lips.
"You did it, Audrey."
"No, Seymour. We did it. I'm so sorry about those awful things I said to you."
"It's ok, Audrey. You were in extreme pain, and it's natural."
A few minutes later, the nurse came back and placed our baby girl back in my arms. I noticed that her hair was platinum blonde, just like mine.
"Oh, Seymour, she's perfect."
"Audrey," Seymour looked down at me. "We never picked out a name."
Our little one opened her eyes, and they were green, just like Seymour's. I guided the baby to my breast, where she latched on and started feeding.
"There's absolutely no way we're naming her Audrey Jr." I cringed, thinking back to the chaos that plant caused.
Seymour brightened, apparently having thought of a name.
"What do you think of Elisabeth? For short, we'll call her Elisa."
My face lit up at the suggestion. "Oh, Seymour, I love it. How about Elisabeth Jeane?"
Seymour put a hand over his heart. "Jeane? After your mother? I'm sure she would have loved that."
"Elisabeth Jeane Krelborn-Fulquard, Elisa for short. I love it."
Seymour then looked to me with concern. "Audrey, just last week, I saw a plant in our garden that looked suspiciously like Audrey 2. I got rid of it by electrocuting it, but I have concerns there may be others out there."
I teared up. I didn't want to leave my dream home, but at the same time, we needed to leave if we wanted Elisa to be safe.
"Where are we going?"
"I found a house in Moscow, Russia. It's very similar to our current one, but bigger. We'll leave as soon as we're discharged from the hospital."
I nodded in agreement. Now that Seymour and I are parents, it's our responsibility to protect our child.
End Flashback 2
I stifled a giggle thinking back to what exactly got baby Elisa to laugh for the first time.
Flashback 3:
I was watching a funny cat video, giggling when the cat was chasing the dog around the yard and smacking its butt.
I then heard a tiny chirp from right next to me. I turned to see a big smile on my baby girl's face.
Elisa was laughing for the first time!
"Seymour, come quick! Elisa's laughing!"
Seymour bounded up the stairs and into the nursery to see our giggling little daughter standing up in her crib. He scooped up Elisa and kissed her all over her tiny face.
"That's my little princess!"
End Flashback 3
"Audrey," Seymour entered the kitchen. "Has Elisa come home yet?"
I heard a door open and close. "She is now."
Just then, Elisa entered the room.
"Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad."
"Hey, sweetie." I hugged my daughter and kissed her on both cheeks. "How was school?"
"I had a nice day. They announced the cast over the intercom at the end of the day."
"Who are you playing?" Seymour asked.
Elisa beamed. "Ariel Moore!"
Seymour's jaw dropped, and I gasped in surprise before squealing.
"Oh, Elisa!"
Seymour and I wrapped our daughter in a hug.
"We're so proud of you, Elisa." Seymour kissed the top of her head.
"Not only that, but they've specifically asked you and Mom to play Shaw and Vi Moore."
Seymour's's jaw dropped again. "They want us to play Ariel's parents?"
Elisa nodded. "They sure do. Hopefully sometime next week, Mrs. Miller will give us the rehearsal schedule, that way you can find out what days you need to be present for rehearsal. That way you can hopefully ask someone else to run the shop in your absence. Maybe Sakura's mom? She's very knowledgeable about flowers."
Seymour and I looked to each other before smiling at our daughter.
"We'd love to."
Elisa smiled back at us. "Thank you."
When I arrived home, I ran into the kitchen to find my parents.
"Mom! Dad! Guess what? They announced the cast for Footloose, and I'm playing Wendy Jo!"
"Oh, sweetheart, I'm so proud of you!" Mom gushed, engulfing me in a hug.
"Well done, Cherry Blossom." Dad joined in.
My mind suddenly turned to Nathaniel. I've been feeling nervous around him, and my heart would beat faster when we were in each other's presence. I think this means one thing...
I've fallen for Nathaniel Kurtzberg.
I was very pleased to hear that I was playing Bickle, one of Ren's buddies. I may not have gotten the part of Ren, but at least I'm playing one of his close friends.
I've been thinking about Sakura more and more these past few days. It started after Ms. Bustier assigned her the seat next to me. Is it what I think it is? It can't be! It's too soon...
No, I can't deny it any longer.
I've fallen for Sakura Morris.
Author's Note: Hey, everyone! I'm so sorry this chapter took so long. It was a big one, and on top of that, I have college and other stories to deal with.
On a different note, the wedding vows in Audrey's flashback were my cousin and cousin-in-law's wedding vows, and I found them so sweet.
The next chapter will be Troublemaker, and I hope to have it out before 2020.
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