play date ♡ hoseok

"Babe?", his husky voice caused me to shiver.

"Hm?", I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"Are you free right now?"

A little chuckle escaped my lips as I stared at the rooftop laying on my bed.

"Depends.", I teased him.

I could hear him smirking through the phone.

"Come over.", he demanded.

"What will we do?", I stood up walking towards my wardrobe.


3 months earlier

As I played with the sleeves of my dress, I joyfully walked towards the arcade. I didn't mind coming here alone while everyone else came in groups. The only thing I cared about was having some fun. And being an antisocial person I preferred having some time out alone.

Hours passed and I still felt his gaze on my back. But whenever I turned around he was nowhere to be seen. Grunting I walked towards the exit when I was grabbed by the guy whose gaze I was familiar with.

"Let's play a game together, shall we?", his smile was irritating me since it wasn't really a warm smile but not a cold one either. There were emotions behind his smile I couldn't figure out.

"Sure.", I nodded and followed him as he tightly held onto my hand.

I would lie if I said that I didn't have fun with him. Even though he always was better than me, it never got boring.
After we had competed against each other so many times I was out of breath. He was a little out of breath too as he looked at me from the side, showing me his beautiful smile.

Everyone was leaving as he stepped closer towards me. I was fascinated by his handsome face and could feel my pulse rising when I felt his warm breathing on my cheek.

"Do you want to play some more?", he tilted his head lightly as his eyes intensely stared into mine.

Rising my eyebrows I didn't reply but just looked at him confused. Instead of waiting for a reply any longer he grabbed my hand and started walking outside.

I had a weird feeling in my stomach, however I couldn't tell if it was telling me to go away or stay with him. So I just decided to stay with him and continued on following him.

"Cold, isn't it?", he smiled at me while we were still walking on the streets.

The night was approaching which was why the streetlights were already turned on.

"Yes...", I mumbled.

I was taken aback because he was still holding my hand. Not that I really minded, his hand was very soft and warm around mine.

"Hopefully it'll snow this Christmas.", he tried to keep up the conversation.

Sadly I wasn't the kind of person who was able to keep a conversation interesting, which led us to walk in silence for quite some minutes.

"Where are you taking me?"

His expression immediately changed as I had picked up my courage to talk again. Instead of having a blank expression he was smiling now and squeezed my hand lightly.

"Home!", he looked down at me.

"Your home?", my voice cracked and I could immediately feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Yes, well... I live with my parents. But it's still my home too.", he squeezed my hand once again lightly as he sped up his pace.

"You live... in a nice area!"

Startled, I couldn't stop eyeing all the big and beautiful buildings around us. I was unfamiliar with this area of the town since I lived on the other side of the river.

"Do you live in Havering?", he seemed to prefer staring at me than watching the street.

"Yeah...", I mumbled.

"That's not so far from here.", he squeezed my hand once again before we stopped walking.

I looked at the house in front of us with its big windows. The house looked like it had thousands of floors, easy to get lost. A little irritated I followed him into the house. It was extremely dark before he switched on the lights.

"Where are your parents?", I asked him as I took my shoes off.

"In Ireland.",he sighed as he walked into a room.

Still in awe about the vintage feeling his house gave off, I followed him into the modern  kitchen.

"What are they doing there?", I leaned against a counter.

Hoseok grabbed a water bottle and didn't reply verbally. As he sipped on the bottle he shrugged. It didn't really look like he cared.

"Okay.", I looked around awkwardly, "so, what games you got?"

Putting the water bottle down, he didn't break the eye contact with me. Slowly he stepped closer to me. I could feel the sweat on my neck and my breathing turning into a panting.

"Lots of games.",he was only a few centimetres away from me.

"Cool!", I tried to laugh as I stepped back but my back was very soon confronted with the fridge.

Hoseok licked his lips but didn't come any closer anymore.

"What about hide and seek?", he suggested,

"In your house?"

He narrowed his eyebrows at me and his expression showed me that what I just had said had been stupid.

"No, in the woods.",he took my hand and quickly guided me to his living room. He opened the door to his veranda and as I looked outside I could really see a forest as his backyard.

Eyes widened I looked at his amused expression. He closed the door again and turned around to look at me.

"You're allowed to hide everywhere, but outside!", he emphasised the 'but', "Since I want to find you again, okay?"

Before I could even response he turned around and started counting. Overwhelmed I just started running. Quickly I ran upstairs since I hoped to find better hiding spots. The only light I got was from the windows, letting in the lights of the streetlights.
Most of the doors were closed but at the very end I could see an open door. As soon as I got there, I froze. It was a bedroom.
Judging from the smell, it probably was his.

"Ready or not, I'm coming!", I heard him running upstairs.

Without thinking I jumped into his bed and hid under the sheets. His steps were getting closer as light after light was turned on in each room. Suddenly the lights were turned on in his room.
Trying my hardest not to giggle I tried to hold my breath. Even though I knew he would find me any second, I couldn't help but scream when he lifted his blanket and found me.

"Got you... in my bed.", he chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't sure where to go and suddenly you were finished counting so I just... jumped into your bed.", I couldn't help laughing about how weird it sounded.

"It's alright. Shall we play another game?"

Hoseok and I met often. After three weeks we had gotten very close. Everytime we met we were able to forget the daily stress and just focused on playing games. Summer was soon to be over, which was why I had to start wearing jackets over my dresses.
I didn't feel awkward anymore walking alone to his house. At the beginning it felt as if everyone was staring at me, knowing I wasn't from here. But I had gotten used to it now and was able to ignore the others.

The boy I had gotten close to was already waiting for me by the doorframe.

"You're late.", he opened the door for me.

"Sorry for being 2 minutes late."

I took off my shoes, feeling familiar with his house already.

"Where are your parents?", I asked him as I walked towards the kitchen to get some water.

"In France."

I nodded. I didn't ask him anymore about what they did abroad because each time he would just shrug.

"Are you okay? You seem a little off.", I walked towards him.

He grabbed my glass and took a sip:" I'm perfectly fine."

"Spill the tea, Hoseok."

"Just come upstairs when you're finished. I have prepared Monopoly already.", with his head low he walked upstairs.

As I got upstairs he was sitting on the floor already, waiting for me.

"So, you won't talk about it?", I sat down too.

He shook his head as he started the game. We played for good 20 minutes when I realised that the whole time he had intensely stared at me. For about 10 minutes I tried to ignore it. But it made the room feel tense and soon we weren't focusing on the game anymore.
The ticking of the clock was clear to be heard when I waited for him to continue. As I looked up our eyes met.
Slowly he reached out his hand to caress my cheek. My breathing hitched when he suddenly leaned forward to kiss me. His kiss was hungry and full of passion.
Soon I laid down and he immediately laid down on top of me. He put his arms around my waist tightly as he started kissing my neck.

We were both breathless when he mumbled:"Shall we play another game?"

"Okay.", I whispered as I let the boy who I fell in love with, lift me up and lay down on his bed.

"Babe?", his husky voice caused me to shiver.

"Hm?", I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"Are you free right now?"

A little chuckle escaped my lips as I stared at the rooftop laying on my bed.

"Depends.", I teased him.

I could hear him smirking through the phone.

"Come over.", he demanded.

"What will we do?", I stood up walking towards my wardrobe.


I hung up and picked out a dress that I knew he liked.
With a heavy heart I made my way towards him. In this short span of time he had managed to capture my heart like no one else had before. But just like no one else, he seemed to not care about me. I wanted him to love me so hard, but even though I knew he didn't and he never would - I simply couldn't let him go.

Again he was waiting for me by his doorframe. As soon as he spotted me, a smirk appeared on his lips.

"Hi.", I mumbled.

"Hey.", he greeted me as he spun his arms around me, holding me tightly.

He put his lips on mine and for a second it felt real. The kiss felt as if there were emotions behind it. As if he liked kissing me, as if he wanted me. This was his trap and it had been a trap from day one.

It was almost like a routine now. We didn't talk as much as we used to. I didn't ask him where his parents were anymore.
It was a simple routine.

We walked into his room and we'd start by making out. Slowly he would pull my straps down my shoulder and let the dress fall down by itself. Then he would lay me down on his sheets and under his sheets he would start undressing me before I undressed him. Everytime he'd set a new trap for me. Everytime felt real, full of love. And everytime I got a little hope, but the sparkle of hope he had given me was destroyed when I left. Everytime.
I would try to talk to him, but he always ignored me. And everytime I left, I was devastated. Swearing to myself to never come back and forget him. But I came back, everytime.

Breathless I laid under his blanket as I watched him playing a game on his TV. A tear wetted my cheek as I watched him, the boy I had desperately fallen for.

"Hoseok.", I mumbled.

"What is it?", he didn't even look at me.

"How can you do this?"

Irritated he turned towards me and when he noticed my red eyes he turned the TV off before sitting down next to me.

"What do you mean?"

Taking a deep breath before I spoke I could sense the fear in his eyes. But he couldn't even manage to imagine the fear I was dealing with.

"How can you just treat me like I don't mean anything to you? Before we started this, we talked so much and had so much fun together."

"Don't you think it's fun too, at the moment?"

I stared at him blankly before shaking my head.

"I'm tired of you being so emotionless! I'm tired of always chasing after you and trying to make you feel something. I should just give up, for real now."

I couldn't explain the sudden anger myself when I stood up and reached for my clothes.

"What... What do you want me to do?", he sat on his bed with a blank expression.

"Don't you get it? Because if you really don't I really just have to give up."

Fully dressed I walked downstairs when suddenly I was faced with his parents. His parents who I was meeting for the first time.

"I'm sorry, it's just that-", Hoseok who was following me was cut off when he saw his parents standing in front of him.

There was an awkward silence in the room as everyone was looking at each other confused.

"Is this... your girlfriend?", his mother asked in shock.

Panicked Hoseok looked at me. He was staring at me, desperately wanting me to maybe say or do something but I kept quiet.

"If she wants to be my girlfriend, yes she is.", Hoseok's voice became very soft and quiet towards the end.

Shocked I quickly turned towards him, my mouth wide open.

"We'll leave you alone for a second.",his mum tried to calm us down.

Grabbing her husband by his jacket, they walked towards the kitchen and closed the door behind them to give us some space. 

Hoseok and me were just staring at each other not being able to say anything.

"What was that?", I was finally able to bring out.

"I'm so sorry. It's just that... I always had my distance to girls. And I don't know why but I always managed to not get any feelings involved. And what I'm sorry about is that I tried the same with you. At the beginning I was just looking for fun but... I can't help but miss those days when we also used to talk a lot and get closer on an emotional level.", he stepped forward as he took my hand.

"So, at the beginning you just wanted to play games with me?"

"I'm sorry, I really am. I was just scared of what it means to expose yourself to someone else in an emotional way. But from what we had in the beginning... I really want it back.", shyly he put his arms around me.

Trying to put myself into his position, I took a deep breath. Judging from how silent it was, I guessed his parents were listening to us.

"I... I need to think about it.", I shook my head as I walked towards the door.

Startled by him grabbing me by my arm I looked at him confused.

"I...I-", he struggled clearly but I wanted to give him the chance.

"What is it?", I tried to calm him down.

Nervously he sighed and looked up at the roof before shakily taking my hand.

"What I'm about to say is difficult for me but I really mean it.", he squeezed my hand as he looked everywhere but my eyes.

Feeling the adrenaline rush through my veins, I was scared about what he was going to say.

"I love you."

+ i don't know why it took me ages to write this, I'm sorry!! I'm actually super unsatisfied with it but.. idk lol. i hope some people will like it anyway!the next one will be jimin as it was requested~
next update will be up soon!
thank you ♡

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