Two Lovers From Different Worlds

🎸Blue & Johnny in Photo🎸

🎸Baltimore, Maryland~1967🎸

Years passed, but the town of Baltimore, Maryland still hadn't really changed. There was still an unexplained divide between Drapes and Squares, especially around the younger citizens. But in the spring of 1967, a new family had moved to Baltimore. What confused the citizens of Baltimore was that this new family, the Davier's, were neither Drapes or Squares. They described themselves as something called Hippies.

It was on the sixth of April 1967 when the Square's held their annual Anti-Polio Picnic. It was where the kids could get inoculated for Polio and eat potato salad all in one public event... so long as they didn't mix up the two! Among the Square youths was twelve year old Johnny Davier, being the new kid in town he didn't have many friends. So his mother Miss Davier made him go and socialize with the Square kids. Becky Prudeman, a young square girl in a pink dress with blonde wavy hair, ushered him over to sit with her friends.

"So where did you live before Baltimore, Johnny?" Becky Prudeman asked.

"Rainbow Pines" Johnny answered.

"That's a funny name for a suburb" Becky said.

"It wasn't a suburb" Johnny shook his head. "Rainbow Pines was a commune."

The Square kids stared at him like he had just grown a second head on his shoulder.

"What's a commune?" One of the boys asked.

"It's where a group of people live together and sharing their possessions and responsibilities" Johnny explained. "Rainbow Pines was a community in the woods where my family lived with other families. It was amazing, no one judged anyone, it didn't matter what your race was or what religion you were or anything. We all ate together, slept together and played together."

"But what about Drapes?" Becky asked. "I hope you didn't allow Drapes to live near you."

"What are Drapes?" Johnny asked.

"Y'know, Drapes are bad, Squares are good!" One Square said.

"Why are Drapes bad?" Johnny asked, confused.

"Because they are!" Becky told him "They ride around on motorbikes and listen to their rock music way too loud and live ever so dangerously!"

"That actually sounds fun!" Johnny smirked.

The Square's turned to look at him disapprovingly.

"Well, I'm sure everyone is entitled to their opinion..." One of the girls gave him a sideways glance. "...No matter how wrong they are."

"It's a good thing you moved to Baltimore when you did, Johnny" Becky told him. "Now you can learn from us about what kind of people to be friends with and what kind of people to avoid."

Johnny gave a small tight-lipped smile, to be honest he couldn't really agree with what Becky said. Johnny was born and raised in Rainbow Pines where there was no such thing as distinctive people to talk to or hang out with. No one was Drape or Square, everyone was just equal. So you can imagine the culture shock Johnny recieved when he and his mother moved to Baltimore. Where everyone seemed to be polished and perfect and the people who weren't, were shunned.

When Johnny's family moved they didn't just change houses, they were forced to change lifestyles. It was hard to move from a familiar place where there were no labels and anything goes, to a suburban neighborhood were everyone was separated by class. Most days Johnny just wished he could go back to Rainbow Pines, at least there he knew he belonged. But according to President Lyndon B. Johnson, all the communes in their area had to be shut down by force, because the US government saw Rainbow Pines as a radicalized cult in violation of seventeen ATF rules and regulations.

So we grew a little marijuana in our Gardens, so what! Johnny thought. It's not like the adults were making us smoke it! Mom even said I couldn't until I was sixteen!

Johnny's mother, Miss Davier had divorced his father shortly after the government seized Rainbow Pines. Johnny thinks the charges being laid against everyone there, really made a scary impact on her. A month later, Mr. & Mrs. Davier's divorce was finalized and Johnny's mother was given full custody of him.

Miss Davier had adjusted more to the changes than Johnny had. In the short amount of time since her divorce from Johnny's father, she had went from a long-haired, peace-believing, freedom-loving woman to a domestic, household-keeping, suppressed woman. In a way, Johnny wanted to believe she was happy in their new life as Squares, but something in her eyes told him different. Something told him she was only doing it cause she thought she had to.

Johnny looked up as his mother took the stage in a green pastel sundress and matching hat. She tapped the microphone and began to speak:

Miss Davier:
Good morning, good morning! I'm Miss Davier, President of the Baltimore Women's Club and welcome to the Baltimore Health Department's first annual anti-polio picnic and vaccination carnival!


🎵It's a beautiful day for an anti-polio picnic! Picnic!
It's a beautiful day to get a polio shot!
A brave new world's in store,
for picturesque new-age Baltimore!🎵

Miss Davier:
And if you value the use of your legs...

You've come to the right spot!

Miss Davier:
I'm proud to say that the Baltimore Women's Club has come out against polio by a vote of fifty-six to eight!

🎵What a wonderful time to be a teenage conformist!


What a wonderful time to be what's known as a square!

We are square!

You're lucky to be us,
so happy and homogen-eous🎵

Miss Davier:
But still one must take care for danger's lurking...


Oh! We know Miss D, you can't be too careful!

🎵We watch for communists!
Keep tabs on UFOs!
Steer clear of weirdos,
And Beard-os
And beatniks!

Miss Davier:
And what else, God only knows!

We frown on potty mouth!
We don't wear skimpy clothes! (No! No!)
We avoid all temptation!
Combat modern scourges!
Suppress all our lustful and primitive urges!🎵

Miss Davier:
And now, my son, Johnny will present, in his iron lung, the mascot of our carnival and Baltimore's polio poster boy of the year, brave little Skippy Wagstaff!

Thanks everybody, I sure wish I could have got that shot!

🎵So come on along to the Anti-Polio Picnic!

Anti-Polio Picnic!

Come on along and protect yourself from disease!

Ew, disease!

You're going to be fine, just do what you're told and tow the line!
You got to watch your step in times like these...


You got to watch your step in times like thes--

The Square's musical number was cut short when a white 1959 Ford Custom with shiny chrome finishing and blue flame detailing, roared it's way into the parking lot. It screeched it's way to a stop right beside them and out of the car charged four kids-- two girls and two boys-- each clad in leather jacket's and jeans.

The Squares backed away in fear as the kids came up to them and began to put their own spin on the music. Which in Johnny's opinion was more up-beat and exciting.

Snare Drum:
Yeah, it's a perfect day to raise some hell,
To crash the car you've stole!

Susie Q:
To make some guy feel really swell,
by makin' his face swollen!

It's a golden age for rebels,
for the tween who disobeys!
But if you got class you gotta watch your ass these days!

Yeah, you gotta watch your ass!
Yeah, you gotta watch your ass!

Drapes like us love skippin' school, to make out at a movies!

Snare Drum:
Drinkin', smokin', shootin' pool, and bustin' out of juvie!

We're also fond of lurking in abandoned alley ways!

So if you ain't that fast,
you gotta watch your ass these days!

Yeah you gotta watch your ass!
Yeah you gotta watch your ass!
You can't be too careful!
You can't be too cautious!
Your future's uncertain...🎶

I think I'm gonna be nauseous!

(Blue appears from one end of the park nearby, fixing her lipstick)

Sorry I'm late!

Who's she?

That's Ruth Walker.

Square Boy:
Some people call her Blue!

🎶Well, it's a perfect day to scare a square for no apparent reason,
By singing, dancing, standing there, or maybe just by sneezing!
Your fear of other people never ceases to amaze!
You call that class? You better watch your ass these days!

Yeah you gotta watch your ass!
Yeah you gotta watch your ass!

You don't like our attitude!
Our music or our grooming!
You call us lewd and rude and crude,
you think we're barely human?
Well, the drapes are not as hoped for you're just going through a phase!
But when you act that crass you better watch your ass these days!

Yeah you gotta watch your ass!
Yeah you gotta watch your ass!

Blue & The Drapes:
Yeah, the world is full of thugs and thieves and tramps and scamps and beggars!
And each one comes, and each one leaves...

Snare Drum, Susie-Q & Kiki:
And that's how Ma got preggers!

And the lesson that you learn is,
well by now you know the phrase...

You really got to watch your ass!

You really got to watch your ass!
Ass ass ass ass ass...
Watch your ass these days!

"So is this the scene where we get the vaccine?" Blue asked, pulling up the collar on her dark blue leather jacket.

Miss Davier stepped forward to address the young Drape gang. Johnny could tell by his mother's tone of voice that she was trying to sound hospitable. But she clearly wasn't thrilled that these kids choose to make a scene at the picnic she worked so hard to plan.

"Young lady, just where exactly are you from?" She asked Blue.

Those delinquent kids are from Turkey Point" Becky answered for them. "They're the ones who are always loitering around at school listening to that god-awful rock and roll music!"

Suddenly a boy with red hair and freckles walked up and held Blue Walker's hand.

"Blue is the most popular loner at school!" He announced "And she's all mine!"

"Stop following me, Lenord!" Blue told him, flinging his hand away. "I was hoping you'd take a hint when I backed over you last night with my Daddy's car!"

"Yeah, cause you're a shameless flirt around me!" Lenord put his arm around her.

"Take it off before I break it off!" Blue snapped.

Lenord pulled his arm off her and took a step back.

"You don't deserve my brother anyway!" Becky told Blue. "You criminal-raised runts wouldn't know good breeding if it slapped the trashy makeup off your over-painted faces!"

"And what would you know about breeding, Lil' Miss Abstinence?" Kiki said standing up for her cousin. "I bet you're planning to save yourself for your wedding night!"

"Well, actually... That's none of your business!" Becky yelled. "And what kind of name is Blue anyway? What are you? A crayon?"

"I think it's a very unique name!" Johnny spoke up.

"Johnny!" Miss Davier scolded.

"Mom..." Johnny whined in protest.

"You don't even know her!" Miss Davier told him.

Blue offered him her hand. "I'm Blue Walker" she introduced herself.

Johnny shook her hand "I'm Johnny Davier."

Blue glanced over at Miss Davier. "See?" She said "Now we know each other! And these are my cousins, this is Kiki!"

"Don't get smart with my cousin" Kiki warned Johnny. "Or I'll fry your pubes with five thousand volts!"

Johnny's eyes widened in fear.

Kiki laughed. "Nah! I'm just messing with ya!" She told him. "You probably don't even have pubes yet!"

"Nice, Kiki..." Blue rolled her eyes. "And these are my older cousins, Snaredrum and Susie-Q!"

"We're not as protective as our little sister..." Snaredrum tried to put Johnny's nerves at ease.

"We're even worse!" Susie-Q told him, throwing that gesture out the window.

"And this is my friend, Conner" Blue said.

"My Ma's white and my Pop's black!" Conner explained proudly. "Guess that makes me a swirl cone and I'm smooth like one too!" He eyed one of the Square girls. "What's up, girl? Is your name as fine as your face?"

"Conner's a real charmer" Blue explained. "He claims to have frenched the second cousin of the president's daughter!"

"Wow!" Johnny said, impressed.

"And I'm Lenord!" Becky's redheaded brother announced. "I'm Blue's destiny!"

"He's not with us!" Blue said, shoving him away.

"Stay away from my girl!" Lenord warned Johnny. "I'm gonna marry Blue someday!"

"In your wettest dreams!" Blue told him as Kiki and Snaredrum yanked him away.

"It's nice to meet you all" Johnny told them. "I admire your eccentricities!"

"You admire our what?" Susie-Q asked.

"He likes that we're weird-O's" Blue translated for her gang.

"Oh!" They chimed, nodding.

"And I have to say I admire your open mind, Johnny" Blue grinned at him.

"That's quite enough!" Miss Davier told them, pulling Johnny away. She turned to Blue "Young lady, I can't ask you to leave the park as it is public property. But please Miss... Blue, just get your shots, collect your party and leave!"

"Yes, Ma'am" Blue frowned, but nodded respectfully.

Sympathy flashed through Miss Davier's eyes for a split second.

"Please try to understand, dear..." she said gently. "You're just not our kind of people."

Johnny balled his hands into fists, annoyed with his mother's square attitude. Six months ago, Miss Davier wore bell-bottoms and fringed vests and would've welcomed anyone to their party regardless of wither or not they were their kind of people! Now the woman Johnny looked up to all his life had become a brain-washed domestic!

"I understand, ma'am" Blue told Miss Davier. "But may I say, Johnny's very lucky to have an older sister who cares for him!"

Miss Davier couldn't help smiling. "Actually, he's my son!" She said, flattered.

Becky jaw dropped "She's only buttering you up to get to John--"

"I'm aware of what she's doing, Becky!" Miss Davier cut her off.

"Mom, don't you think we should get ready to hand out the shots?" Johnny asked.

"Right! Of course" Miss Davier rushed away to help the nurses prepare the medical tents.

As she left, Johnny jogged to catch up with Blue as she walked back over to the Drapes car.

"I'm sorry about my mom" he apologized to her. "She's just acting that way to make a good first impression on the neighbors. We just moved here and she wants us to get along with everybody, so we can be happy here."

"That's not your fault" Blue shrugged. "We probably shouldn't have made such a crazy entrance either. But to be honest, all the Squares around here are so scared of us for no reason, so we get a kick out of scaring them."

"I can't say I wouldn't do the same if I were you!" Johnny shrugged.

Blue laughed at that.

"Next!" One of the nurses called, ushering them both forward for their shots.

"Aw jeeze!" Johnny frowned.

"You're scared?" Blue asked in gentle tone.

"Yeah... a little bit" Johnny admitted. "I've never really been comfortable with needles. I'm a bit of a wimp."

"You ain't a wimp" Blue told him. "A wimp wouldn't have the guts to admit to being afraid of something."

"Thanks" Johnny smiled, grateful to not be judged.

"OW!" Becky cried, rushing from the nurses tent after getting her shot.

Blue and Johnny entered the nurses tent and sat side by side with a steel table and two nurse between them.

Blue peeled off her dark blue leather jacket as Johnny rolled up his sleeve. He stared in the opposite direction of the needle and found himself facing Blue who was doing the same. Their eyes met and suddenly the fear in Johnny was gone.

I suffered through the measles,
I made it through the mumps!
Chicken pox's was nothing,
I nicknamed all bumps!
But now my palms sweaty,
And my ticker's skipping thumps!
My skin is turning green,
My thoughts are so unclean!
I think cupid slipped a mickey in my polio-vaccine!

I'm infected, I'm infected,
With these feelings that you've injected!
In my arm and in my heart,
Feeling in every body part!
Baby, I'm infected with your love!
Baby, I'm infected with your love!

I never saw no doctor!
I've never taken sick!
One time I had the stab wound,
A band-aid did the trick!
I'm not the type who suffers,
From some tiny little prick!
But this tenderness I feel,
It's painful and it's real!
My soul just got a boo-boo,
And no wowie pop can heal!

I'm infected, I'm infected,
With these feelings that you've injected!
Now your pulsing through each vein,
And your pounding in my brain!
Oh Baby, I'm infected with your love!
Baby, I'm infected with your love!

Now I'm yearning!

And I'm burning!

And am I sighing!

And I'm moaning!

Could it be the reese's monkeys,
That the vaccine was groaning!

Whatever you've shot into me
I need another dose!

Did you say reese's monkeys
Dude, that's gross...
That's gross!

We're infected!
We're infected!
Lets take this love,
Only as directed!
It's much worse diagnosis,
Then mononucleosis!
But it feels so much better than I ever expected...

"John!" Miss Davier called.

Johnny reluctantly walked away to join his mother.

In the moment I awaken,
And come back from the abyss,
I'll look around and realize,
I hallucinated this.
But even when I'm conscious
I'll be dreaming of your kiss...
I'm infected, I'm infected...
Oh baby, I'm infected with your love...

AN: Aww! It's Cry-Baby and Allison all over again! Drop me a comment, my Drape Dreamers!

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