Learn about Earth with Amethyst!
(A/N): Should I stop labeling long chapters as such? Also, long chapter.
??? POV
I've been scouting this world for a couple of weeks, and, aside from that Iolite's assault on the planet, things have been pleasant. This world has been peaceful, idyllic. All the gems here are so nice and understanding; they just want to live their lives and not be weighed down by the past. Maybe, I can go into hiding here. Fake my own shattering and start over. Suddenly, my communicator rings. I phase through the wall of an abandoned building and activate it. The silhouetted image of my Captain appears on screen.
Captain: "Blair! Report! What is the state of the gems on Earth?!"
Blair: "Yes Captain. The gems here are peaceful, and individualistic."
My Captain smiled at that. Captain: "Perfect. As for their pasts?" I wanted to lie to her. To tell them they were strong, that they had no trauma or pain in their past that could be exploited. But... Captain: "You aren't thinking of lying are you? Trying to run away, and doom yourself along with the feeble gems on that rock?" The Captain's cold and deadly tone cuts into my soul. Blair: "No Ma'am. Most gems here suffer PTSD of some description, usually from the time of the rebellion." The Captain grins with a wicked rictus, devoid of warmth. Captain: "Even more perfect! Continue recon, I will expect reports on any significant findings... do not fail me." The icy tone she takes sends a shiver up my spine.
Blair: "Aye aye, Captain Horrorshow." The feed cuts out. I want to scream, I want to break the communicator and run but... I know what will happen. I will be hunted down, and I will wish the Captain was so merciful as to merely shatter me. I phase through the wall, and return to my reconnoiter of the Crystal Gems.
It's been a few days since my outburst in the forest. I washed the blood off in the ocean, and managed to avoid suspicion, and Steven, for a while at the barn. But eventually, Lapis kicked me out for the day to 'go learn about Earth'. I don't really know where to start with that. I guess I'll go talk to Amethyst. From what I've seen, she seems to have this whole 'freedom' thing down to an art form. I'd call it a science but I can tell she is not that methodical.
But to find her... I'm gonna have to talk to Steven... Great. I walk up to his 'house' embedded in the temple. I look up at the multi-armed statue that marks the temple. Hmmm... They call it a temple but that doesn't look like any Ammolite I've seen. Questions for later, right now I gotta 'experience Earth'. I walk up to the door and knock on it.
Of course, Steven is the one to answer the door. That's right, he lives here too. He looks at me, a bit surprised. Steven: "(Y/N)? Good to see you're doing alright. So... how's the 'voice'?" (Y/N): "Steven, I'm sorry about that outburst in the forest. There was no excuse for it." Steven smiled and said "No, it's alright, I understa-" (Y/N): "No, Steven, just because there is a rational explanation for my actions, does not mean they are excused." At that, Steven looked down at his gem, and started to slowly reach for the hem of his top to pull it up to look at it. (Y/N): "Steven, are you alright?" Steven suddenly snapped back to reality. Steven: "No, no, just... Amazed at how easy that was for you." ... I don't get it.
Steven: "So, what's up?" (Y/N): "Lapis kicked me out of the barn for today so I can 'learn about Earth' and I figured, while I'm at it, I might as well learn how to live in a world where I am the only one that can tell me what to do. I figured Amethyst would be the resident expert." Steven chuckled at that. Steven: "Yeah, you're right about that. Come in, I think she's in her room."
Steven: "Amethyst! You have a visitor!" He yelled at the Temple's Gate, and from behind it a scrappy voice rang out. Amethyst: "Aight! Give me a minute, I'm lookin' for something!" Steven: "Ok!" Steven then turned to me. Steven: "Well, have a seat, we'll be waiting a while." I sat down next to him on the sofa.
We sat there in silence; mine was comfortable, while Steven was clearly waiting for me to say something, anything, to break the tension he alone felt. I decide to take pity on the poor hybrid. (Y/N): "So, this is a Temple right?" Steven jumped in his seat, but quickly collected himself. Steven: "Well, technically, we are in my house, which is connected to the Temple." (Y/N): "Right, right. So... The statue of the Temple... Who is that?" Steven smiled.
Steven: "That is Obsidian, it's the fusion of me, Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst." Oh! (Y/N): "No wonder I didn't recognize the statue! It really isn't like any Ammolite I've ever seen, because it's not an Ammolite." Steven looked confused. (Y/N): "I wonder if this is homage or insult... hmmmm." Steven: "What's an Ammolite do?" I turned my head to look at him. Was he serious? He lives in a Gem Temple and doesn't know what an Ammolite is? I mean, I guess the Crystal Gems never thought he'd need to know but... I'm still gonna give them an earful when I see Pearl or Garnet. He should know about the Great Sages of the Gems before he has to meet one. (Y/N): "Well Steven, Ammolites are-"
The Temple Gate suddenly opened, and out walked Amethyst holding a box full of weird purple, I think they are called 'fruit'. Amethyst: "HA! Knew I still had a box of these!" She set it down on the table. Amethyst: "Wine grapes! Not sure why humans don't just eat these straight up. Better than the table kind." She picked up a bunch and just stuffed it into her mouth.
She turned to face us, mouth still full. Amethyst: "Anyway, who wants to see..." She stared at me and swallowed the grapes in her mouth. Suddenly, she seemed more on guard, but still tried to maintain a relaxed attitude. Amethyst: "Heyyy, (Y/N). What, uhhhh, what did you want to see me for?" I stood up from the sofa and told Steven "I'll tell you more later... in fact, ask Pearl or Garnet, and see what they tell you." I walk over to Amethyst.
Amethyst looked up at me, as I towered over her. Amethyst: "What you want?" I think I might be scaring her a little, her tone is getting more aggressive. (Y/N): "I want to learn about Earth, and I want to learn how to choose for myself. Teach me." Amethyst looked nonplussed. Amethyst: "Ok, step one, if there is something you want to do, do it. That's it, you're done." She started to walk away. (Y/N): "Ok, so if I want to kill someone, who do I report to in order to get kill clearance?" Amethyst stopped in her tracks. Steven: "Whoa, uhhhh..."
Amethyst turned around and looked at me incredulously. I returned a dead serious gaze. Amethyst: "Alright... I see what you mean. You want me to help you learn how to do what you want, without hurting others." (Y/N): "I mean, unless there's a war i can sign up for... yes." Amethyst sighed and tucked the small crate of wine grapes under one arm. Amethyst: "Alright. Let's go." She walked out the front door of the temple, with me following suit.
As we walked across the beach, she handed me some of the grapes from the crate. Amethyst: "Alright, since I've got some food here, and I'm a nice gem, I'll start by teaching you about eating." (Y/N): "I know about eating. I've killed plenty of bioforms, and I've stood in on siege lectures about 'nutrition sources' before. Even been in a stomach once!" At that, Amethyst looks surprised. Amethyst: "Really?!" I nod, inspecting the wine grapes. (Y/N): "Yeah, Bio-titans tend to think swallowing something whole makes it a non threat." Amethyst: "Bio-titan?"
(Y/N): "Well, I'm already going to be on Earth, experiencing new things, might as well try eating." And I popped the grapes into my mouth. They were... interesting. Taste, aside from when I'd occasionally get blood in my mouth, or bite down on something to rip it apart, is a largely foreign concept to me; these grapes held an interesting flavor. (Y/N): "I like these." Amethyst smiled. Amethyst: "Knew ya would! Now, you need to make a-" (Y/N): "I know how digestion works Amethyst." Amethyst looked a bit nervous. Amethyst: "You sure? You've only seen weird, alien digestion before." I shrug. (Y/N): "It can't be that different." Amethyst: "Well... Alright."
We wandered around town, eating the wine grapes, and she taught me all about interacting with humans on Earth. I learned what videogames are at the arcade. The owner, a 'Mister Smiley' type human tried to ban me for life after I destroyed the punching machine and the row of games behind it with one punch, but then I asked him how he planned to enforce it. He broke out in a sweat after that, and Amethyst said she'd find a way to pay for the damage.
As we left she taught me about 'wages' and 'payments'. Things on Earth cost 'money' and you had to 'pay' for it with 'money' you earned at a 'job'. Seems kinda stupid and easily exploited to me, but I guess it works. At least they aren't tied down to a requisition system. Makes it easier to get what you want I guess.
She told me about cars, and how humans get around in them. They all looked way too small for me, really; though she did tell me they have much bigger vehicles I might fit in. Makes me wonder what a human APC would look like. She told me about how humans were much more fragile than gems so you had to be careful or even a weak gem could seriously injure a human. She started to tell me about television and the 'internet' but having spent a few days around Peridot I already knew about those.
As we ran out of grapes, and Amethyst threw away the crate, she turned to me and looked me right in the eyes. Amethyst: "(Y/N)." (Y/N): "Yes, Amethyst?" She stared me down for a second, then asked "Do you really enjoy killing?" I sighed. (Y/N): "Sometimes, yes. But not nearly as much as the voice would like. I don't like killing Gems either. And the more time I spend on this planet, the more and more that I'm starting to find that I don't want to kill much anymore. I don't think I'll ever not love the feel of battle, of destroying the enemy... But I've never wanted to go on a rampage if I didn't think the people I was fighting deserved it. The humans have nothing to fear from me that they wouldn't have to fear from themselves." Amethyst just scoffed.
Amethyst: "That's not really reassuring." (Y/N): "I know. But realistically, I know I'm always gonna like killing. The trick then, is to know who is better off dead. I used to know the answer to that question. Now, a part of me is starting to think, maybe no one should die. I find that part naïve, yet compelling." I gaze into her hard eyes, and smile warmly. (Y/N): "The way I see it, my skills are not needed, so I won't use them. But, if some terrible force comes along that needs to be destroyed, I will Rip and Tear, until it is done. Then, it's back to 'civilian' life."
Amethyst's gaze started to soften at my conviction. Amethyst: "But how will you know who 'needs' to be destroyed?" (Y/N): "You'll know; because I'll be racing you and the other Crystal Gems to destroy them first." Amethyst: "Are you so sure that you can just 'switch' fury on and off like that?" I smirk. (Y/N): "If the voice ever shuts up, or I manage to gain total control of it somehow, then yes. I truly think I do." I flinch as the 'voice' yells even louder in protest for a split second before starting to fade a bit quieter. I really do like this Amethyst.
Amethyst sighs... and then shrugs. Amethyst: "Well, whatever. You know, when you're not trying to break everything in sight, you're a pretty chill dude." I laugh a little at that, (Y/N): "Yeah, as fun as it is, I can't just be some kind of 'doomguy' all the time. That's reserved for special occasions, like contact with the enemy." We laugh at that, and she decides that it would be alright if I went to Little Homeworld.
As we approach, we see a Gem hiding in the bushes, staring at the other gems. She's rather well hidden, if we didn't coincedently approach her from this exact angle, we'd have missed her, and there is no possible way to see her from Little Homeworld, despite the fact that she would have a clear view of it. Amethyst: "Hey there!" The Gem jumps in surprise and, in a scramble to escape, falls down. It's a Phantom Quartz! That would explain the expert hiding... but why was she hiding?
She rapidly stood up. ???: "Hello!" She said quickly. Like most Phantom Quartz she had a thin ghostly figure, with a flowing dress that made her seem ethereal. Considering they can phase through objects, she might be. Her hair appeared neat and combed, signaling that she wasn't currently using her powers. If she was, it would flare out to make her appear more spectral. This was all expected of a typical Phantom Quartz, but what was unusual was her body was covered in strange blotches... Like bruises. But, Gems can't bruise, except from psychological damage. She'd need to have been beaten severely and repeatedly to have even a few bruises, and she's covered in them.
Amethyst, most likely ignorant of psychological damage in gems, simply marveled at meeting a new gem type. Amethyst: "Hi. Who are you? Also, don't worry about Little Homeworld, the Gems there are nice, you don't need to spy on them." The Phantom Quartz flinched at the word spy. That made some red flags shoot right up.
There was a pain in my abdomen unrelated to my worries, but I filed that alongside the 'voices' demands to shatter this Phantom Quartz for being suspicious; unimportant.
???: "Oh, uhhh... Well, my name is Blair, and I am a Phantom Quartz." Blair? Where have I heard that name before? The voice snaps at me to strike her down, but I repress it; new planet, new life, give her a chance and all that. Amethyst: "Blair? You named yourself? Nice! You'll fit right in!" Blair smiled at that.
(Y/N): "So... Blair." She turned towards me. I could see fear etched in her eyes. Blair: "Y-yes?" (Y/N): "Gems don't bruise, and I know that's not camoflauge... What happened?" Blair flinched away and Amethyst looked shocked. (Y/N): "Someone has been beating the hell out of you; who is it?" Amethyst: "Dude! Even if that's true, you don't just ask that of someone you just met!" (Y/N): "I'm a rude person. So tell me 'Blair', who has been doing this to you?" She flinched at the way I said her name.
Blair: "I-I don't... I haven't... Now you see- What I mean is..." her hair started to flair up. (Y/N): "That's odd, why are you using your powers? What reason is there to do that except to escape us. Why not just say you don't want to talk about it? Unless you know that the person that's doing this can hear this conversation." At that Blair freezes up. Even Amethyst takes notice of this.
My abdomen is killing me; but I power through the pain. I need to know what's going on, and help Blair out. Whoever she works for, she clearly wants to abandon them and live free on Earth. It's what Steven would want.
Amethyst: "Yo, if someone is forcing you to spy on us, we can help. Trust me! We'll keep you safe." At that, Blair started to shake, her eyes tear up, and she sniffles a little. Blair: "I know you'll try. And that will make it all the worse when you fail. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." She could barely be heard over the emotion in her voice at this point. Her hair was fully flared out like an angry specter, and she was about to use one of the strange powers Phantom Quartz was known for. My inner voice screamed and howled for her death and i reached towards my gem to draw my axe to stop her-
When I felt, for a split second, like something in my 'stomach' was coming back up my throat.
I keeled over and vomited forth a strange red liquid. Amethyst and Blair jumped back in horror and surprise. Blair took this chance to run off, turning invisible in the light. I'd give chase but something feels horribly wrong. Amethyst: "Wait, Blair, come back! Damn it! (Y/N), what's wrong?!" I look down at the red liquid. (Y/N): "Blood? No, Gems don't have blood. I haven't drank anything. What is this?" It smelled... rather sweet actually, not foul at all.
Amethyst looks at the fluid, dips a finger in it, and tastes it. She looks pleasantly surprised, then confused. Amethyst: "Dude, this is red wine." (Y/N): "You mean like the grapes?" She shakes her head. Amethyst: "Not exactly, this is what humans turn them into. I think they need to ferment or something. How the hell'd you do this?"
(Y/N): "I may -urp- may have done this whole 'digestion' thing wrong." I vomit up more red wine. Well, this day started out so nice, and now it's ruined. I'll never find Blair again unless she finds me first. After I empty my stomach, Amethyst tells me how 'proper' digestion works and I head back to the barn. The day is over. I want to think about what's to be done with Blair but Amethyst keeps running through my mind. I know i have more to learn... and she is pretty damn fun to be around.
Blair POV
I can't believe it! That Iolite is far more perceptive than I could have ever imagined! I think about the power he showed when he attacked the settlement. The genuine concern he had for me when he realized that I've been... I'm torn between a desire to run into his powerful embrace and beg him to keep me safe, and the knowledge that he could never beat the Captain. If I seek his help, he'll only die slower. I... I need a minute to gather my courage; I haven't gathered enough intel on the Gems here, and the Captain will be expecting a report soon. I just hope no other pirates have landed on this world. It's going to suffer enough, things don't need to be worse.
3rd person POV
A small, strange, ramshackle ship lands in the middle of the desert at night. Its lone inhabitant runs some scans of the area on surprisingly well kept equipment, and determines that there are no threats in the area that she could not overcome, and that there are three humans on a nearby ridge. They are unarmed. ???: "Excellent. I will need some practice before I start looking for quality prey." She gears up and gets out of the ship; she starts making her way towards the campers.
They sit around the campfire, talking, laughing, telling stories to one another. They don't hear as traps are set up silently around them, as weapons are carefully loaded, as their doom approaches. Suddenly, the Gem steps out into the light of their campfire, menacing and cold, the flames reflecting off of the violet Gem on her stomach... and the many dangerous looking armaments she carries.
Camper: "Who are you?" The Gem looked around at them. ???: "Hmmm, a cursory examination of your form would suggest that, in order to achieve an ease of peel, a mild burn, perhaps caused by gentle overexposure to the ultraviolet radiation of the local star, or by brief immersion in a boiling liquid would best loosen the elastin and other tissues that hold the skin to muscle." Her emotionless tone terrified the campers. One of them tried to flee, but, in the darkness outside the range of the fire's light, they heard the sound of a leg trap snap shut and a cry of pain and terror.
One of the campers, the biggest, charged at the Gem. She pulled a small blade from one of many compartments on the armaments she wore, and plunged it into their heart. She pulled the blade out slightly, so that it was out of their heart, but still in his chest, adjusted the angle, and plunged it back into his heart. She did this over and over, 10 times per chamber, and 5 times in the septum, over the course of 5 seconds.
As she did this, the camper that questioned who she was tried to run, but just outside the light of the fire, their foot caught on a wire, and, suddenly, they found themselves suspended by their feet, upside down in the air. Seemingly nothing held them up, and yet there they floated, unable to move. The Gem walked over to them. ???: "Perfect. The one that I killed will begin to decay too fast, and the one in the leg trap will have marks, but with you, I will be able to test my Flay without worry."
The human started to beg for their life, but the Gem was not listening. As she set up a station to peel the skin off the humans, she suddenly realized something. ???: "I've been rather rude. I did not answer your question." She turned to the suspended human. ???: " I am a Dumortierite. I am a pirate. I have taken the name 'Skin Stealer' for reasons that will soon become apparent." She gave a cold and wicked smile, devoid of any real emotion.
Skin Stealer: "You will die screaming."
To Be Continued
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