An experiment! Peridot and (Y/N) have a chat. (Lemon)

(A/N) There will be a lemon in this chapter. Thouse that don't like sexualy explicit content (or are too young) should not read the full contents of this chapter. Also, a long chapter.


As the light of the teleporter cleared, I could see a field of green before me, with an odd structure at the far end of it. Red and... oddly designed. As if It was mostly built to a code, then the builders got bored, started adding on to it, and never stopped. I cannot fathom a reason for this... Although, being fair, it is very interesting to look at. As we approach I can see a carefully maintained field of, what I believe are termed 'crops' next to the oddly designed red building; which I guess must be the 'barn'. Looking at the plants and not having to storm them to clear out bioforms or burn them to starve out organic opposition is a weird feeling to say the least. It looks so peaceful here. How many times have I come across an identical scene on other worlds, only to tear them down as a destroyer... Huh, this planet is affecting me in strange ways. It's making me actually feel some regret for the countless millions of bioforms I've slaughtered.

I feel someone tug at my hands. Peridot: "Come on! Don't just stand there, let me show you around." (Y/N): "Oh! Sorry, sure." I followed Peridot to the 'barn', as Lapis looked at me, concerned. Lapis: "Are you ok?" I don't really want to tell her I'm a bonfire away from a war flashback. (Y/N): "I'm fine, don't worry." Lapis got a serious look on her face. Lapis: "Don't think I can't see that you're hiding something. You've got the same look I get when I remember something that torments me." I chuckle a bit at that. (Y/N): "Heh heh. It's more that memories I would have once called pleasant are turning to bitter ash in my mind." She got a confused look on her face and she tilted her head to the side. At this point Peridot had brought me to the front of the 'barn'.

Peridot: "This is where Lapis and I live, and where you will be living as well; until more suitable living arrangements can be made." She said that last part under her breath so quietly that I almost didn't hear it. She opened the massive door and walked inside. I followed. Inside the 'barn' was all manner of strange decoration. As someone that would often be invited into Blue Diamond's court for no reason other than to stand there and look impressive, I am well versed in the concept of decoration, but these... things are beyond my comparison.

Lapis noticed my... confusion. Lapis: "Those are our meep morps." Wait, these things are called what? (Y/N): "Excuse me?" Peridot looked excited, as if this was a favorite topic of hers. Peridot: "Ah, yes! Our meep morps! We-" (Y/N): "That's really what they're called?!" They both looked at me in silence for a minute. Lapis and Peridot: "...Yes." I blunk in confusion. (Y/N): "Ok, just... You think I'd be used to weird things by now but this planet keeps surprising me. Continue explaining them... I guess."

Peridot swept up into this whole spiel about these meep morps, how they represent this and that. I swear I wasn't tuning her out, her pleasant cadence and her boundless enthusiasm make her a joy to listen to, but I swear on White Diamonds throne I couldn't tell you a word she said about them. Lapis seemed to pick up on this, and eventually cut Peridot's explanation short. Lapis: "There's more here than just our morps." Peridot: "Yes, right." She cleared her throat. Peridot: "After Little Homeworld is finished we are going to move in there and turn this barn into a gallery for our meep morps, and the morps of others!" (Y/N): "Neat... more importantly, you seemed very eager to get me here. Why?" Peridot flinched in surprise, as if she did not expect that question. Lapis smiled, crossed her arms and turned to Peridot. Lapis: "Yeah, tell him why you want him as a roommate Peridot."

Peridot looked... flustered. Peridot: "Well I... you see it's... when you think about it..." She stammered and stuttered, trying to speak. Lapis at first looked amused, then looked a little guilty. Peridot seemed to get more and more nervous and shrink away... till she got an idea. Peridot: "It's so I can study you in a close quarters environment! It's not everyday you meet a male gem, so I need to take this opportunity to learn all I can." Huh, I'd have bought that if it was the first thing she said, but I'll play along. As cute as she is when she's flustered, I don't want to make her any more uncomfortable than I already have by proving that I could kill them both if I wanted to. She stood there proud of herself for such a statement.

Lapis looked at her as if sizing up her claim. Peridot started to sweat but kept the proud look on her face. Lapis smirked and leaned in to whisper something to her. I couldn't hear it but it shocked the hell out of Peridot. Lapis then stood up straight and summoned up her water wings. Lapis: "I'm gonna go check on Little Homeworld's reconstruction efforts. They should have just started back up again and one of us should be there." With that she flew off. It took Peridot a second to realize Lapis was leaving. Peridot: "Wait! Lapis, don't be gone too long ok!" She seemed a bit scared. Probably worried about how she'd defend herself if she set me off. Lapis nodded. Peridot: "But... do take your time a little." I... don't know how to explain that one. Lapis laughed that cute laugh again. Lapis: "Alright Peridot." And she was gone, off into the sky. I must have damaged the Little Homeworld warp pad in my rampage.

Peridot POV

I can't believe it! Lapis not only understands, but also shares in my feelings! It is taking all my energy not to burst out in jubilation! Stay calm Peridot, remember your studies. Cool, calm, collected, confident. You're not cute, you're sexy! You can do this! I turn to face (Y/N) standing there with a concerned look on his face as I've been standing here thinking to myself for the past 5 minutes. Oh, crud.

(Y/N): "Are you ok Peridot? You've been standing there with an excited look on your face not saying anything." I got to think of something fast! Peridot: "Don't worry about it, it's nothing." Genius. (Y/N) shrugs. (Y/N): "Whatever." He strides into the barn and leans against a wall. (Y/N): "Didn't you want to 'study' me or something? How is that going to work?" Ah, yes, that. Peridot: "Well uhh... simply being in close proximity to you and seeing how you react to various stimuli should mostly suffice." He raised an eyebrow. (Y/N): "So just, hanging out?" I may have over explained myself. Peridot: "Errr... Yes?" He smiled. (Y/N): "Alright, that sounds like fun."

As I think on what to do first, it dawns on me that I'm being a clody coward! Lapis isn't here, it's just me and him and I just want to 'hang out'? We can do that whenever; and I'd rather hang out with him and Lapis. Come on! You're a crystal gem, you are brave, say something, anything! Peridot: "But first I would like to get some measurements and ask some questions!" I said that really loud and fast... Maybe he did not notice? I look up and see a slightly surprised look on his face. (Y/N): "Alright." Yes! I run in and get some measuring tape as he stands up straight to accommodate me.

I push some crates and stepladders around him so that I can reach parts of his impassive form. Peridot: "Alright, let's start with the arms." He holds out to the side one of his massive, muscular arms. I climb up a stepladder to get on top of one of the big crates... and only just barely am I able to get my arms around his impressive biceps. (Y/N): "Here, let me help." With his other hand, he picked me up like I was nothing and sat me down on his massive shoulder, his outstretched arm extending forward between my legs. Oh my stars...

(Y/N): "I'm sure being this high up is really fun for you but can you get to measuring my arm please?" I lean over and wrap the measuring tape around his bicep. As I'm about to look at the number, I hear a quick snicker from him as he flexes slightly and snaps the tape. Impressive... Peridot: "V-very funny, now hold still." Oh stars, was my voice shaky? I use my powers to float the tool box containing the spare measuring tape over to me. I re-measured his bicep; my stars this man is giant. As I inch forward along his arm to get more measurements, I find that he's breaking every record I have in my head for every gem of his class. I return to his shoulder to measure his, well shoulder and head. (Y/N): "Hey, I just thought of something? Don't you have a more efficient way to get my measurements? This seems very archaic." Well of course I do, but none of them would let me actually feel your muscles... Not that I'm going to say that! Think of a lie, fast! Peridot: "They're uhhh... broken." I can feel his doubting gaze weighing on me. (Y/N): "Alright. It's not like this is unpleasant."

I climb down to begin measuring his waist. (Y/N): "Weren't you also gonna ask questions?" Oh, right! Peridot: "Erm, yes." He looked at me with gentle concern. (Y/N): "Are you ok? You seem distracted by something. Usually Peridots have a laser focus when it comes to something they've taken an interest in." Yes, that's why I'm having trouble concentrating. Peridot: "Must be an off day. So, tell me, I can see the physical differences between a male gem and a normal gem but what about mentaly?" As he answered I tried, and failed, to wrap the measuring tape around his waist. (Y/N): "Actually, aside from the 'voice' in our heads, we're just like normal gems. Hell, I just got unlucky with the 'voice' in my head, it honestly could have said anything. I just have the trash luck to get a star-damned maniac in my head." Huh, really? That means he really could integrate into Earth culture! YES! Steven will be happy to hear that. (Y/N): "Not that this hug isn't nice, but if you need my help just ask." It dawns on me that my arms are wrapped around (well, as much as they can be) his waist. As my face lights up in a deep blush, he gently grabs one end of the tape and wrapped it around his waist before handing it back to me. I barely take note of the numbers at this point.

Peridot: "Please put your foot on this box, so I can take a calf and thigh measurement." (Y/N): "Alright." As he does so I take the time to admire the contractions of his muscles as he lifts his leg. I could watch this towering Adonis of a gem do nothing but pose for weeks and not get bored. I snapped out of my reverie and began to measure his calf muscles. Peridot: "So, what other differences do you know about?" (Y/N): "Increased size, speed, stre-" Peridot: "Yes, yes I know about that, what else? I want to know what you know and compare it to my own knowledge on the subject." He thought for a moment.

(Y/N): "Well... Damn it a Peridot told me this once in Basic Orientation. Uhh... In addition to enhanced physical capabilities, male gems naturally, by programing, adopt forms that are considered 'enticing' and attractive to other gems." I can see that. I move my measurements up to his thigh as he continues. (Y/N): "The reason for this is... uh... because male gems can produce viable offspring with an ordinary gem." As he says this, my head fills with... lewd thoughts, and the outer layer of my lightform begins to heat up. Peridot: "W-well have, have you ever, uh, you know, tried to, uh, 'produce offspring' with another gem?" He shook his head. (Y/N): "Nah. It was not; what did they say?" (Y/N) and Peridot: "Not an efficient method to create more gems when compared to the reliability of direct injections." He laughed a deep, sexy laugh at that. I felt like my body was on fire, but in a good way, if that makes any sense. 

(Y/N): "Of course, I've wondered what it would be like, ya know, to try. Maybe have some fun with it." I feel like I'm going to faint from excitement; we seem to be on the same page here. (Y/N): "But, as much as I am a fan of the old Empire, it didn't really have a good environment for experiments like that. All the lower gems were afraid to step out of line, all the higher gems were worried about their status, and all the gems that were my equals tended to fear me because they often saw me on the battlefield. It never really felt like there would be a good time to ask, or try, so I just stopped thinking about it." Peridot: "I-I see. Finally, I need to take a chest measurement and we should be fine." (Y/N): "Let me help then." He placed a stepladder on one of the boxes and placed me on the box. I stepped up the stepladder, to find myself face-to-face with him.

I stood there, admiring his gorgeous features, before he cleared his throat. I jumped a little at that; he grabbed onto me to keep me from falling, his strong hands holding onto my comparatively tiny waist. By all rights this should be terrifying but I feel safe and secure in his mighty grasp. He steadies me on the ladder. (Y/N): "Careful now. You need me to wrap the tape around my chest for you?" Peridot: "Uhhh... s-sure, yes, th-thank you." He wrapped the tape around his powerful chest and handed the end back to me. I didn't even look at the number, I just kept admiring his face. (Y/N): "Your face is completely flushed, are you sure you're ok?" Peridot: "I-I, uhh..." I lunged forward, dropping the tape, and kissed him.


I was shocked! Peridot was kissing me, out of nowhere! Was she dropping hints she liked me? Were they subtle or am I just stupid?! Suddenly, deep in my programming, I guess you'd call it 'instinct' if I was organic, 'clicks' and I start to return her kiss with a skill I did not know I had. Peridot faintly moaned into the kiss, and I could hear the sound of a gem shapeshifting. At that, we both pulled apart, and I got a look at Peridot. Her form had shifted without her knowledge. She was slightly taller, and more voluptuous. She went from cute to sexy in an instant. My mind went blank, even the 'voice' grew quiet as baser inclinations started to take hold. 

She looked at me with a heated expression on her face, then followed my gaze down to her body. She seems shocked. Peridot: "What?! But I can't shapeshift!" (Y/N): "Well, maybe not consciously." Peridot: "What does that mean?" (Y/N): "Talk later." I kissed her roughly, making her moan into my mouth and grasp at my body. I could feel myself begin to shapeshift against my will. I looked down to see that I was now shorter. I still towered over Peridot, even with her slightly increased height, but the size difference was much more reasonable. I sat her down on one of the larger boxes. Peridot looked over my shifted form. Peridot: "Our forms appear much more..." She shifted anxiously at the implication of what she was saying, "...compatible." She looked into my eyes. Peridot: "So, what happens now?" (Y/N): "That's my line."

Start of Lemon

Peridot shifted around, as if uncomfortable, then lifted the edge of her top up, and, somehow, took it off, revealing soft looking orbs that my programing tells me are called 'breasts'. Peridot: "That's new, I've never been able to remove my appearance enhancers before." I reached my hands up to massage her 'breasts', making Peridot moan. Peridot: "Curious, my chest has never been so sensitive before." She squirmed, rubbing her legs together. Peridot: "Heat is pooling at the junction of my legs. Is this what 'arousal' feels like? It's incredible!" The junction of her legs? I look down. There appears to be a damp spot on the crotch of her lower appearance enhancers. (Y/N): "Mine..." I say without noticing. Peridot: "What?" I reach down with one of my hands and rip off her lower appearance enhancers, exposing a dripping slit. 

Peridot shudders with arousal at the brutish action. I start to rub the little nub, I think that's a 'clit', at the top of the slit, can't think of the name for it so I'll just call it a 'pussy' till I'm corrected, with my fingers. Peridot jumps a little from the stimulation. Peridot: "H-how are you soooo good at this?! I thought you'd never done this before!" (Y/N): "I don't know, I haven't done this before. This just all makes sense to me somehow!" With that, I slipped a finger into her pussy, and she tossed her head back with a long moan. 

As I continued to finger her, slipping a second one in, Peridot suddenly spoke up. Peridot: "It's not-gasp- fair! I'm sitting here naked, and you've yet to remove any of your appearance enhancers!" Huh, she has a point, that is unfair. Well if she can now suddenly get naked from the shapeshifting, then so can I. I tense up my upper body, as if to flex, and I hear the sound of something rip apart, as the appearance enhancers on my upper body get torn to shreds by my muscles. I feel Peridot clench around my fingers at that. 

Peridot: "This feels amazing! There's a tension building in my core! I don't know what's going to happen all I know is, stars, please don't stop!!" I start to rub her clit with my thumb as I curl my fingers inward inside her. Suddenly she tenses up, throws her head back and lets out a pleasured yell. Peridot: "Aaaaaaaaaahh!!! What... What was that?!" She pants out. (Y/N): "I have no idea!" She sits there, trying to catch her breath. Peridot: "I think, that was called an 'orgasm'. On Earth, they call it 'cumming'." Huh, that's cool and all, but my programming tells me... we're not done. I hook my thumbs into the sides of my lower appearance enhancers, and with one swift tug, tear them off myself. Peridot's eyes light up with reverence. 

Peridot: "That's your reproductive rod?! It's enormous!! I don't think it could fit." I raised an eyebrow at that. (Y/N): "Don't be afraid. Both our forms shifted for compatibility; right now, you are literally made to take this." She reached out and gently grasped my shaft with both hands. She ran her hands up and down my rod, trying to get a feel for it. It feels great. Peridot: "I've seen one in the archives when I had to study 'pregnancy-type' gem reproduction, but it's so much bigger and better in person! There are so many things I want to do! It feels so hard yet it is more giving than the rest of your lightform. What does it taste like? How do i make the 'seed' come out? How-" I interrupt her. (Y/N): "This is all interesting, but there's something we still need to finish." She looks down at her pussy, gets a wild grin on her face, and lines herself up with my rod. Then, with one swift motion, I enter into her.

She suddenly grabs onto my shoulders as she violently throws her head back and howls in pleasure, as her walls clamp on my rod like a velvet vice. She appears to be 'cumming' just from insertion. I grab onto one of her legs with one hand and with the other I grab onto her waist and I lift her up to get even deeper. I'm thrusting so deep into her that at her size, were she organic, I would be bumping into her stomach. But there is no such concern for us gems, only pleasure. 

She ran her hands over my form, gasping and moaning in wanton pleasure, when suddenly, she got a look of realization. Peridot: "Flip me over!" What? (Y/N): "Why?" Peridot: "Just do it!!" Well, ok, here we go. I flipped her over so her back was resting on my chest. She grabs my hand and (I let her) gently lead my hand from her hip to her clit. I see now! I start to rub her clit, as she thrashes about in my grip in extacy. I faintly hear the sound of something landing outside the barn, but I am too focused on Peridot to pay it any mind.

Lapis: "So the reconstruction is coming along nicely. How are you... what is that noise, what are you doing?" I see Lapis walk into view of the inside of the barn... and me plowing Peridot. Lapis covers her mouth, extremely embarrassed. Peridot, however, was jubilant. Peridot: "LAPIS! Great timing! You have to try this!" She let out a lewd moan as she came again. Peridot: "It feels so good!" 

Lapis looked at Peridot, shocked at her outburst. Lapis: "What! No!" She then looked at the blissful expression on Peridot's face as I fucked her and... I don't know if I stopped paying attention to her. Lapis: "At least... not yet." There was a pressure building up inside of me rapidly. I fucked Peridot harder and faster with each passing second. (Y/N): "I think I'm gonna cum!" Peridot reached up grabbed onto my shoulders. Peridot: "Do it! Fill me up!!" 

I let out a roar as me and Peridot finish at the same time. It was a rush I've never felt before. I wish I tried this whole 'sex' thing millennia ago! I slide her off me and lay her down on a crate as we catch our breath.

Lemon over

I clean myself off with a towel I found in the barn and return to my normal form. Peridot simply lay there on the crate, twitching from aftershocks. She lazily floated a rectangular device over to her. Peridot: "I've got to document this. We need to do that again sometime soon." I made my appearance enhancers reform on my body. (Y/N): "Definitely. I'm gonna go see what Lapis wanted." I head outside to see Lapis Lazuli practically glowing with embarrassment.

Lapis: "That escalated quickly! What the hell was that?!" I hold my hands up. (Y/N): "I think that was called 'sex' and I don't know that just kind of happened. It started with her measuring my body and it escalated quickly from there." Lapis looked towards Peridot as she typed away on her device and put her face in her hand. Lapis: "She works a lot faster than I give her credit for." Huh? (Y/N): "What does that mean?" Lapis waved me off. Lapis: "Nothing."

There's been this pleasant sounding noise that I've been hearing ever since I had sex with Peridot. It's this high pitched chirping. (Y/N): "What the hell is that noise?" Lapis looked up at me in confusion. Lapis: "You mean the birdsong?" (Y/N): "That's what it's called? What are birds and why are they singing now?" Lapis looked worried. Lapis: "They've been singing this whole time. They were doing this when you got here. You didn't notice?" (Y/N): "No. It's like suddenly I... can..." It dawns on me that the 'voice' is near dead silent right now. I smile in victory. Now that is interesting. But I will have time to think about that later. I just want to enjoy this blessed silence, because when it comes back I'll probably kill the first thing I get my hands on. (Y/N): "Keep an eye on Peridot. I'm going for a walk."

To be Continued

A/N: Well I did it. I posted a lemon and ruined a work of art. Who gets that reference? I feel now is the time to give a shout out, and I gotta go with the guy whose Steven universe x male gem reader story inspired me to write this. @bigblue564 Not gonna lie, the first chapter or so is a train wreck but keep reading it. It gets much better very fast and never really stops its upward climb. I love the hell out of it.

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